Cross-compiling a C++ CLI Application

Github project containing details of every Makefile variable and target, as well as how to configure FreeBSD 13.0 to mount an SSH filesystem at boot.

Prepare for Disappointment

You'd think as you're reading that somebody, somewhere is busy cross-compiling GCC, or building the latest LLVM with all the backends. You'd think by now, after all these years, it would be an easy process. You'd think that after using Go, there would be a simple command in LLVM to tell you what all targets are available.

Memory Leak: Bit-Wise and Member-wise Copy in C++

Earlier versions of C++ (prior to release 1.2) implemented assignment between objects through bit-wise copy of the source to the destination. Consider the following example that illustrates a bit-wise copy.


The main program has two objects of class MyString.

What Exactly Nullptr Is in C++?

The answer to "What exactly nullptr is in C++?" would be a piece of cake for experienced C++ programmers and for those who are aware of Modern C++ (i.e. keyword). But nullptr is more than just a keyword in C++, and to explain that, I have written this article. But, before I jump into it, we will see issues with NULL. Then, we'll dive into the unsophisticated implementation of  nullptr and some use-cases of nullptr.

Note: This article is more or less the same thing which you can find here, here, and in nullptr proposal(N2431) but with a more organized and simplified explanation.