How To Use WordPress as an eCommerce Store

The digital era has propelled online shopping into the limelight, making e-commerce a thriving sector. Leveraging platforms like WordPress can greatly simplify launching an online store. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get started. 1. Installing WordPress: Automatic Installation: Many web hosting services facilitate WordPress installation with a mere click: Here is a complete […]

Replace your Scripts with Gradle Tasks

I really like Maven, and I really like the declarative build style, but recently I finally came to understand why Gradle is better.

For small projects that produce a common library JAR, you can still use Maven, but real-life, complex software projects always contain a lot of support scripts for deployment, copying artifacts, and so on. For some of those tasks you can find Maven plug-ins, for most of them you can write Maven plugins, but in real life you have shell scripts to do the job.

Setup Cypress Tests in Azure DevOps Pipeline

This tutorial helps to integrate and run your Cypress tests with the Azure DevOps pipeline in an Easy Way


  1. You need to have already cypress framework up and running on your local machine
  2. Cypress Project should be checked into the repository
  3. Your framework should generate a JUnit XML file at the end of the execution of the test. If you are not sure how to do that refer to Generating JUnit XML article.

Step by Step Guide To Run / Set-Up Cypress Tests in Azure DevOps or TFS Pipeline CI/CD

This tutorial explains the easy way to configure and run Cypress Test Automation Framework into Azure DevOps. 

How Gradle is Built: CI From the Trenches #5 [Video]

How is a popular build system like Gradle built? How many people are working on it? What programming languages do they use?

How do they handle pull-request-based development? How do they make sure Gradle runs on a variety of operating systems and JDK versions? What is the difference between Gradle and Gradle Enterprise?

One-Click Builds End-to-End

We want to automate the build so that it is easy to use. We wanted it to be so brain-dead simple to use that we use it all the time and we invoke the build whenever we make even a minor change to the system. This is how we get the most value from our build — when we use it all the time.

To facilitate this we have the idea of the one-click build, which means that you can invoke the entire process with a single click. We can set this up so that when we save a change it re-compiles all of its dependencies on the local machine and then runs tests on the local machine. If these tests pass the changes are pushed up into the build server and a more complete set of tests are run against it. All of this should happen automatically. Ideally, we want the build to run fast and that means anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes.