Diagrams as Code: The Complete How-to-Use Guide

We're seeing more and more tools that enable you to create software architecture and other Diagrams as Code. The main benefit of using this concept is that majority of the Diagrams as Code tools can be scripted and integrated into a built pipeline for generating automatic documentation. The other benefit responsible for the growing use of Diagrams as code to create software architecture is that it enables the use of text-based tooling, which most software developers already use. Furthermore, text is easily version-controllable and diff’able.

Table of Contents

  • What is Diagram as Code?
  • How to install Diagrams
  • How to use Diagrams
  • Conclusion

Cloud Computing Architecture for Healthcare

Due to the changing environment of technological innovations and its transition to cloud computing architecture, the demand for exploring its possibilities within various industries and markets emerges. It is a valuable tool for dealing with various operational, managerial, and research issues. Delivering such benefits, cloud computing architecture became a desirable target for diverse on-premises applications to switch from a traditional model. And the healthcare industry, with its online patient care, clinical applications, and medical records analysis, is not an exception. Continue reading to learn more about cloud computing, the several types of cloud computing services, and how healthcare SaaS platforms may help modern society.

How Can Cloud Computing Architecture Initiate Beneficial Changes?

Let’s take it from the top and define what cloud computing is. It refers to data centers accessible over the internet to many users and is spread across various locations from a centralized server. Cloud relates to providing computer system resources such as data storage and processing power at request. Its architecture enables robust and scalable computation-intensive capabilities through on-demand delivery and the pay-as-you-go model. So, what is so beneficial about cloud computing architecture? Would it be any different for your business if just the internal structure were changed?

Application Modernization and 6 R’s

Enhanced functionality, rapid innovation, increased efficiency, reduced operational and infrastructure costs, more scalability, improved overall experience, and resiliency ... It's like a door to unlimited possibilities has been unlocked with the cloud. 

Shifting your business' apps to the cloud has numerous advantages, including those outlined above. The problem is that many firms don't grasp that leveraging the cloud's benefits requires a little more than just application transfer. 

Lessons From The Trenches: Cloud Modern Engineering

In one of the large programs that I was handling very recently, I had the overall responsibility of owning 82 critical applications catering to the most important business functions of a very large global organization and an industry leader. I consider it an honor for getting an opportunity like this in my career, to be at the driver’s seat for a truly digital transformation program like this one.

I respect the confidence of my esteemed partners for their faith in me and without going into the finer details I would like to share some of the learning I/We had in this amazing program.

Reference Architecture: Deploying WSO2 API Manager on Microsoft Azure


WSO2 is a 15+ years old software engineering organization that provides a set of Open Source products/platforms for API Management, Enterprise Integration, and Identity and Access Management.

Meeting current industry demands, all the WSO2 product can be deployed on any of the below infrastructure choices:

Bringing Transaction and AI Data Worlds Closer: A Notion of Integrated Data Platforms


Vaibhav S Dantale – dantalev@gmail.com
Subhendu Dey – subhendu.dey@in.ibm.com
Sandipan Sarkar – sandipansarkar@gmail.com
Ram Ravishankar - ram.ravishankar@gmail.com


The recent accelerated adoption of hybrid multi-cloud and cloud-native application architectures is rapidly changing the data architecture landscape. The impact is to both, the transactional data processing domain, and the analytical data processing domain.

The Theory and Motive Behind Active/Active Multi-Region Architectures

The date was 24th December 2012, Christmas eve. The world’s largest video streaming service, Netflix experienced one of its worst incidents in company history. The incident was an outage of video playback on TV devices for customers in Canada, the United States, and the LATAM region. Fortunately, the enduring efforts of responders over at Netflix, along with AWS where the Amazon Elastic Load Balancer service experiencing disruptions resulting in the cause of the incident, managed to restore services just in time for Christmas. If one were to think about the events that ensued over at Netflix and AWS that day, it would be comparable to all those movies of saving Christmas that we all love to watch around that time of year.

This idea of incident management comes from the ubiquitous fact that incidents will happen. This is not an unknown fact and best immortalized by Amazon VP and CTO Werner Vogels when he said “Everything fails all the time”. It is, therefore, understood that things will break but the question that persists is can we do anything to mitigate the impact of these inevitable incidents? The answer is of course yes.

JAMStack CMS: Why and How To Use It


Has it recently crossed your mind why so many businesses failed to respond to COVID-inflicted challenges? After the 2020 turmoil, they’re hoping to break even at best while suffering from significant customer churn and technology inconsistencies. However, only trying to retain your existing customers is not the best idea for business growth.

That is why unprecedented times make businesses start looking for nontrivial solutions to reach wider audiences. As customers are getting more mature in their digital-driven journey, companies have a harder time meeting the customer of today’s expectations. Given that face-to-face communication is not an option these days, the only medium for successful B2B/B2C interaction is your website content.
Static site generators adoption graph

Building Pipelines With Terraform Cloud

Having a robust and effective CI/CD pipeline is the key to shorter sprints and effective iterations of cloud-native applications. In order to push updates regularly and successfully, you have to incorporate a number of things into the pipeline, including testing and security.

Terraform is used to build, maintain, and update cloud infrastructure. It runs from your desktop and communicates directly with cloud service providers like AWS.

Easy and Fast Adjustment of Kubernetes CPU and Memory

Assigning and managing CPU and memory resources in the Kubernetes can be tricky and easy at the same time. Having done this task for numerous customers, I have decided to create a framework zone. I will show you what Kubernetes resources and limits are and how to manage them.

The framework contains the following steps.

  • Infographic Guide shows what algorithms to follow to determine and assign the resources and limits.
  • Code templates allow applying those algorithms with minimal adaptation.
  • Algorithms and tools to gather the metrics about resource consumption and set up the limits.
  • Links to the official documentation where you can quickly grab some examples and read more detailed information.

What This Article Doesn't Contain

My goal here is simplicity. So you won't find detailed descriptions of how resources, limit ranges, and quotas work. There are plentiful articles written about it, as well as Kubernetes thorough documentation. Instead, here you will find information on how to quickly start adjusting Kubernetes resources in your projects.

Breaking Down Serverless Anti-Patterns

Serverless adoption rates have been climbing ever since the technology was brought into the spotlight with the release of AWS Lambda in 2014. That is because serverless makes an offer that cloud developers simply can not resist, providing the following benefits:

  • Server management is abstracted to vendor
  • Pay-as-you-go model where you only pay for what you use
  • Automatically scalable and highly available

These benefits are achieved by the characteristics that define the technology. Serverless applications are stateless distributed systems that scale to the needs of the system, providing event-based and async models of development. This has worked in favor of the technology, resulting in a desirable solution for the cloud.

Architectures for Distributed, Hybrid, Edge, and Global Apache Kafka

Multi-cluster and cross-data center deployments of Apache Kafka have become the norm rather than an exception. Learn about several scenarios that may require multi-cluster solutions and see real-world examples with their specific requirements and trade-offs, including disaster recovery, aggregation for analytics, cloud migration, mission-critical stretched deployments and global Kafka.

Key Takeaways for Multi Data Center Kafka Architectures

  • In many scenarios, one Kafka cluster is not enough. Understand different architectures and alternatives for multi-cluster deployments.
  • Zero data loss and high availability are two key requirements. Understand how to realize this, including trade-offs.
  • Learn about features and limitations of Kafka for multi-cluster deployments- Global Kafka and mission-critical multi-cluster deployments with zero data loss and high availability became the normal, not an exception.
  • Learn about architectures like stretched cluster, hybrid integration and fully-managed serverless Kafka in the cloud (using Confluent Cloud), and tools like MirrorMaker 2, Confluent Replicator, Multi-Region Clusters (MRP), Global Kafka, and more.

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Provisioned Concurrency: The Silver Bullet to AWS Lambda Cold Starts

The year 2014 marked the start of the serverless era with Dr. Werner Vogels announcing AWS Lambda to an ecstatic crowd at AWS’ esteemed re:Invent. What was promised was a compute service abstracting away all the pains of cloud orchestration, thus leaving the user to only worry about the business logic they would run on these magic little worker nodes spun out of thin air and pure engineering.

Even though AWS Lambda was not the first FaaS service out there, with a startup called PiCloud being the first FaaS provider back in 2010, AWS was the first major cloud provider to jump into the race. In fact, it can be argued that AWS is actually the one that kick-started the serverless era, soon followed by Google Cloud Functions and Azure Functions by Microsoft. By 2017 the cloud wars intensified, with more and more providers descending upon the battlefield, all championing one promise, no more orchestration needed.

Kubernetes: Benefits of Microservices Architecture for Large Enterprises

Find out more about the benefits of microservices architecture.

Kubernetes is increasingly becoming the de-facto standard with more software and applications workloads moving into containers. Kubernetes has captured the cloud market by storm through the implementation of strong infrastructure development. It makes deploying and managing the app easier and improves reliability and reduces the time you need to spend on DevOps.

According to Gartner's report, by 2022 more than 75% of organizations globally will be running containerized applications.