Google Action Type Importer

This CLI allows you to transform your Alexa Custom Slots into Google Action Types.


Natural Language Understanding

NLU or Natural Language Understanding is one field of AI that allows us to understand the users' input in the form of voice or text.

Top 5 Git Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Workflow

Becoming a Git power user is on the bucket list of every developer. Here are five Git tips that will help you level up your workflow and bring you one step closer to Git mastery.

Tip #1: Modify the Previous Commit Without Changing the Commit Message

You’ve just committed your changes on your local copy with a detailed and thought-through message, but the moment you hit RETURN, you realize you forgot to add that one change that really belongs there. If only there was a way to update the previous commit instead of creating a new one…

gPass: A Password Generator CLI

Yes, it's true, I created my own password generator CLI tool and published it as an NPM package. It has only ~12kB, easy-to-use and it's open-source.

You can find the package on this link here.

Developer Tooling for Kubernetes in 2021: Development Machines (Part 5)

Over the last year, we have witnessed a shift in engineering working habits. COVID-19 forced many of us into lockdown. Instead of working from the office, coffee shops, and airport lounges, I found myself mostly working out of my (hastily built) home office. For many of us, this meant shifting back to a workstation over a trusty laptop.

Not surprisingly, this did nothing to abate the heated discussion over which computers and operating systems are best for developing software. And so, in this final blog post of the series, you’ll get to learn a bit more about setting up your development machine.

How to Create a DataKeeper Replicated Volume That Has Multiple Targets via CLI

I often help people automate the configuration of their infrastructure so they can build 3-node clusters that span Availability Zones and Regions. The CLI for creating a DataKeeper Job and associated mirrors that contain more than one target can be a little confusing, so I'm documenting it here in case you find yourself looking for this information. The DataKeeper documentation describes this as a Mirror with Multiple Targets.

The environment in this example looks like this:

PRIMARY ( - in AZ1
DR ( - in a different Region

I want to create a synchronous mirror from PRIMARY to SECONDARY and an asynchronous mirror from PRIMARY to DR. I also have to make sure the DataKeeper Job knows how to create a mirror from SECONDARY to DR in case the SECONDARY or DR server ever become the source of the mirror. EMCMD will be used to create this multiple target mirror.

We need to first create the Job that contains all this possible endpoints and define whether the mirror will be Sync (S) or Async (A) between those endpoints.

Deploy Application Using Anypoint CLI


Anypoint Platform provides a command-line tool to work with the platform and Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition. The CLI tool can be used to deploy applications to Runtime Manager.

Setting up Anypoint CLI

CDK8S for Kubernetes: How to Interact With Kubernetes Without Kubectl


Kubernetes has become the most popular DevOps tools in the industry. From startups to enterprises, everyone is leveraging the power of containerization by running their application in containers inside the Kubernetes cluster.

To work with Kubernetes, you need to create YAML files that contain all the cluster resources, services, deployments detail. YAML is human-readable and easy to learn, but if it becomes very difficult to work with YAML files when the cluster becomes complex. Adding or removing resources from a big YAML file is not an easy task.

10 Things You May Not Know About CLI

I was playing around with the CLI to see how I can incorporate it into demos and wanted to share a couple of things to remind people of its capabilities.

1. Log In as a Human

Note for interactive usage of the CLI, i.e., as a human, you can log in to the platform using your organization's domain name and password if your organization is delegating authentication to your corporate IdP. Typing the command below will open a browser for you to log in:

5 Reasons Why Prismatic Chose GraphQL for Our API

Prismatic is an integration platform used by B2B software companies to build reusable integration workflows and deploy customer-specific instances that handle each customer's unique configuration and credentials.

When we set out to create Prismatic, it was clear that we needed an API for our web app and CLI to use. Additionally, we wanted our developer users to be able to hit our API programmatically so they could manage customers and integrations as they saw fit. This presented a problem: different developers would naturally have different needs and use cases. It didn't make sense to craft a series of custom RESTful endpoints for each individual's needs. GraphQL was growing in popularity (for good reason!) and was an appropriate choice for us given our needs.

