How to Send Mail From Camunda to the SMTP Server

Camunda exposes a mail interface to connect with SMTP using Camunda-bpm-mail-core library as a dependency in POM.xml file. Here Camunda acts as a mail client.


  • Eclipse (any version) with Maven capabilities
  • Java 8+
  • SMTP Mail Server
  • Camunda

Installing Eclipse-IDE on Windows

  1. Click on the link:
  2. Download the eclipse-inst-jre-win64.exe file and run the eclipse installer.Run the installer
  3. Select Eclipse IDE for Eclipse committers and install.Set Eclipse IDE

Creating a Maven Project in Eclipse IDE

  • Open the Eclipse IDE
  • Go to File  > New > Project:

Go to File and select new project

Dynamic Signaling for Managing Communication Between Two Separate BPMN Flows

This document explains how to implement Dynamic Signaling in BPMN processes or event sub-processes to execute particular process instances or threads.

Problem Statement:

  • A signal event is generally used to communicate between two separate BPMN flows.
  • However, the signal event has a global scope. It will broadcast the event to all related sub-flows and handlers.

Whenever BPMN interacts with multiple requests, it is difficult for the process engine to identify the exact instance to process. There is also the possibility of the thrown signal getting caught by all active handlers and multiple requests at a time, which may lead to wrong execution. 

BPMN Workflows Version Management With Milestone Camunda Cawemo

This article contains a step-by-step guide on how to manage BPMN file versioning and avoid conflicts in Cawemo when multiple team members are working together. It will also help you to avoid overriding BPMN files while updating and tells you how to sync files between the repository and Cawemo. 

What Is Milestone?

  • This feature in the Cawemo tool is used to maintain Versioning in BPMN.
  • We can see all of the BPMN history, the creator’s name who has done the changes, and the Last Changed date.
  • We can upload the new version of BPMN without removing/deleting its older version.

Steps to Follow:

  • Create a new directory (e.g., Demo) in Cawemo for signed-off deployed BPMN files.
  • Upload working/developed and integrated BPMN (e.g., Demo_BPMN) from code repository/local to the newly created directory as follows.

Upload working/developed and integrated BPMN (e.g., Demo_BPMN) from code repository/local to the newly created directory

Error Handling in Camunda

In this tutorial, we are going to learn about how to handle exceptions in Camunda. For this

Create a Spring Boot project with the embedded Camunda Engine using this link. Use version 7.15.0.

Automating IoT With Camunda Platform

Some Background

When I first started at Camunda back in October 2020 (what was 2020 anyway?) the very first thing I was asked to do was come up with something I could do for a special Halloween blog post. It being COVID-times, I of course built a Camunda and IoT integration to evaluate costumes and deliver candy.

I am sort of well-known for doing weird, pointless IoT projects like this one and this one, and this one. You get the idea.

Integrating OpenLDAP With Camunda in Windows

In this article, we'll see a working example of OpenLDAP and its integration with Camunda using Camunda Distribution so that you can easily check it in your local setup and then use these concepts take it further to higher environments in your project.


To test OpenLDAP integration with Camunda in your local windows machine, you need to have below tools/software which we will be using for our use case. 

[CSF] Build Yourself a COVID-Safe Halloween Candy Dispenser Using Arduino and Camunda BPM

It's a very Camunda Halloween, and this project should keep you safe from the Trick-or-Treaters!

In this year of COVID-19, I needed to find a way to make Trick-or-Treating safe and fun for everyone. I knew it needed to be no-contact, but I also knew I needed a way to properly evaluate the costumes and Trick-or-Treaters to give out candy. What I came up with is a combination of IoT and Business Process Management (BPM) that allows you to safely evaluate Trick-or-Treaters from afar and dispense candy on demand! It's more than just a BPM process, of course. It's an IoT project that uses Camunda BPM to deliver the goods.

Checking Out Camunda: Replacing the Old BPMS Legacy System

Traditional BPM or tightly coupled application although designed in accurate way but over the time due to addition of new functionality and lack of old version product support usually it ends up with the following problems:

  • Heavyweight system that is hard to install and to maintain.
  • Closed architecture, hard to integrate with existing technology stack.
  • Required their proprietary approach to application development, disliked by software developers and limited in flexibility.
  • Lack of support for BPMN, or missing features and tools.
  • Issues with performance and scalability.
  • Difficult to get qualified, affordable professional services.
  • Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) too high, in part due to high maintenance fees.

As a result, only BPMS replacement or redesigned option remains.