Down With Cookie Walls, Give Us the Web Privacy API!

Google, Facebook, other advertisers profile us and invade our privacy in all ways imaginable. Lawmakers are always behind, cookie walls and opt-out schemes don’t do much, except ruining the web. Is there a better way? How about a new, GDPR-enforced Web Privacy API? This article lays out a design for an alternative, in form of an RFC.

A few days ago Google announced that it's killing FLoC. The invasive tracking technology, announced in 2021, met with widespread opposition, is finally being dropped, but only to be replaced with the Topics API. This new proposal is technically different, but it still aims at the same goal: 

API News Roundup for May 2019

It's that time again! May has turned out to be an exciting month of API stories in the news. Below is the API news roundup for May 2019.

API News Roundup for May 2019

Cisco Patches Elastic Services Controller to Address Critical REST API Vulnerability

This week Cisco Systems Inc. posted a critical security advisory addressing a vulnerability in the REST API of its Elastic Services Controller (ESC). If successfully exploited, the vulnerability could let an unauthenticated, remote attacker bypass authentication on the REST API.