A Quick Guide to Okta and Spring Boot

Meet Okta CLI, a new tool created here at Okta. Designed to streamline the creation of new Okta accounts, register apps, and get started, Okta CLI is a one-stop shop for all your Okta needs!

To show you just how Okta CLI can benefit you, I created a screencast. Feel free to watch it here.

How to Automate Deployments to Shopify Stores

E-commerce is surging under the lockdown, with thousands of businesses opening online stores every week. This means more work for developers, including those working with Shopify themes. With the numbers growing, deploying, and managing multiple shops at once can get tricky. Buddy solves this problem with delivery pipelines, a fast and elegant solution that lets you automate deployments and preview changes before going live.

Step 1: Configuring Theme Kit CLI

Start with downloading Shopify's Theme Kit CLI. The CLI lets you run various operations in the context of Shopify themes by running commands. You can find installation instructions for your OS on their documentation page.

How to Create Your Own Kubernetes Custom Resources

As a platform for managing containerized services and workloads, Kubernetes is incredibly modular. Modularity is more than just a theme; even controllers and resources that are native to Kubernetes are now being built as custom resources and controllers, all for the sake of expanding the platform’s modularity to the next level.

Of course, Kubernetes custom resources are not new to the platform. Custom resources are handy for when you need to extend the basic Kubernetes API and add new, specific features to your cluster. Custom Resources are not the only options when it comes to adding new features, but creating your custom resources is the perfect solution for many challenges.

Red Hat Data Grid 8 for Beginners

What Is Data Grid ?

Data Grid is a high-performance, distributed in-memory data store. It stores all info in memory rather than on Disk or file that makes it faster. It is built from Infinispan open-source Software project and is available to deploy as an embedded library or as a standalone server.

Data Grid 8.0 Server

Data Grid 8.0 Server is isolated from Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) and is re-designed to be lightweight and more secure with much faster start times. It is designed to create a running Data Grid cluster within few minutes with negligible configuration changes.

The Mindset Required to Treat the Network as Code

Changing the way you network requires you to change the way you think.

In order to accelerate automation, network operators need to change the way they think about managing the network and incorporate DevOps practices. By adopting modern agile processes, the benefits of treating Network Infrastructure as Code becomes more attainable. That being said, network as code initiatives require a mindset shift to enable success. Below are five essential concepts that serve as building blocks.

You may also enjoy:  How You Should Treat the Network as Software

Remove Humans From Network Device CLI

Transformational thinking is required when discussing network and software principles in conjunction. Questions such as, “What does each line or block of configuration mean to a network device?” and “How does it get managed and applied to the network device?” arise and require answers. However, if network engineers are still leveraging CLI to manage device configurations, there's no easy migration to the network being treated as code. Software code is stored in repositories (not template files) which allows developers to apply robust pipelines and processes in order to solidify deployment and reduce errors while increasing frequency. As a result, to move towards Network Infrastructure as Code, device configurations cannot be managed via templates, but rather in source code repositories.

Which Is the Best PostgreSQL GUI? 2019 Comparison

PostgreSQL GUI Comparison

PostgreSQL graphical user interface (GUI) tools help these open source database users to manage, manipulate, and visualize their data. In this post, we discuss the top 5 GUI tools for administering your PostgreSQL deployments. PostgreSQL is the fourth most popular database management system in the world and is heavily used in all sizes of applications. The traditional method to work with databases is using the command-line interface (CLI) tool, however, this interface presents a number of issues:

  • It requires a big learning curve to get the best out of the DBMS
  • Console display may not be something of your like, and it only gives very little information at a time
  • It is difficult to browse databases and tables, check indexes, and monitor databases through the console

Many still prefer CLIs over GUIs, but this set is ever so shrinking. I believe anyone who comes to programming after 2010 will tell you GUI tools increase their productivity over a CLI solution.