CSS Grid and Custom Shapes, Part 3

After Part 1 and Part 2, I am back with a third article to explore more fancy shapes. Like the previous articles, we are going to combine CSS Grid with clipping and masking to create fancy layouts for image galleries.

CSS Grid and Custom Shapes series

Should I read the previous articles before?

It’s not mandatory but highly recommended to cover as many tricks as possible. You can also read them in any order, but following along in chronological is a good idea to see how we arrived here.

Enough talking, let’s jump straight to our first example.

Before digging into the CSS, let’s check the markup:

<div class="gallery">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <img src="..." alt="...">

Nothing but a few <img> tags in a div wrapper, right? Remember, the main challenge for this series is to work with the smallest amount of HTML possible. All the examples we’ve seen throughout this series use the exact same HTML markup. No extra divs, wrappers, and whatnot. All that we need are images contained in a wrapper element.

Let’s check the CSS now:

.gallery {
  --g: 6px; /* the gap */

  display: grid;
  width: 450px; /* the size */
  aspect-ratio: 1; /* equal height */
  grid: auto-flow 1fr / repeat(3, 1fr);
  gap: var(--g);
.gallery img:nth-child(2) {
  grid-area: 1 / 2 / span 2 / span 2;
.gallery img:nth-child(3) {
  grid-area: 2 / 1 / span 2 / span 2;

Basically, this is a square grid with three equal columns. From there, all that’s happening is the second and third images are explicitly placed on the grid, allowing the first and last images to lay out automatically around them.

This automatic behavior is a powerful feature of CSS Grid called “auto-placement”. Same thing with the number of rows — none of them are explicitly defined. The browser “implicitly” creates them based on the placement of the items. I have a very detailed article that explores both concepts.

You might be wondering what’s going on with those grid and grid-area property values. They look strange and are tough to grok! That’s because I chose the CSS grid shorthand property, which is super useful but accepts an unseemly number of values from its constituent properties. You can see all of them in the Almanac.

But what you really need to know is this:

grid: auto-flow 1fr / repeat(3, 1fr);

…is equivalent to this:

grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
grid-auto-rows: 1fr;
DevTools style rules for the grid property.
You can also use your favorite DevTools for further proof.

Same for the grid-area property. If we open DevTools and inspect our declaration: grid-area: 1/2/span 2/span 2; you will get the following:

grid-area: 1 / 2 / span 2 / span 2;

…that is the same as writing all this out:

grid-row-start: 1; /* 1st row */
grid-column-start: 2; /* 2nd column */
grid-row-end: span 2; /* take 2 rows */
grid-column-end: span 2; /* take 2 columns */

Same deal for the other grid-area declaration. When we put it all together, here’s what we get:

The different images labeled by number on the grid.

Yes, the second and third images are overlapped in the middle. That’s no mistake! I purposely spanned them on top of one another so that I can apply a clip-path to cut a portion from each one and get the final result:

Showing the effect with and without clip-path.

How do we do that? We can cut the bottom-left corner of the second image (img:nth-child(2)) with the CSS clip-path property:

clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, calc(50% + var(--g) / 4) 100%, 0 calc(50% - var(--g) / 4))

And the top-right corner of the third one:

clip-path: polygon(0 0, calc(50% - var(--g) / 4) 0, 100% calc(50% + var(--g) / 4), 100% 100%, 0 100%);

I know, I know. That’s a lot of numbers and whatnot. I do have an article that details the technique.

That’s it, we have our first grid of images! I added a grayscale filter on the <img> selector to get that neat little hover effect.

The Split Image Reveal

Let’s try something different. We can take what we learned about clipping the corner of an image and combine it with a nice effect to reveal the full image on hover.

The grid configuration for this one is less intense than the last one, as all we need are two overlapping images:

.gallery {
  display: grid;
.gallery > img {
  grid-area: 1 / 1;
  width: 350px; /* the size */
  aspect-ratio: 1; /* equal height */

Two images that are the same size are stacked on top of each other (thanks to grid-area: 1 / 1).

The hover effect relies on animating clip-path. We will dissect the code of the first image to see how it works, then plug the same thing into the second image with updated values. Notice, though that we have three different states:

  1. When no images are hovered, half of each image is revealed.
  2. When we hover over the first image, it is more fully revealed but retains a small corner clip.
  3. When we hover over the second image, the first one has only a small triangle visible.
Showing the three clipping states of the hover effect.

In each case, we have a triangular shape. That means we need a three-point polygon for the clip-path value.

What? The second state isn’t a triangle, but more of a square with a cut corner.

You are right, but if we look closely we can see a “hidden” triangle. Let’s add a box-shadow to the images.

A ha! Did you notice it?

Showing the transition between states with the overflow shape revealed to explain how it works.

What sort of magic is this? It’s a little known fact that clip-path accepts values outside the 0%-100% range, which allows us to create “overflowing” shapes. (Yes, I just coined this. You’re welcome.) This way, we only have to work with three points instead of the five it would take to make the same shape from the visible parts. Optimized CSS for the win!

This is the code after we plug in the polygon values into the clip-path property:

.gallery > img:first-child {
  clip-path: polygon(0 0, calc(100% + var(--_p)) 0 , 0 calc(100% + var(--_p)))
.gallery > img:last-child {
  clip-path: polygon(100% 100%, 100% calc(0% - var(--_p)), calc(0% - var(--_p)) 100%)

Notice the --_p variable. I’m using that to optimize the code a bit as we add the hover transition. Instead of updating the whole clip-path we only update this variable to get the movement. Here is a video to see how the points should move between each state:

We can take slap a transition on the <img> selector, then update the --_p variable on the states to get the final effect:

.gallery {
  --g: 8px; /* the gap */
.gallery > img {
  /* etc. */
  --_p: calc(-1 * var(--g));
  transition: .4s .1s;
.gallery:hover > img:last-child,
.gallery:hover > img:first-child:hover{
  --_p: calc(50% - var(--g));
.gallery:hover > img:first-child,
.gallery:hover > img:first-child:hover + img {
  --_p: calc(-50% - var(--g));

If we don’t consider the gap (defined as --g in the code) between the images, then the three values of --_p are 0%, 50%, and -50%. Each one defines one of the states we explained previously.

The Pie Image Reveal

Let’s increase the difficulty level from that last one and try to do the same trick but with four images instead of two.

Cool, right? Each image is a quarter of a circle and, on hover, we have an animation that transforms an image into a full circle that covers the remaining images. The effect may look impossible because there is no way to rotate points and transform them to fill the circle. In reality, though, we are not rotating any points at all. It’s an illusion!

For this example, I will only focus on the clip-path animation since the configuration of the grid is the same as the previous example: four equally-sized images stacked on top of each other.

And a video worth a boring and long explanation:

The clip-path is formed by seven points, where three of them are in a fixed position and the others move as shown in the video. The effect looks less cool when it’s running slowly but we can see how the clip-path morphs between shapes.

The effect is a little better if we add border-radius and we make it faster:

And by making it even faster like in the original example, we get the perfect illusion of one quarter of a circle morphing into a full circle. Here’s the polygon value for our clip-path on the first image in the sequence:

.gallery > img:nth-child(1) {
  clip-path: polygon(50% 50%, calc(50% * var(--_i, 0)) calc(120% * var(--_i, 0)), 0 calc(100% * var(--_i, 0)),0 0, 100% 0, 100% calc(100% * var(--_i, 0)), calc(100% - 50% * var(--_i, 0)) calc(120% * var(--_i, 0)));
.gallery > img:hover {
 --_i: 1;

As usual, I am using a variable to optimize the code. The variable will switch between 0 and 1 to update the polygon.

The same goes for the others image but with a different clip-path configuration. I know that the values may look hard to decipher but you can always use online tools like Clippy to visualize the values.

The Mosaic of Images

You know mosaics, right? It’s an art style that creates decorative designs out of smaller individual pieces, like colored stones. But it can also be a composite image made up of other smaller images.

And, you guessed it: we can totally do that sort of thing in CSS!

First, let’s imagine what things are like if clip-path were taken out of the mix and all we had were five overlapping images:

I am cheating a little in this video because I am inspecting the code to identify the area of each image, but this is what you need to do in your head. For each image, try to complete the missing part to see the full rectangle and, with this, we can identify the position and size of each one.

We need to find how many columns and rows we need for the grid:

  1. We have two big images placed next to each other that each fill half the grid width and the full grid height. That means will probably need two columns (one for both images) and one row (for the full height of the grid).
  2. We have the image in the middle that overlaps the two other images. That means we actually need four columns instead of two, though we still only need the one row.
  3. The last two images each fill half the grid, just like the first two images. But they’re only half the height of the grid. We can use the existing columns we already have, but we’re going to need two rows instead of one to account for these images being half the grid height.
That leaves us with a tidy 4×2 grid.

I don’t want you to think that the way I sliced this up is the only way to do it. This is merely how I’ve made sense of it. I am sure there are other configurations possible to get the same layout!

Let’s take that information and define our grid, then place the images on it:

.gallery {
  display: grid;
  grid: repeat(2, 1fr) / repeat(4, 1fr); 
  aspect-ratio: 2;
.gallery img:nth-child(1) {
  grid-area: 1 / 1 / span 2 / span 2;
.gallery img:nth-child(2) {
  grid-area: 1 / 2 / span 2 / span 2;
.gallery img:nth-child(3) {
  grid-area: span 2 / span 2 / -1 / -1;
.gallery img:nth-child(4) {
  grid-area: 2 / 1 / span 1 / span 2;
.gallery img:nth-child(5) {
  grid-area: span 1 / span 2 / -1 / -1;

I think you get the idea of what’s happening here now that we’ve seen a few examples using the same approach. We define a grid and place images on it explicitly, using grid-area so the images overlap.

OK, but the aspect-ratio is different this time.

It is! If you get back to the reasoning we made, we have the first two images that are square next to each other having the same size. This means that the width of the grid needs to be equal to twice its height. Hence, aspect-ratio: 2.

Now it’s time for the clip-path values. We have four triangles and a rhombus.

Showing the three unique shapes and the clip-path values that create them.
We’re only showing the three unique shapes we’re making instead of the five total shapes.

Again, I’m using Clippy for all this math-y stuff. But, honestly, I can write many simple shapes by hand, having spent several years working closely with clip-path, and I know you can too with practice!

The Complex Mosaic of Images

Let’s increase the difficulty and try another mosaic, this time with less symmetry and more complex shapes.

Don’t worry, you will see that it’s the same concept as the one we just made! Again, let’s imagine each image is a rectangle, then go about defining the grid based on what we see.

We’ll start with two images:

They are both squares. The first image is equal to half the size of the second image. The first image takes up less than one half of the grid width, while the second image takes up more than half giving us a total of two columns with a different size (the first one is equal to half the second one). The first image is half the height, so let’s automatically assume we need two rows as well.

Let’s add another image to the layout

This one makes things a bit more complex! We need to draw some lines to identify how to update the grid configuration.

We will move from a 2×2 grid to four columns and three rows. Pretty asymmetric, right? Before we try to figure out that complete sizing, let’s see if the same layout holds up when we add the other images.

Looks like we still need more rows and columns for everything to fall into place. Based on the lines in that image, we’re going to have a total of five columns and four rows.

The logic is simple even though the layout is complex, right? We add the images one by one to find the right configuration that fits everything. Now we need to identify the size of each column and row.

If we say the smallest row/column is equal to one fraction of the grid (1fr) we will get:

grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 2fr 3fr 5fr;

…for the columns, and:

grid-template-rows: 3fr 1fr 2fr 2fr;

…for the rows. We can consolidate this using the grid shorthand property again:

grid: 3fr 1fr 2fr 2fr / 1fr 1fr 2fr 3fr 5fr;

You know the drill! Place the images on the grid and apply a clip-path on them:

.gallery img:nth-child(1) {
  grid-area: 1 / 1 /span 2 / span 3;
  clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 0 100%);
.gallery img:nth-child(2) {
  grid-area: 1/2/span 3/span 3;
  clip-path: polygon(50% 0, 100% 50%, 50% 100%, 0 50%);
.gallery img:nth-child(3) {
  grid-area: 1 / span 2 / -1 / -1;
  clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%);
.gallery img:nth-child(4) {
  grid-area: span 3 / 1 / -1 / span 3;
  clip-path: polygon(25% 0, 100% 60%, 50% 100%, 0 100%, 0 20%);
.gallery img:nth-child(5) {
  grid-area: span 3/span 3/-1/-1;
  clip-path: polygon(50% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%);

We can stop here and our code is fine, but we will do a little more to optimize the clip-path values. Since we don’t have any gaps between our images, we can use the fact that our images overlap to slim things down. Here is a video to illustrate the idea:

As you can see, the image in the middle (the one with the camera) doesn’t need a clip-path. because the other images overlap it, giving us the shape without any additional work! And notice that we can use the same overflowing three-point clip-path concept we used earlier on the image in the bottom-left to keep the code smaller there as well.

In the end, we have a complex-looking grid of images with only four clip-path declarations — all of them are three-point polygons!

Wrapping up

Wow, right? I don’t know about you, but I never get bored of seeing what CSS can do these days. It wasn’t long ago that all of this would have taken verbose hackery and definitely some JavaScript.

Throughout this series, we explored many, many different types of image grids, from the basic stuff to the complex mosaics we made today. And we got a lot of hands-on experience working with CSS clipping — something that you will definitely be able to use on other projects!

But before we end this, I have some homework for you…

Here are two mosaics that I want you to make using what we covered here. One is on the “easier” side, and the other is a bit tricky. It would be really awesome to see your work in the comments, so link them up! I’m curious to see if your approach is different from how I’d go about it!

CSS Grid and Custom Shapes, Part 3 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Fancy Image Decorations: Outlines and Complex Animations

We’ve spent the last two articles in this three-part series playing with gradients to make really neat image decorations using nothing but the <img> element. In this third and final piece, we are going to explore more techniques using the CSS outline property. That might sound odd because we generally use outline to draw a simple line around an element — sorta like border but it can only draw all four sides at once and is not part of the Box Model.

We can do more with it, though, and that’s what I want to experiment with in this article.

Fancy Image Decorations series

Let’s start with our first example — an overlay that disappears on hover with a cool animation:

We could accomplish this by adding an extra element over the image, but that’s what we’re challenging ourselves not to do in this series. Instead, we can reach for the CSS outline property and leverage that it can have a negative offset and is able to overlap its element.

img {
  --s: 250px; /* the size of the image */
  --b: 8px;   /* the border thickness*/
  --g: 14px;  /* the gap */
  --c: #4ECDC4;

  width: var(--s);
  aspect-ratio: 1;
  outline: calc(var(--s) / 2) solid #0009;
  outline-offset: calc(var(--s) / -2);
  cursor: pointer;
  transition: 0.3s;
img:hover {
  outline: var(--b) solid var(--c);
  outline-offset: var(--g);

The trick is to create an outline that’s as thick as half the image size, then offset it by half the image size with a negative value. Add in some semi-transparency with the color and we have our overlay!

Diagram showing the size of the outline sround the image and how it covers the image on hover.

The rest is what happens on :hover. We update the outline and the transition between both outlines creates the cool hover effect. The same technique can also be used to create a fading effect where we don’t move the outline but make it transparent.

Instead of using half the image size in this one, I am using a very big outline thickness value (100vmax) while applying a CSS mask. With this, there’s no longer a need to know the image size — it trick works at all sizes!

Diagram showing how adding a mask clips the extra outline around the image.

You may face issues using 100vmax as a big value in Safari. If it’s the case, consider the previous trick where you replace the 100vmax with half the image size.

We can take things even further! For example, instead of simply clipping the extra outline, we can create shapes and apply a fancy reveal animation.

Cool right? The outline is what creates the yellow overlay. The clip-path clips the extra outline to get the star shape. Then, on hover, we make the color transparent.

Oh, you want hearts instead? We can certainly do that!

Imagine all the possible combinations we can create. All we have to do is to draw a shape with a CSS mask and/or clip-path and combine it with the outline trick. One solution, infinite possibilities!

And, yes, we can definitely animate this as well. Let’s not forget that clip-path is animatable and mask relies on gradients — something we covered in super great detail in the first two articles of this series.

I know, the animation is a bit glitchy. This is more of a demo to illustrate the idea rather than the “final product” to be used in a production site. We’d wanna optimize things for a more natural transition.

Here is a demo that uses mask instead. It’s the one I teased you with at the end of the last article:

Did you know that the outline property was capable of so much awesomeness? Add it to your toolbox for fancy image decorations!

Combine all the things!

Now that we have learned many tricks using gradients, masks, clipping, and outline, it’s time for the grand finale. Let’s cap off this series by combine all that we have learned the past few weeks to showcase not only the techniques, but demonstrate just how flexible and modular these approaches are.

If you were seeing these demos for the first time, you might assume that there’s a bunch of extra divs wrappers and pseudo-elements being used to pull them off. But everything is happening directly on the <img> element. It’s the only selector we need to get these advanced shapes and effects!

Wrapping up

Well, geez, thanks for hanging out with me in this three-part series the past few weeks. We explored a slew of different techniques that turn simple images into something eye-catching and interactive. Will you use everything we covered? Certainly not! But my hope is that this has been a good exercise for you to dig into advanced uses of CSS features, like gradients, mask, clip-path, and outline.

And we did everything with just one <img> element! No extra div wrappers and pseudo-elements. Sure, it’s a constraint we put on ourselves, but it also pushed us to explore CSS and try to find innovative solutions to common use cases. So, before pumping extra markup into your HTML, think about whether CSS is already capable of handling the task.

Fancy Image Decorations series

Fancy Image Decorations: Outlines and Complex Animations originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Fancy Image Decorations: Masks and Advanced Hover Effects

Welcome to Part 2 of this three-part series! We are still decorating images without any extra elements and pseudo-elements. I hope you already took the time to digest Part 1 because we will continue working with a lot of gradients to create awesome visual effects. We are also going to introduce the CSS mask property for more complex decorations and hover effects.

Fancy Image Decorations series

  • Single Element Magic
  • Masks and Advanced Hover Effects (you are here!)
  • Outlines and Complex Animations (coming October 28 )

Let’s turn to the first example we’re working on together…

The Postage Stamp

Believe or not, all it takes to make postage stamp CSS effect is two gradients and a filter:

img {
  --r: 10px; /* control the radius of the circles */
  padding: calc(2 * var(--r));
  filter: grayscale(.4);
    radial-gradient(var(--r),#0000 98%,#fff) round
      calc(-1.5 * var(--r)) calc(-1.5 * var(--r)) / calc(3 * var(--r)) calc(3 * var(--r)),
    linear-gradient(#fff 0 0) no-repeat
      50% / calc(100% - 3 * var(--r)) calc(100% - 3 * var(--r));

As we saw in the previous article, the first step is to make space around the image with padding so we can draw a background gradient and see it there. Then we use a combination of radial-gradient() and linear-gradient() to cut those circles around the image.

Here is a step-by-step illustration that shows how the gradients are configured:

Note the use of the round value in the second step. It’s very important for the trick as it ensures the size of the gradient is adjusted to be perfectly aligned on all the sides, no matter what the image width or height is.

From the specification: The image is repeated as often as will fit within the background positioning area. If it doesn’t fit a whole number of times, it is rescaled so that it does.

The Rounded Frame

Let’s look at another image decoration that uses circles…

This example also uses a radial-gradient(), but this time I have created circles around the image instead of the cut-out effect. Notice that I am also using the round value again. The trickiest part here is the transparent gap between the frame and the image, which is where I reach for the CSS mask property:

img {
  --s: 20px; /* size of the frame */
  --g: 10px; /* the gap */
  --c: #FA6900; 

  padding: calc(var(--g) + var(--s));
    radial-gradient(farthest-side, var(--c) 97%, #0000) 
      0 0 / calc(2 * var(--s)) calc(2 * var(--s)) round;
    conic-gradient(from 90deg at calc(2 * var(--s)) calc(2 * var(--s)), #0000 25%, #000 0)
      calc(-1 * var(--s)) calc(-1 * var(--s)),
    linear-gradient(#000 0 0) content-box;

Masking allows us to show the area of the image — thanks to the linear-gradient() in there — as well as 20px around each side of it — thanks to the conic-gradient(). The 20px is nothing but the variable --s that defines the size of the frame. In other words, we need to hide the gap.

Here’s what I mean:

The linear gradient is the blue part of the background while the conic gradient is the red part of the background. That transparent part between both gradients is what we cut from our element to create the illusion of an inner transparent border.

The Inner Transparent Border

For this one, we are not going to create a frame but rather try something different. We are going to create a transparent inner border inside our image. Probably not that useful in a real-world scenario, but it’s good practice with CSS masks.

Similar to the previous example, we are going to rely on two gradients: a linear-gradient() for the inner part, and a conic-gradient() for the outer part. We’ll leave a space between them to create the transparent border effect.

img {
  --b: 5px;  /* the border thickness */
  --d: 20px; /* the distance from the edge */

  --_g: calc(100% - 2 * (var(--d) + var(--b)));
    conic-gradient(from 90deg at var(--d) var(--d), #0000 25%, #000 0)
      0 0 / calc(100% - var(--d)) calc(100% - var(--d)),
    linear-gradient(#000 0 0) 50% / var(--_g) var(--_g) no-repeat;
Detailing the parts of the image that correspond to CSS variables.

You may have noticed that the conic gradient of this example has a different syntax from the previous example. Both are supposed to create the same shape, so why are they different? It’s because we can reach the same result using different syntaxes. This may look confusing at first, but it’s a good feature. You are not obliged to find the solution to achieve a particular shape. You only need to find one solution that works for you out of the many possibilities out there.

Here are four ways to create the outer square using gradients:

There are even more ways to pull this off, but you get the point.

There is no Best™ approach. Personally, I try to find the one with the smallest and most optimized code. For me, any solution that requires fewer gradients, fewer calculations, and fewer repeated values is the most suitable. Sometimes I choose a more verbose syntax because it gives me more flexibility to change variables and modify things. It comes with experience and practice. The more you play with gradients, the more you know what syntax to use and when.

Let’s get back to our inner transparent border and dig into the hover effect. In case you didn’t notice, there is a cool hover effect that moves that transparent border using a font-size trick. The idea is to define the --d variable with a value of 1em. This variables controls the distance of the border from the edge. We can transform like this:

--_d: calc(var(--d) + var(--s) * 1em)

…giving us the following updated CSS:

img {
  --b: 5px;  /* the border thickness */
  --d: 20px; /* the distance from the edge */
  --o: 15px; /* the offset on hover */
  --s: 1;    /* the direction of the hover effect (+1 or -1)*/

  --_d: calc(var(--d) + var(--s) * 1em);
  --_g: calc(100% - 2 * (var(--_d) + var(--b)));
    conic-gradient(from 90deg at var(--_d) var(--_d), #0000 25%, #000 0)
     0 0 / calc(100% - var(--_d)) calc(100% - var(--_d)),
    linear-gradient(#000 0 0) 50% / var(--_g) var(--_g) no-repeat;
  font-size: 0;
  transition: .35s;
img:hover {
  font-size: var(--o);

The font-size is initially equal to 0 ,so 1em is also equal to 0 and --_d is be equal to --d. On hover, though, the font-size is equal to a value defined by an --o variable that sets the border’s offset. This, in turn, updates the --_d variable, moving the border by the offset. Then I add another variable, --s, to control the sign that decides whether the border moves to the inside or the outside.

The font-size trick is really useful if we want to animate properties that are otherwise unanimatable. Custom properties defined with @property can solve this but support for it is still lacking at the time I’m writing this.

The Frame Reveal

We made the following reveal animation in the first part of this series:

We can take the same idea, but instead of a border with a solid color we will use a gradient like this:

If you compare both codes you will notice the following changes:

  1. I used the same gradient configuration from the first example inside the mask property. I simply moved the gradients from the background property to the mask property.
  2. I added a repeating-linear-gradient() to create the gradient border.

That’s it! I re-used most of the same code we already saw — with super small tweaks — and got another cool image decoration with a hover effect.

/* Solid color border */

img {
  --c: #8A9B0F; /* the border color */
  --b: 10px;   /* the border thickness*/
  --g: 5px;  /* the gap on hover */

  padding: calc(var(--g) + var(--b));
  --_g: #0000 25%, var(--c) 0;
    conic-gradient(from 180deg at top var(--b) right var(--b), var(--_g))
     var(--_i, 200%) 0 / 200% var(--_i, var(--b)) no-repeat,
    conic-gradient(at bottom var(--b) left  var(--b), var(--_g))
     0 var(--_i, 200%) / var(--_i, var(--b)) 200% no-repeat;
  transition: .3s, background-position .3s .3s;
  cursor: pointer;
img:hover {
  --_i: 100%;
  transition: .3s, background-size .3s .3s;
/* Gradient color border */

img {
  --b: 10px; /* the border thickness*/
  --g: 5px;  /* the gap on hover */
  background: repeating-linear-gradient(135deg, #F8CA00 0 10px, #E97F02 0 20px, #BD1550 0 30px);

  padding: calc(var(--g) + var(--b));
  --_g: #0000 25%, #000 0;
    conic-gradient(from 180deg at top var(--b) right var(--b), var(--_g))
     var(--_i, 200%) 0 / 200% var(--_i, var(--b)) no-repeat,
    conic-gradient(at bottom var(--b) left  var(--b), var(--_g))
     0 var(--_i, 200%) / var(--_i, var(--b)) 200% no-repeat,
    linear-gradient(#000 0 0) content-box;
  transition: .3s, mask-position .3s .3s;
  cursor: pointer;
img:hover {
  --_i: 100%;
  transition: .3s, mask-size .3s .3s;

Let’s try another frame animation. This one is a bit tricky as it has a three-step animation:

The first step of the animation is to make the bottom edge bigger. For this, we adjust the background-size of a linear-gradient():

You are probably wondering why I am also adding the top edge. We need it for the third step. I always try to optimize the code I write, so I am using one gradient to cover both the top and bottom sides, but the top one is hidden and revealed later with a mask.

For the second step, we add a second gradient to show the left and right edges. But this time, we do it using background-position:

We can stop here as we already have a nice effect with two gradients but we are here to push the limits so let’s add a touch of mask to achieve the third step.

The trick is to make the top edge hidden until we show the bottom and the sides and then we update the mask-size (or mask-position) to show the top part. As I said previously, we can find a lot of gradient configurations to achieve the same effect.

Here is an illustration of the gradients I will be using:

I am using two conic gradients having a width equal to 200%. Both gradients cover the area leaving only the top part uncovered (that part will be invisible later). On hover, I slide both gradients to cover that part.

Here is a better illustration of one of the gradients to give you a better idea of what’s happening:

Now we put this inside the mask property and we are done! Here is the full code:

img {
  --b: 6px;  /* the border thickness*/
  --g: 10px; /* the gap */
  --c: #0E8D94;

  padding: calc(var(--b) + var(--g));
  --_l: var(--c) var(--b), #0000 0 calc(100% - var(--b)), var(--c) 0;
    linear-gradient(var(--_l)) 50%/calc(100% - var(--_i,80%)) 100% no-repeat,
    linear-gradient(90deg, var(--_l)) 50% var(--_i,-100%)/100% 200% no-repeat;  
    conic-gradient(at 50% var(--b),#0000 25%, #000 0) calc(50% + var(--_i, 50%)) / 200%,
    conic-gradient(at 50% var(--b),#000 75%, #0000 0) calc(50% - var(--_i, 50%)) / 200%;
    .3s calc(.6s - var(--_t,.6s)) mask-position, 
    .3s .3s background-position,
    .3s var(--_t,.6s) background-size,
    .4s transform;
  cursor: pointer;
img:hover {
  --_i: 0%;
  --_t: 0s;
  transform: scale(1.2);

I have also introduced some variables to optimize the code, but you should be used to this right now.

What about a four-step animation? Yes, it’s possible!

No explanation for this because it’s your homework! Take all that you have learned in this article to dissect the code and try to articulate what it’s doing. The logic is similar to all the previous examples. The key is to isolate each gradient to understand each step of the animation. I kept the code un-optimized to make things a little easier to read. I do have an optimized version if you are interested, but you can also try to optimize the code yourself and compare it with my version for additional practice.

