Monitoring Kubernetes cert-manager Certificates With BotKube

The monitoring and alerting stack is a crucial part of the SRE practices. That’s where BotKube helps you monitor your Kubernetes cluster and send notifications to your messaging platform or any other configured sink. In this blog post, we will be configuring BotKube to watch the Kubernetes cert-manager certificates CustomResources.

What is BotKube?

BotKube is a messaging tool for monitoring and debugging Kubernetes clusters. BotKube can be integrated with multiple messaging platforms like - Slack, Mattermost, or Microsoft Teams to help you monitor your Kubernetes cluster(s), debug critical deployments, and gives recommendations for standard practices by running checks on the Kubernetes resources.

Securing Hazelcast With Cert-Manager

Cert-Manager became a standard way of issuing and rotating certificates in Kubernetes and OpenShift environments. Simple to install. Simple to use. Well integrated with Vault and other secret managers. No surprise it's the way to go if you want to set up secure communication between your applications!

In this blog post, I show how to secure Hazelcast communication using keys provisioned with cert-manager. I focus on all necessary steps, from installing cert-manager and issuing certificates, to using them for the Hazelcast member-to-member and client-to-member communication.

Traffic Management With Istio (5): Deploy Custom Gateway and Manage Its Certificates With Cert-Manager

Istio Gateway supports multiple custom ingress gateways. It opens a series of ports to host incoming connections at the edge of the grid and can use different load balancers to isolate different ingress traffic flows. Cert-manager can be used to obtain certificates by using any signature key pair stored in the Kubernetes Secret resource. This article provides instructions on the steps for manually creating a custom ingress gateway and how to use cert-manager to automatically configure certificates in the gateway.

Generate a Signature Key Pair

CA Issuer does not automatically create and manage signature key pairs. The key pairs are either provided by the user or a new signature key pair for a self-signed CA is generated by a tool, such as OpenSSL. For example, you can generate keys and certificates of type x509 by using the following command: