Faster Container Deployment With CI/CD: Truth or Bluff?

With the introduction of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD), the archaic development process is now completely changed. Let’s deep dive into how CI/CD has completely revolutionized the application development process and how we can make this even better.

The archaic or the traditional way of the application development process was mostly linear. The biggest disadvantage was that it was based on a sequence philosophy which indirectly implied that the bugs in the ongoing build can not be solved till the next build is addressed. With the inclusion of DevOps in the CI/CD-based processes it is now extremely easy to bring every team member on board on one platform easily viz. developers, operations managers, QA engineers. But mankind has never stopped being better. So, the real question is that can we even improve this further? Let us find out this answer in this article.

How Gradle is Built: CI From the Trenches #5 [Video]

How is a popular build system like Gradle built? How many people are working on it? What programming languages do they use?

How do they handle pull-request-based development? How do they make sure Gradle runs on a variety of operating systems and JDK versions? What is the difference between Gradle and Gradle Enterprise?

What is DevOps? The Beginner’s Guide

Originally published August 17, 2016

Turn to page one.

What is DevOps?

Communication, collaboration and integration are the three main principles of the ever-growing, modern approach to software delivery known as “DevOps.” Coined in 2009 by Patrick Debois, the term (development and operations) is an extension of Agile development environments that aims to enhance the process of software delivery as a whole.

Five Best Practices for GoLang CI/CD

±For developers programming in long-established languages like Java, JavaScript, or Python, the best way to build continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) workflows with Artifactory is pretty familiar. A mature set of dependency management systems for those languages and container solutions, such as Docker, provide a clear roadmap.

But if you’re programming your applications in GoLang, how hard is it to practice CI/CD with the same kind of efficiency?

Where Can We Actually Use DevSecOps?

DevOps is widely adopted as it has shortened the software and application development life cycle by combining IT operations and software development. With DevOps incorporated in many organizations, they are releasing software, features, and updates faster than ever and with greater changes. This means that there are serious challenges in applying and scaling security testing in these processes without drastically slowing down the time taken for such releases.

Hence, security in DevOps has not been embraced as effectively as DevOps itself. Introducing security checks early on in the development process is crucial for effective security. Although many businesses agree that introducing security early in the development life cycle is important, few actually do so. In spite of the risk of missing security threats early on and the headache of rework by adding security to the app development process too late, many businesses continue to incorporate security far too late in the development cycle.

Accelerate: Building and Scaling High-Performing Technology Organizations [Book Review]

The book Accelerate: Building and Scaling High-Performing Technology Organizations by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim details the findings of four years of research on how DevOps affects various outcomes, such as software delivery tempo and stability, as well as the organizations' profitability and market share. DevOps in this context means things like continuous delivery, automated tests, trunk-based development, and proactive monitoring of system health. It is quite clear that DevOps practices bring lots of benefits to organizations adopting them. The research findings are also in line with my own experience of DevOps.

The findings of the research are presented in the first part of the book (a bit more than half of it).

Thoughts on Quarkus

Quarkus, the new “supersonic, subatomic” Java framework is currently getting a lot of attention. The ideas behind this build and runtime tool are indeed more than interesting for the future of enterprise Java. What are the benefits and shortcomings of using Quarkus? Let's find out.

Getting Rid of Dynamics

Quarkus takes the reasoning that most of the dynamics of an enterprise Java runtime is not really required in a containerized world. Once you build your application to a container image, the functionality is usually not supposed to change. All of the dynamics that an enterprise container brings allows for very powerful and flexible programming and deployment models, but once our applications have been started inside containers, they typically don’t change anymore.