Brand, branding and brand identity: what does it all mean?

brand identity

Brand, Branding, Brand Identity, Brand Strategy, Brand, Brand, Logo, Visual Identity, Coordinated Image. It is time to shed light on all these terms, which are often confused or used as synonyms (some are), and to explain their meaning.

In this guide, I really want to offer a sort of  “vocabulary” of the main terms used when talking about the identity of a company or a person.

Ready? Ok, let’s do this!

Let’s start with what is perhaps the main term: the brand.

What is a Brand?

“The brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room” – Jeff Bezos

The brand is essentially the set of visual, perceptive and emotional elements that are associated with certain companies, organizations, products or people.

One of my favorite examples to understand what a brand is and the importance of a brand is Ferrari.

The moment we think of Ferrari we don’t think of a racing car manufacturing industry. Or rather, not only that! We immediately think of speed, wealth, luxury, and red!

brand identity

“Give a child a sheet of paper, colors and ask him to design a car: it will surely make it red.” – Enzo Ferrari

This is the meaning of the brand: the whole of all that is perceived by a given company. And this is precisely why it is so fundamental.

“A business is only as strong as its brand is strong” – Jim Stengel, from his book “Grow”

A strong brand is also recognized among many others. A strong brand is that of which people fall in love, trust or think it is superior to others.

In fact, how a brand is perceived by the public enormously influences the success of the company it represents.

But one important thing is that the brand is NOT just the logo, and using them as synonyms is profoundly wrong.

Brand, branding, brand identity: their meaning

When it comes to Brand, I like to use the Iceberg metaphor.

In practice, the Icebergs are those masses of floating ice that was once present in large numbers in the Arctic Ocean but are now disappearing due to global warming.

The important (and dangerous) thing about the Icebergs is that most of the ice mass is underwater, not visible. That being said, we will only see a small part of the exposed top floating above the surface.

And the same happens with the Brand.

We perceive only a tiny bit of them. We perceive, in particular, the aesthetic aspects, the image, the logo.

The logo, in fact, is the tip of that Iceberg and is the first thing that people see of a Brand. Precisely for this reason, it must be able to identify all that is hidden underwater, aka – the rest of the Brand.

So a brand is the whole that is seen or perceived by a company. The Logo is instead the symbol that represents and identifies the entire brand of the company.

The difference between Logo and Brand

brand identity

The logo, short for “logography “, is the graphic transposition of the name of a company. Usually, it can be composed of a pictogram (the symbol, the drawing) and/or logotype (the writing).

From a legal point of view, the logo is one of the elements that can be registered as a trademark.

The trademark, in practice, is a legal term that indicates something that can be registered or registered as a single element.

A brand can be a logo (figurative mark and wordmark) but it can also be of various other types. It can be, for example, a product form (shape mark), a texture (a mark with repeated motifs), an image, a sound or a video (multimedia mark), etc.

brand identity

So, the logo can be a brand but a brand is not just a logo.

Don’t use them as two synonyms!

Other terms that are often used

When we talk about Brand, many other terms are often mentioned. Let’s try to give a definition for each of them.


brand identity

Branding could literally be translated as “marking” or “making a brand” and is basically the process by which a Brand is communicated (and built).

Branding is the process by which a company builds its brand in practice.

Brand identity or brand identity

Brand identity is the tangible part of a brand – what you can see, touch, feel or handle.

It is the logo, the packaging, the TV spot, the color or the product. It is the set of all these things, which constitute the identity and communication apparatus of a brand.

Brand strategy

The strategy is, of course, a brand’s operating action plan.

A good brand strategy is one that provides a central and unified idea around which all the behavior and communication of a company must rotate.

brand identity

Brand Storytelling

This is what the name says – the art of telling the brand correctly, using brand identity and remaining consistent with the brand strategy.


Distinguishing all these terms may seem like something that’s not very useful or superfluous but it is essential if you want to be really professional when working in the world of communication.

Each business sector has its own language. Learning the language of that sector is fundamental to be able to really be part of it.

Read More at Brand, branding and brand identity: what does it all mean?

30 Examples Of Stunning Brand Identity

Brand Identity

We have catalogued 30 stunning examples of Brand Identity for your inspiration!

Check them out below.

Brand identity is of paramount importance when it comes to starting a new business and promoting your products or services. Yes, it may seem difficult to come up with a creative brand identity which accurately reflects your taste and your values. Still, it all boils down to a few essentials:

Today we will be mostly touching on the logo. The logo should be properly displayed on everything from corporate products to ads and signs posted in and around the office.

We have collected 30 amazingly creative examples of brand identity designs from all over the web. These will surely help you get your creative juices flowing when coming up with yours:

Lui Store by Gustaw Dmowski and Dmowski & Co

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

Tim & Tammy’s – Brand Packaging by BR/ BAUEN

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

Translation company branding by Peter Culkin

Brand Identity Brand Identity

Máxico by Daniel Barba and Monotypo Studio

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

F R O N T R O W London by Sebastian Bednarek

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

Volven Field Manchester by Sebastian Bednarek

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

Salmoura by Manoela Silva

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

Thurso by David Moncado

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All Legal by Sergey Dergachenko by

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

Design The Restaurant Experience by Atipus Barcelona

Brand Identity Brand Identity

WYLDE by Max Crame

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

Bluebirds&Co. by Zdunkiewicz

Brand Identity

Rocky Mtn Chocolate Rebrand, Packaging and Store Design by Wedge & Lever

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

GlowMode Skin Clinic by Quim Marin

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

Vaishnavi Associate // Branding Identity by Vadivel G

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

Futudoc — Medical App by Mike Samovarov

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

Clinique Vestimentaire | Branding by vivien bertin

Brand Identity Brand Identity

Dogueiros™ // Branding by João Francisco Hack

Brand Identity

Renewing Bacoa by Folch

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

Billy Jhin – Branding by Fernando H. Nobre

Brand Identity

NICHE Tea by IWANT design

Brand Identity Brand Identity

Polú Poké Packaging by Caterina Bianchini

Brand Identity

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

Flour “Ryazanochka” rebranding by Ohmybrand studio and 2SHARP

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

L A E – L A E by Fabian De Lange

Brand Identity

Identity Domsurfe by Devenup Media

Brand Identity Brand Identity

make&take – your signature pizza by FourPlus Studio

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

Gallery & Co. — Branding by Foreign Policy

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

Dig Inn by High Tide

Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity Brand Identity

DELTA by Shift –

Brand Identity

Sparks Branding by Ivan Nikolic

Brand Identity Brand Identity

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Read More at 30 Examples Of Stunning Brand Identity