Software Engineering Best Practices That High-Performing Teams Follow

Maybe you're a newbie dev, in a coding academy, or newly graduated. Or perhaps you're old and cynical like me. The reality is, tech moves fast, and it's easy to get distracted by the latest software, tool, or trend.

But while you're floating in YouTube videos, Reddit boards, and StackOverflow, we've got something to keep you anchored: the good coding practices in software engineering. I've deliberately approached this article with broad strokes to move a little beyond the typical laundry list. Let's take a look at the software engineering best practices that high-performing teams follow.

The Best Defect Tracking Tools in 2021

It’s very rare to find a defect-free product. Every software application has some kind of bug crawling through its code, even those designed by highly talented developers and tested by vigilant QA teams. And these bugs can multiply quickly when a disjointed process—or worse, no process—is in place.

Perfection, of course, is always the goal when QA testing. But reducing the number of defects within the system while adhering to tight deadlines and lean teams can make this goal seem unattainable.

Why Do Bugs Attack Your Software?

Search the Internet and you will find a plethora of articles regarding how bugs can deteriorate your software, company image, and profitability. However, no one talks about the reasons why bugs actually attack your software.

Keeping this scenario in mind, we are presenting five major reasons why bugs might be attacking your software.

The Lifecycle of a Testing Bug

A software bug is an error or fault in a computer program making it behave in unexpected ways. Bugs can be present at any stage during SDLC (software development lifecycle), or at the design, development, or user-acceptance testing phase. Whether you are testing a web portal for general bugs or for browser-compatibility issues, proper understanding and elimination are necessary.

Bugs can never be eliminated completely. No software can turn out to be 100 percent bug-free. But the testing team can adopt certain practices so that the elimination of bugs from software becomes easy. A good management system ensures that most bugs are found and fixed well before it enters production. If the testers and developers work efficiently, the time period from a bug’s discovery to its abolition can be minimized.