How Automation Activates Agile

Harsh, yes... but too often true. Certainly, Agile is a great start for business user collaboration to ensure requirements fit, but it depends on Working Software. This is exactly what automation provides: Working Software, Now. Here's how.


This article illustrates how Automation, coupled with an Agile Process, can dramatically improve time to market, and reduce requirements risk:

Creating a Business Rule Engine Using Dynamic Expression Predicates With C#

Hello everyone. Today I am going to show how to create a dynamic business rule engine in C#. But before we get into it, let's discuss some basic concepts of writing a business rule. 

What Is a Business Rule Engine? 

A business rule engine (BRE) is a specific collection of design-time and runtime software that enables an enterprise to explicitly define, analyze, execute, audit, and maintain a wide variety of business logic, collectively referred to as "rules."

Data Modeling With Indexes (Part 2): Business Rules

In my last post on the topic, I showed how we can define a simple computation during the indexing process. That was easy enough, for sure, but it turns out that there are quite a few use cases for this feature that go quite far from what you would expect. For example, we can use this feature as part of defining and working with business rules in our domain.

For example, let’s say that we have some logic that determines whatever a product is offered with a warranty (and for how long that warranty is valid). This is an important piece of information, obviously, but it is the kind of thing that changes on a fairly regular basis. For example, consider the following feature description: