The Top 4 Benefits of Embedded Analytics

You have probably heard about embedded analytics and the booming demand for business intelligence insights that are derived from it. But what exactly is embedded analytics?

Embedded analytics brings real-time, interactive data visualizations, and business intelligence capabilities directly into commercial applications – creating contextual data that improves the usability of data for business users.

The Benefits of Combining Google BigQuery and BI

As businesses produce significantly larger amounts of data, it’s important to have the right tools in place to interact with it while deriving the insights you need more effectively and quickly. Simply storing it and organizing it is not enough, and it can become difficult to rapidly analyze millions of data points even in the most efficient data structures.

Google BigQuery, the search giant’s database analytics tool, is ideal for trawling through billions of rows of data to find the right data for each analysis. Thanks to its intelligent design and approach to columnar storage, it can create better aggregates and work across massive compute clusters. When paired with the right BI, it can be a powerful tool for any business. These are some of the top reasons why you should consider Google BigQuery for your BI tools.