7 Best Crowdfunding Plugins for WordPress

At WPBeginner, we’ve helped many nonprofit and small business projects get off the ground, and we’ve seen how the right crowdfunding tools can make all the difference.

Sifting through the many crowdfunding plugins for WordPress can be a headache, and let’s face it: not all plugins are up to par. The right tool allows you to easily launch and scale your campaigns with minimal difficulty or fees.

That’s why we’ve done the research and put together a list of the best WordPress crowdfunding plugins so that you can find the right fit for your next venture.

Best Crowdfunding Plugins for WordPress

What Is a Crowdfunding Plugin, and Why Do You Need One?

Fundraising can be a challenge, especially for entrepreneurs and small businesses. You might have the perfect business plan and website, but that doesn’t matter if you don’t have the funds to start it.

That’s where crowdfunding comes in. It involves raising awareness about a new business venture that you are considering developing and getting small contributions from people.

Rather than go to sites like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo, which take a cut of your funds and restrict your ability to add customizations, a crowdfunding plugin gives you full control.

There are many advantages to crowdfunding in WordPress, such as:

  • Access to capital: Crowdfunding allows you to get access to capital when it may not be feasible or easy to secure funding from traditional sources like banks or other lenders.
  • Market validation: By presenting your idea to the public, you can gauge the interest and see if your product is something that people would actually pay for. For example, you can accept donations and include a survey form so that your team can collect valuable feedback from contributors.
  • Audience building: Crowdfunding allows you to reach a large number of people so you can generate awareness and build an audience. Those who contribute to your campaign will likely be loyal customers and advocates. It’s a good idea to use a plugin like MemberPress so you can give contributors a place to share their thoughts and ideas in a private forum.
  • Customization: You have control over your enter campaign design and branding. You can even combine other plugins to help boost your crowdfunding efforts. For example, you could use other plugins like RafflePress to incentivize others to share your campaign to increase awareness.
  • Data ownership: When you choose WordPress, you own the data. You can build your email list with plugins like OptinMonster, which allows you to send updates to your subscribers about your new business venture.

With all said, let’s dive into the best tools building for starting your crowdfunding campaigns.

1. Charitable


Out of all the options we tried, Charitable is the best crowdfunding plugin for WordPress. It allows you to create peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns without using a separate hosted fundraising platform, and it doesn’t charge transaction fees.

It allows you to easily build attractive fundraising pages and forms on your website. Plus, it lets you set up peer-to-peer fundraising and build brand awareness much faster, which ultimately can get you more funding for your business venture.

Charitable offers a wide range of add-ons, making it possible to handle just about any use case. For example, you can find addons like Donor Comments to add testimonials. You can also add a video introducing what your new business project is all about. It’s a great way to get people excited about the idea and increase conversions.

Here’s an example of a video, description, and donation button added to the crowdfunding form on Charitable.

Crowdfunding page example

Charitable comes with other cool extensions like PDF receipts, so contributors can keep their invoices for tax write-offs. Plus, you’re able to connect the plugin to email marketing services so that you can send subscribers updates about your venture, which keeps them informed and excited about what’s going on.

Pricing: Charitable starts at $69 per year. There’s also a free version of the plugin.


  • Lots of add-ons to increase functionality
  • Plenty of payment methods
  • Easy to use crowdfunding form editor


  • You will need to pay for the premium versions to get access to the add-ons.

Why We Recommend Charitable: Charitable is the best way to raise money with crowdfunding in WordPress. Since you can set up peer-to-peer fundraising, it allows businesses to leverage their networks to reach more people.

2. WP Simple Pay

WP Simple Pay

WP Simple Pay is the best Stripe payments plugin for WordPress. It allows you to easily accept donations and other types of fundraising payments on your site. One of the best things about this plugin is that you won’t need to set up an online store or even a checkout page.

You can build a crowdfunding form and embed it anywhere on your site. Plus, with its advanced form builder, you can customize it however you like. There are plenty of text fields, dropdowns, and price options to add.

WP Simple Pay Form Fields

The flexible donation and fundraising forms offer cool features to help drive more conversions. For example, you can create a predefined suggested donation amount to increase the average donation.

We particularly appreciated how WP Simple Pays offers recurring donations because this allows you to create a steady stream of funding for your organization. Best of all, the plugin accepts 13+ payment methods, so you can appeal to a wide range of donors from around the world.

Pricing: WP Simple Pay starts at $49.50 per year, but there is a free version available as well.


  • Accepts 13+ payment methods and multiple currencies.
  • You can provide customizable receipts that help contributors for tax purposes.
  • The advanced form builder is easy to use.


  • It doesn’t offer any community-building features.

Why We Recommend WP Simple Pay: We like WP Simple Pay as a quick and easy solution for accepting donations. You can choose to create payment forms or an entire donation page, and the payment process is seamless.

3. GiveWP


GiveWP is another donation plugin for WordPress with a variety of crowdfunding features. Like many of the other plugins on our list, it comes with an easy-to-use form builder so that you can easily customize the donation form without any code.

One of the best aspects of GiveWP is its mobile donation capabilities. Mobile-friendliness is integral for any business, let alone a new venture you’re starting.

The easier you can make it for contributors to donate, the better. GiveWP offers easy-to-pay options like Venmo Donations, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and even Text-to-Give. That means, with a simple text message, donors can easily contribute to your new venture anytime from anywhere.

Inside the plugin dashboard, you’ll receive real-time crowdfunding reports, so you can view metrics like top donors, average donation amounts, and more. This allows you to optimize campaigns and tweak your form or page for better conversions.

Pricing: GiveWP is free to start, but the basic plan starts at $149 per year.


  • GiveWP offers a few mobile-pay options.
  • It provides in-depth reporting.
  • Easy-to-use plugin.


  • The plan is pricey once you upgrade to the paid version.

Why We Recommend GiveWP: GiveWP is a comprehensive tool that gives you all the essentials for crowdfunding. It’s great if you want to prioritize mobile donations since users can easily pay through texting or popular apps like Venmo.

4. WPForms


WPForms is a contact form plugin for WordPress that can accept crowdfunding payments and other transactions. With crowdfunding forms, you can accept donations through a wide range of payment gateways, such as PayPal, Stripe, Square, Authorize.net, and others.

Chances are, if you’re building a new product or business, you’ll need other form types as well. That’s where WPForms excels. You can create forms for all sorts of purposes, like contact forms, newsletter signups, surveys, registration forms, and more. It’s an all-in-one form builder with over 1700+ templates to choose from, which is more than any other plugin on this list.

Out of all the plugins we tried, WPForms is the best for collecting user responses in your crowdfunding forms. That’s because advanced features like the smart logic condition allow you to collect relevant information based on the contributors’ responses.

For example, depending on the contribution level, you may consider adding a reward.

WPForms smart logic

Let’s say VIP contributors will get access to a special launch event. In that case, you’d need to collect information about them so they can RSVP. Or if you’re sending physical rewards like gifts or merchandise, then the smart logic would prompt users to provide their shipping address for delivery purposes.

WPForms comes with a wide range of add-ons like email marketing so you can send donors updates. There are plenty of integrations with third-party apps to enhance functionality. For instance, adding integration with CRM apps allows you to follow up with contributors once your business launches.

Pricing: You can get started with WPForms for $49.50 per year, but there’s also a Lite version.


  • WPForms comes with 1,700+ templates.
  • Smart logic is a great option for showing or hiding fields based on responses.
  • There are plenty of third-party integrations to increase functionality.


  • It’s not a dedicated crowdfunding platform.

Why We Recommend WPForms: We like WPForms because of its wide range of templates and customizations. Beyond that, smart logic is an excellent way to show only relevant fields, which is great if you offer reward-based crowdfunding.

5. WP Crowdfunding by Themeum

WPCrowdfunding by themeum

WP Crowdfunding is a crowdfunding plugin that leverages the power of WooCommerce to accept and manage pledges from backers.

It’s great because it integrates with all of your other products and categories.

For example, let’s say you have a dropshipping store but want to build your own branded products and start private labeling them. Rather than investing time and resources into products your customers aren’t interested in, you can raise money to help support items that people are willing to pay for.

You can even add all of your crowdfunding campaigns in one place, similar to Kickstarter or Indiegogo. That way, visitors can see which product to support.

Crowdfunding campaigns example

The plugin also has its own Native Wallet system, which tracks all of the proceeds that are raised on the crowdfunding project. That way, you don’t mix up online sales with donations. You’ll get stats along with a list of backers, so you know all the contributions made.

Pricing: WP Crowdfunding costs $149 per year for a single site.


  • WP Crowdfunding connects with your WooCommerce store.
  • It helps you decide which products to launch.
  • Backers can donate visibly or anonymously.


  • It only uses Stripe.

Why We Recommend WP Crowdfunding: This plugin is a great choice for online stores that want to start selling their products. Visitors can see all of the crowdfunding campaigns available to contribute to and see the progress towards each goal.

6. Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms is another form builder plugin, like WPForms. It comes with a wide range of donation forms, payment forms, calculator forms, contact forms, and more.

With this plugin, you can easily create donation and fundraising forms that accept payments via Stripe or Authorize.net. When using Formidable Forms, you’re taken to a visual form styler, giving you plenty of customization options. You can add a donate button, custom amounts, and just about any field you’d like.

While it is a contact form plugin, you can still view donation stats based on all the contributions made. There are beautiful graphic charts that help you visualize your campaign’s performance.

It also has integrations with powerful apps like Zapier, so you can automate workflow tasks. For example, you can set it up so that all contributors receive a thank-you message via email or text.

Overall, we found that Formidable Forms had lots of built-in customization choices. After thorough testing, we do like that it has advanced calculation features. For example, for large donations, you might include a calculator to estimate the tax-deductible portion of the donation.

Pricing: Formidable Forms starts at $39.50 per year but also offers a free version.


  • Lots of form templates.
  • A visual form styler to customize the fundraising form to fit your brand identity.
  • Visual reporting to easily see campaign performance.


  • It’s not specifically designed for crowdfunding purposes.

Why We Recommend Formidable Forms: This plugin could be a good choice if you need a customizable tool for collecting donations. It supports all the popular payment gateways, and you can add advanced features like calculators to your donation forms.

7. Patreon WordPress

Patreon WordPress plugin

Patreon WordPress is a fundraising plugin that allows you to connect your WordPress site to your Patreon account to boost your pledges and patrons.

Let’s say you already have a built-in audience on Patreon but want your visitors to also have access to your community. Then, you can easily import your existing Patreon posts and content.

The plugin will sync data automatically to WordPress. When donors pledge and subscribe to your Patreon, they can easily access everything from your website.

You might have a new business idea. All contributors can be added to your Patreon community, giving them exclusive access to your gated content. You can choose to restrict any single post or all of your posts. In addition, you can select the tiers or minimum pledge amount needed to access any custom post or type of post.

Pricing: Patreon WordPress is a free plugin.


  • Good for creators and existing Patreon users.
  • It syncs from Patreon to WordPress.
  • You can choose to lock or unlock any single post or all posts.


  • It’s not useful for anyone who doesn’t plan on using Patreon.

Why We Recommend Patreon WordPress: This is the perfect plugin for creators, artists, musicians, bloggers, and other creatives who are already on Patreon. You’ll be able to bring the power of Patreon onto your website and integrate the platforms.

How Do You Choose the Best Crowdfunding Plugin?

The right crowdfunding plugin will depend on your needs. Some plugins are specifically designed for crowdfunding, while others offer fundraising forms as part of their larger offering.

If you offer other products or services or want to set up different types of forms on your website in addition to the fundraising form, then using an all-in-one plugin could be the more cost-effective solution for you.

Beyond that, it’s vital that you provide donors with a fast and easy checkout experience. That means you should offer a wide range of payment gateways so contributors can pay using their payment method of choice.

If you’re only planning to build a few pages to gauge interest level with any of these plugins, you may want to use SeedProd. It is the best page builder plugin on the market, with a powerful drag-and-drop editor that allows you to easily create any type of page, like a landing page or a custom homepage.

That way, you don’t have to spend time building out your entire website around a particular plugin or system until you have contributors rolling in to support your business idea.

Which Is the Best Crowdfunding Plugin for WordPress?

Through all of our testing, we’ve found that the best crowdfunding plugin for WordPress is Charitable. It has all the tools you need to set up a fundraising campaign. With the peer-to-peer fundraising capability, you can have ambassadors spread the word and increase your donation amount. Beyond that, you can accept recurring donations, connect them to your newsletter software, and more.

If you just want to simply add a crowdfunding feature to your existing website, WP Simple Pay or WPForms are good, cost-effective solutions. You can add a simple crowdfunding payment form to any part of your website and start raising money.

We hope this article helped you find the best crowdfunding plugins for WordPress. You may also want to check out our list of the best WordPress themes for crowdfunding and our guide on how to increase your blog traffic.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 7 Best Crowdfunding Plugins for WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

Introducing the Reimagined WP Charitable: Fundraising Has Got Easier Than Ever

Have you ever wondered if there was an easy way to collect donations for non-profits and fundraisers?

While there are several donation platforms on the market, most of them charge a heavy transaction / platform fee or come with limited functionalities, restricting your fundraising abilities.

Today, I am excited to announce that we’ve completely revamped WP Charitable from the ground up. Now, it’s easier than ever to launch a fundraising campaign, even if you’re absolutely new to WordPress.

wp charitable revamped

About WP Charitable

WP Charitable is the best WordPress donation plugin for non-profits. Over the last 9 years, Charitable has been helping over 10,000+ non-profits raise funds for their cause without having to pay an additional transaction fee.

I acquired the plugin in 2022 with the goal to make it easy for anyone to volunteer with fundraising and help their favorite non-profit organizations on the technical side. But most importantly, I wanted a solution that I can have my wife use for our Balkhi Foundation without needing any technical help from me.

With the newest update to Charitable, we’ve completely reimagined how Charitable works, so you can raise more funds for your cause with less effort.

Let’s take a look at them below:

Create Stunning Fundraising Campaigns Without a Designer

Looking to build a professional fundraising campaign that encourages donors to support your cause?

Charitable’s drag-and-drop campaign builder makes it easy to build a fundraising campaign even if you’re not tech savvy.

WPCharitable choose campaign layout and template

Unlike a typical donation form plugin, Charitable offers 3 different column layouts from which to choose.

  • Simple 1 column template
  • Simple 2 column template
  • Simple 2 column with header template
3 column template

These column layouts help you build a stunning fundraising campaign on your own without having to hire a designer or developer.

Take a look at a few customizable fields you can add to your campaign.

WPCharitable campaign designer
  • Campaign title
  • Campaign description
  • Customizable Donate Button
  • Progress bar: Show how much has been donated and your campaign goals
  • HTML: Add an area of customizable HTML
  • Social sharing: Add social sharing links right on your campaign page
  • Social links: Add links to your social media accounts

The best part is that you can build a campaign like this in less than 5 minutes!

fundraiser example cancer research

If you’ve always wanted to build campaigns to collect donations for your cause, then look no further than Charitable.

Get Insights Into Your Campaigns at a Glance

It’s important to know how each of your fundraising campaigns is doing and which campaign contributes the most.

With the latest version of Charitable, you’ll get an improved admin dashboard that gives you a bird’s eye view of how your campaigns are performing at a glance.

charitable dashboard

Here are a few items you can see from the dashboard.

Quick top overview – At a glance, see how much money your donations have brought in, the average donation amount, the number of donors, and the amount of refunds within a time frame.

Interactive graph – With an easy-to-view timeline, you can see how many donations you got represented.

Recent donations – View recent donations and a brief summary of each one.

Top campaigns – See which campaigns are outperforming in terms of total donations, total donors, and more.

Detailed Reports That Matter to Your Organization

I believe that your campaign data is only as good as the actionable insights you can get from it.

This is why we added several detailed reports that matter to your organization.

Donations breakdown report

Donations breakdown – It gives you a better idea of how your campaigns are doing overall on a daily basis, with the ability to download the data into a CSV file.

Campaign activity – This report gives you a heads-up in chronological order of what is happening on your site right now. It lets you quickly see if a particular campaign is suddenly receiving donations or is getting popular so you can act accordingly.

Top donors – Understand who your top donors so you can reach out to them to thank them or further communicate.

Payment methods – Get an idea of your most popular payment methods, including manual or offline donations.

Pay $0 Transaction Fee

The harsh reality of most online donation platforms is that they charge transaction fees, also known as platform fees. This fee can be typically as high as 4% of the total donation amount.

Keep in mind that transaction fees are charged on top of the processing fees, which are usually charged by payment processors like Stripe or PayPal (around 3%).

Charitable doesn’t charge transaction fees with any of its premium plans. The only fee you’ll be paying is the processing fee, which is paid directly to the payment gateway you choose, such as Stripe.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising or Crowdfunding

Peer-to-peer fundraising is a popular strategy for large fundraising campaigns where passionate individuals organize their personal fundraising campaigns on behalf of a nonprofit organization.

With the Charitable Ambassadors addon, you can instantly transform your website into a peer-to-peer fundraising or your own crowdfunding platform, like GoFundMe or Indiegogo. It also lets you offer your most passionate advocates the tools they need to support your cause.

peer-to-peer fundraising

For example, you can let your advocates create fundraising pages of their own and even require users to have an account and be logged in before they can submit a campaign.

If you enable the Personal cause campaigns option, you can turn your site into a crowdfunding site and let individuals raise money for their own cause.

ambassador settings

Recurring Donations Is Easier Than Ever

Accepting recurring donations allows you to maintain a reliable and predictable donation stream.

With Charitable, you can easily add the option of recurring donations to online forms with suggested amounts.

When recurring donations is enabled, your donors get the flexibility to donate smaller amounts, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually instead of sending a large one-time donation. They also have the flexibility to cancel as needed right inside their account.

Connect Donors With Your Email List

Charitable lets you easily add a newsletter checkbox to your campaign. When it’s enabled, you can automatically add your donors to your email list and turn them into ongoing supporters. 

Currently, the plugin seamlessly integrates with email marketing software like MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, MailerLite, ActiveCampaign, Mailster and MailPoet.

Charitable integrations

Easily Add Campaigns Anywhere in WordPress

Charitable makes it easy to add your campaigns across your WordPress website.

It comes with the Charitable block.

Simply edit any post or page in WordPress and add the Charitable block where you want to display your campaign. Done!

Charitable campaign block

Now, you can save or publish your changes and preview the post or page. You will see your campaign added to the page.

If you have multiple campaigns, you may want to display them as a collection within your posts or pages.

show multiple campaigns

Multiple Payment Options

Need multiple payment options to accept donations?

