WebKit Features in Safari 16.0

Whew boy, Safari 16 is officially out in the wild and it packs in a bunch of features, some new and exciting (Subgrid! Container Queries! Font Palettes!) and others we’ve been waiting on for better cross-browser support (Motion Path! Overscroll Behavior! AVIF!). I imagine Jen Simmons typing cheerfully writing out all of the new goodies in the roundup announcement.

A list of new WebKit features.
Source: WebKit.org

Just gonna drop in the new CSS features from the release notes:

  • Added size queries support for Container Queries. Chrome started supporting it in Version 105, so all we need is Firefox to join the party to get The Big Three™ covered.
  • Added support for Container Query Units. These units go hand-in-hand with Container Queries. Once again, we need Firefox.
  • Added support for Subgrid. Now it’s Safari and Firefox with support coverage. The good news is that Chrome is currently developing it as well.
  • Added support for animatable Grids. Very cool! Chrome has always had some implementation of this and Firefox started supporting it back in 2019.
  • Added support for Offset Path. This is also known as Motion Path, and we’ve had broad browser support since 2020. It’s nice to see Safari on board.
  • Added support for Overscroll Behavior. Now we can modify “scroll chaining” and overflow affordances with the overscroll-behavior property.
  • Added support for text-align-last. Now we’re all set with cross-browser support for this property!
  • Added support for the resolution media query. All set here as well!

There are quite a few nice updates to Safari’s developer tools, too. We’ve got a Flexbox inspector, a Timelines tab (with an experimental screenshots timeline), and Container Queries info, to name a few. There’s a full 32-minute video that walks through everything, too.

I thought Safari 15 was a pretty killer release, but 16 is pretty epic in comparison. I know there’s a “Safari is the new Internet Explorer” vibe in some circles, but I’m happy to see big jumps like this and appreciate all the forward momentum. Go Safari Team!

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WebKit Features in Safari 16.0 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

IE Down, Edge Up… Global Browser Usage Stats Are for Cocktail Parties and Conference Slides

I enjoy articles like Hartley Charlton’s “Microsoft Edge Looks Set to Overtake Safari as World’s Second Most Popular Desktop Browser.” It’s juicy! We know these massive players in the browser market care very much about their market share, so when one passes another it’s news. Like an Olympic speed skater favored for the gold getting a bronze instead, or the like.

Microsoft Edge is now used on 9.54 percent of desktops worldwide, a mere 0.3 percent behind Apple’s Safari, which stands at 9.84 percent. Google Chrome continues to hold first place with an overwhelming 65.38 percent of the market. Mozilla Firefox takes fourth place with 9.18 percent.

In January 2021, Safari held a 10.38 percent market share and appears to be gradually losing users to rival browsers over time. If the trend continues, Apple is likely to slip to third or fourth place in the near future.

Scoping the data down even by continent is entirely different. Like in Europe, Edge has already passed Safari, but in North America, the gap is still 5%.

Source: MacRumors.com

What does it matter to you or me? Nothing, I hope. These global stats should mean very little to us, outside a little casual nerdy cocktail party chatter. Please don’t make decisions about what to support and not support based on global statistics. Put some kind of basic analytics in place on your site, get data from actual visits, and make choices on that data. That’s the only data that matters.

Alan Dávalos’ “The baseline for web development in 2022” paints a picture of what we should be supporting based again on global browser usage statistics.

Globally, IE’s current market share is under 0.5%. And even in Japan, which has a higher market share of IE compared to other countries, IE’s market share is close to 2% and has a downward tendency.

Until now we kept supporting IE due to its market share. But now, there are basically no good reasons to keep supporting IE.

Again it seems so bizarre to me that any of us would make a choice on what to support based on a global usage statistic. Even when huge players make choices, they do it based on their own data. When Google “dropped” IE 11 (they still serve a perfectly fine baseline experience), they “did the math.” WordPress, famously powering somewhere in the “a third of the whole internet” range, factored in usage of their own product.

Even if you’re building a brand new product and trying to make these choices, you’ll have analytic data soon enough, and can make future-facing support choices based on that as it rolls in.

IE Down, Edge Up… Global Browser Usage Stats Are for Cocktail Parties and Conference Slides originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

BDD Tests on Github Actions With Cucumber Run in Parallel Jobs

Cucumber employs Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) for testing your application. This type of test is often time-consuming when running in the browser. You will learn how to run Cucumber tests on Github Actions using parallel jobs to execute the test suite much faster.

Github Actions Matrix Strategy

What is the Value of Browser Diversity?

In 2018, Rachel Nabors made the point that browser diversity is similar to biological ecosystem diversity. There are literal advantages to more diversity. That article was before the Edge engines were shut, and now the big shakeups at Mozilla have the topic of browser diversity on people’s minds again.

I really like Dave’s take on the matter. The diversity of browser engines makes web tech slow. Frustratingly slow, to many, but that slowness can bring value.

There’s a lot of value in slow thinking. You use the non-lizard side of your brain. You make more deliberate decisions. You prioritize design over instant gratification. You can check your gut instincts and validate your hypothesis before incurring mountains of technical debt.

I’d bet you a dollar that the less engines we have, the faster things get. Fast can be satisfying in the moment, but doesn’t make for the best brisket.

If we do see a major reduction in browser diversity, I think we lose the intentional slowness and the cooperation mechanisms we have in place. Who knows what will happen, but my hope is that just like iron can sharpen iron, maybe chromium can sharpen chromium.

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Improving Chromium’s browser compatibility in 2020

This is exactly what I love to hear from any browser vendor:

When it comes to browser compatibility, there are still too many missing features and edge-case bugs. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Things can and will get better, if browser vendors can understand what is causing the most pain, and take action to address the causes. In Chrome we’re doing our best to listen, and we’re doing our best to address what we’re hearing. We hope it helps, and we’re looking forward to a more compatible 2021.

I love the nod to that super clever div that looks different in every browser. This is a solid list from Stephen McGruer. My favorite:

Like Flexbox, CSS Grid is an important component of modern layout. Looking at the early survey results it seems like the story for CSS Grid support in Chromium is fairly good (we have our friends from Igalia to thank for that!). There is one clear exception – Chromium still doesn’t support subgrid.

Hopefully, it won’t be an exception for much longer. It’s still early days, but I’m excited to share that a team at Microsoft Edge are working on rearchitecting Chromium’s Grid support to use the new LayoutNG engine – and as part of this are intending to add subgrid support!

Not that anyone should relax, but I think right now is probably the best level of browser compatibility we’ve ever seen.

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Web Engine Diversity and Ecosystem Health

As front-end developers, our job is working with browsers. Knowing how many we have and the health of them is always of great interest. As far as numbers go, we have fewer recently than we have in the past. It’s only this month that Edge is starting to auto-update browsers to the Chromium version, yet another notable milestone in the shrinking number of browsers.

A few years back, Rachel Nabors likened the situation to a biological ecosystem and how diversity means health:

If we lose one of those browser engines, we lose its lineage, every permutation of that engine that would follow, and the unique takes on the Web it could allow for.

And it’s not likely to be replaced.

A huge consideration in all this is the open-source nature of what we have left. Remember that Microsoft’s browser technologies were not open-source. Brian Kardell:

In important ways, we are a more diverse, efficient and healthier ecosystem with the three multi-os, open-source engines we have left (Blink, Gecko, and WebKit) than when we had had more and were dominated by projects that weren’t that at all.

As a followup Stuart Langridge touches on another kind of diversity:

What’s really important is diversity of influence: who has the ability to make decisions which shape the web in particular ways, and do they make those decisions for good reasons or not so good?

