Maven Tutorial: Nice and Easy [Video]

Ever looked for a comprehensive intro to Maven that is fun and entertaining at the same time? Then have a look at this brand-new episode of the "Marco Codes" YouTube channel: Maven Tutorial - Nice & Easy.

In this video, you'll learn how to use Maven like a professional: installations, using the mvn wrapper, using Maven together with IDEs, and of course the Maven basics. From pom.xml concepts to running commands (clean install) to understanding Maven repositories and multi-module projects, by the end of it, there won't be many questions left when it comes to Maven.

How to Build Your First CI/CD Pipeline With Travis CI

Continuous Integration is considered one of the best practices in development where code integrations are done frequently into the code repository rather than waiting to commit a larger version. As a part of continuous integration, the developer should ensure that integrations should not break the already available code, as being a shared repository would have a significant impact. To solve this problem and show how continuous integration and testing work, we’ll use one of the most popular continuous integration services: Travis CI pipeline.

Travis CI pipeline would help the user report automatic build changes and test the integrations and deployment management. It also helps your code repository with improved and shippable software quality with reduced risks and better collaboration.

Monitoring CI/CD Workflows


CI/CD is a method to frequently deliver apps to customers by introducing automation into the stages of app development.

It is the brief definition of CI/CD from the Red Hat community. So, CI/CD pipelines can be defined as the steps for developers to deliver a new software version or product. In the CI part, pipelines build code and run tests; in the CD part, pipelines deploy and deliver the new version.

DIY DevOps, CI, and CD with GitHub, Docker and a VPS

I clearly remember my first Azure invoice. It was for a simple web app and a tiny MySQL server. Not particularly scaled either, just simple stuff. In fact, not only do I remember the invoice, I still have PTSS because of it, and if I my memory still serves me well, I think I said something roughly resembling the following as I got my invoice ...

$%^£#€@*&$^%£*I£@&$^%*^(%$&@£^@ ...!!!!!!!!!

Creating a 10 million visits a month community at DZone

Before Kellet Atkinson was the Director of Product at DZone, he was flexing his entrepreneurial muscles by building custom-made guitar pedals for his friends.

He joins the Dev Interrupted podcast to talk about the joy of building communities, why it's so important to create communities that encourage people to share their experience and how DZone grew to a site that has 10 million page views a month.

Make Spinnaker Even Better Using Armory


Successful teams innovate often and deliver frequently. But because they move so fast, one of their challenges is ensuring that the rapid pace of releases doesn’t break their product. As more and more features are added, the risk of broken releases increases. 

As a solution, DevOps teams often look to Spinnaker—an open source deployment tool that helps teams to deploy quickly and consistently. But there’s an even more powerful solution available. Armory—which is built on top of Spinnaker—gives teams all the benefits of Spinnaker, but adds mission-critical feature extensions and enterprise-grade stability.

How To Give Your DevOps Feedback Loop The Update It Needs


With the highest performing DevOps teams deploying on average four times a day, the pressure is on. Your team should always be looking to improve the speed and quality of your process. A solution may be closer than you think.

What Is a Feedback Loop?

In society, we receive feedback continuously, from friends, family, and colleagues. Companies often have office telephone systems or entire call centers dedicated to receiving feedback from their customers. So, what is it doing in your DevOps process?

21 of the Best Jenkins Alternatives for Developers

When it comes to CI/CD tools, we’re all too familiar with Jenkins. It has been a popular choice among Java developers for continuous integration and continuous development approach. It is a super-effective tool to build and test projects, thereby making easy integration possible continuously. Also, it is an open-source tool that provides multiple plugins.

However, Jenkins isn’t the only CI/CD tool out there. You can pick a Jenkins alternative as you’ve got a lot of options!

Using CodeShip With CodeDeploy

What is CodeShip?

CodeShip is a hosted continuous delivery service that focuses on speed, simplicity, and reliability. It is a fast and secure hosted CI service that scales as per users' needs. CodeShip was founded in 2011, and pretty soon it became one of the best Saas Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery leaders in the market.

CodeShip is now backed by a larger company with extensive customer support: CloudBees. CloudBees Inc, the hub of enterprise Jenkins and DevOps, acquired CodeShip on February 6, 2018.

Jenkins vs. Travis vs. Bamboo vs. TeamCity: Clash of the Titans

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the words software development and DevOps? There’s only one magic word (five to be more precise): continuous integration and continuous delivery.

It is impossible to carry out software development without counting on DevOps testing or CI/CD tools, making picking the right CI/CD tool super important. Now the question is, How do you choose the right tool with so many options? Well, to make it a little easier for you, we have picked four of the best CI/CD tools, and we will be comparing Jenkins vs. Travis vs. Bamboo vs. TeamCity in this article so that you can make an informed decision.