The Ultimate Chatbot Development Guide for a Niche Edge

Enterprise concerns or requirements in chatbot development have been progressing rapidly without much hindrance. With the coming of artificial intelligence development services, the need for contextual communication to simulate almost human-like responses has become inevitable. The fact that it can be effortlessly deployed and automated is even more beneficial.

Chatbots are being pushed in development for dynamic intelligence to engage in contextual communication giving users human-like interactions through real-life situations. This is a trendy and promising path that is now carried out by every software development company as there is a dire need to provide a transformative user experience and also in narrowing down enterprise hassles.

Spring — DWR — Ext JS Chat Application

[GitHub Repository for Code Samples]

I was curious to explore the capabilities of Reverse Ajax. That's when I created this simple chat application using Spring/DWR/Ext JS.

From my experience, I can easily say that DWR is easy to learn and configure, especially when you are planning to integrate with Spring on the application tier. DWR has a powerful API to perform all relevant operations, right from accessing page script sessions to util classes for sending updates to the client.

I used Ext JS for creating the user interface, which renders stunning displays for elements like forms, buttons, etc. Ext JS has a very steep learning curve and each operation requires a lot of configuration and reference. Also, I found that the event handling mechanism, though complete, is very complex to use. I relied on external Javascript coding for handling events. On the upside, the documentation and support are really good for this framework. Despite this, I would instantly recommend the use of Ext JS for large-sized customer-facing web-based applications, especially for the internet. For medium-scale projects or enterprise-based projects, I would think twice.

16 Best Software for Task Management (Free and Paid)

What do you do when you have a project at hand? Stress out about how to get it done, make a few dandy to-do lists on a paper about the tasks to be carried out, then stress out some more?

Oh, and it gets worse when the assignment at hand is complex — and that too, with intricate details that need constant attention. In most instances, the stakes are high and any errors can cause you substantial loss. These losses can lead to eventual setbacks that can send you off the expected trajectory of your project. A lot of times, that would otherwise be used productively, but getting back to track over and over again kind of drains the spirit.