Wrapping up

That’s it for Part 2 of this three-part series on creative image decorations using only the <img> element. We now have a good handle on how gradients and masks can be combined to create awesome visual effects, and even animations — without reaching for extra elements or pseudo-elements. Yes, a single <img> tag is enough!

We have one more article in this series to go. Until then, here is a bonus demo with a cool hover effect where I use mask to assemble a broken image.

Fancy Image Decorations series

  • Single Element Magic
  • Masks and Advanced Hover Effects (you are here!)
  • Outlines and Complex Animations (coming October 28 )

Fancy Image Decorations: Masks and Advanced Hover Effects originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Fancy Image Decorations: Single Element Magic

As the title says, we are going to decorate images! There’s a bunch of other articles out there that talk about this, but what we’re covering here is quite a bit different because it’s more of a challenge. The challenge? Decorate an image using only the <img> tag and nothing more.

That right, no extra markup, no divs, and no pseudo-elements. Just the one tag.

Sounds difficult, right? But by the end of this article — and the others that make up this little series — I’ll prove that CSS is powerful enough to give us great and stunning results despite the limitation of working with a single element.

Fancy Image Decorations series

  • Single Element Magic — you are here
  • Masks and Advanced Hover Effects (coming October 21 )
  • Outlines and Complex Animations (coming October 28 )

Let’s start with our first example

Before digging into the code let’s enumerate the possibilities for styling an <img> without any extra elements or pseudo-elements. We can use border, box-shadow, outline, and, of course, background. It may look strange to add a background to an image because we cannot see it as it will be behind the image — but the trick is to create space around the image using padding and/or border and then draw our background inside that space.

I think you know what comes next since I talked about background, right? Yes, gradients! All the decorations we are going to make rely on a lot of gradients. If you’ve followed me for a while, I think this probably comes as no surprise to you at all. 😁

Let’s get back to our first example:

img {
  --s: 10px; /* control the size */
  padding: var(--s);
  border: calc(2 * var(--s)) solid #0000;
  outline: 1px solid #000;
  outline-offset: calc(-1 * var(--s));
  background: conic-gradient(from 90deg at 1px 1px, #0000 25%, #000 0);

We are defining padding and a transparent border using the variable --s to create a space around our image equal to three times that variable.

Why are we using both padding and border instead of one or the other? We can get by using only one of them but I need this combination for my gradient because, by default, the initial value of background-clip is border-box and background-origin is equal to padding-box.

Here is a step-by-step illustration to understand the logic:

Initially, we don’t have any borders on the image, so our gradient will create two segments with 1px of thickness. (I am using 3px in this specific demo so it’s easier to see.) We add a colored border and the gradient still gives us the same result inside the padding area (due to background-origin) but it repeats behind the border. If we make the color of the border transparent, we can use the repetition and we get the frame we want.

The outline in the demo has a negative offset. That creates a square shape at the top of the gradient. That’s it! We added a nice decoration to our image using one gradient and an outline. We could have used more gradients! But I always try to keep my code as simple as possible and I found that adding an outline is better that way.

Here is a gradient-only solution where I am using only padding to define the space. Still the same result but with a more complex syntax.

Let’s try another idea:

For this one, I took the previous example removed the outline, and applied a clip-path to cut the gradient on each side. The clip-path value is a bit verbose and confusing but here is an illustration to better see its points:

Side-by-side comparison of the image with and without using clip-path.

I think you get the main idea. We are going to combine backgrounds, outlines, clipping, and some masking to achieve different kinds of decorations. We are also going to consider some cool hover animations as an added bonus! What we’ve looked at so far is merely a small overview of what’s coming!

The Corner-Only Frame

This one takes four gradients. Each gradient covers one corner and, on hover, we expand them to create a full frame around the image. Let’s dissect the code for one of the gradients:

--b: 5px; /* border thickness */
background: conic-gradient(from 90deg at top var(--b) left var(--b), #0000 90deg, darkblue 0) 0 0;
background-size: 50px 50px; 
background-repeat: no-repeat;

We are going to draw a gradient with a size equal to 50px 50px and place it at the top-left corner (0 0). For the gradient’s configuration, here’s a step-by-step illustration showing how I reached that result.

We tend to think that gradients are only good for transitioning between two colors. But in reality, we can do so much more with them! They are especially useful when it comes to creating different shapes. The trick is to make sure we have hard stops between colors — like in the example above — rather than smooth transitions:

#0000 25%, darkblue 0

This is basically saying: “fill the gradient with a transparent color until 25% of the area, then fill the remaining area with darkblue.

You might be scratching your head over the 0 value. It’s a little hack to simplify the syntax. In reality, we should use this to make a hard stop between colors:

#0000 25%, darkblue 25%

That is more logical! The transparent color ends at 25% and darkblue starts exactly where the transparency ends, making a hard stop. If we replace the second one with 0, the browser will do the job for us, so it is a slightly more efficient way to go about it.

Somewhere in the specification, it says:

if a color stop or transition hint has a position that is less than the specified position of any color stop or transition hint before it in the list, set its position to be equal to the largest specified position of any color stop or transition hint before it.

0 is always smaller than any other value, so the browser will always convert it to the largest value that comes before it in the declaration. In our case, that number is 25%.

Now, we apply the same logic to all the corners and we end with the following code:

img {
  --b: 5px; /* border thickness */
  --c: #0000 90deg, darkblue 0; /* define the color here */
  padding: 10px;
    conic-gradient(from 90deg  at top    var(--b) left  var(--b), var(--c)) 0 0,
    conic-gradient(from 180deg at top    var(--b) right var(--b), var(--c)) 100% 0,
    conic-gradient(from 0deg   at bottom var(--b) left  var(--b), var(--c)) 0 100%,
    conic-gradient(from -90deg at bottom var(--b) right var(--b), var(--c)) 100% 100%;
  background-size: 50px 50px; /* adjust border length here */
  background-repeat: no-repeat;

I have introduced CSS variables to avoid some redundancy as all the gradients use the same color configuration.

For the hover effect, all I’m doing is increasing the size of the gradients to create the full frame:

img:hover {
  background-size: 51% 51%;

Yes, it’s 51% instead of 50% — that creates a small overlap and avoids possible gaps.

Let’s try another idea using the same technique:

This time we are using only two gradients, but with a more complex animation. First, we update the position of each gradient, then increase their sizes to create the full frame. I also introduced more variables for better control over the color, size, thickness, and even the gap between the image and the frame.

img {
  --b: 8px;  /* border thickness*/
  --s: 60px; /* size of the corner*/
  --g: 14px; /* the gap*/
  --c: #EDC951; 

  padding: calc(var(--b) + var(--g));
    conic-gradient(from  90deg at top    var(--b) left  var(--b), #0000 25%, var(--c) 0),
    conic-gradient(from -90deg at bottom var(--b) right var(--b), #0000 25%, var(--c) 0);
    var(--_p, 0%) var(--_p, 0%),
    calc(100% - var(--_p, 0%)) calc(100% - var(--_p, 0%));
  background-size: var(--s) var(--s);
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position .3s var(--_i,.3s), 
    background-size .3s calc(.3s - var(--_i, .3s));
img:hover {
  background-size: calc(100% - var(--g)) calc(100% - var(--g));
  --_p: calc(var(--g) / 2);
  --_i: 0s;

Why do the --_i and --_p variables have an underscore in their name? The underscores are part of a naming convention I use to consider “internal” variables used to optimize the code. They are nothing special but I want to make a difference between the variables we adjust to control the frame (like --b, --c, etc.) and the ones I use to make the code shorter.

The code may look confusing and not easy to grasp but I wrote a three-part series where I detail such technique. I highly recommend reading at least the first article to understand how I reached the above code.

Here is an illustration to better understand the different values:

Showing the same image of two classic cars three times to illustrate the CSS variables used in the code.

The Frame Reveal

Let’s try another type of animation where we reveal the full frame on hover:

Cool, right? And you if you look closely, you will notice that the lines disappear in the opposite direction on mouse out which makes the effect even more fancy! I used a similar effect in a previous article.

But this time, instead of covering all the element, I cover only a small portion by defining a height to get something like this:

This is the top border of our frame. We repeat the same process on each side of the image and we have our hover effect:

img {
  --b: 10px; /* the border thickness*/
  --g: 5px; /* the gap on hover */
  --c: #8A9B0F; 

  padding: calc(var(--g) + var(--b));
  --_g: no-repeat linear-gradient(var(--c) 0 0);
    var(--_g) var(--_i, 0%) 0,
    var(--_g) 100% var(--_i, 0%),
    var(--_g) calc(100% - var(--_i, 0%)) 100%,
    var(--_g) 0 calc(100% - var(--_i, 0%));
  background-size: var(--_i, 0%) var(--b),var(--b) var(--_i, 0%);
  transition: .4s, background-position 0s;
  cursor: pointer;
img:hover {
  --_i: 100%;

As you can see, I am applying the same gradient four times and each one has a different position to cover only one side at a time.

Another one? Let’s go!

This one looks a bit tricky and it indeed does require some imagination to understand how two conic gradients are pulling off this kind of magic. Here is a demo to illustrate one of the gradients:

The pseudo-element simulates the gradient. It’s initially out of sight and, on hover, we first change its position to get the top edge of the frame. Then we increase the height to get the right edge. The gradient shape is similar to the ones we used in the last section: two segments to cover two sides.

But why did I make the gradient’s width 200%? You’d think 100% would be enough, right?

100% should be enough but I won’t be able to move the gradient like I want if I keep its width equal to 100%. That’s another little quirk related to how background-position works. I cover this in a previous article. I also posted an answer over at Stack Overflow dealing with this. I know it’s a lot of reading, but it’s really worth your time.

Now that we have explained the logic for one gradient, the second one is easy because it’s doing exactly the same thing, but covering the left and bottom edges instead. All we have to do is to swap a few values and we are done:

img {
  --c: #8A9B0F; /* the border color */
  --b: 10px; /* the border thickness*/
  --g: 5px;  /* the gap */

  padding: calc(var(--g) + var(--b));
  --_g: #0000 25%, var(--c) 0;
    conic-gradient(from 180deg at top    var(--b) right var(--b), var(--_g))
     var(--_i, 200%) 0 / 200% var(--_i, var(--b))  no-repeat,
    conic-gradient(            at bottom var(--b) left  var(--b), var(--_g))
     0 var(--_i, 200%) / var(--_i, var(--b)) 200%  no-repeat;
  transition: .3s, background-position .3s .3s;
  cursor: pointer;
img:hover {
  --_i: 100%;
  transition: .3s, background-size .3s .3s;

As you can see, both gradients are almost identical. I am simply swapping the values of the size and position.

The Frame Rotation

This time we are not going to draw a frame around our image, but rather adjust the look of an existing one.

You are probably asking how the heck I am able to transform a straight line into an angled line. No, the magic is different than that. That’s just the illusion we get after combining simple animations for four gradients.

Let’s see how the animation for the top gradient is made:

I am simply updating the position of a repeating gradient. Nothing fancy yet! Let’s do the same for the right side:

Are you starting to see the trick? Both gradients intersect at the corner to create the illusion where the straight line is changed to an angled one. Let’s remove the outline and hide the overflow to better see it:

Now, we add two more gradients to cover the remaining edges and we are done:

img {
  --g: 4px; /* the gap */
  --b: 12px; /* border thickness*/
  --c: #669706; /* the color */

  padding: calc(var(--g) + var(--b));
  --_c: #0000 0 25%, var(--c) 0 50%;
  --_g1: repeating-linear-gradient(90deg ,var(--_c)) repeat-x;
  --_g2: repeating-linear-gradient(180deg,var(--_c)) repeat-y;
    var(--_g1) var(--_p, 25%) 0, 
    var(--_g2) 0 var(--_p, 125%),
    var(--_g1) var(--_p, 125%) 100%, 
    var(--_g2) 100% var(--_p, 25%);
  background-size: 200% var(--b), var(--b) 200%;
  transition: .3s;
img:hover {
  --_p: 75%;

If we take this code and slightly adjust it, we can get another cool animation:

Can you figure out the logic in this example? That’s your homework! The code may look scary but it uses the same logic as the previous examples we looked at. Try to isolate each gradient and imagine how it animates.

Wrapping up

That’s a lot of gradients in one article!

It sure is and I warned you! But if the challenge is to decorate an image without an extra elements and pseudo-elements, we are left with only a few possibilities and gradients are the most powerful option.

Don’t worry if you are a bit lost in some of the explanations. I always recommend some of my old articles where I go into greater detail with some of the concepts we recycled for this challenge.

I am gonna leave with one last demo to hold you over until the next article in this series. This time, I am using radial-gradient() to create another funny hover effect. I’ll let you dissect the code to grok how it works. Ask me questions in the comments if you get stuck!

Fancy Image Decorations series

  • Single Element Magic — you are here
  • Masks and Advanced Hover Effects (coming October 21 )
  • Outlines and Complex Animations (coming October 28 )

Fancy Image Decorations: Single Element Magic originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

CSS Grid and Custom Shapes, Part 2

Alright, so the last time we checked in, we were using CSS Grid and combining them with CSS clip-path and mask techniques to create grids with fancy shapes.

Here’s just one of the fantastic grids we made together:

Ready for the second round? We are still working with CSS Grid, clip-path, and mask, but by the end of this article, we’ll end up with different ways to arrange images on the grid, including some rad hover effects that make for an authentic, interactive experience to view pictures.

And guess what? We’re using the same markup that we used last time. Here’s that again:

<div class="gallery">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <!-- as many times as we want -->

Like the previous article, we only need a container with images inside. Nothing more!

Nested Image Grid

Last time, our grids were, well, typical image grids. Other than the neat shapes we masked them with, they were pretty standard symmetrical grids as far as how we positioned the images inside.

Let’s try nesting an image in the center of the grid:

We start by setting a 2✕2 grid for four images:

.gallery {
  --s: 200px; /* controls the image size */
  --g: 10px; /* controls the gap between images */

  display: grid;
  gap: var(--g);
  grid-template-columns: repeat(2, auto);
.gallery > img {
  width: var(--s);
  aspect-ratio: 1;
  object-fit: cover;

Nothing complex yet. The next step is to cut the corner of our images to create the space for the nested image. I already have a detailed article on how to cut corners using clip-path and mask. You can also use my online generator to get the CSS for masking corners.

