Cloud Computing Architecture for Healthcare

Due to the changing environment of technological innovations and its transition to cloud computing architecture, the demand for exploring its possibilities within various industries and markets emerges. It is a valuable tool for dealing with various operational, managerial, and research issues. Delivering such benefits, cloud computing architecture became a desirable target for diverse on-premises applications to switch from a traditional model. And the healthcare industry, with its online patient care, clinical applications, and medical records analysis, is not an exception. Continue reading to learn more about cloud computing, the several types of cloud computing services, and how healthcare SaaS platforms may help modern society.

How Can Cloud Computing Architecture Initiate Beneficial Changes?

Let’s take it from the top and define what cloud computing is. It refers to data centers accessible over the internet to many users and is spread across various locations from a centralized server. Cloud relates to providing computer system resources such as data storage and processing power at request. Its architecture enables robust and scalable computation-intensive capabilities through on-demand delivery and the pay-as-you-go model. So, what is so beneficial about cloud computing architecture? Would it be any different for your business if just the internal structure were changed?

Choreo Is neither aPaaS, nor iPaaS


WSO2 has been building enterprise software since 2005 and the team has been working with 1000s of enterprise customers ever since. WSO2’s products cover a range of capabilities from API Management (APIM), Integration, Stream Processing, and Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM). All these product capabilities are available to the users as installable software (binaries) that can be installed on customers' choice of infrastructures such as physical servers, virtual machines, and cloud infrastructure. In addition to these installable versions, WSO2 has offered these functionalities as a cloud (SaaS) solution via WSO2 Cloud. This SaaS offering was a scalable installation of WSO2 products on a shared cloud infrastructure which did not provide many capabilities beyond the installable components’ functionality.

WSO2 team has identified this as a limitation of the platform given the fact that most enterprises are moving towards cloud and cloud-native solutions. After several years of RnD efforts, the WSO2 team is thrilled to announce the General Availability (GA) of Choreo on 30th March 2022. The official announcement can be found here.

10 AWS Services That Use SQL

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the biggest cloud platform in the world, with over 200 features. In this article, we break down 10 AWS services that support at least some SQL syntax, talk about their use cases, and give examples of how to write queries.

Service Description SQL Support Use Case
RDS Postgres, MySQL, etc. Full Small-medium web apps
Aurora Serverless databases Full Serverless apps
Redshift Data warehouse Full OLAP, Petabytes of data, analytics
DynamoDB NoSQL database Some - PartiSQL Ecommerce, building fast
Keyspaces Managed Cassandra (key value) Some - CQL Messaging
Neptune Graph database Some - openCypher Social networks
Timestream Time series database Partial IOT, Logging
Quantum Ledger Cryptographically verified transactions Some - PartiSQL Finance
Athena Ad-hoc queries on S3 Some - CTAS Historical data
Babelfish MSFT SQL Server on Aurora Full .NET

The table above shows how SQL support varies between the services. A graph database cannot be queried in the same way as a classic relational database, and various subsets of SQL, like PartiQL, have emerged to fit these models. In fact, even within standard SQL, there are many SQL dialects for different companies like Oracle and Microsoft.

Environmental Impact of the Cloud: 5 Data-Based Insights and One Good Fix

Does using the cloud make your business sustainable? Research suggests that it’s a greener choice. 

By moving to the cloud, the e-commerce giant Etsy slashed its energy consumption by 13% (from 7330 MWh in 2018 to 6376 MWh in 2019), saving enough energy to power 450 households for a month.(1) However, migrating to the cloud doesn’t guarantee anything if you neglect to optimize your resource utilization over the long term. 

Redshift vs. Snowflake: The Definitive Guide

What Is Snowflake?

At its core Snowflake is a data platform. It's not specifically based on any cloud service which means it can run any of the major cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP). As a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solution, it helps organizations consolidate data from different sources into a central repository for analytics purposes to help solve Business Intelligence use cases.

Once data is loaded into Snowflake, data scientists, engineers, and analysts can use business logic to transform and model that data in a way that makes sense for their company. With Snowflake users can easily query data using simple SQL. This information is then used to power reports and dashboards so business stakeholders can make key decisions based on relevant insights.

Cloud-Native Compilation: Bringing JVMs Into the Modern Cloud World

Across the industry, companies are trying to rein in runaway cloud costs by squeezing more carrying capacity out of the instances they run in the cloud. Especially in the Java space, developers are trying to fit workloads into smaller and smaller instances and utilize server resources with maximum efficiency. Relying on elastic horizontal scaling to deal with spikes in traffic means that Java workloads must start fast and stay fast. But some antiquated features of the JVM make it hard to effectively utilize the resources on your cloud instances.

It’s time to re-imagine how Java runs in a cloud-centric world. We started by exploring how compilation can be optimized by offloading JIT workloads to cloud resources. Can we achieve optimized code that is both more performant and takes less time to warm up?

What CTOs Say vs. What Their Developers Hear

Anyone who’s been in a rapidly scaling company with an ever-expanding engineering team knows that communication is never as simple as it seems. 

That’s why we were so excited when Shankar Ramaswamy decided to sit down with Dev Interrupted.

