How Cloud Has Impacted The Centralization vs. Decentralization Of IT

How cloud affects IT infrastructures

Every week, we find ourselves having a conversation about cost optimization with a wide variety of enterprises. In larger companies, we often talk to folks in the business unit that most people traditionally refer to as Information Technology (IT). These meetings usually include discussions about the centralization vs decentralization of IT and oftentimes they don’t realize it, as we are discussing cloud and how it’s built, run and managed in the organization.

Centralized IT

Redefining the Relationship Between Cloud & DevOps

According to Gartner, 88% of organizations have implemented some level of Agile in their development process. As these organizations move toward Agile, and ultimately DevOps, they undergo a fundamental change in how they architect and package applications.

But just because you improve processes at the development end of the pipeline, it doesn't mean that bottlenecks just disappear. In fact, bottlenecks tend to just move further down the pipeline, rearing their ugly heads whenever the rate at which you deploy resources conflicts with the rate at which you can test those resources.

Five Signs Winter Is Coming For Enterprise Cloud (And How To Prepare)

In HBO's hit series Game of Thrones, the mythical seven kingdoms are preparing for winter brought on by a force of zombie-like creatures called "White Walkers." The phrase "Winter is coming" is repeated throughout the course of the series, foreshadowing perils that lie ahead.

With the changing seasons upon us, let's consider what challenges are in store for enterprise cloud, and how to best prepare for the winter that is coming for software delivery and operations.