How to Leverage Method Chaining To Add Smart Message Routing in Java

We are going to use the open-source serialization library Chronicle Wire. Let's assume we have some data that we want to send to a particular destination; we don't want to pollute our business data structures with the routing information. In the future, the routing information could be removed or changed based on external factors such as system failover or horizontal scaling.  

 Having a separation of routing and business messages is nothing new; after all, JMS has been doing it for years with their createObjectMessage (below): 

Challenges When Developing a GUI for FIX

This article explores the challenges in developing a graphical user interface (GUI) for Financial Information eXchange (FIX) data. FIX is both a protocol and a message format, but to create a FIX GUI we will focus just on the message format. A FIX message is a standard message format for transmitting financial and investment banking data.

Below is an example of a FIX message:

How to Develop Event-Driven Architectures

Last month, I wrote an article on open-source Chronicle Wire that discusses how we could serialize an application’s state into different message formats.

Now in this article, I'm going to look at how we can use open-source Chronicle Queue and Chronicle Wire to structure applications to use event-driven architecture (EDA). EDA is a design pattern in which decoupled components (often microservices) can asynchronously publish and subscribe to events.