How To Prepare for Programming and Coding Interviews? Topics and Skills

There is no doubt cracking the Coding interviews of top tech companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon is very hard, but you can still crack it by carefully planning and preparing the essential skills which matter most like Data structures and Algorithms, System Design, Multithreading and Concurrency, SQL and Database design, and of course, problem-solving skills.

Being an author of Java and a programming blog, I often receive queries about how to prepare for coding interviews? How to pass Google or Microsoft Software Developer interviews? Or how can I get a software development job on Amazon or Facebook?

Will Automated Cloud Optimization Replace Your DevOps Job?

Replacing human folly for algorithmic efficiency means faster and better service and a "perfect cheeseburger" every time. So what can you expect when automated solutions start making decisions about your cloud infrastructure? Well, with the tasks it can do, automation certainly buys you time to do more interesting things than micromanaging your cloud infrastructure.

I wrote a guide to help you understand the impact of automation on your job and whether it will really put your DevOps, cloud engineer, or solutions architect job at risk anytime soon.

How to Develop Your Distributed SQL Statement in Apache ShardingSphere

In the previous articles “An Introduction to DistSQL” and “Integrating SCTL Into DistSQL’s RAL— Making Apache ShardingSphere Perfect for Database Management”, the Apache ShardingSphere committers shared the motivations behind the development of DistSQL, explained its syntax system, and impressively showcased how you can use just one SQL to create a sharding table.

Today, to help you gain a better understanding of DistSQL and develop your own DistSQL syntax, our community author analyzes the design & development process of DistSQL and showcases how you can implement a brand new DistSQL grammar in four stages of the development life cycle (i.e. demand analysis, design, development & testing).

How A.I. Can Transform Academics Into Immersive Learning Experiences

One of the biggest challenges facing today’s educational infrastructure is the inability of current technology to deliver quality courses to students. With the growing power of cloud computing and video conferencing, educational institutions have been keeping themselves in a “dark age” that only serves to inhibit student education and learning habits. 

If academia would turn its attention to cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and immersive learning beyond Blackboard and video conferencing solutions, it will enhance student learning in ways that speak to numerous learning patterns. 

Kubernetes Salary Guide: A Detailed Comparison

As the use of Kubernetes keeps growing in tandem with containers, cloud-native development, alongside other related IT trends, the hiring demand for technology professionals who have the relevant skills to help companies achieve their goals is also growing. However, relevant information about Kubernetes salaries is hard to find because this niche is relatively new to the market.  

If you are looking for a Kubernetes engineer or administrator position, being armed with information about your salary prospects is vital to negotiating fair compensation with your prospective employer. Furthermore, this position has several variations, making it even more essential to do your research beforehand because some options may not fit your skillset. 

What Does 2022 Have in Store for Cybersecurity and Cloud Security Specialists?

Cloud adoption and industry transformation are accelerating as the world looks for efficiency. Let’s face it, 2022 promises to be another busy year for cybersecurity and cloud security specialists. 

According to the 2021 ISC Cybersecurity Workforce Study, we are still short 2.7 million cybersecurity professionals globally. There aren’t enough people to keep up with the rising threat, so we need to deploy automation heavily to tackle it. 

Systematic and Chaotic Testing: A Way to Achieve Cloud Resilience

In today’s digital technology era where downtime translates to shut down, it is imperative to build resilient cloud structures. For example, in the pandemic, IT maintenance teams can no longer be on-premises to reboot any server in the data center. This may lead to a big hindrance in accessing all the data or software, putting a halt on productivity, and creating overall business loss if the on-premises hardware is down. However, the solution here would be to transmit all your IT operations to cloud infrastructure that ensures security by rendering 24/7, round-the-clock tech support by remote members. Cloud essentially poses as a savior here.

Recently, companies have been fully utilizing the cloud potency, and hence, observability and resilience of cloud operations become imperative as downtime now equates to disconnection and business loss.

Cloud Disaster Recovery: A Solution to Your Cloud-Related Concerns

In the wake of changing market trends and the emergence of newer technologies, having a decent market presence is a challenge for businesses of every size.

The need to be more competitive and agile in the current age makes them look for resources or processes that make work turnovers simpler and faster. Fast-growing technology developments have increased the pace at which companies execute processes. As a process, recovery from failures has also started emerging in parallel.  This is where companies feel the need for solutions like Disaster Recovery.

Cloud Computing Security Parameters on Various Cloud Platforms


Cloud Computing is currently a consistently emerging platform in the IT industry. As of now, big tech giants are providing cloud services to various industries as it is their essential policy to secure the architecture and enterprise data. 

With the increase in demand for cloud computing technologies, many tech giants are providing cloud automation services like Amazon Web Service (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), IBM, SAP, Cloudera, and more.  

AWS vs Azure vs GCP: Cloud Web Services Comparison in Detail

I am sure you are acquainted with the third wave of the digital revolution — cloud computing. Well, it's time to know them in person and figure out by using these cloud services, do you actually have a shot or not.

Digitalization is being embraced by all of us across the globe, especially cloud computing technology. Whether it's because of its scalability or security or reduced costs, cloud platforms have sprung up to a great extent over a few years. Gone are the days when businesses were confused about whether to choose a cloud service provider or not. Now the confusion surrounds the question of which cloud service provider to use. AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud are our top three contenders.