Monitoring CI/CD Workflows


CI/CD is a method to frequently deliver apps to customers by introducing automation into the stages of app development.

It is the brief definition of CI/CD from the Red Hat community. So, CI/CD pipelines can be defined as the steps for developers to deliver a new software version or product. In the CI part, pipelines build code and run tests; in the CD part, pipelines deploy and deliver the new version.

What CI Observability Means for DevOps

In the endeavors to conquer and expand, we have found ourselves now wrestling the beasts of the clouds. After all, the battle of Cloud development with all its gains was expected to be nothing less than enigmatic. Our greatest strategy, anticipated to secure yearning triumph has been laid out and given the most peculiar yet apt name. DevOps. However, there lies within this great strategy potential harm to its core and therefore warrants its safekeeping.

Alright, let’s get to the point now, Cloud Computing! A great progression in software development and definitely a concept that has proven its worth over the past decade now. With the promise of delegating most of the infrastructural and operational responsibility to cloud vendors, allowing us to primarily focus on the business logic.