Chef 101: Getting Started With Automation

In this blog post, you’ll take a look at some practices that can help you get a running start with your Chef automation and the principle of Policy as Code. It’s intended for any IT professional or Chef newcomer.

Prologue: What Do I Need To Know?

This post is designed to be beginner-friendly. You don’t need any coding experience to follow along — just an interest in automation, and curiosity about how best to implement it with Chef. That said, let’s define some terms before we dive in:

The Coding SysAdmin

In announcing the now-complete $1.2 billion megamerger between McAfee and FireEye last week, CEO Bryan Palma slipped in the comment that the way forward with security and modern system management is automation, saying,

"There's just no way that people can keep up, and we're seeing that. We've got nation-states now involved in making attacks, and that's very concerning because they obviously have very strong capabilities."