How to Overcome 6 Selenium Automation Testing Challenges

Undoubtedly, Selenium has made web testing far simpler for many QA teams and enterprises worldwide, but it has a fair share of challenges. That being said, most of such issues testers encounter have quite clear-cut solutions, which is why we have summarized some of the common Selenium automation testing challenges, along with their solution. Let’s get started!

Selenium Automation Testing Challenges & Solutions

  1. Mobile Application Testing
  2. Reporting
  3. Pop-up Windows and Alerts
  4. Page load
  5. Scalability
  6. Desktop Application Testing

1. Mobile Application Testing

When using Selenium, we can create automated test cases on any operating system and browser on desktop, however, we cannot perform mobile tests with Selenium simultaneously.

The Challenges of Using Microservices in Software Development

Businesses around the world rely on various software and IT products to help them achieve their business needs. In order to facilitate the development of such products, companies use a microservices architecture which simplifies a lot of processes across the board. Not only will this expedite time to market, but it also makes it easy for companies to test their products and provide maintenance as well. Still, companies will encounter many difficulties while working on microservices architecture and we would like to tell you about some of the most common issues you might encounter. 

Managing a Complex Infrastructure

One of the big advantages of microservices is the ability to deploy small independent units. However, as you start deploying more and more microservices, the entire system becomes more complex and you will need a lot of expertise to handle such complications. Also, even though each service is now smaller, it is not necessarily less complex, it simply shifted to the communication between each individual microservice. Therefore you will need to choose the service boundaries very carefully and have the necessary tools and expertise to handle such complexity. Most importantly, there needs to be good collaboration between everybody involved in the development process, otherwise the microservices will not be set up correctly. 

CI/CD Pipeline: Demystifying The Complexities

Industry leaders consider CI/CD to be an essential part of the app development cycle as enterprises are keen to reduce the time to market. Continuous integration and continuous delivery help in improving and enhancing the quality of the product while reducing the cost of the project. This blog will help you understand the functioning of a CI/CD pipeline, its challenges, and its benefits. Before we get into the details, let’s have a look at the basic terminology.

Continuous Integration

Continuous integration (CI) is a software development practice where developers frequently make changes in the code and add it to the central repository after which automated tests are run. CI is the integration stage of the software release process which depends on automation and constant integration. The main goal is to find the bugs and resolve the issue quickly to improve the software quality and reduce the time to market.

Top 5 Challenges in Agile Testing

Can you complete the testing challenges?

Testing challenges in agile has been a topic of woe for modern testers. This is mainly because it is one of the most frequented testing practices and methodologies. What does it mean to test on agile terms? Agile teams are required to release new features to the market in a matter of weeks, not months or years. Quality is essential to the agile method because its main focus is on satisfying customer requirements.

The challenges in agile testing are how to test features rapidly and comprehensively as development velocity increases.

Challenges of Adopting Service Mesh in Enterprise Organizations

There are many challenges to overcome.
You may also like: What's a Service Mesh? And Why Do I Need One?

Recently I wrote a piece for DZone and their Migrating to Microservices Report on the challenges of adopting service mesh in an enterprise organization. One of the first things we tackle in that piece is “whether or not you should go down the path of adopting a service mesh” Here’s what I said:

Start with an answer of “no”. If you’re just getting started with microservices and a handful of services, make sure you have the foundational pieces in place first. Microservices and its associated infrastructure are an optimization enabling you to make changes to your application faster. You can make a lot of strides toward going faster without a service mesh. You may even want some of the goodness that a service mesh brings without all of the complexity. Check out something like Gloo, an API Gateway built on Envoy proxy.

Top 5 Challenges of (Web) UI Testing

Figuring out the best ways to implement UI testing.

The software and its demand are increasing year over year with no predictable end in sight. Top companies are even responding high in the rat race with more productive and prompt means to deliver exceptional applications like scaling Agile and accepting DevOps. Many invest in resources to transform Development and Operations in terms of training, coaching, and tooling. Testing is typically an afterthought — until it becomes clear that the testing status quo is creating a bottleneck.

Top 5 Challenges of DevSecOps and How to Overcome Them

DevSecOps emphasizes the need for better collaboration between development, operations, and security. It is the constant integration of efforts of all teams at every step of the process. The ultimate goal is to move into a world that is automated and synced, making most of the manual tasks obsolete.