What we need here is to cut out the corners at an angle equal to 90deg. We can use the same conic-gradient technique from that article to do that:

.gallery > img {
   mask: conic-gradient(from var(--_a), #0000 90deg, #000 0);
.gallery > img:nth-child(1) { --_a: 90deg; }
.gallery > img:nth-child(2) { --_a: 180deg; }
.gallery > img:nth-child(3) { --_a: 0deg; }
.gallery > img:nth-child(4) { --_a:-90deg; }

We could use the clip-path method for cutting corners from that same article, but masking with gradients is more suitable here because we have the same configuration for all the images — all we need is a rotation (defined with the variable --_a) get the effect, so we’re masking from the inside instead of the outside edges.

Two by two grid of images with a white square stacked on top in the center.

Now we can place the nested image inside the masked space. First, let’s make sure we have a fifth image element in the HTML:

<div class="gallery">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <img src="..." alt="...">

We are going to rely on the good ol’ absolute positioning to place it in there:

.gallery > img:nth-child(5) {
  position: absolute;
  inset: calc(50% - .5*var(--s));
  clip-path: inset(calc(var(--g) / 4));

The inset property allows us to place the image at the center using a single declaration. We know the size of the image (defined with the variable --s), and we know that the container’s size equals 100%. We do some math, and the distance from each edge should be equal to (100% - var(--s))/2.

Diagram of the widths needed to complete the design.

You might be wondering why we’re using clip-path at all here. We’re using it with the nested image to have a consistent gap. If we were to remove it, you would notice that we don’t have the same gap between all the images. This way, we’re cutting a little bit from the fifth image to get the proper spacing around it.

The complete code again:

.gallery {
  --s: 200px; /* controls the image size */
  --g: 10px;  /* controls the gap between images */
  display: grid;
  gap: var(--g);
  grid-template-columns: repeat(2, auto);
  position: relative;

.gallery > img {
  width: var(--s);
  aspect-ratio: 1;
  object-fit: cover;
  mask: conic-gradient(from var(--_a), #0000 90deg, #000 0);

.gallery > img:nth-child(1) {--_a: 90deg}
.gallery > img:nth-child(2) {--_a:180deg}
.gallery > img:nth-child(3) {--_a:  0deg}
.gallery > img:nth-child(4) {--_a:-90deg}
.gallery > img:nth-child(5) {
  position: absolute;
  inset: calc(50% - .5*var(--s));
  clip-path: inset(calc(var(--g) / 4));

Now, many of you might also be wondering: why all the complex stuff when we can place the last image on the top and add a border to it? That would hide the images underneath the nested image without a mask, right?

That’s true, and we will get the following:

No mask, no clip-path. Yes, the code is easy to understand, but there is a little drawback: the border color needs to be the same as the main background to make the illusion perfect. This little drawback is enough for me to make the code more complex in exchange for real transparency independent of the background. I am not saying a border approach is bad or wrong. I would recommend it in most cases where the background is known. But we are here to explore new stuff and, most important, build components that don’t depend on their environment.

Let’s try another shape this time:

This time, we made the nested image a circle instead of a square. That’s an easy task with border-radius But we need to use a circular cut-out for the other images. This time, though, we will rely on a radial-gradient() instead of a conic-gradient() to get that nice rounded look.

.gallery > img {
    radial-gradient(farthest-side at var(--_a),
      #0000 calc(50% + var(--g)/2), #000 calc(51% + var(--g)/2));
.gallery > img:nth-child(1) { --_a: calc(100% + var(--g)/2) calc(100% + var(--g)/2); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(2) { --_a: calc(0%   - var(--g)/2) calc(100% + var(--g)/2); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(3) { --_a: calc(100% + var(--g)/2) calc(0%   - var(--g)/2); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(4) { --_a: calc(0%   - var(--g)/2) calc(0%   - var(--g)/2); }

All the images use the same configuration as the previous example, but we update the center point each time.

Diagram showing the center values for each quadrant of the grid.

The above figure illustrates the center point for each circle. Still, in the actual code, you will notice that I am also accounting for the gap to ensure all the points are at the same position (the center of the grid) to get a continuous circle if we combine them.

Now that we have our layout let’s talk about the hover effect. In case you didn’t notice, a cool hover effect increases the size of the nested image and adjusts everything else accordingly. Increasing the size is a relatively easy task, but updating the gradient is more complicated since, by default, gradients cannot be animated. To overcome this, I will use a font-size hack to be able to animate the radial gradient.

If you check the code of the gradient, you can see that I am adding 1em:

    radial-gradient(farthest-side at var(--_a),
      #0000 calc(50% + var(--g)/2 + 1em), #000 calc(51% + var(--g)/2 + 1em));

It’s known that em units are relative to the parent element’s font-size, so changing the font-size of the .gallery will also change the computed em value — this is the trick we are using. We are animating the font-size from a value of 0 to a given value and, as a result, the gradient is animated, making the cut-out part larger, following the size of the nested image that is getting bigger.

Here is the code that highlights the parts involved in the hover effect:

.gallery {
  --s: 200px; /* controls the image size */
  --g: 10px; /* controls the gaps between images */

  font-size: 0; /* initially we have 1em = 0 */
  transition: .5s;
/* we increase the cut-out by 1em */
.gallery > img {
    radial-gradient(farthest-side at var(--_a),
      #0000 calc(50% + var(--g)/2 + 1em), #000 calc(51% + var(--g)/2 + 1em));
/* we increase the size by 2em */
.gallery > img:nth-child(5) {
  width: calc(var(--s) + 2em);
/* on hover 1em = S/5 */
.gallery:hover {
  font-size: calc(var(--s) / 5);

The font-size trick is helpful if we want to animate gradients or other properties that cannot be animated. Custom properties defined with @property can solve such a problem, but support for it is still lacking at the time of writing.

I discovered the font-size trick from @SelenIT2 while trying to solve a challenge on Twitter.

Another shape? Let’s go!

This time we clipped the nested image into the shape of a rhombus. I’ll let you dissect the code as an exercise to figure out how we got here. You will notice that the structure is the same as in our examples. The only differences are how we’re using the gradient to create the shape. Dig in and learn!

Circular Image Grid

We can combine what we’ve learned here and in previous articles to make an even more exciting image grid. This time, let’s make all the images in our grid circular and, on hover, expand an image to reveal the entire thing as it covers the rest of the photos.

The HTML and CSS structure of the grid is nothing new from before, so let’s skip that part and focus instead on the circular shape and hover effect we want.

We are going to use clip-path and its circle() function to — you guessed it! — cut a circle out of the images.

Showing the two states of an image, the natural state on the left, and the hovered state on the right, including the clip-path values to create them.

That figure illustrates the clip-path used for the first image. The left side shows the image’s initial state, while the right shows the hovered state. You can use this online tool to play and visualize the clip-path values.

For the other images, we can update the center of the circle (70% 70%) to get the following code:

.gallery > img:hover {
  --_c: 50%; /* same as "50% at 50% 50%" */
.gallery > img:nth-child(1) {
  clip-path: circle(var(--_c, 55% at 70% 70%));
.gallery > img:nth-child(2) {
  clip-path: circle(var(--_c, 55% at 30% 70%));
.gallery > img:nth-child(3) {
  clip-path: circle(var(--_c, 55% at 70% 30%));
.gallery > img:nth-child(4) {
  clip-path: circle(var(--_c, 55% at 30% 30%));

Note how we are defining the clip-path values as a fallback inside var(). This way allows us to more easily update the value on hover by setting the value of the --_c variable. When using circle(), the default position of the center point is 50% 50%, so we get to omit that for more concise code. That’s why you see that we are only setting 50% instead of 50% at 50% 50%.

Then we increase the size of our image on hover to the overall size of the grid so we can cover the other images. We also ensure the z-index has a higher value on the hovered image, so it is the top one in our stacking context.

.gallery {
  --s: 200px; /* controls the image size */
  --g: 8px;   /* controls the gap between images */

  display: grid;
  grid: auto-flow var(--s) / repeat(2, var(--s));
  gap: var(--g);

.gallery > img {
  width: 100%; 
  aspect-ratio: 1;
  cursor: pointer;
  z-index: 0;
  transition: .25s, z-index 0s .25s;
.gallery > img:hover {
  --_c: 50%; /* change the center point on hover */
  width: calc(200% + var(--g));
  z-index: 1;
  transition: .4s, z-index 0s;

.gallery > img:nth-child(1){
  clip-path: circle(var(--_c, 55% at 70% 70%));
  place-self: start;
.gallery > img:nth-child(2){
  clip-path: circle(var(--_c, 55% at 30% 70%));
  place-self: start end;
.gallery > img:nth-child(3){
  clip-path: circle(var(--_c, 55% at 70% 30%));
  place-self: end start;
.gallery > img:nth-child(4){
  clip-path: circle(var(--_c, 55% at 30% 30%));
  place-self: end;

What’s going on with the place-self property? Why do we need it and why does each image have a specific value?

Do you remember the issue we had in the previous article when creating the grid of puzzle pieces? We increased the size of the images to create an overflow, but the overflow of some images was incorrect. We fixed them using the place-self property.

Same issue here. We are increasing the size of the images so each one overflows its grid cells. But if we do nothing, all of them will overflow on the right and bottom sides of the grid. What we need is:

  1. the first image to overflow the bottom-right edge (the default behavior),
  2. the second image to overflow the bottom-left edge,
  3. the third image to overflow the top-right edge, and
  4. the fourth image to overflow the top-left edge.

To get that, we need to place each image correctly using the place-self property.

Diagram showing the place-self property values for each quadrant of the grid.

In case you are not familiar with place-self, it’s the shorthand for justify-self and align-self to place the element horizontally and vertically. When it takes one value, both alignments use that same value.

Expanding Image Panels

In a previous article, I created a cool zoom effect that applies to a grid of images where we can control everything: number of rows, number of columns, sizes, scale factor, etc.

A particular case was the classic expanding panels, where we only have one row and a full-width container.

We will take this example and combine it with shapes!

Before we continue, I highly recommend reading my other article to understand how the tricks we’re about to cover work. Check that out, and we’ll continue here to focus on creating the panel shapes.

First, let’s start by simplifying the code and removing some variables

We only need one row and the number of columns should adjust based on the number of images. That means we no longer need variables for the number of rows (--n) and columns (--m ) but we need to use grid-auto-flow: column, allowing the grid to auto-generate columns as we add new images. We will consider a fixed height for our container; by default, it will be full-width.

Let’s clip the images into a slanted shape:

A headshot of a calm red wolf looking downward with vertices overlayed showing the clip-path property points.
clip-path: polygon(S 0%, 100% 0%, (100% - S) 100%, 0% 100%);

Once again, each image is contained in its grid cell, so there’s more space between the images than we’d like:

A six-panel grid of slanted images of various wild animals showing the grid lines and gaps.

We need to increase the width of the images to create an overlap. We replace min-width: 100% with min-width: calc(100% + var(--s)), where --s is a new variable that controls the shape.

Now we need to fix the first and last images, so they sort of bleed off the page without gaps. In other words, we can remove the slant from the left side of the first image and the slant from the right side of the last image. We need a new clip-path specifically for those two images.

We also need to rectify the overflow. By default, all the images will overflow on both sides, but for the first one, we need an overflow on the right side while we need a left overflow for the last image.

.gallery > img:first-child {
  min-width: calc(100% + var(--s)/2);
  place-self: start;
  clip-path: polygon(0 0,100% 0,calc(100% - var(--s)) 100%,0 100%);
.gallery > img:last-child {
  min-width: calc(100% + var(--s)/2);
  place-self: end;
  clip-path: polygon(var(--s) 0,100% 0,100% 100%,0 100%);

The final result is a nice expanding panel of slanted images!

We can add as many images as you want, and the grid will adjust automatically. Plus, we only need to control one value to control the shape!

We could have made this same layout with flexbox since we are dealing with a single row of elements. Here is my implementation.

Sure, slanted images are cool, but what about a zig-zag pattern? I already teased this one at the end of the last article.

All I’m doing here is replacing clip-path with mask… and guess what? I already have a detailed article on creating that zig-zag shape — not to mention an online generator to get the code. See how all everything comes together?

The trickiest part here is to make sure the zig-zags are perfectly aligned, and for this, we need to add an offset for every :nth-child(odd) image element.

.gallery > img {
    conic-gradient(from -135deg at right, #0000, #000 1deg 89deg, #0000 90deg) 
      100% calc(50% + var(--_p, 0%))/51% calc(2*var(--s)) repeat-y,
    conic-gradient(from   45deg at left,  #0000, #000 1deg 89deg, #0000 90deg) 
      0%   calc(50% + var(--_p, 0%))/51% calc(2*var(--s)) repeat-y;
/* we add an offset to the odd elements */
.gallery > img:nth-child(odd) {
  --_p: var(--s);
.gallery > img:first-child {
    conic-gradient(from -135deg at right, #0000, #000 1deg 89deg, #0000 90deg) 
      0 calc(50% + var(--_p, 0%))/100% calc(2*var(--s));
.gallery > img:last-child {
    conic-gradient(from 45deg at left, #0000, #000 1deg 89deg, #0000 90deg) 
      0 calc(50% + var(--_p, 0%)) /100% calc(2*var(--s));

Note the use of the --_p variable, which will fall back to 0% but will be equal to --_s for the odd images.

Here is a demo that illustrates the issue. Hover to see how the offset — defined by --_p — is fixing the alignment.

Also, notice how we use a different mask for the first and last image as we did in the previous example. We only need a zig-zag on the right side of the first image and the left side of the last image.

And why not rounded sides? Let’s do it!

I know that the code may look scary and tough to understand, but all that’s going on is a combination of different tricks we’ve covered in this and other articles I’ve already shared. In this case, I use the same code structure as the zig-zag and the slanted shapes. Compare it with those examples, and you will find no difference! Those are the same tricks in my previous article about the zoom effect. Then, I am using my other writing and my online generator to get the code for the mask that creates those rounded shapes.

If you recall what we did for the zig-zag, we had used the same mask for all the images but then had to add an offset to the odd images to create a perfect overlap. In this case, we need a different mask for the odd-numbered images.

