Top 30+ DevOps Interview Questions

Total DevOps Interview Questions and Answers

DevOps is the offspring of agile software development that has been increasingly attracting attention from large enterprises such as Google, Facebook, or Amazon. Advancements in agile software development also exposed the need for more promising DevOps-related jobs.

Whether you are applying for a DevOps engineer, analyst, or specialist, besides professional skill sets required, a well-prepared DevOps job interview plays a fundamental role in successfully breaking into the industry. 

Accelerate Application Management Using Jenkins X


Technology is ever-evolving, and we have seen a major shift in application platforms from on-premise to cloud and containerization, application architecture from monolithic to micro-service, and many more. Organizations today are working towards making the operations an easy task and reducing the cost, as it is one of the painful areas where the project spends a lot of time and effort to streamline the entire process. Jenkins X is one of the platforms which has such kind of capability.

For an individual who is into technology, the familiarity of the name Jenkins is not uncommon. But "What is Jenkins X?" and once we will know about it, certainly, there will be more questions in our mind, and most of them will be answered in this essential document.

Optimizing the Role of QA in Continuous Delivery

Software development space is quickly evolving, bringing in more agility and accessibility. For a long time, software testing posed a significant challenge for engineers. It used to be a tedious affair and used to begin after the completion of development. The testers had to build test cases manually. As a result, it could delay the launch of the application.

Apart from actual production and post-production issues, the usability and tracking of the application stage became difficult. It led to chaos at all stages.

How Continuous Testing in DevOps Enables Quality in the CI/CD Pipeline

We all understand the importance of software testing and how it transforms a business by enabling the delivery of quality products to clients in shorter delivery cycles. It's impossible to run test cases manually by evaluating the quality of each line of code at every step of the Continuous Delivery process. This is where Continuous testing in DevOps comes into the picture.

Continuous Testing in the DevOps Pipeline

In traditional ways of testing, software was passed through different development and QA phases which took more time until the final delivery of the product. According to research by Gartner, Continuous Testing in DevOps is aimed at providing early and quick detection of signs of risks related to the product release. DevOps Continuous Testing is an inevitable part, rather than just a stage, of the delivery process. The main purpose is to inculcate quality into the CI/CD pipeline by utilizing the key benefits of continuous testing in DevOps.
Continuous Testing is a critical aspect of DevOps, responsible for seamless Continuous Delivery. It involves the usage of agile development methods and processes in the QA process, which provides a more productive testing process.

Top 10 CI/CD Pipeline Implementation Challenges and Solutions


CI/CD pipelines have become the mainstream approach to software development across the entire IT sector. There’s no doubt that CI/CD pipeline tools have matured a lot over the years. Yet, developers, QA engineers, and leaders are still posed with some challenges and roadblocks in adopting and efficiently implementing CI/CD tools. This article highlights the top 10 CI/CD challenges that people face during implementation, and we will also discuss their potential solutions.

Let’s get started with the basics!

Using Jenkins as Your Go-to CI/CD Tool


Everyone loves Agile and the way it is replacing all the older methodologies and development models with a streamlined and sustainable system for faster delivery cycles. However, the ever-prevailing manual testing practice has always kept the QA teams from entirely adopting Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, making Agility unreachable. Fortunately, tools like Jenkins help reach the goals of the CI/CD pipeline, i.e., to maintain a continuous flow of software updates in production and shorter release cycles at reduced costs.

Jenkins and Its Relation to DevOps and CI/CD

We know that Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery are integral parts of the DevOps process and are inevitable in the Agile approach. It has completely changed the way the development and QA team delivers software. Let us briefly review DevOps, CI/CD pipeline, and Jenkins before moving ahead.

Overcome Challenges of Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes With Spinnaker

Kubernetes is the leading container orchestration system, and it has a vast ecosystem of open-source and commercial components built around it. Today, in the wake of the pandemic, even more enterprises are considering Kubernetes a central part of their IT transformation journey. Kubernetes is a great container management tool because it offers:

  • Automated bin packing 
  • Scaling and self-healing containers 
  • Service discovery
  • Load balancing  

However, using Kubernetes alone may not solve the purpose of becoming agile because it was never meant to be a deployment system. This blog will highlight some of the challenges of using Kubernetes and, based on our work with hundreds of organizations, how to avoid the challenges to unlock the full potential of cloud-native. 

Using CodeShip With CodeDeploy

What is CodeShip?

CodeShip is a hosted continuous delivery service that focuses on speed, simplicity, and reliability. It is a fast and secure hosted CI service that scales as per users' needs. CodeShip was founded in 2011, and pretty soon it became one of the best Saas Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery leaders in the market.

CodeShip is now backed by a larger company with extensive customer support: CloudBees. CloudBees Inc, the hub of enterprise Jenkins and DevOps, acquired CodeShip on February 6, 2018.

An Overview of DevSecOps and How to Automate It

With the proliferation of agile product development models, industry experts from all levels have come to appreciate the value of incremental releases. However, there is also an expectation that each release cycle will maintain and improve the reliability and security of the product being delivered.

As a developer or engineer, your challenge is to implement security best practices without slowing down development or delaying your release dates. This article will illustrate several ways to include security practices in your development lifecycle to prevent critical issues later, and without slowing you down. 

