The Dark Side of Coding Bootcamps To Consider When Entering

Back in 2012, the learn-to-code movement arrived. The demand for complementary skills in many industries promised alternative sources of income together with a comprehensive experience, including soft skills like creative thinking, problem-solving, and critical judgment.

As some of you probably remember, the don't-learn-to-code movement came soon after. The backlash from experienced programmers and educators might have seemed malicious, but, emotions aside, their points were quite reasonable:

How to Be a Digital Nomad: Practical Tips

Being a digital nomad in the Philippines would be pretty flippin' fantastic.

You can’t buy happiness, but you can always buy a plane ticket. And if you are secretly dreaming about buying a one-way ticket to Thailand, grabbing a backpack, and never showing up at your cubicle anymore, it’s probably time to take the first step towards your dream of being what is now known as a digital nomad.

Usually, people don’t just abscond from boring offices to settle down somewhere in South East Asia with a laptop. Becoming a location independent professional is a major shift in life, and preparing for it can take years. In this article, we’ve collected advice from people who are successfully managing work and traveling. So, if you, too, want to be a digital nomad, read on.