The first mask:

  linear-gradient(-90deg,#0000 calc(2*var(--s)),#000 0) var(--s),
  radial-gradient(var(--s),#000 98%,#0000) 50% / calc(2*var(--s)) calc(1.8*var(--s)) space repeat;

The second one:

  radial-gradient(calc(var(--s) + var(--g)) at calc(var(--s) + var(--g)) 50%,#0000 98% ,#000) 
  calc(50% - var(--s) - var(--g)) / 100% calc(1.8*var(--s))

The only effort I did here is update the second mask to include the gap variable (--g) to create that space between the images.

The final touch is to fix the first and last image. Like all the previous examples, the first image needs a straight left edge while the last one needs a straight right edge.

For the first image, we always know the mask it needs to have, which is the following:

.gallery > img:first-child {
    radial-gradient(calc(var(--s) + var(--g)) at right, #0000 98%, #000) 50% / 100% calc(1.8 * var(--s));
A brown bear headshot with a wavy pattern for the right border.

For the last image, it depends on the number of elements, so it matters if that element is :nth-child(odd) or :nth-child(even).

The complete grid of wild animal photos with all of the correct borders and gaps between images.
.gallery > img:last-child:nth-child(even) {
    linear-gradient(to right,#0000 var(--s),#000 0),
    radial-gradient(var(--s),#000 98%,#0000) left / calc(2*var(--s)) calc(1.8*var(--s)) repeat-y
A single-row grid of three wild animal photos with wavy borders where the last image is an odd-numbered element.
.gallery > img:last-child:nth-child(odd) {
    radial-gradient(calc(var(--s) + var(--g)) at left,#0000 98%,#000) 50% / 100% calc(1.8*var(--s))

That’s all! Three different layouts but the same CSS tricks each time:

  • the code structure to create the zoom effect
  • a mask or clip-path to create the shapes
  • a separate configuration for the odd elements in some cases to make sure we have a perfect overlap
  • a specific configuration for the first and last image to keep the shape on only one side.

And here is a big demo with all of them together. All you need is to add a class to activate the layout you want to see.

And here is the one with the Flexbox implementation

Wrapping up

Oof, we are done! I know there are many CSS tricks and examples between this article and the last one, not to mention all of the other tricks I’ve referenced here from other articles I’ve written. It took me time to put everything together, and you don’t have to understand everything at once. One reading will give you a good overview of all the layouts, but you may need to read the article more than once and focus on each example to grasp all the tricks.

Did you notice that we didn’t touch the HTML at all other than perhaps the number of images in the markup? All the layouts we made share the same HTML code, which is nothing but a list of images.

Before I end, I will leave you with one last example. It’s a “versus” between two anime characters with a cool hover effect.

What about you? Can you create something based on what you have learned? It doesn’t need to be complex — imagine something cool or funny like I did with that anime matchup. It can be a good exercise for you, and we may end with an excellent collection in the comment section.

CSS Grid and Custom Shapes, Part 2 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

CSS Grid and Custom Shapes, Part 1

In a previous article, I looked at CSS Grid’s ability to create complex layouts using its auto-placement powers. I took that one step further in another article that added a zooming hover effect to images in a grid layout. This time, I want to dive into another type of grid, one that works with shapes.

Like, what if the images aren’t perfectly square but instead are shaped like hexagons or rhombuses? Spoiler alert: we can do it. In fact, we’re going to combine CSS Grid techniques we’ve looked at and drop in some CSS clip-path and mask magic to create fancy grids of images for just about any shape you can imagine!

Let’s start with some markup

Most of the layouts we are going to look at may look easy to achieve at first glance, but the challenging part is to achieve them with the same HTML markup. We can use a lot of wrappers, divs, and whatnot, but the goal of this post is to use the same and smallest amount of HTML code and still get all the different grids we want. After all, what’s CSS but a way to separate styling and markup? Our styling should not depend on the markup, and vice versa.

This said, let’s start with this:

<div class="gallery">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <img src="..." alt="...">
  <!-- as many times as we want -->

A container with images is all that we need here. Nothing more!

CSS Grid of Hexagons

This is also sometimes referred to as a “honeycomb” grid.

There are already plenty of other blog posts out there that show how to make this. Heck, I wrote one here on CSS-Tricks! That article is still good and goes way deep on making a responsive layout. But for this specific case, we are going to rely on a much simpler CSS approach.

First, let’s use clip-path on the images to create the hexagon shape and we place all of them in the same grid area so they overlap.

.gallery {
  --s: 150px; /* controls the size */
  display: grid;

.gallery > img {
  grid-area: 1/1;
  width: var(--s);
  aspect-ratio: 1.15;
  object-fit: cover;
  clip-path: polygon(25% 0%, 75% 0%, 100% 50%, 75% 100%, 25% 100%, 0 50%);
clip-path: polygon(25% 0%, 75% 0%, 100% 50%, 75% 100%, 25% 100%, 0 50%)

Nothing fancy yet. All the images are hexagons and above each other. So it looks like all we have is a single hexagon-shaped image element, but there are really seven.

The next step is to apply a translation to the images to correctly place them on the grid.

Notice that we still want one of the images to remain in the center. The rest are placed around it using CSS translate and good ol’ fashioned geometry. Here’s are the mock formulas I came up with for each image in the grid:

translate((height + gap)*sin(0deg), (height + gap)*cos(0))
translate((height + gap)*sin(60deg), (height + gap)*cos(60deg))
translate((height + gap)*sin(120deg), (height + gap)*cos(120deg))
translate((height + gap)*sin(180deg), (height + gap)*cos(180deg))
translate((height + gap)*sin(240deg), (height + gap)*cos(240deg))
translate((height + gap)*sin(300deg), (height + gap)*cos(300deg))

A few calculations and optimization later (let’s skip that boring part, right?) we get the following CSS:

.gallery {
  --s: 150px; /* control the size */
  --g: 10px;  /* control the gap */
  display: grid;
.gallery > img {
  grid-area: 1/1;
  width: var(--s);
  aspect-ratio: 1.15;
  object-fit: cover;
  clip-path: polygon(25% 0%, 75% 0%, 100% 50% ,75% 100%, 25% 100%, 0 50%);
  transform: translate(var(--_x,0), var(--_y,0));
.gallery > img:nth-child(1) { --_y: calc(-100% - var(--g)); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(7) { --_y: calc( 100% + var(--g)); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(3),
.gallery > img:nth-child(5) { --_x: calc(-75% - .87*var(--g)); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(4),
.gallery > img:nth-child(6) { --_x: calc( 75% + .87*var(--g)); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(3),
.gallery > img:nth-child(4) { --_y: calc(-50% - .5*var(--g)); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(5), 
.gallery > img:nth-child(6) { --_y: calc( 50% + .5*var(--g)); }

Maybe that’ll be easier when we get real trigonometry functions in CSS!

Each image is translated by the --_x and --_y variables that are based on those formulas. Only the second image (nth-child(2)) is undefined in any selector because it’s the one in the center. It can be any image if you decide to use a different order. Here’s the order I’m using:

With only a few lines of code, we get a cool grid of images. To this, I added a little hover effect to the images to make things fancier.

Guess what? We can get another hexagon grid by simply updating a few values.

If you check the code and compare it with the previous one you will notice that I have simply swapped the values inside clip-path and I switched between --x and --y. That’s all!

CSS Grid of Rhombuses

Rhombus is such a fancy word for a square that’s rotated 45 degrees.

Same HTML, remember? We first start by defining a 2×2 grid of images in CSS:

.gallery {
  --s: 150px; /* controls the size */

  display: grid;
  gap: 10px;
  grid: auto-flow var(--s) / repeat(2, var(--s));
  place-items: center;
.gallery > img {
  width: 100%; 
  aspect-ratio: 1;
  object-fit: cover;

The first thing that might catch your eye is the grid property. It’s pretty uncommonly used but is super helpful in that it’s a shorthand that lets you define a complete grid in one declaration. It’s not the most intuitive — and not to mention readable — property, but we are here to learn and discover new things, so let’s use it rather than writing out all of the individual grid properties.

grid: auto-flow var(--s) / repeat(2,var(--s));

/* is equivalent to this: */
grid-template-columns: repeat(2, var(--s));
grid-auto-rows: var(--s);

This defines two columns equal to the --s variable and sets the height of all the rows to --s as well. Since we have four images, we will automatically get a 2×2 grid.

Here’s another way we could have written it:

grid-template-columns: repeat(2, var(--s));
grid-template-rows: repeat(2, var(--s));

…which can be reduced with the grid shorthand:

grid: repeat(2,var(--s)) / repeat(2,var(--s));

After setting the grid, we rotate it and the images with CSS transforms and we get this:

Note how I rotate them both by 45deg, but in the opposite direction.

.gallery {
  /* etc. */
  transform: rotate(45deg);
.gallery > img {
  /* etc. */
  transform: rotate(-45deg);

Rotating the images in the negative direction prevents them from getting rotated with the grid so they stay straight. Now, we apply a clip-path to clip a rhombus shape out of them.

clip-path: polygon(50% 0, 100% 50%, 50% 100%, 0 50%)

We are almost done! We need to rectify the size of the image to make them fit together. Otherwise, they’re spaced far apart to the point where it doesn’t look like a grid of images.

The image is within the boundary of the green circle, which is the inscribed circle of the grid area where the image is placed. What we want is to make the image bigger to fit inside the red circle, which is the circumscribed circle of the grid area.

Don’t worry, I won’t introduce any more boring geometry. All you need to know is that the relationship between the radius of each circle is the square root of 2 (sqrt(2)). This is the value we need to increase the size of our images to fill the area. We will use 100%*sqrt(2) = 141% and be done!

.gallery {
  --s: 150px; /* control the size */

  display: grid;
  grid: auto-flow var(--s) / repeat(2,var(--s));
  gap: 10px;
  place-items: center;
  transform: rotate(45deg);
.gallery > img {
  width: 141%; /* 100%*sqrt(2) = 141% */
  aspect-ratio: 1;
  object-fit: cover;
  transform: rotate(-45deg);
  clip-path: polygon(50% 0, 100% 50%, 50% 100%, 0 50%);

Like the hexagon grid, we can make things fancier with that nice zooming hover effect:

CSS Grid of Triangular Shapes

You probably know by now that the big trick is figuring out the clip-path to get the shapes we want. For this grid, each element has its own clip-path value whereas the last two grids worked with a consistent shape. So, this time around, it’s like we’re working with a few different triangular shapes that come together to form a rectangular grid of images.

The three images at the top
The three images at the bottom

We place them inside a 3×2 grid with the following CSS:

.gallery {
  display: grid;
  gap: 10px; 
  grid-template-columns: auto auto auto; /* 3 columns */
  place-items: center;
.gallery > img {
  width: 200px; /* controls the size */
  aspect-ratio: 1;
  object-fit: cover;
/* the clip-path values */
.gallery > img:nth-child(1) { clip-path: polygon(0 0, 50% 0, 100% 100% ,0 100%); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(2) { clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 50% 100%); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(3) { clip-path: polygon(50% 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(4) { clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 50% 100%, 0 100%); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(5) { clip-path: polygon(50% 0, 100% 100%, 0% 100%); }
.gallery > img:nth-child(6) { clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0 ,100% 100%, 50% 100%); } }

Here’s what we get:

The final touch is to make the width of the middle column equal 0 to get rid of the spaces between the images. The same sort of spacing problem we had with the rhombus grid, but with a different approach for the shapes we’re using:

grid-template-columns: auto 0 auto;

I had to fiddle with the clip-path values to make sure they would all appear to fit together nicely like a puzzle. The original images overlap when the middle column has zero width, but after slicing the images, the illusion is perfect:

CSS Pizza Pie Grid

Guess what? We can get another cool grid by simply adding border-radius and overflow to our grid or triangular shapes. 🎉

CSS Grid of Puzzle Pieces

This time we are going to play with the CSS mask property to make the images look like pieces of a puzzle.

If you haven’t used mask with CSS gradients, I highly recommend this other article I wrote on the topic because it’ll help with what comes next. Why gradients? Because that’s what we’re using to get the round notches in the puzzle piece shapes.

Setting up the grid should be a cinch by now, so let’s focus instead on the mask part.

As illustrated in the above demo, we need two gradients to create the final shape. One gradient creates a circle (the green part) and the other creates the right curve while filling in the top part.

--g: 6px; /* controls the gap */
--r: 42px;  /* control the circular shapes */

  radial-gradient(var(--r) at left 50% bottom var(--r), green 95%, #0000),
  radial-gradient(calc(var(--r) + var(--g)) at calc(100% + var(--g)) 50%, #0000 95%, red)
  top/100% calc(100% - var(--r)) no-repeat;

Two variables control the shape. The --g variable is nothing but the grid gap. We need to account for the gap to correctly place our circles so they overlap perfectly when the whole puzzle is assembled. The --r variable controls the size of circular parts of the puzzle shape.

Now we take the same CSS and update a few values in it to create the three other shapes:

We have the shapes, but not the overlapping edges we need to make them fit together. Each image is limited to the grid cell it’s in, so it makes sense why the shapes are sort of jumbled at the moment:

We need to create an overflow by increasing the height/width of the images. From the above figure, we have to increase the height of the first and fourth images while we increase the width of the second and third ones. You have probably already guessed that we need to increase them using the --r variable.

.gallery > img:is(:nth-child(1),:nth-child(4)) {
  width: 100%;
  height: calc(100% + var(--r));
.gallery > img:is(:nth-child(2),:nth-child(3)) {
  height: 100%;
  width: calc(100% + var(--r));

We are getting closer!

We created the overlap but, by default, our images either overlap on the right (if we increase the width) or the bottom (if we increase the height). But that’s not what we want for the second and fourth images. The fix is to use place-self: end on those two images and our full code becomes this:

Here is another example where I am using a conic gradient instead of a radial gradient. This gives us triangular puzzle pieces while keeping the same underlying HTML and CSS.

A last one! This time I am using clip-path and since it’s a property we can animate, we get a cool hover by simply updating the custom property that controls the shape.

Wrapping up

That’s all for this first part! By combining the things we’ve already learned about CSS Grid with some added clip-path and mask magic, we were able to make grid layouts featuring different kinds of shapes. And we used the same HTML markup each time! And the markup itself is nothing more than a container with a handful of image elements!

In the second part, we are going to explore more complex-looking grids with more fancy shapes and hover effects.

I’m planning to take the demo of expanding image panels we made together in this other article:

…and transform it into a zig-zag image panels! And this is only one example among the many we will discover in the next article.

CSS Grid and Custom Shapes, Part 1 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Single Element Loaders: Going 3D!

For this fourth and final article of our little series on single-element loaders, we are going to explore 3D patterns. When creating a 3D element, it’s hard to imagine that just one HTML element is enough to simulate something like all six faces of a cube. But  maybe we can get away with something more cube-like instead by showing only the front three sides of the shape — it’s totally possible and that’s what we’re going to do together.

Article series

The split cube loader

Here is a 3D loader where a cube is split into two parts, but is only made with only a single element:

Each half of the cube is made using a pseudo-element:

Cool, right?! We can use a conic gradient with CSS clip-path on the element’s ::before and ::after pseudos to simulate the three visible faces of a 3D cube. Negative margin is what pulls the two pseudos together to overlap and simulate a full cube. The rest of our work is mostly animating those two halves to get neat-looking loaders!

Let’s check out a visual that explains the math behind the clip-path points used to create this cube-like element:

We have our variables and an equation, so let’s put those to work. First, we’ll establish our variables and set the sizing for the main .loader element:

.loader {
  --s: 150px; /* control the size */
  --_d: calc(0.353 * var(--s)); /* 0.353 = sin(45deg)/2 */

  width: calc(var(--s) + var(--_d)); 
  aspect-ratio: 1;
  display: flex;

Nothing too crazy so far. We have a 150px square that’s set up as a flexible container. Now we establish our pseudos:

.loader::after {
  content: "";
  flex: 1;

Those are two halves in the .loader container. We need to paint them in, so that’s where our conic gradient kicks in:

.loader::after {
  content: "";
  flex: 1;
    conic-gradient(from -90deg at calc(100% - var(--_d)) var(--_d),
    #fff 135deg, #666 0 270deg, #aaa 0);

The gradient is there, but it looks weird. We need to clip it to the element:

.loader::after {
  content: "";
  flex: 1;
    conic-gradient(from -90deg at calc(100% - var(--_d)) var(--_d),
    #fff 135deg, #666 0 270deg, #aaa 0);
    polygon(var(--_d) 0, 100% 0, 100% calc(100% - var(--_d)), calc(100% - var(--_d)) 100%, 0 100%, 0 var(--_d));

Let’s make sure the two halves overlap with a negative margin:

.loader::before {
  margin-right: calc(var(--_d) / -2);

.loader::after {
  margin-left: calc(var(--_d) / -2);

Now let’s make ‘em move!

.loader::after {
  /* same as before */
  animation: load 1.5s infinite cubic-bezier(0, .5, .5, 1.8) alternate;

.loader::after {
  /* same as before */
  animation-delay: -.75s

@keyframes load{
  0%, 40%   { transform: translateY(calc(var(--s) / -4)) }
  60%, 100% { transform: translateY(calc(var(--s) / 4)) }

Here’s the final demo once again:

The progress cube loader

Let’s use the same technique to create a 3D progress loader. Yes, still only one element!

We’re not changing a thing as far as simulating the cube the same way we did before, other than changing the loader’s height and aspect ratio. The animation we’re making relies on a surprisingly easy technique where we update the width of the left side while the right side fills the remaining space, thanks to flex-grow: 1.

The first step is to add some transparency to the right side using opacity:

This simulates the effect that one side of the cube is filled in while the other is empty. Then we update the color of the left side. To do that, we either update the three colors inside the conic gradient or we do it by adding a background color with a background-blend-mode:

.loader::before {
  background-color: #CC333F; /* control the color here */
  background-blend-mode: multiply;

This trick only allows us to update the color only once. The right side of the loader blends in with the three shades of white from the conic gradient to create three new shades of our color, even though we’re only using one color value. Color trickery!

Let’s animate the width of the loader’s left side:

Oops, the animation is a bit strange at the beginning! Notice how it sort of starts outside of the cube? This is because we’re starting the animation at the 0% width. But due to the clip-path and negative margin we’re using, what we need to do instead is start from our --_d variable, which we used to define the clip-path points and the negative margin:

@keyframes load {
  5% {width: var(--_d); }
  100% {width: 100%; }

That’s a little better:

But we can make this animation even smoother. Did you notice we’re missing a little something? Let me show you a screenshot to compare what the final demo should look like with that last demo:

It’s the bottom face of the cube! Since the second element is transparent, we need to see the bottom face of that rectangle as you can see in the left example. It’s subtle, but should be there!

We can add a gradient to the main element and clip it like we did with the pseudos:

background: linear-gradient(#fff1 0 0) bottom / 100% var(--_d) no-repeat;

Here’s the full code once everything is pulled together:

.loader {
  --s: 100px; /* control the size */
  --_d: calc(0.353*var(--s)); /* 0.353 = sin(45deg) / 2 */

  height: var(--s); 
  aspect-ratio: 3;
  display: flex;
  background: linear-gradient(#fff1 0 0) bottom / 100% var(--_d) no-repeat;
  clip-path: polygon(var(--_d) 0, 100% 0, 100% calc(100% - var(--_d)), calc(100% - var(--_d)) 100%, 0 100%, 0 var(--_d));
.loader::after {
  content: "";
  clip-path: inherit;
    conic-gradient(from -90deg at calc(100% - var(--_d)) var(--_d),
     #fff 135deg, #666 0 270deg, #aaa 0);
.loader::before {
  background-color: #CC333F; /* control the color here */
  background-blend-mode: multiply;
  margin-right: calc(var(--_d) / -2);
  animation: load 2.5s infinite linear;
.loader:after {
  flex: 1;
  margin-left: calc(var(--_d) / -2);
  opacity: 0.4;

@keyframes load {
  5% { width: var(--_d); }
  100% { width: 100%; }

That’s it! We just used a clever technique that uses pseudo-elements, conic gradients, clipping, background blending, and negative margins to get, not one, but two sweet-looking 3D loaders with nothing more than a single element in the markup.

More 3D

We can still go further and simulate an infinite number of 3D cubes using one element — yes, it’s possible! Here’s a grid of cubes:

This demo and the following demos are unsupported in Safari at the time of writing.

Crazy, right? Now we’re creating a repeated pattern of cubes made using a single element… and no pseudos either! I won’t go into fine detail about the math we are using (there are very specific numbers in there) but here is a figure to visualize how we got here:

We first use a conic-gradient to create the repeating cube pattern. The repetition of the pattern is controlled by three variables:

  • --size: True to its name, this controls the size of each cube.
  • --m: This represents the number of columns.
  • --n: This is the number of rows.
  • --gap: this the gap or distance between the cubes
.cube {
  --size: 40px; 
  --m: 4; 
  --n: 5;
  --gap :10px;

  aspect-ratio: var(--m) / var(--n);
  width: calc(var(--m) * (1.353 * var(--size) + var(--gap)));
    conic-gradient(from -90deg at var(--size) calc(0.353 * var(--size)),
      #249FAB 135deg, #81C5A3 0 270deg, #26609D 0) /* update the colors here */
    0 0 / calc(100% / var(--m)) calc(100% / var(--n));

Then we apply a mask layer using another pattern having the same size. This is the trickiest part of this idea. Using a combination of a linear-gradient and a conic-gradient we will cut a few parts of our element to keep only the cube shapes visible.

.cube {
  /* etc. */
    linear-gradient(to bottom right,
       #0000 calc(0.25 * var(--size)),
       #000 0 calc(100% - calc(0.25 * var(--size)) - 1.414 * var(--gap)),
       #0000 0),
    conic-gradient(from -90deg at right var(--gap) bottom var(--gap), #000 90deg, #0000 0);  
  mask-size: calc(100% / var(--m)) calc(100% / var(--n));
  mask-composite: intersect;

The code may look a bit complex but thanks to CSS variables all we need to do is to update a few values to control our matrix of cubes. Need a 10⨉10 grid? Update the --m and --n variables to 10. Need a wider gap between cubes? Update the --gap value. The color values are only used once, so update those for a new color palette!

Now that we have another 3D technique, let’s use it to build variations of the loader by playing around with different animations. For example, how about a repeating pattern of cubes sliding infinitely from left to right?

This loader defines four cubes in a single row. That means our --n value is 4 and --m is equal to 1 . In other words, we no longer need these!

Instead, we can work with the --size and --gap variables in a grid container:

.loader {
  --size: 70px;
  --gap: 15px;  

  width: calc(3 * (1.353 * var(--size) + var(--gap)));
  display: grid;
  aspect-ratio: 3;

This is our container. We have four cubes, but only want to show three in the container at a time so that we always have one sliding in as one is sliding out. That’s why we are factoring the width by 3 and have the aspect ratio set to 3 as well.

Let’s make sure that our cube pattern is set up for the width of four cubes. We’re going to do this on the container’s ::before pseudo-element:

.loader::before { 
  content: "";
  width: calc(4 * 100% / 3);
     Code to create four cubes

Now that we have four cubes in a three-cube container, we can justify the cube pattern to the end of the grid container to overflow it, showing the last three cubes:

.loader {
  /* same as before */
  justify-content: end;

Here’s what we have so far, with a red outline to show the bounds of the grid container:

Now all we have to do is to move the pseudo-element to the right by adding our animation:

@keyframes load {
  to { transform: translate(calc(100% / 4)); }

Did you get the trick of the animation? Let’s finish this off by hiding the overflowing cube pattern and by adding a touch of masking to create that fading effect that the start and the end:

.loader {
  --size: 70px;
  --gap: 15px;  
  width: calc(3*(1.353*var(--s) + var(--g)));
  display: grid;
  justify-items: end;
  aspect-ratio: 3;
  overflow: hidden;
  mask: linear-gradient(90deg, #0000, #000 30px calc(100% - 30px), #0000);

We can make this a lot more flexible by introducing a variable, --n, to set how many cubes are displayed in the container at once. And since the total number of cubes in the pattern should be one more than --n, we can express that as calc(var(--n) + 1).

Here’s the full thing:

OK, one more 3D loader that’s similar but has the cubes changing color in succession instead of sliding:

We’re going to rely on an animated background with background-blend-mode for this one:

.loader {
  /* ... */
    linear-gradient(#ff1818 0 0) 0% / calc(100% / 3) 100% no-repeat,
    /* ... */;
  background-blend-mode: multiply;
  /* ... */
  animation: load steps(3) 1.5s infinite;
@keyframes load {
  to { background-position: 150%; }

I’ve removed the superfluous code used to create the same layout as the last example, but with three cubes instead of four. What I am adding here is a gradient defined with a specific color that blends with the conic gradient, just as we did earlier for the progress bar 3D loader.

From there, it’s animating the background gradient’s background-position as a three-step animation to make the cubes blink colors one at a time.

If you are not familiar with the values I am using for background-position and the background syntax, I highly recommend one of my previous articles and one of my Stack Overflow answers. You will find a very detailed explanation there.

Can we update the number of cubes to make it variables?

Yes, I do have a solution for that, but I’d like you to take a crack at it rather than embedding it here. Take what we have learned from the previous example and try to do the same with this one — then share your work in the comments!

Variations galore!

Like the other three articles in this series, I’d like to leave you with some inspiration to go forth and create your own loaders. Here is a collection that includes the 3D loaders we made together, plus a few others to get your imagination going:

That’s a wrap

I sure do hope you enjoyed spending time making single element loaders with me these past few weeks. It’s crazy that we started with seemingly simple spinner and then gradually added new pieces to work ourselves all the way up to 3D techniques that still only use a single element in the markup. This is exactly what CSS looks like when we harness its powers: scalable, flexible, and reusable.

Thanks again for reading this little series! I’ll sign off by reminding you that I have a collection of more than 500 loaders if you’re looking for more ideas and inspiration.

Article series

Single Element Loaders: Going 3D! originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Tricks to Cut Corners Using CSS Mask and Clip-Path Properties

We recently covered creating fancy borders with CSS mask properties, and now we are going to cut the corners with CSS mask and clip-path! A lot of techniques exist to cut different shapes from the corners of any element. In this article, we will consider modern techniques to create unique corner shapes while trying to work from reusable code that allows us to produce different results by adjusting variables.

Check this online tool to get an idea of what we are building. It’s a CSS generator where you select the shape, the corners, and the size then you get the code in no time!

We mainly have two types of cuts: a circular one and an angled one. For each, we can get the full shape or the border-only shape, not to mention that we can select the corners we want to cut. A lot of combinations!

Like in the previous article, we will make lots of use of the CSS mask property. So, if you are not familiar with it, I recommend reading the quick primer I wrote before continuing.

Circular cut-out

For a circular or rounded cut, we will use radial-gradient(). To cut four corners, the logical solution is to create four gradients, one for each corner:

Each gradient is taking a quarter of the element’s dimensions. The syntax of the gradient is self-explanatory:

radial-gradient(circle 30px at top left, #0000 98%, red) top left;

Translated, this renders a circle at the top-left corner with a 30px radius. The main color is transparent (#0000) and the remaining is red. The whole gradient is also placed so that it starts at the element’s top-left corner. Same logic for the three other gradients. The keyword circle can be omitted since we explicitly specified one value for the radius.

Like I did in the previous article, I will be using slightly bigger or smaller values this time around in order to avoid bad visual result. Here, I am using 98% instead of 100% to avoid jagged edges and 51% instead of 50% to create an overlap between gradients and avoid white spaces. This logic will follow throughout this article. In fact, you will find that adding or removing 1% or 1deg typically results in a nice visual.

We apply this to the CSS mask property and we are done!

We can actually optimize that code a little:

--g: #0000 98%,#000;
--r: 30px;
  radial-gradient(var(--r) at 0    0   ,var(--g)) 0    0,
  radial-gradient(var(--r) at 100% 0   ,var(--g)) 100% 0,
  radial-gradient(var(--r) at 0    100%,var(--g)) 0    100%,
  radial-gradient(var(--r) at 100% 100%,var(--g)) 100% 100%;
mask-size: 51% 51%;
mask-repeat: no-repeat;

This way, we use custom properties for the redundant values and, as a personal preference, I am using numeric values for the positions instead of keywords.