Here’s hoping that the browsers we have left will continue to evolve, perhaps even fork, and find ways to compete on anything except standards. While the current situation isn’t as bad as perhaps some folks were worried about with the loss of Microsoft’s engines (and maybe it’s even a good thing), it would certainly be bad news if we lost even more browsers [nervously glancing at Firefox], both in shrinking numbers and shrinking diversity of influence.

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Things you can do with a browser in 2020

I edit a good amount of technical articles about the web, and there is a tendency for authors to be super broad in their opening sentence, like "What we're able to do on the web has expanded greatly over the years."

I tend to remove stuff like that because it usually doesn't serve the article well, even though I understand the sentiment.

Just look at Luigi De Rosa's list here. I'd bet a lot of you didn't know the browser could do all that stuff — push notifications! Native sharing menus! Picture-in-picture!

It's mostly JavaScript stuff, a little CSS, and notably absent: anything in HTML.

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Microbrowsers are Everywhere

The word "microbrowser" clearly got my attention. Never heard that before. Colin Bendell defines them as the little parts of other software that do HTTP requests to a URL to generate a preview. Like the little URL preview in iOS messages, WhatsApp, or Slack.

I'm a tiny bit skeptical of the name, because what's happening is the software making that HTTP request and parsing out a little data to use however it will. I'm not sure I'd call that a browser of any kind, but I take the point.

I agree that these things are mega important.

[...] the real gold for marketers is from word-of-mouth discussions. Those conversations with your friends when you recommend a TV show, a brand of clothing, or share a news report. This is the most valuable kind of marketing.

It reminds me of how tools, like Yoast's SEO plugin for WordPress, help with managing the look/content of social preview cards.

I could see value in this same kind thing where it shows Slack and WhatsApp and all those tools, even if it's harder to control.

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Zero hands up.

It's worth making this clear then. On iOS, the only browser engine is WebKit. There are other browsers, but they can't bring their own engine (Blink/Gecko). So, if you're using Chrome or Firefox on iOS, it's really the same engine Safari is using, only slightly less capable (e.g. no third-party content blocker apps work in them).

It's worth knowing that as a developer. While Chrome supports stuff like service workers on their desktop browser and on other platforms, the browser engine made available to non-Safari browsers on iOS does not. You don't have them there. Likewise for Firefox.

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What happens when you open a new install of browsers for the 1st time?

Interesting research from Jonathan Sampson, where he watches the network requests a browser makes the very first time you launch it on a fresh install, and otherwise do nothing. This gives you a little insight into what kind of information that browser wants to collect and disseminate.

This was all shared as tweets, but I'm linking to an unrolled thread if there's one available:

Looks like Brave is the cleanest and the most questionable is... Opera?

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Browser Engine Diversity

We lost Opera when they went Chrome in 2013. Same deal with Edge when it also went Chrome earlier this year. Mike Taylor called these changes a "Decreasingly Diverse Browser Engine World" in a talk I'd like to see.

So all we've got left is Chrome-stuff, Firefox-stuff, and Safari-stuff. Chrome and Safari share the same lineage but have diverged enough, evolve separately enough, and are walled away from each other enough that it makes sense to think of them as different from one another.

I know there are fancier words to articulate this. For example, browser engines themselves have names that are distinct and separate from the names of the browsers.

Take Chrome, which is based on the open-source project Chromium, which uses the rendering engine Blink and the JavaScript engine V8.

Firefox uses Gecko as its browser engine, which is turning into Quantum, which has sub-parts like Servo for CSS and rendering.

Safari uses WebKit as a browser engine, which has parts like WebCore and JavaScriptCore.

It's all kinda complicated and I'm not even sure I quite understand it all. My brain just thinks of it as everything under the umbrella of the main browser name.

The two extremes of looking at this from the perspective of decreasing diversity:

  • This is bad. Decreased diversity may hinder ecosystems from competing and innovating.
  • This is good. Cross-engine problems are a major productivity loss for the world. Getting down to one ecosystem would be even better.

Whichever it is, the ship has sailed. All we can do is look forward.