Limitations of Task-Based Build Tools

Many build tools use a classic task-based approach for organizing the CI/CD pipeline. Among these tools, there are both old (Ant, NAnt) and modern ones (Gradle, Cake, Nuke).

Let's start with the definition of the CI/CD pipeline.

Using Shipa to Automate Kubernetes Object Creation

If you’re like most developers, you don’t have a ton of spare time (and perhaps also not much desire) to learn how to create and maintain Kubernetes objects. Where developers are required to manage Kubernetes, slower application delivery is often the result. In these scenarios, platform and DevSecOps teams must also work to support developers’ Kubernetes efforts, and cope with ever-greater chances that deployed applications will suffer from misconfigured objects. Platform teams are usually tasked with creating an extra platform layer as well, adding to costs and making maintenance and scaling more difficult (while also increasing the potential for failure).

Take a scenario in which you deploy a single 3-tier application. This requires maintaining a dozen Kubernetes objects, creating a container image of your application, and optimizing the container OS for storage, security, compliance, and more. Enterprise IT must carefully consider the time it takes for developers to deploy and operate the application, scale clusters, and create Kubernetes objects and YAML files. They must also factor in the tools they use for security monitoring, the frequency with which they must write Ansible and Terraform scripts, and whether they have time to focus on cloud infrastructure APIs.

Top 13 Benefits of CI/CD You Should Not Ignore

In traditional software development approaches, releases are spread out and recur at intervals for every small feature update or bug fix. This dramatically increases the chances of changes getting coupled at the time of deployment. Over time, the problem starts to grow, posing more challenges for an entire team. The worst part is that all processes are manual, and most of these products are developed/tested individually. Needless to say, it becomes more prone to human error. CI/CD is something that solves all this and makes the entire process more manageable and efficient.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment or CI/CD is the backbone of building, testing, and deploying applications to production in modern software development practices. CI/CD plays a pivotal role in bridging the gap between development and various affected teams. CI helps to mitigate the risks and enables production parity by automating multiple code changes from varied developers of the project. On the other hand, CD enables developers to deliver the integrated code to production seamlessly, thus providing a quick and effective automated process to release new features and updates to customers without much hassle.

Continuous Deployment Shouldn’t Be Hard


Over the past decade, continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) have become staples of the software development lifecycle. CI automates the process of merging code and checking for basic regressions and code quality issues, relieving some of the code review burdens on your dev team. CD and automated deployments eliminate the overhead involved each time a new feature or a hotfix needs to get deployed. 

Imagine if there were no more nights and weekends spent packaging builds and manually deploying across servers! A functional CI/CD setup makes it significantly easier to have a truly agile workflow, as you can deploy as frequently as you want to.

DevOps Automation: How to Apply Automation Into Your Software Delivery Process

It seems that nowadays, DevOps can mean many different things. As a DevOps expert at OutSystems, whenever I’m asked what this practice is all about, I like to say that it’s a way to deliver value faster to your end-users. More than a skill, a job role, or a tool, DevOps is a culture-shifting paradigm.

It’s about speeding up the flow of delivering software changes to your production environments and amplifying the feedback loops in your delivery pipeline so that you can catch problems early on during your development stage and act upon them quickly. This is why you always see practices like CI/CD and test automation closely associated with DevOps.

How To Setup a CI/CD Pipeline With Kubernetes 2020

How to Setup a CI/CD Pipeline with Kubernetes 2020

When it comes to DevOps, the word that clicks in mind is CI/CD pipeline. Let's have a look at Definition of CI/CD pipeline:

CI is straightforward and stands for continuous integration, a practice that focuses on making preparing a release easier. But CD can either mean continuous delivery or continuous deployment and while those two practices have a lot in common, they also have a significant difference that can have critical consequences for a business.

The Ultimate Guide to Shift-left Testing


In today's competitive era, the demand to deliver quality software products in a cost and time-effective manner continues to accelerate. To accommodate that need, more and more companies are now incorporating shift-left testing to their product development processes. To help you better understand this methodology, in this article, we will delve into the basic tenets of shift-left testing, its benefits, and how to measure success.

What is Shift-Left Testing?

Shift-left testing comes about to test earlier in the development process. Even with Agile teams breaking away from the traditional Waterfall development model, testing always seems to be the last step.

Automate Your Development Workflow With Github Actions

Hi everybody. My name is Hacene. I am a software developer and interested in DevOps. Today, I will show you how to automate a development workflow life cycle using Github Actions.

On November 13, 2019, Github engineers revealed some news: GitHub Actions is supporting CI/CD now, and it's free for public repositories! We can manage and automate our development workflows right in our repository using GitHub Actions. The API supports multiple Operating Systems (Linux, Windows, MacOS…) and different languages.

CI/CD Pipeline: Demystifying The Complexities

Industry leaders consider CI/CD to be an essential part of the app development cycle as enterprises are keen to reduce the time to market. Continuous integration and continuous delivery help in improving and enhancing the quality of the product while reducing the cost of the project. This blog will help you understand the functioning of a CI/CD pipeline, its challenges, and its benefits. Before we get into the details, let’s have a look at the basic terminology.

Continuous Integration

Continuous integration (CI) is a software development practice where developers frequently make changes in the code and add it to the central repository after which automated tests are run. CI is the integration stage of the software release process which depends on automation and constant integration. The main goal is to find the bugs and resolve the issue quickly to improve the software quality and reduce the time to market.