The five skills you must master to be outstanding as a software engineer

An area of technology has been growing exponentially and bringing with it several opportunities and specializations. Among these thousands of options, we have software engineering and architecture. However, with so much content and easy access to happiness, how would be the best way to reach the goal that will achieve the desired satisfaction? In this debate, we will significantly address the area of expertise in software engineering, in other words, career approaches such as "techniques." Let's share five engineering skills for you, the professional software technician.

Be a better Java developer, learn faster and get more results by Bruno Souza

Struggling to keep up with technology, or feeling overwhelmed with so many things to learn? Do you feel you are a competent developer, but you don't see the results in your career? Maybe you feel like you don't belong or that you are not good enough? Those are common symptoms, you are not alone! This talk will show you what's behind those feelings, why you can't keep up, and how to solve that. Come learn what the last 10 years of brain science have shown about our career and what the best developers do differently. Discover the exact skills you need to grow, and how to apply them in your project today. Become a better Java developer, create unlimited growth and forge your own path to success. Speaker Bio: Since 1995, Bruno helps Java developers improve their careers and work on cool projects with great people! Java Evangelist at ToolsCloud and Leader of SouJava, the Brazilian Java Users Society, Bruno discuss Java and the Developer Career in his project. 

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