But to get there, there are changes to be made not just to the process but to the behavior as well. However, according to a survey by Threat Stack, 68% of companies state that their CEO demands security and DevOps teams not do anything that slows down the business. This is one of the biggest challenges of DevSecOps and why many quit the transition halfway.

The Challenges of IT Automation

IT automation is the digitization of IT. It digitizes IT processes such as the provision of new servers, the installation of new software, and the delivery of applications. Successful implementation can lead to cost savings, increases in efficiency and a reduction in personnel costs. You should be paying just as much attention to IT automation as to digitization.

IT automation poses the same challenges as digitization and the added value is just as high.

As with digitization, it is important to know all of your processes and their results. These results are your (technical) IT services. IT automation describes these services in a computer-understandable schema. IT processes are mapped in programs that are executed using software (configuration management systems, infrastructure as code systems).

Containers Are Just Another Piece of the Puzzle: Protect Them to Secure Your Business

Today, as we kicked off the 2019 Nexus User Conference, one of the first sessions tackle tough questions about the journey of containers and how they’re actually just a piece of the puzzle.

ABN AMRO, which we’ll use as the backdrop to showcase this lesson, is one of the biggest banks in the Netherlands. They have a lot of revenue and thus a lot of operations, employees, and dev teams. Specifically, they have more than 450 agile software development teams in both the Netherlands and India and more than 5,000 people in IT.

DevOps Challenges in 2019 and How to Overcome Them

As DevOps is becoming mainstream, multiple teams ask themselves where they should begin with DevOps adoption, what challenges they are going to face along the way, and how to resolve those challenges. Every year more and more companies are expected to move from traditional waterfall approaches to DevOps.

Many software development companies look at DevOps as a pinnacle of what a company can reach in terms of effectiveness, which is a little bit hard. Addressing challenges can reduce your productivity substantially while an adaption to DevOps approaches resulting in diverse automation tools and lack of coordination among development processes.

Lessons From the Daily Scrum

What is Scrum?

Scrum, as you can see in the image below, and as per Wikipedia, is the method of restarting play in a Rugby game that involves players packing closely together with their heads down and attempting to gain possession of the ball.

I am pretty sure that is not the definition that you wanted to see, at least not in this blog. But, bear with me for a couple of seconds. It was not a failed attempt at a bad joke. I just wanted you to see the imagery and get a feel of what is happening. Also, I wanted to throw some light on the history of that name. How did a Rugby method give its name to the popular Agile methodology that we use almost throughout the software engineering world?

Iterating Towards Professional Scrum

The 2019 Scrum Master Trends Report by and the State of Agile 2018 shows numbers that provide insight into the maturity of Agile adoptions. More than 80% of the Scrum Masters (respondents) claim their organization is in or below a "still maturing" level. With Scrum being the industry standard (at least in Western Europe), these numbers are surprising.

I have seen Agile transitions in many organizations and I have been through numerous learning experiences myself, deepening my understanding of Scrum and Agile. My observations can help others in their journey of maturing Scrum and make learning easier. I want to share my observations of each of these phases so that you can learn from what I did to overcome the challenges related to those situations.

Database Backup: A Conversation With an Expert

Database backup is a hot topic. It may seem simple at first, but in practice, O&M personnel often encounter various problems when it comes to backing up databases. So, what typical challenges are presented and how can we build an effective backup system? Which solutions are applicable? To answer these questions, we interviewed Heng Tiegang, a database backup expert at Alibaba.

1Heng Tiegang (nickname: Pei'en), an Alibaba database backup expert

Top Cloud Data Security Challenges

Almost three-quarters of businesses will run nearly their entire operations on the cloud by 2020. Organizations are flocking en masse to cloud computing, eager to capitalize on the speed, scale, and flexibility a cloud-based infrastructure can provide. But as cloud computing grows in popularity and transforms how companies collect, use, and share data, it also becomes a more attractive target for would-be attackers and hackers.

Cloud providers have invested time and resources into bolstering cloud security and boosting customer confidence. Solutions that were once believed to be fraught with risk have been strengthened through containerization, encryption, advanced failover, and automated threat detection capabilities.