Why Betting on a Single Process Automation Strategy Is a Bad Idea

In the digital age, success depends on properly automating business processes. Digitizing and standardizing processes and repetitive tasks reduce operating costs by 90%. Companies that want to be future-proof must introduce process-automation systems and position themselves for growth. 

Automation increases efficiency drives down costs and improves both customer and employee satisfaction. Businesses that stand out are those that have adopted automation and have become more agile and cost-efficient. They are paperless and have very few manual processes.

Six Ways to Scale Back Your Dev Costs Immediately

With the Coronavirus economic crash, companies are scrambling to reduce costs. For many online and technology companies, however, the shift to online work and online learning and streaming media means their services are more in demand than ever. So how do you address the need to scale back your spending and at the same time scale up your services? Here are some suggestions:

Assess Your Team and Resources

Personnel costs may be your largest expense right now, but they are also the only way of driving down all your other costs. You will need to reduce your technology costs through your engineering team and its core competencies, so you need to understand those competencies clearly as you construct your plan to reduce costs. Before you start laying people off, make sure you understand what your teams are capable of, and who will be instrumental in helping you weather the economic storm. You need to have a team that will fit your technology, and vice versa.

60 Important Business Metrics Your Company Must Know

Business metrics help keep everyone on track.

Businesses aim to build a successful product, or service, to sell and make their customers happy. This can be achieved if the company works in the right direction with perseverance; however, many among them face difficulties to achieve the next level of success and this is because they don’t keep a track of their business metrics.

10 Best Mind Mapping Software for IT Non-IT Businesses

Although there is a spike in Google Trends for Best Mind Mapping Software, I haven’t seen the programs’ actual application on the internet — that is just my observation. It does not imply that mind mapping software is not in demand. It’s just that some companies and individuals are still oblivious to their use. Instead, people rely on directly jumping on to plan to initiate, executing and deployment without giving the “brainstorming” element any thought.

Mind mapping makes brainstorming easier. It is like having your own “world’, a workspace where there are no constraints. All you have to do is visualize stuff, scribble down ideas, create flowcharts and do whatever it is necessary to set the cart in gear. Besides, mind maps are cool. You can understand the project’s underlying strategy long before it has even started.