Charitable got you covered there as well. It supports all the top payment service providers including Stripe, PayPal, Authorize.net, Square, Braintree, and more.

Payment integrations in Chariable

Even the free version of Charitable comes with both Stripe and PayPal.

This makes it easier for free version users to accept donations via credit card.

WPCharitable default payment options

More Features That Make Charitable Standout

There are several more features that make Charitable standout from its competitors. Here are some of them.

Gift Aid for UK Based Non-Profit

If you are a registered UK charity or non-profit, you can boost your donations by 25% with Gift Aid, a tax incentive for charities in the United Kingdom. When Gift Aid is enabled on your Charity plugin, the Gift Aid declaration will be added to all your campaigns.

gift aid customizer

Seamless Easy Digital Downloads Integration

Charitable seamlessly integrates with Easy Digital Downloads. This allows you to accept donations with any of the Easy Digital Downloads gateways.

On top of that, you can sell digital merchandise to raise fund for your organization.

Accept Anonymous Donations

Allow donors to support your cause without having their name publicly displayed. As the website administrator, you can view anonymous donor’s details, but their name and photo will be hidden when displayed in the Donors widget.

Cover the Processing Fees

Bump up your donations by giving your donors the option to cover the processing fees on their donations.

Try Charitable Today

I am quite excited about the progress we have made so far with Charitable.

I’m also extremely pleased with the community response so far, as everyone is loving the new features.

I invite you to try Charitable. If you want, you can even install the free Charitable plugin from WordPress.org that offers basic fundraising features.

We’re truly building something special here. If you have ideas on how we can make the plugin more helpful to you, suggest your ideas here.

As always, I am thankful for your continued support and look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Truly,

Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

The post Introducing the Reimagined WP Charitable: Fundraising Has Got Easier Than Ever first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Pass Payment Processing Fees to Customers in WordPress

Recently, one of our readers asked us how they can pass payment processing fees to customers in WordPress.

Most payment processors charge additional fees to facilitate a secure transaction process for the buyer and seller. Asking customers to pay the payment processing fees helps you increase your earning by around 3%.

In this article, we will show you how to easily pass payment processing fees to customers in WordPress, step by step.

Pass Payment Processing Fees to Customers in WordPress

Why Pass Payment Processing Fees to Customers in WordPress?

If you have an online store, then you may have noticed that most payment processors charge you additional per-transaction fees, percentage-based fees, and gateway fees.

For instance, if a user buys a chair from your furniture store for $50 and uses Stripe as a payment method, then you will only get $48.55 in your account. This is because Stripe collects 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction.

Passing this processing fee to customers allows you to receive the entire amount ($50) for your product/service without having to worry about absorbing this fee as a business expense.

Plus, it gives you more control over your product pricing strategy.

It also helps build transparency with customers by adding a separate line for the fees on the checkout page, which can act as a competitive advantage. It will allow you to set lower base prices for your products and attract more customers who are looking for the lowest total cost.

Having said that, let’s see how to easily pass the payment processing fees to customers in WordPress. In this tutorial, we will cover three methods, and you can use the links below to jump to the one of your choice:

Method 1: Pass Payment Processing Fees to Customers With WP Simple Pay

WP Simple Pay is the best WordPress Stripe plugin on the market that allows you to accept payments from customers without adding a shopping cart. It comes with premade templates, has a form builder, and lets you add payment processing fees directly to the customer’s bill.

Plus, WP Simple Pay is a great choice if you have a membership site, sell courses online, or sell a single product in your online store.

First, you will need to install and activate the WP Simple Pay plugin. For detailed instructions, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: WP Simple Pay has a free plan. However, you will need to upgrade to the pro version to unlock the fee recovery feature.

Upon activation, a setup wizard will open up on your screen. Here, you must click the ‘Let’s Get Started’ button.

Installing the WP Simple Pay WordPress plugin

This will take you to the first step, where you have to add your plugin’s license key and click the ‘Activate and Continue’ button.

You will get this information from your account on the WP Simple Pay website.

You’ll Be Asked to Enter Your WP Simple Pay License Key

After that, you will need to connect your Stripe account with WordPress.

Go ahead and click the ‘Connect with Stripe’ button to continue.

Connecting your WordPress website to Stripe

Once you do that, you must log in to your Stripe account to connect it with WP Simple Pay and then configure the other setup wizard steps.

For detailed instructions, you can see our tutorial on how to create WordPress forms with payment options.

Now, you can start by visiting the WP Simple Pay » Add New page from the WordPress admin sidebar. This will direct you to the ‘Select a Template’ page where you can choose any template you like.

For this tutorial, we will be creating a simple payment form.

Use the payment form template by clicking the 'Use Template' button under it

The form builder will now open up on your screen. Here, you have to provide a name and description for the form that you are about to create.

Then, select ‘On-site payment form’ as the form type and switch to the ‘Payment’ tab.

Add a name for your form and switch to the Payment tab

Once you are there, scroll down to the ‘Price Options’ section and simply add an amount for your product or service. You can also pick if you want it to be a one-time or recurring payment.

If you want to add multiple prices, then you can click the ‘Add Price’ button at the top.

Add amount for your payment form

After that, scroll down to the ‘Payment Method’ section and check the boxes next to the gateways that you want to add to your payment form.

With WP Simple Pay, you can add KIarna, Affirm, AliPay, debit card, credit card, SEPA Debit, and many more methods.

Once you do that, click the ‘Configure’ link next to the payment option of your choice.

Choose a payment method by checking the box next to these options

This will open a prompt on the screen, where you have to check the ‘Add an additional fee to payments made with this payment method’ option. Once you do that, you can set a transaction fee percentage for the product that you are selling.

If you don’t configure this setting, then Stripe will automatically add 2.9% of the product price as the fee. Then, click the ‘Update’ button to store your settings.

Check the Fee recovery option

Now, the payment processing fee will automatically be added to the customer’s bill on the checkout page.

However, if you think that adding a recovery fee without customer consent can damage your reputation, then you can also provide a choice to your customer.

To do this, switch to the ‘Form Fields’ tab. Here, you can add, rearrange, or delete fields in the form according to your liking. For more information, you can see our tutorial on how to accept payments with Stripe in WordPress.

Once you do that, open the ‘Form Fields’ dropdown menu and select the ‘Fee Recovery Toggle’ option. Then, click the ‘Add’ button.

Now, users on your site will have to toggle this switch if they want to pay the payment processing fee themselves.

Add fee recovery toggle as payment form field

Next, switch to the ‘Payment Page’ tab and check the ‘Enable a dedicated payment page’ option.

After that, you can now customize your payment form page by adding a permalink, color scheme, image, and footer text.

Publish your payment form with purchase restriction

Once you are done, don’t forget to click the ‘Publish’ button at the top.

Now, simply visit your payment form page to view the fee recovery feature in action.

Payment form with fee recovery option

Method 2: Pass Payment Processing Fees to Customers With Easy Digital Downloads

If you sell digital products like eBooks, PDFs, music, or spreadsheets, then this method is for you.

Easy Digital Downloads is the best WordPress plugin for selling digital products that makes it super easy to pass processing fees to customers using an addon.

First, you will need to install and activate the Easy Digital Downloads plugin. For detailed instructions, see our beginner’s guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: EDD has a free plan. However, you need the pro version to unlock the ‘Gateway Fees’ extension.

Upon activation, head over to the Downloads » Settings page from the WordPress dashboard to enter your license key.

You can get this information from your account on the Easy Digital Downloads website.

Add a license key for your easy digital downloads plugin

After that, you must set up your store to start selling products. For detailed instructions, you can check out our beginner’s guide on how to sell digital downloads in WordPress.

Once you have done that, visit the Downloads » Extensions page from the WordPress admin sidebar and locate the ‘Gateway Fees’ extension.

Then, click the ‘Install’ button under it.

Install the EDD gateway fees extension

Upon addon activation, visit the Downloads » Settings » Payments page and switch to the ‘Gateway Fees’ tab.

Here, you can add the payment processing fee that you want to charge your customers next to the ‘Percent fee for Stripe’ or ‘Flat fee for Stripe’ options.

Once you do that, you can add a label that will be displayed on the checkout page to explain the additional fee being charged to the user.

You can configure the gateway for all the payment methods that you have added to your site from this page.

Configure the gateway fees

After that, don’t forget to click the ‘Save Changes’ button to store your settings.

You can now visit your WordPress site to view the additional payment processing fee on the checkout page.

Payment processing fee preview in EDD

Method 3: Pass Payment Processing Fees to Customers With WP Charitable

If you accept donations or do crowdfunding through your website, then this method is for you.

WP Charitable is a popular WordPress donation plugin that lets you create unlimited fundraising campaigns and comes with a Fee Relief extension to allow users to cover payment processing fees.

For this tutorial, you will need the WP Charitable Plus license to unlock this extension.

First, you will need to install and activate the core Charitable plugin, which is completely free. For detailed instructions, you can see our tutorial on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Next, visit the Charitable » Settings page from the WordPress dashboard to enter your pro plan’s license key and click the ‘Verify Key’ button.

You can find this information in your account on the WP Charitable website.

Add license key for WP Charitable

After that, head over to the Charitable » Addons page from the WordPress admin sidebar and find the ‘Charitable Fee Relief’ extension.

Then, click the ‘Install Addon’ button.

Install the fee relief addon

Upon addon activation, you need to go to the Charitable » Settings page and switch to the ‘Extensions’ tab.

Here, you can check the ‘Opt-in checkbox, checked by default’ option as a fee relief mode. This will add a checked box to the donation form for fee recovery. If the user does not want to pay the processing fee, then they will have to uncheck this box.

However, if you don’t want to provide users with an option and automatically add the recovery fee along with the donation amount, then you can check the ‘Automatic opt-in’ option.

After that, you must click the ‘Enable Fee Relief’ button next to the payment gateways to activate fee recovery for payment processing.

Choose a fee relief option according to your liking

Once you do that, you can set a payment processing fee as a combination of a percentage and a fixed amount per donation.

For instance, if PayPal charges 2.9% and $0.30 per transaction, then these are the amounts that you will have to add in the fields.

Once you are done, don’t forget to click the ‘Save Changes’ button to store your settings.

Add recovery fee per donation for different payment gateways

Now, you must start building your website’s fundraising campaign. To do this, visit the Charitable » Add New page from the WordPress dashboard.

Here, you will have to enter a campaign name, after which you will be taken to the ‘Select a Template’ page.

From here, click the ‘Create Campaign’ button under a template of your choice.

Choose a campaign template

This will open the drag-and-drop builder, where you can drag, rearrange, and delete form fields according to your liking.

For example, you can add the ‘Donation Amount’ field and then add some custom amounts that users can choose from in the left column.

Add the donation amount form field from the drag and drop builder

Once you do that, you can also add a progress bar, social links, a campaign title, and more from the left sidebar. You can also configure payment gateways by switching to the ‘Payment’ tab.

For more information, you can see our tutorial on how to raise money with crowdfunding in WordPress.

Publish donation form

Once you are done, simply change the form status to ‘Publish’ from the dropdown menu in the top right corner of the screen. Then, click the ‘Save’ button at the top to store your settings.

Now, just visit your WordPress site to view the donation form with the fee recovery option.

Fee relief donation form preview

Bonus: Accept ACH Payments in WordPress

If you do not want to pass payment processing fees to customers in WordPress, then you should consider accepting ACH payments on your website.

ACH is an electronic bank-to-bank payment made through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network in the United States. Keep in mind that this method will only work if your business is based in the USA.

Accepting ACH payments can lower your transaction fees a lot as Stripe’s fee for ACH is just 0.8% per transaction compared to its usual 2.9%.

For example, if you have a WooCommerce store and a customer buys some products for $100, then the transaction fee with ACH payments will be only $0.80. On the other hand, payment processing fees using other methods will be $3.20.

You can easily start accepting ACH payments on your website using WP Simple Pay.

Simply install and activate the plugin and then visit the WP Simple Pay » Add New page from your WordPress dashboard. Here, you must choose the ‘ACH Direct Debit Form’ template and create a payment form in the builder.

Select the ACH Direct Debit Form Template

Once you add the form to your website, you will have to pay a lower transaction fee for users choosing this option as a payment gateway.

For more detailed instructions, you can see our tutorial on how to accept ACH payments in WordPress.

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily pass payment processing fees to customers in WordPress. You may also want to see our beginner’s guide on how to easily accept credit card payments on your WordPress site and our top picks for the best WordPress credit card processing plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Pass Payment Processing Fees to Customers in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

Welcome WP Charitable to the WPBeginner Family of Products

Today, I’m extremely excited to share that WP Charitable is joining Awesome Motive, and they’re now part of the WPBeginner family of products.

WP Charitable is a top-rated WordPress donation and fundraising plugin. Over 10,000+ non-profit organizations and website owners across the world use Charitable to create fundraising campaigns and raise more money online. 

Welcome WP Charitable to the WPBeginner Family

Introduction to WP Charitable – Quick Overview

WP Charitable makes it easy for non-profits and fundraisers to collect more donations worldwide. 

Unlike other non-profit donation platforms, Charitable does not charge any transaction fees, so more money can go towards supporting your great cause.

Charitable is a top-rated WordPress donation and fundraising plugin because it’s both easy and powerful. It comes with all the features you need including fully customizable donation forms, ability to accept one-time or recurring donations, easy donation management dashboard, GDPR compliance, annual donor receipts, gift giving in honor of someone else, fee relief which allows donors to cover payment process fees, and more.

You can also use Charitable for peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns, and it even lets you create your own crowdfunding platform like GoFundMe or Indiegogo.

Peer to Peer Fundraising in WordPress with WP Charitable

Charitable supports multiple currency and payment gateways, so you can accept donations from anywhere in the world.

The plugin has built-in payment integrations for Stripe, PayPal, Authorize.net, Braintree, Mollie, GoCardless, Paystack, Payfast, Payrexx, Windcave, and more.

WP Charitable Payment Gateway Integrations for WordPress

You can also stay connected with your donors through the email marketing feature which integrates seamlessly with Mailchimp, MailerLite, Active Campaign, Campaign Monitor, Mailster, Mailpoet, and 5000+ other marketing automation platforms using either Zapier or Webhooks.

WP Charitable Marketing Integrations

And if you’re a developer, WP Charitable comes with custom hooks, filters, donation fields API, and extensive developer documentation, so you can customize the plugin based on your project needs.

To celebrate this big occasion, we’re offering up to $100 off on WP Charitable.

You can also use the free version of Charitable to get started. 

Background Story – Why WP Charitable? 

As you know, every year I do a WPBeginner reader survey where I ask for your suggestions on what new tutorials we should write, plugins we should build, new features we should add to our existing plugins, and so on.

For the last three years, the number of requests from our non-profit users to build a beginner-friendly WordPress donation plugin has been increasing.

Our first response to the survey request was to create a discounted WPForms plan for non-profits that makes it easy for non-profit organizations to create online donation forms while also getting access to all the powerful features of WPForms form builder which is used by 5 million websites.

This was much appreciated by a lot of users, but some organizations still didn’t have a budget for a discounted plan.

So last year, we acquired WP Simple Pay, which as the name suggests is a simple online payment plugin that lets you accept payments using Stripe credit card, ACH, Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc. 

It even has a free version which solved the problem for a lot of smaller non-profit organizations that were on a tight budget.

The downside for a group of organizations was that it’s restricted to Stripe payment gateway only, and it lacked all the other powerful features that one would expect from a full donation & fundraising platform.

So after reviewing the 2022 WPBeginner reader survey results along with the WPForms user feedback, we decided that it was finally time for us to build a WordPress donations plugin that’s both easy and powerful.

We had two options, build from scratch or see if there was an existing solution in the market that we could simply acquire and add the features you all have been asking for.

Luckily, the timing aligned with the founders of Charitable, and we were able to make the deal happen where WP Charitable would join the Awesome Motive family of products.

The two co-founders will not be joining the team as they are focusing on other ventures instead.

I was able to convince one of the most highly respected and well-known WordPress developers, David Bisset, to join our team and lead the WP Charitable project.

Syed Balkhi and David Bisset

David and I have known each other for nearly a decade. We both live in Florida, and we were co-organizers of the WordCamp Miami event.

I am excited to work alongside David as we work to build the best online fundraising platform for WordPress and the web.

As you know, at Awesome Motive, our mission is to help small businesses grow and compete with the big guys. Our software today powers over 20 million websites and helps shape the web for billions worldwide.

Along with our core mission, we believe that companies should be forces for good.

The WP Charitable plugin allows us to use our knowledge, experience, and resources to empower those who’re changing the world for good.

What’s Coming Next? 

Our work is just starting.

We have an extensive list of ideas and feature roadmap from the feedback that you, the WPBeginner audience, have shared with us in the survey.

I’m looking forward to making those ideas come to life.

This is truly going to be a game changer!

If you have suggestions on features you’d like to see in the WP Charitable plugin, then please let us know by sending us a message via WPBeginner contact form.

Lastly, I just want to say how humbling it is to have this opportunity to serve so many great organizations and make a positive impact in our world.

The impact WP Charitable will have on the world is part of YOUR legacy too.

WPBeginner and Awesome Motive would not be here without YOU, and I just want to say how much I appreciate all of you.

Thank you so much for your continued support of WPBeginner and me over the last 13 years.

And I look forward to continue serving you and the larger WordPress / web ecosystem for years to come.

Yours Truly,

Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

P.S. Want us to acquire or invest in your WordPress business? Learn more about the WPBeginner Growth Fund.

The post Welcome WP Charitable to the WPBeginner Family of Products first appeared on WPBeginner.

7 Best Tip Jar Plugins for WordPress

Do you want to collect donations on your WordPress website?

Tip jar plugins allow both non-profits and content creators to make money from their sites. They make it easy for users to give you a donation if they like your content or what you are offering.

In this article, we will share the best tip jar plugins for WordPress (with their pros and cons).

Best Tip Jar Plugins for WordPress

Why Use a Tip Jar on Your Website?

A virtual tip jar is pretty similar to a real tip jar. It’s a way for your audience to give you a few dollars as a “thank you” for your work.

There are lots of reasons why you might use one. Maybe:

  • You are a musician, artist, or writer. You share your work freely online, but you’d like some extra funding.
  • You create free software. You want to give your users a chance to support you so you can keep providing the software for free.
  • You run a virtual class online that you don’t charge for. Donations would help you keep it going.
  • You want to experiment with a tip jar as a way to make money online from your blog.

Tip jars are mini donation forms. They are often placed in the sidebar of a website, making them easily visible.

You want your tip jar to be as simple as possible. That way, people will be more likely to use it.

Using the right tip jar plugin is very important because some of these plugins can offer other useful features based on your needs.

Note: Some tip jar plugins will require you to use an SSL certificate. We strongly recommend this regardless of whether it’s required or not. If you don’t yet have an SSL certificate, then our tutorial on how to get a free SSL certificate takes you through the process of getting one.

With that said, let’s take a look at the best tip jar plugins for WordPress.

1. Charitable


Charitable is a powerful fundraising and donation plugin for WordPress, used by over 10,000+ non-profits to raise money online.

It’s not just for non-profits, though. You can also use Charitable as a tip jar to accept donations for your personal cause or project.

Pros of Charitable

Charitable is easy to use, and you can set up your first fundraising campaign in less than 5 minutes.

You can create custom donation forms to suit your exact needs, and you are able to set up as many fundraisers as you like. If you have multiple campaigns, then you can display them as a collection on any page or post of your WordPress website.

You can start accepting donations right away via PayPal or connect to premium payment gateways like Stripe, Authorize.net, Braintree, Windcave, and others.

Cons of Charitable

You can accept donations with their basic plan, but if you want to set up recurring donations, then you will need the Charitable Plus plan. And it’s a little bit expensive.

While the Charitable Plus plan comes with advanced features like anonymous donations, it will only work on a single WordPress site. So, if you have multiple websites, then this may not be the right choice.

Why Do We Recommend Charitable?

Charitable is a popular WordPress donation plugin. It’s trusted by thousands of users to accept online donations.

The Charitable plugin also seamlessly integrates with Easy Digital Downloads. This lets you easily sell digital products like eBooks to raise money for your cause.

There are also premium addons available, including recurring donations, peer-to-peer fundraising, crowdfunding, anonymous donations, and more.


Charitable has a free version with limited features. Paid plans start at $99/year for unlimited campaigns, unlimited donors, and no transaction fees.

2. WPForms

WPForms plugin

WPForms is the best WordPress forms plugin, used by over 6 million website owners. You can use it to create a tip jar as a form and customize it to match your brand needs.

It’s one of the most popular WordPress plugins and comes with thousands of ready-made templates. These templates let you create any type of WordPress form in one click, including a contact form, survey form, registration form, donation form, and more.

Pros of WPForms

The WPForms plugin has a beginner-friendly interface. Plus, you can use the WPForms Donation Form template to create your tip jar quickly.

It supports Stripe, PayPal, Square, and Authorize.net to accept donations on your website. You can use it to accept one-time or recurring donations.

You can add the WPForms tip jar anywhere on your website, including standalone pages, sidebars, the footer area, and more.

Cons of WPForms

The recurring donation option is only available with the WPForms Pro and Elite plans. So, you have to pay for the Pro plan to add a tip jar to your WordPress site.

While it’s a little expensive, the WPForms Pro plan comes with more payment options, advanced addons, and more. So it’s worth buying anyway.

Why Do We Recommend WPForms?

WPForms is simple and beginner-friendly. The plugin is built for anyone who wants to add forms to their WordPress site.

When it comes to donations and tip jars, WPForms makes it easy for you to offer something in return for donations.

For example, if you are a musician, then you can offer an exclusive recording that isn’t publicly available. Or, if you are a software designer, then you could give users access to the beta version of your new software.

This helps increase your donations and fill up your tip jar quickly.

To offer your freebie, you can integrate your donation form with your email marketing service. This lets you set up an autoresponder to thank people for their donations and give them a freebie.

Moreover, WPForms isn’t just for tip jars. It has a multipurpose approach, ease of use, and affordable pricing plans.


WPForms Pro, which costs $199.50 per year using our exclusive WPForms coupon, lets you accept one-time and recurring donations with no additional transaction fees.

If you are a non-profit, then you can get an additional discount through the WPForms Care program, which offers special pricing on WordPress forms for non-profits.

There’s also a limited free version that lets you accept donations via Stripe, but there’s a 3% transaction fee.

Alternative: If you are looking to create a simple form that accepts tips, then we also recommend WP Simple Pay. It’s the best Stripe payment form plugin for WordPress. There’s also a free version of WP Simple Pay that you can use to get started.

3. GiveWP


GiveWP, also known as Give, is a fantastic, fully-featured donations plugin for WordPress.

It’s one of the best plugins for nonprofits, but you can also use it for yourself or your for-profit business.

Pros of GiveWP

There are loads of different options with GiveWP. For example, you can allow donors to donate in their own currency. You can also accept recurring donations.

You can create goals to fundraise up to a certain point. This could work really well if you are offering your audience something new once you reach your goal.

For instance, if you are a nonfiction author, then you might promise to release a chapter of your upcoming book for free once you reach $1,000 in donations.

GiveWP can be connected to a whole range of payment gateways. These include Stripe, Authorize.net, PayPal, 2Checkout, Braintree, Mollie, Paytm, PayFast, Square, AmeriCloud, Paymill, and many more.

Cons of GiveWP

With GiveWP, you can install many different addons to give you extra features. But you only get the basic addons with the Basic plan. You will need to buy the GiveWP Plus or Pro plan to access premium addons.

The recurring donation feature is only available with the GiveWP Plus plan and above. Unlike WPForms and Charitable, the GiveWP Plus plan is more expensive and may not include the features you get with other tip jar plugins on our list.

Why Do We Recommend GiveWP?

It’s easy to get started with GiveWP. As soon as you install and activate the plugin, you will be taken through the quick start guide.

GiveWP lets you customize your donation forms. But if having full control over your donation form is a crucial feature for you, then WPForms might be a better fit.


GiveWP has a limited free version. Paid plans start from $149/year, and the Plus version gives you access to all addons for $349/year.

4. PayPal Donations

Donations via PayPal

PayPal Donations is a simple and free WordPress plugin that lets you get donations through PayPal. It’s very easy to set up.

You can create a tip jar and add it to your sidebar or footer using the PayPal Donations widget.

Pros of PayPal Donations

If you want to add a tip jar quickly, then this might be the plugin for you. It’s free, which could be a big advantage if you are not expecting to get many donations.

You can choose the currency that you want to use for the tips. You can also set a default amount for donations if you want.

Plus, the plugin lets you enter a “thank you” page URL for your users to go to after adding money to your tip jar.

Cons of PayPal Donations

As you might expect from the name, the PayPal Donations plugin only takes donations through PayPal. If you want more payment options for your tip jar, then you will need to use a different plugin from our list.

Why Do We Recommend PayPal Donations?

The PayPal Donations plugin is well worth a look if you want to keep things as simple as possible.

It lets you create a custom PayPal donate button or use one of the built-in buttons. The donors can simply click on the donate button and check out using their PayPal account.


PayPal Donations is a free plugin.

5. Tip Jar WP

The Tip Jar WP plugin on the WordPress website

Tip Jar WP is a relatively new plugin, first released in July 2019. Since then, it has helped users make over $1 million through their WordPress websites.

While it doesn’t have the full functionality of premium plugins like WPForms or GiveWP, it’s still a great option for creating tip jars on your WordPress site.

Pros of Tip Jar WP

Tip Jar WP is designed to make the donation process as seamless as possible for your donors. It’s also easy to use, as there’s a simple guided setup process.

The default form is nicely designed and easy to use. You can put it anywhere, such as in your sidebar or footer.

You can add your form to a page or post using WordPress’s block editor, or you can put it in your sidebar using a shortcode.

Cons of Tip Jar WP

Although the Tip Jar WP plugin has many features, it doesn’t integrate with PayPal. And PayPal is a very popular payment option.

You may find that your users are happy to pay through credit card or the supported mobile device methods, but they might prefer the PayPal option.

Another drawback is that the plugin charges a 1% commission on your transactions, even when it’s a donation.

Why Do We Recommend Tip Jar WP?

Tip Jar WP works with all WordPress page builders. The responsive design means it will look good on mobile devices as well.

You can use Tip Jar WP to take recurring payments, such as a donation every week or month. It offers multiple currencies so that donors can use their own currency.

You can take payments by credit card. The tip jar form can also tell whether your user’s device supports Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Microsoft Pay. It will then show your visitor the appropriate option if they have it enabled on their device.


Tip Jar WP is a free plugin. It takes 1% of your donations as a transaction fee, though. If you receive a high number of donations, then a different plugin could work out more cost-effective.

6. Buy Me a Coffee

The Buy Me a Coffee tip jar plugin on the WordPress website

The Buy Me a Coffee plugin is provided by the online platform Buy Me a Coffee. You will need to create an account in order to use it, which is free.

Your donors can use PayPal, a credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or other methods to send you a donation.

Pros of Buy Me a Coffee

Buy Me a Coffee is a free tip jar plugin. It has a simple WordPress widget that appears on your site as soon as you install the plugin.

Note: A bit confusingly, what Buy Me a Coffee calls their “widget” isn’t a WordPress widget you add to your sidebar. Instead, once you activate it, it will appear in the bottom right of all your website’s pages as a little coffee cup that expands when clicked.

However, you can also add a button to your sidebar using the Buy Me a Coffee WordPress widget in Appearance » Widgets.

It lets you take both one-off and recurring donations. You can also use it to reward donors with exclusive content or even to sell digital products.

Cons of Buy Me a Coffee

One drawback is that there isn’t much documentation for the WordPress plugin (as opposed to the online platform). Also, some users reported having difficulties reaching customer support.

The second drawback is that it charges a 5% commission on all your transactions, which can be a lot if you get multiple donations.

Why Do We Recommend Buy Me a Coffee?

The Buy Me a Coffee plugin has a widget that looks great out of the box.

It’s also easy to customize, meaning you can change the color with a single click in your WordPress dashboard. You can also change the text.

You can’t alter the donation amounts, though. Your supporters can only pay in multiples of $3.


Buy Me a Coffee is free, but it takes a 5% transaction fee from all your donations. It could be worth it if you want to use all of the online platform’s features.

7. Formidable Forms

The Formidable Forms plugin's website

Formidable Forms is another good option for creating a tip jar in WordPress.

While Formidable Forms is a great form plugin, it isn’t quite as beginner-friendly as WPForms. It’s more geared toward developers and experienced WordPress users.

Pros of Formidable Forms

You can use Formidable Forms for your tip jar. The easiest way to do this is to use the “PayPal Donation” template, which is a pre-built form you can customize however you want.

If you want to do something complicated or unusual with your tip jar, then Formidable Forms might be the best option for you.

It offers a lot of power and flexibility. Like WPForms, you can also use it to create lots of other types of forms.

Cons of Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms is definitely a complex plugin built for developers and experienced users.

While the cost is low for the basic plan, you will need to pay for a higher plan to get access to payment options like PayPal.

Why Do We Recommend Formidable Forms?

Formidable Forms is a great WordPress plugin for adding a tip jar to your site. It comes with a recurring payment option, popular payment methods, form templates, and third-party integrations.

The plugin is a good option for developers who want to build complex forms. It offers smart conditional logic and form styling options to customize your tip jar form to match your brand.


Formidable Forms has a basic plan that costs $39.50 per year. To use PayPal, though, you will need a Business license that costs $199.50 per year. They offer a 14-day money-back guarantee.

There’s a limited free version available on the WordPress.org repository.

Bonus: WP Simple Pay

Is WP Simple Pay the right Stripe payment plugin for your WordPress website?

WP Simple Pay is the best WordPress Stripe payment plugin that can serve as a tip jar plugin. It comes with multiple donation options, including recurring donations, custom donation amounts, and more.

It also includes a donation form template that you can quickly add to your site. The donation form template is easy to customize using WP Simple Pay’s advanced form builder.

The plugin lets you insert a dropdown, radio buttons, and custom fields to add donation amounts. With multiple payment integrations, it’s easy to collect donations online.


WP Simple Pay has a free version (that charges a 3% transaction fee). The premium plans start at $49.50/year with no transaction fees.

Which Is the Best WordPress Tip Jar Plugin?

Any of these plugins could be a great option for your tip jar. The best one for you will depend on what you need.

For an easy donation form that you can put anywhere on your site, WPForms is a great choice. As a bonus, you can use it to create a contact form or add surveys and polls to your site.

If you need advanced features like the ability to manage and contact donors, then WP Charitable is a very reliable option. It’s specifically designed for non-profits and charitable organizations, too.

We hope this article helped you learn about the best tip jar plugins for WordPress. You may also like to take a look at our other WordPress guides that can help grow your donations.

Best WordPress Guides to Grow Your Donations

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 7 Best Tip Jar Plugins for WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.