Kubernetes for Application Developers (CKAD)


I was lucky. I already had extensive knowledge of Docker before starting the certification for Kubernetes developer (CKAD), and I have an employer (Ordina) that gives me the space and time to invest in myself.

So I claimed a week of preparation and did the whole Kubernetes for Developers (LFD259) course. To follow this course, you have to prepare a practice environment, and you are given instructions on how to do that on AWS or Google Cloud (which can result in extra costs). It is also very possible to create a cluster on your local machine. To make my life easier (and cheaper) I opted for the last option and created a vagrant set up with instructions for it here.

7 Mantras to Pivot Your Career

The coronavirus pandemic caused massive downturns in numerous industries across the world resulting in unemployment, pay cuts, furloughs, and layoffs. This has changed the idea of a career pivot from something a professional considers for a change, to the necessity for survival. Even employers have noticed and utilized the advantage of people who pivot their careers.

Today’s professionals change their careers multiple times. Career pivots allow people to make agile transitions and create different, better paths for themselves. It is important to change and adapt.

Top 5 Free Kubernetes Certifications

Today, Kubernetes is the most adopted open-source platform to orchestrate containers and IT teams are working to use Kubernetes as a new platform for further adoption to development responsibilities. Beyond evidence of improved deployment, resources management, and cost savings, Kubernetes is used today in so many ways that it is sometimes hard to follow the new trends. 

The increase in the adoption of Kubernetes comes partly from the community and all the resources that it provides every day to easily understand the concept and the management. Training, courses, certifications, no matter your title or your background, there will be a resource online to help you implement a new concept, having a big overview of what is possible and, inherently, growing your skills. 

Why Do You Need to Get Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Engineer Associate Certification?

AI has been a revolutionary technology in the Tech world. The demand for artificial intelligence-related professions is increasing at an incredibly rapid rate. Similarly, the demand for an Azure AI Engineer is on buzz and at an all-time high. Many other AI-concerned accreditations could also be good alternatives for IT professionals. But, MS Azure assures a rapidly growing Artificial Intelligence landscape with innovative service offerings and advanced technologies. Hence, the demand for Microsoft Azure AI Engineer Associate Certification has increased to a large extent over the past few decades.

The future platform of the IT accreditation, AZURE AI mainly assists you to scrutinize AI services which count bots, agents, language, vision, speech, by adopting knowledge mining, cognitive services, and machine learning. AI solutions are required to satisfy scalability and performance to meet end-to-end solutions, for that we need to have advanced technologies and tools for analyzing and recording timely operation. 

Containers and Configuration: 3 DevOps Tools and Cheatsheets

These DevOps tools make every DevOps implementation easier.


Puppet is one of the most widely-used DevOps tools. It makes delivering and releasing technology changes quicker and more frequent with features that support versioning, automated testing, and continuous delivery. It can manage multiple servers and enforce system configuration. Puppet is one of the most popular configuration management tools in the IT world these days for a number of reasons.

You may also enjoy:  5 DevOps Tools You Should Know In 2019 

Take the Shortest Path to Success in Project Management

Are you planning to be a project manager? Project managers can easily qualify as the lifeline of a project. They are the ones who must make sure that things are done quickly and accurately. Not just that, a project manager also must make sure that the team sticks to the scope of the task. In order to accomplish all this, a project manager must have analytical acumen without letting the numbers diminish their creativity.

So, what does it take to become a project manager? The answer to this question is not a simple one, owing to the fact that there are multiple ways to become a project manager or to lead and coordinate a project. There are several factors that come into play, from skill to experience. In this article, we are going to discuss two paths to becoming a project manager: a more structured path led by formal education and training and a path guided by personal experience.