In the generator, I will use the following syntax:

--g: #0000 98%,#000;
--r: 30px;
  radial-gradient(var(--r) at 0    0   ,var(--g)) 0    0   /51% 51% no-repeat,
  radial-gradient(var(--r) at 100% 0   ,var(--g)) 100% 0   /51% 51% no-repeat,
  radial-gradient(var(--r) at 0    100%,var(--g)) 0    100%/51% 51% no-repeat,
  radial-gradient(var(--r) at 100% 100%,var(--g)) 100% 100%/51% 51% no-repeat;

The shorthand syntax is easier to generate plus the whole value can be used as one custom property.

Can we use fewer gradients if we want?

Sure! One gradient can do the job. Hover the below to see the trick:

Here, we define one radial-gradient() with no size (by default it is 100% height and 100% width). This gives us a hole in the center. We translate/move the gradient by half the width and height of the image to move the hole to one corner. Since, by default, the CSS mask repeats, we get the same on each corner. We have four cut corners with only one gradient!

The only drawback of this method is that we need to know the width and height of the element in advance.

Can’t we use -50% instead of half the width and height?

Unfortunately, we’re unable to do that here because percentages doesn’t behave the same as pixel values when used with the CSS mask-position property. They’re tricky.

I have a detailed Stack Overflow answer that explains the difference. It deals with background-position but the same logic applies to the CSS mask-position property.

However, we can use some tricks to make it work with percentage values and without the need to know the width or the height. When a gradient (or a background layer) has a width and height equal to the element, we cannot move it using percentage values. So we need to change its size!

I will define a size equal to 99.5% 99.5%. I am reducing 0.5% from the width and the height to have a value different from 100% and at the same time keep the same visual result since we won’t notice a big difference between 100% and 99.5%. Now that our gradient has a size different from 100% we can move it using percentage values.

I will not detail all the math, but to move it by half the width and the height we need to use this equation:

100% * (50/(100 - 99.5)) = 100% * 100 = 10000%

It’s a strange value but it does the job:

As you can see, the trick works just fine. Whatever the size of the element is, we can cut four corners using only one gradient. However, this method has a small drawback when the width or the height of the element is a decimal value. Here is an example with an image having a width equal to 150.5px:

The use of 99.5% combined with 150.5px will create rounding issues that will break the calculation, resulting in the mask being misaligned. So, use this method with caution.

To overcome the rounding issue, we can combine the last trick with a pseudo-element. Here is a step-by-step illustration to understand the idea:

Here’s what going on in there:

  1. We define a pseudo-element that behaves as our background layer. Logically, we should use inset:0 to make it cover the entire area, but we will create a small overflow by using inset: -10% meaning that the pseudo element will overflow each side by 10%.
  2. We set our CSS mask to the pseudo-element. The mask size needs to match the size of the main element, not the pseudo-element. In other words, it will be smaller than the size of the pseudo-element and this is what we want to be able to move using percentage values. After we do the math, the size needs to be 100%/1.2. Notice in the demo above that the CSS mask is within the green border so that it matches the size of the container.
  3. Now, we need to move it in a way that simulates cutting the corner of the main element. The center of the hole needs to be in the corner of the main element, as illustrated in the demo. To do this, we use mask-position: 300% 300% ( 300% = 50%/(1 - 1/1.2) ).
  4. We remove no-repeat to activate the repetition and get the same effect for every corner.
  5. We clip the overflow and we get our final result!

I know it’s a bit overkill, but it does work and it requires only one gradient instead of four.

Let’s quickly recap the three methods we just covered:

  • The first method uses four gradients and has no drawbacks as far as usage. Sure, it’s verbose but it works with any kind of element and size. I recommend using this one.
  • The second method uses one gradient and works with any element, but it can break in some particular cases. It’s suitable with fixed-size elements. It’s ok to use, but maybe less frequently.
  • The third method uses one gradient and requires a pseudo-element. It won’t work with <img> and other elements that unable to support a pseudo-element.

The generator only supports the first and third methods.

Now that we saw the case with all the corners, let’s disable some of them. Using the first method, any corner we want to keep uncut we simply remove its gradient and adjust the size of what remains.

To disable the top-right corner:

  • We remove the top-right gradient (the blue one).
  • We have an empty corner, so we increase the size of the red gradient (or the purple one) to cover that leftover space.


You probably see just how many possibilities and combinations we can do here. If we want to cut N corners (where N ranges from 1 to 4), we use N gradients. All we need is to correctly set the size of each one to leave no space.

What about the other methods where there’s only one gradient? We will need another gradient! Those two methods use only one radial-gradient() to cut the corners, so we will rely on another gradient to “hide” the cut. We can use a conic-gradient() with four sections for this task:

conic-gradient(red 25%, blue 0 50%, green 0 75%, purple 0)

We add it on the top of the radial gradient to get the following:

The conic-gradient() covers the radial-gradient() and no corner is cut. Let’s change one color in the conic-gradient() to transparent. The one at the top-right, for example:

Did you see that? We revealed one corner of the radial-gradient() and we end with one cut corner!

Now let’s do the same thing, but for the bottom-left corner.

I think you probably get the trick by now. By changing the colors of the conic-gradient() from opaque to transparent, we reveal the corners we want to cut and gain all kinds of possible combinations. The same can be done with the third method.

Circular border-only cut-out

Let’s make the border-only version of the previous shape. In other words, we achieve the same shape but knock out the fill so all we’re left with is a border of the shape.

This is a bit tricky because we have different cases with different code. Fair warning, I will be using a lot of gradients here while finding opportunities to trim the number of them.

It should be noted that we will consider a pseudo-element in this case. Showing only the border means we need to hide the inner “fill” of the shape. Applying this to the main element will also hide the content — that’s why this is a nice use case for a pseudo-element.

One cut corner

This one needs one radial gradient and two conic gradients:

The first example illustrates the radial gradient (in red) and both conic gradients (in blue and green). In the second example, we apply all of them inside the CSS mask property to create the border-only shape with one cut corner.

Diagram zoomed in on two corners of a rectangle and another where the CSS mask is placed.
Here’s a diagram of the game plan.

As the diagram shows, the radial-gradient() creates the quarter of a circle and each conic-gradient() creates two perpendicular segments to cover two sides. It should be noted that overlapping gradients is not an issue since we are not going to change the CSS mask-composite property value.

Using the same code an adjusting a few variables, we can get the shape for the other corners.

Two cut corners

For the two-corner configuration we have two situations taking place.

In the first situation, there are two opposite corners where we need two radial gradients and two conic gradients.

The configuration is almost the same as cutting only one corner: we add an extra gradient and update a few variables.

In the second situation, there are two adjacent corners and, in this case, we need two radial gradients, one conic gradient, and one linear gradient.

“Wait!” you might exclaim. “How come the conic gradient covers three sides?” If you check the code, notice the repeat-y. In all of the examples, we always used no-repeat for the gradients, but for this we can repeat one of them to cover more sides and reduce the number of gradients we use.

Here is an example with only the conic-gradient() to understand the repetition. The trick is to have a height equal to 100% minus the border size so that the gradient fills that space when repeating, which covers the third side in the process.

Three cut corners

For this configuration, we need three radial gradients, one conic gradient, and two linear gradients.

Four corners cut

It takes four radial gradients and two linear gradients to cut all four corners.

I can hear you screaming, “How the heck am I supposed to memorize all these cases?!” You don’t need to memorize anything since you can easily generate the code for each case using the online generator. All you need is to understand the overall trick rather than each individual case. That’s why I’ve only gone into fine detail on the first configurations — the rest are merely iterations that tweak the initial foundation of the trick.

Notice there’s a general pattern we’ve been following throughout the examples:

  1. We add a radial-gradient() on the corners we want to cut.
  2. We fill the sides using either a conic-gradient() or a linear-gradient() to create the final shape.

It should be noted that we can find different ways to create the same shape. What I am showing in this post are the methods I found to be best after trying lots of other ideas. You may have a different approach you consider to be better! If so, definitely share it in the comments!

Angled cut-out

Let’s tackle another type of cut shape: the angled cut.

We have two parameters: the size and angle of the cut. To get the shape, we need a conic-gradient() for each corner. This configuration is very similar to the example that kicked off this article.

Here is an illustration of one corner to understand the trick:

The difference between each corner is an extra offset of 90deg in from and the at position. The full code is like below:

--size: 30px;
--angle: 130deg;

--g: #0000 var(--angle), #000 0;
  conic-gradient(from calc(var(--angle)/-2 -  45deg) 
    at top    var(--size) left  var(--size),var(--g)) top left,
  conic-gradient(from calc(var(--angle)/-2 + 45deg) 
    at top    var(--size) right var(--size),var(--g)) top right,
  conic-gradient(from calc(var(--angle)/-2 - 135deg) 
    at bottom var(--size) left  var(--size),var(--g)) bottom left,
  conic-gradient(from calc(var(--angle)/-2 + 135deg) 
    at bottom var(--size) right var(--size),var(--g)) bottom right;
mask-size: 51% 51%;
mask-repeat: no-repeat;

If we want to disable one corner, we remove the conic-gradient() for that corner and update the size of another one to fill the remaining space exactly like we did with the circular cut. Here’s how that looks for one corner:

We can do the exact same thing for all the other corners to get the same effect.

In addition to CSS mask, we can also use the CSS clip-path property to cut the corners. Each corner can be defined with three points.

Zooming in on a corner of the shape showing the three points that form the angled cut.
The shape consists of two points at each end of the cut, and one between them to form the angle.

The other corners will have the same value with an offset of 100%. This gives us the final code with a total of 12 points — three per corner.

/* I will define T = [1-tan((angle-90)/2)]*size */
clip-path: polygon(
  /* Top-left corner */
  0 T, size size,0 T, /* OR 0 0 */
  /* Top-right corner */
  calc(100% - T) 0,calc(100% - size) size,100% T, /* OR  100% 0 */
  /* Bottom-right corner*/
  100% calc(100% - T),calc(100% - size) calc(100% - size), calc(100% - T) 100%, /* OR 100% 100% */
  /* Bottom-left corner */ 
  T 100%, size calc(100% - size),0 calc(100% - T) /* OR 0 100% */

Notice the OR comments in that code. It defines the code we have to consider if we want to disable a particular corner. To cut a corner, we use three points. To uncut a corner, we use one point — which is nothing but the coordinate of that corner.

Border-only angled cut

Oof, we have reached the last and trickiest shape at last! This one can be achieved with either gradients or clip-path, but let’s go with the clip-path approach.

Things would get complex and verbose if we go with the gradient approach. Here’s a demo that illustrates that point:

There are nine gradients total, and I am still not done with the calculation. As you can tell, the thickness of the border is incorrect, plus the final result is unsatisfying due to the nature of gradients and their anti-aliasing issues. This approach might be a good exercise to push the limit of gradients, but I don’t recommend it in a production environment.

So, back to the clip-path method. We will still wind up with verbose code, but less of a big deal since the generator can do the job for us with a cleaner end result.

Here is an overview of the path. I am adding a small gap to better see the different points but we should have an overlap of points instead.

We have 13 outer points (the ones in black) and 13 inner points (the ones in blue).

The way we calculate the outer points is the same as how we did it for the regular angled cut. For the inner points, however, we need more math. Don’t worry, I’ll spare you some “boring” geometry explanation for this one. I know most of you don’t want it, but in case you need to dig into this, you can check the JavaScript file of the generator to find the code and the math I am using to generate the shape.

The 180deg special case

Before we end, there’s a special case for the angle cut I want to call out. It’s where we use an angle equal to 180deg. Here’s what that produces:

We have a straight line on the corner so we can optimize the clip-path code. For the full shape, we can use eight points (two points per corner) instead of 12. And for the border-only version, we can use 18 points (nine inner points and outer points) instead of 26. In other words, we can remove the middle point.

The border-only shape can also be made using gradients. But rather than using nine gradients like we did before, we can get away with only four linear gradients and a clean result.


We just combined CSS masks with gradients to create some fancy shapes without resorting to hacks and a lot of code! We also experienced just how much it takes to strike the right balance of code to get the right results. We even learned a few tricks along the way, like changing values by one or even half a unit. CSS is super powerful!

But, as we discussed, the online generator I made is a great place to get the code you need rather than writing it out by hand. I mean, I went through all the work of figuring out how all of this works and I would likely still need to reference this very article to remember how it’s all put together. If you can memorize all of this, kudos! But it’s nice to have a generator to fall back on.

Tricks to Cut Corners Using CSS Mask and Clip-Path Properties originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

The Story Behind TryShape, a Showcase for the CSS clip-path property

I love shapes, especially colorful ones! Shapes on websites are in the same category of helpfulness as background colors, images, banners, section separators, artwork, and many more: they can help us understand context and inform our actions through affordances.

A few months back, I built an application to engage my 7-year old daughter with mathematics. Apart from basic addition and subtraction, my aim was to present questions using shapes. That’s when I got familiar with the CSS clip-path property, a reliable way to make shapes on the web. Then, I ended up building another app called, TryShape using the power of clip-path.

I’ll walk you through the story behind TryShape and how it helps create, manage, share, and export shapes. We’ll cover a lot about CSS clip-path along the way and how it helped me quickly build the app.

Here are a few important links:

First, the CSS clip-path property and shapes

Imagine you have a plain piece of paper and a pencil to draw a shape (say, a square) on it. How will you proceed? Most likely, you will start from a point, then draw a line to reach another point, then repeat it exact three more times to come back to the initial point. You also have to make sure you have opposite lines parallel and of the same length.

So, the essential ingredients for a shape are points, lines, directions, curves, angles, and lengths, among many others. The CSS clip-path helps specify many of these properties to clip a region of an HTML element to show a specific region. The part that is inside the clipped region is shown, and the rest is hidden. It gives an ocean of opportunities to developers to create various shapes using clip-path property.

Learn more about clipping and how it is different from masking.

The clip-path values for shape creation

The clip-path property accepts the following values for creating shapes:

  • circle()
  • ellipse()
  • inset()
  • polygon()
  • A clip source using url() function
  • path()

We need to understand the basic coordinate system a bit to use these values. When applying the clip-path property on an element to create shapes, we must consider the x-axis, y-axis, and the initial coordinates (0,0) at the element’s top-left corner.

Here is a div element with its x-axis, y-axis, and initial coordinates (0,0).

A blue square with its starting point located at a zero zero position on a chart with x and y axes.
Initial coordinates(0,0) with x-axis and y-axis

Now let’s use the circle() value to create a circular shape. We can specify the position and radius of the circle using this value. For example, to clip a circular shape at the coordinate position (70, 70) with a radius of 70px, we can specify the clip-path property value as:

clip-path: circle(70px at 70px 70px)

So, the center of the circle is placed at the coordinate (70, 70) with a 70px radius. Now, only this circular region is clipped and shown on the element. The rest of the portion of the element is hidden to create the impression of a circle shape.

A blue circle on a grid with an x and y axis. The circle starts at the zero zero position and its center is located at 70 px and 70px. A zoomed in area shows the clipping path, which is also located at 70x and 70px.
The center of the circle is placed at (70, 70) coordinates with a 70px x 70px area clipped. Hence the full circle is shown.

Next, what if we want to specify the position at (0,0)? In this case, the circle’s center is placed at the (0,0) position with a radius of 70px. That makes only a portion of the circle visible inside the element.

The center of a blue circle is placed at the 0,0 coordinates with a 70px by 70px area clipping the bottom-left region of the circle.
The center of the circle is placed at (0, 0) coordinates with a 70px x 70px area clipping the bottom-left region of the circle.

Let’s move on to use the other two essential values, inset() and polygon(). We use an inset to define a rectangular shape. We can specify the gap that each of the four edges may have to clip a region from an element. For example:

clip-path: inset(30px)

The above clip-path value clips a region by leaving out the 30px values from element’s edges. We can see that in the image below. We can also specify a different inset value for each of the edges.

The inset() function allows us to clip and area from the outside edge of a shape.

Next is the polygon() value. We can create a polygonal shape using a set of vertices. Take this example:

clip-path: polygon(10% 10%, 90% 10%, 90% 90%, 10% 80%)

Here we are specifying a set of vertices to create a region for clipping. The image below shows the position of each vertex to create a polygonal shape. We can specify as many vertices as we want.

A square with four points inside of it located at 10% by 10%, 90% by 10%, 10% by 80% and 90% by 90%, creating the clipped area.
The polygon() function allows us to create polygonal shapes using the set of vertices passed to it.

Next, let’s take a look at the ellipse() and the url() values. The ellipse() value helps create shapes by specifying two radii values and a position. In the image below, we see an ellipse at the position where the radii is at (50%,50%) and the shape is 70px wide and 100px tall.

A blue blue against a light blue background. The ellipse is 70 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall and it's radius is centered at 50% 50%.
We need to specify two radii values and a position to create an ellipse.

url() is a CSS function to specify the clip-path element’s ID value to render an SVG shape. Please take a look at the image below. We have defined a SVG shape using clipPath and path elements. You can use the ID value of the clipPath element as an argument to the url() function to render this shape.

Showing the SVG code for a heart-shaped path and the actual heart next to it in blue.
Here, we are creating a heart shape using the url() function

Additionally, we can use the path values directly in the path() function to draw the shape.

Showing a line of CSS code for the clip-path property filled in with the code of an SVG path inside the path function. The result is below the code, a parabolic curve that's filled in blue.
Here we are creating a curvy shape using the path() function.

Alright. I hope you have got an understanding of different clip-path property values. With this understanding, let’s take a loot at some implementations and play around with them. Here is a Pen for you. Please use it to try adding, modifying values to create a new shape.

Let’s talk about TryShape

It’s time to talk about TryShape and its background story. TryShape is an open-source application that helps create, export, share, and use any shapes of your choice. You can create banners, circles, arts, polygons and export them as SVG, PNG, and JPEG files. You can also create a CSS code snippet to copy and use in your application.

TryShape is built using the following framework and libraries (and clip-path, of course):

  • CSS clip-path: We’ve already discussed the power of this awesome CSS property.
  • Next.js: The coolest React-based framework around. It helped me create pages, components, interactions, and APIs to connect to the back-end database.
  • HarperDB: A flexible database to store data and query them using both SQL and No-SQL interactions. TryShape has its schema and tables created in the HarperDB cloud. The Next.js APIs interact with the schema and tables to perform required CRUD operations from the user interface.
  • Firebase: Authentication services from Google. TryShape uses it to get the social login working using Google, GitHub, Twitter, and other accounts.
  • react-icons: One shop for all the icons for a React-based application
  • date-fns: The modern, lightweight library for date formatting
  • axios: Making the API calls easy from the React components
  • styled-components: A structured way to create CSS rules from react components
  • react-clip-path: A homegrown module to handle clip-path property in a React app
  • react-draggable: Make an HTML element draggable in a React app. TryShape uses it to adjust the position of shape vertices.
  • downloadjs: Trigger a download from JavaScript
  • html-to-image: Converts an HTML element to image (including SVG, JPEG, and PNG)
  • Vercel: Best for hosting a Next.js app

Creating shapes in TryShape using CSS clip-path

Let me highlight the source code that helps create a shape using the CSS clip-path property. The code snippet below defines the user interface structure for a container element (Box) that’s 300px square. The Box element has two child elements, Shadow and Component.

  onClick={(e) => props.handleChange(e)}>
    props.shapeInformation.showShadow && 
      id="shapeShadow" /> 
    id="clippedShape" />

The Shadow component defines the area that is hidden by the clip-path clipping. We create it to show a light color background to make this area partially visible to the end user. The Component is to assign the clip-path value to show the clipped area.

See the styled-component definitions of Box, Shadow, and Component below:

// The styled-components code to create the UI components using CSS properties

// The container div
const Box = styled.div`
  width: ${props => props.width || '100px'};
  height: ${props => props.height || '100px'};
  margin: 0 auto;
  position: relative;

// Shadow defines the area that is hidden by the `clip-path` clipping
// We show a light color background to make this area partially visible.
const Shadow = styled.div`
  background-color: ${props => props.backgroundColor || '#00c4ff'};
  opacity: 0.25;
  position: absolute;
  top: 10px;
  left: 10px;
  right: 10px;
  bottom: 10px;

// The actual component that takes the `clip-path` value (formula) and set
// to the `clip-path` property.
const Component = styled.div`
  clip-path: ${props => props.formula}; // the formula is the clip-path value
  background-color: ${props => props.backgroundColor || '#00c4ff'};
  position: absolute;
  top: 10px;
  left: 10px;
  right: 10px;
  bottom: 10px;
An illustration of a blue box with its inset clip points drawing another square that indicates the visible area of the shape in a darker blue.
The components to show a shape(both visible and hidden areas) after the clipping.

Please feel free to look into the entire codebase in the GitHub repo.

The future scope of TryShape

TryShape works well with the creation and management of basic shapes using CSS clip-path in the background. It is helpful to export the shapes and the CSS code snippets to use in your web applications. It has the potential to grow with many more valuable features. The primary one will be the ability to create shapes with curvy edges.

To support the curvy shapes, we need the support of the following values in TryShape:

  • a clip source using url() and
  • path().

With the help of these values, we can create shapes using SVG and then use one of the above values. Here is an example of the url() CSS function to create a shape using the SVG support.

<div class="heart">Heart</div>
  <clipPath id="heart-path" clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox">
    <path d="M0.5,1
      C 0.5,1,0,0.7,0,0.3
      A 0.25,0.25,1,1,1,0.5,0.3
      A 0.25,0.25,1,1,1,1,0.3
      C 1,0.7,0.5,1,0.5,1 Z" />

Then, the CSS::

.heart {
  clip-path: url(#heart-path);
It produces a heart shape like this.

Now, let’s create a shape using the path() value. The HTML should have an element like a div:

<div class="curve">Curve</div>


.curve {
  clip-path: path("M 10 80 C 40 10, 65 10, 95 80 S 150 150, 180 80");

Before we end…

I hope you enjoyed meeting my TryShape app and learning about the idea that leads to it, the strategies I considered, the technology under the hood, and its future potential. Please consider trying it and looking through the source code. And, of course, feel free to contribute to it with issues, feature requests, and code.

Before we end, I want to leave you with this short video prepared for the Hashnode hackathon where TryShape was an entry and finally in the list of winners. I hope you enjoy it.

Let’s connect. You can @ me on Twitter (@tapasadhikary) with comments, or feel free to follow.

The post The Story Behind TryShape, a Showcase for the CSS clip-path property appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

Perfect Tooltips With CSS Clipping and Masking

Clipping and masking have been around for a while now in CSS and even have pretty decent browser support. I recently worked on a project that needed to use a clipping technique for tooltips showing above links in text.

Those tooltips have two designs based on their content:

One design is a tooltip that contains plain text against a solid background.
The other design allows an image to cover the entire space.

You might not think the text tooltip requires any clipping at all. A pseudo-element can be positioned at the bottom to add the little notch, right? You are indeed absolutely right! Because the background of the tooltip is a a plain color, there’s really no need for CSS trickery and whatnot.

But clipping the image in the second design is where things get interesting…

Here’s the thought process my mind followed when I started the task.

Idea 1: clip-path & polygon

The CSS clip-path property allows us to define a custom polygon with percentage values to make the path we want.
This solution is often enough if the shape of your path is simple enough. In the demo below, I’m using calc() values to make sure the clip is fully responsive, while the little triangle stays the same size no matter how stretched the parent is.

.tooltip {
  clip-path: polygon(
    0% 0%, // Top left point
    100% 0%, // Top right point
    100% calc(100% - 10px), // Bottom right point
    calc(50% + 10px) calc(100% - 10px), // Center right of the triangle
    50% 100%, // Tip of the triangle
    calc(50% - 10px) calc(100% - 10px), // Center left of the triangle
    0% calc(100% - 10px) // Bottom left point

This solution is very clean but, in my case, not good enough as I don’t have a straight triangle notch, but rather a custom shape.

Idea 2: clip-path and SVG

Using an SVG path seemed like a good solution. First, you export your SVG clipping path, then use it in your CSS with the url(#clipPathId) value.

Check the demo below. Do you see any issue with the path?

The arrow is stretched based on the image ratio. Since the little notch is part of the whole path shape, it is as stretched as the rectangle part of the path stretches in size.

Idea 3: mask-image

Now here is the thing I discovered with the CSS mask-image property in CSS: You can combine mask layers! Think about it like a background-image in CSS. You can apply multiple gradients or images on a single element. Now, what if you combine all those layers to generate the final mask you need?

This is exactly what we are going to do here with two layers:

  1. A large rectangle that cover the whole block except for a stripe at the bottom (shown in green)
  2. An image of the arrow (shown in pink)

With that solution, the rectangle can stretch according to our tooltip’s dimensions, and the arrow will always keep its fixed size.

All the code and demos below are prefix free and the demos are using Autoprefixer. At the time I’m writing this article, Edge, Chrome & Safari require prefixes.

Just as we would with background properties, we are going to use three different mask properties to define our two layers:

  • mask-image: This property lets us draw the rectangle with a linear background and the arrow with an inline SVG.
  • mask-position: The rectangle doesn’t need a position (as it starts from the top-left), but the arrow needs to be positioned at the center-bottom.
  • mask-repeat: We need to avoid repeating both layers; otherwise, the linear gradient would cover the whole element when it repeats.
.tooltip {
    linear-gradient(#fff, #fff), /* Rectangle */
    url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); /* Bottom arrow mask-position: */
    0 0, /* Rectangle */
    50% 100%; /* Bottom arrow */
    100% calc(100% - 18px), /* Rectangle */
    38px 18px; /* Bottom arrow */
  mask-repeat: no-repeat;

Tada! Change the tooltip dimensions or replace the image and the bottom arrow will keep its original ratio.

More complex shapes

Let’s get a little fancy and go deeper with this technique. I was inspired by the iMessage app on iOS and tried to reproduce the same tooltips with this masking technique.

I had to draw more layers for my mask to render every rounded corner:

  • four circles, one for each corner (shown in red)
  • one horizontal rectangle (shown in blue)
  • one vertical rectangle (shown in green)
  • one SVG for the arrow (shown in yellow)

The full code is going to be a bit longer as we have more layers to draw, but the logic stays the same. The corners are drawn using four radial gradients. To fill the rectangle, we need two rectangles (one vertical, one horizontal) as shown above. And finally, our little arrow that is using an inline SVG.

.tooltip {
  --radius: 25px;
    radial-gradient(#fff (var(--radius) - 1), #fff0 var(--radius)), /* Top left corner */
    radial-gradient(#fff (var(--radius) - 1), #fff0 var(--radius)), /* Top right corner */
    radial-gradient(#fff (var(--radius) - 1), #fff0 var(--radius)), /* Bottom left corner */
    radial-gradient(#fff (var(--radius) - 1), #fff0 var(--radius)), /* Bottom right corner */
    linear-gradient(#fff, #fff), /* Horizontal gradient */
    linear-gradient(#fff, #fff), /* Vertical gradient */
    url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); /* Bottom right icon */
    0 0, /* Top left corner */
    100% 0, /* Top right corner */
    0 100%, /* Bottom left corner */
    100% 100%, /* Bottom right corner */
    0 var(--radius), /* Horizontal gradient */
    var(--radius) 0, /* Vertical gradient */
    100% 100%; /* Bottom right icon */
    (var(--radius) * 2) (var(--radius) * 2),  /* Top left corner */
    (var(--radius) * 2) (var(--radius) * 2),  /* Top right corner */
    (var(--radius) * 2) (var(--radius) * 2),  /* Bottom left corner */
    (var(--radius) * 2) (var(--radius) * 2),  /* Bottom right corner */
    100% calc(100% - #{var(--radius) * 2}), /* Horizontal gradient */
    calc(100% - #{var(--radius) * 2}) 100%, /* Vertical gradient */
    (39px / 2) (25px / 2); /* Bottom right icon */
  mask-repeat: no-repeat;

As you see, we can create a version with the arrow on the left or right by using a flipped version of the arrow and positioning it in a different corner. The trick is working fine on tooltips without images too. But like I said at the beginning of this article, you probably don’t need that much CSS if you only have a plain background to style.

If you want to learn more about clipping and masking in CSS, there are lots of other great articles right here on CSS-Tricks worth checking out.

The post Perfect Tooltips With CSS Clipping and Masking appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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