Random thoughts:

  • Perhaps diversity has just moved scope. Rather than the browser engines themselves representing diversity, maybe forks of the engnies we have left can compete against each other. Maybe starting from a strong foundation is a good place to start innovating?
  • If, god forbid, we got down to one browser engine, what happens to the web standards process? The fear would be that the last-engine-standing doesn't have to worry about interop anymore and they run wild with implementations. But does running wild mean the playing field can never be competitive again?
  • It's awesome when browsers compete on features that are great for users but don't affect web standards. Great password managers, user protection features, clever bookmarking ideas, reader modes, clean integrations with payment APIs, free VPNs, etc. That was Opera's play, and now we see many more in the same vein. Vivaldi is all about customization, Brave doubles down on privacy and security, and Puma is about monetization.

Brian Kardell wrote about some of this stuff recently in his "Beyond Browser Vendors" post. An interesting point is that the remaining browser engines are all open source. That means they can and do take outside contributions, which is exactly how CSS Grid came to exist.

Most of the work on CSS Grid in both WebKit and Chromium (Blink) was done, not by Google or Apple, but by teams at Igalia.

Think about that for a minute: The prioritization of its work was determined in 2 browsers not by a vendor, but by an investment from Bloomberg who had the foresight to fund this largely uncontroversial work.

And now, that idea continues:

This isn't a unique story, it's just a really important and highly visible one that's fun to hold up. In fact, just in the last 6 months engineers as Igalia have worked on CSS Containment, ResizeObserver, BigInt, private fields and methods, responsive image preloading, CSS Text Level 3, bringing MathML to Chromium, normalizing SVG and MathML DOMs and a lot more.

What we may have lost in browser engine diversity we may gain back in the openness of browser engines and outside players stepping up.

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The Browser Wars and the Birth of JavaScript

“Any application that can be written in JavaScript will eventually be written in JavaScript.” — Atwood’s Law, stated by Jeff Atwood in a blog post titled “The Principle of Least Power,” July 17, 2007

Before anything like an Android device or iPhone existed, desktop computers were the battleground for the browser wars. The battle involved billions of dollars invested by a number of companies, all based on the premise that whoever ruled the desktop browser market would own the internet. Today, mobile devices account for nearly half of all website traffic. Back in the 1990s, however, almost all of the action on the web came from desktop machines, and the vast majority of those desktop machines were running some flavor of Windows.


For the 30th anniversary of the web, CERN brought nine web nerds together to recreate the very first web browser — Or a working replication of it anyway, as you use it from your web browser, inception style.

Well done, Mark Boulton, John Allsopp, Kimberly Blessing, Jeremy Keith, Remy Sharp, Craig Mod, Martin Akolo Chiteri, Angela Ricci, and Brian Suda! I love that it was written in React and the font is an actual replication of what was used back then. What a cool project.

They even opened-sourced the code.

You can visit any site with Document > Open from full document reference:

CSS-Tricks ain't too awful terrible, considering the strictness:

When this source code was written, there was no version number associated with HTML. Based on the source code, the following tags—the term 'element' was not yet used—were recognized:

  • A
  • DL, DT, DD
  • H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6
  • HP1, HP2, HP3
  • LI
  • NODE
  • OL
  • PRE
  • UL
  • XMP

Unrecognized tags were considered junk and ignored.

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Browser Sandboxing: the Rise of Seatbelt

Modern browsers use a wide range of techniques to attempt to protect the underlying operating system from browser application level compromise. This, not surprisingly, is very difficult to do today.

The browser you're using to read this is essentially a virtualized computer that runs at the user level of your computer. It has networking capabilities built in via WebSockets and asynchronous processing via Web Workers. It has persistent storage. All of this is built into the browser itself, which is used to load arbitrary and provider-defined content from around the world. Seriously — open a mainstream news site like Al Jazeera or CNN with developer tooling enabled and take a look at the network traffic. Visiting that one site results in your browser firing off hundred(s) of requests to a wide range of sites. And many of those sites you've probably never heard of.