What Is Applicative? Basic Theory for Java Developers

Applicative is just another concept similar in meaning and history to Functors and Monads. I have covered these two in my previous articles, and I think it is finally time to start closing this little series about the most commonly known functional abstractions. Besides explaining some details and theory, I will implement a simple Applicative. I will also use Optional, hopefully one last time, to show what advantages Applicatives give us.

The source code for this article is available in GitHub repository.

What Is a Functor? Basic Theory for Java Developers

In general, a Functor is a concept originating from mathematics, to be exact from a part of mathematics called category theory. In my very first article, I described in detail a similar concept known as Monad. Here I want to continue that thread, so I will try to give you some more insight into Functors — what they are, how they work, and what the theory behind them is. I will also implement a simple functor to better understand how they work and why using them may be a clearer solution.

The source code for this article is available in GitHub repository.