Open-Source Schema-Driven Asset Management Tool Designed to Enhance Climate Resilience

This article is an introduction to a community-led open-source critical asset management project called CAMS. The article provides some context to the project origin as well as some examples of the application schema and queries to provide an understanding of its build. It is based on a graph database and is aimed at helping nations, cities, and communities build their climate resilience.

Hurricane Maria

Climate change is warming the temperatures of the seas. This is causing dire troubles for island nations, cities, and communities. Tropical storms are becoming more frequent and ferocious and battering these places with merciless force.

How Computer Vision Can Help Fight Climate Change


How Computer Vision Can Help Fight Climate Change

One can only assume that as AI is utilized in more industries and fields of study that it is a matter of time before AI, specifically computer vision, is used to tackle climate change. However, the details leave us wondering exactly how computer vision research can assist mankind in bringing about a better tomorrow.

There is a number of ways artificial intelligence can be used to fight climate change. Some AI programs are created to optimize the energy efficiency of homes and businesses, while others can monitor for and prevent the catastrophic failures of energy plants to reduce carbon emissions.

5 Ways AI Can Help Combat Climate Change

With extreme weather events happening more frequently all around the globe, a greater number of people are accepting climate change as fact and recognizing the need to take serious actions against it. With the help of artificial intelligence, these actions are becoming more meaningful and widespread, so they can make a true difference.

How AI Is Fighting to Save the Planet

Predicting Energy Usage

AI capabilities have grown remarkably in recent years, and one of the greatest ways AI can help limit the effects of climate change is by making the use of clean and renewable energy sources more universally available and affordable to use.

CES 2020 Offers Solutions to Complex Environmental Challenges

Reduce your footprint with these IoT devices.

Innovation in cleantech has traditionally struggled to secure funding due to longer development time and challenges to scale. Over the last few years, things have started to shift as more investors look to see how technology can reduce carbon emissions, improve air quality and reduce water wastage.