BPMN Workflows Version Management With Milestone Camunda Cawemo

This article contains a step-by-step guide on how to manage BPMN file versioning and avoid conflicts in Cawemo when multiple team members are working together. It will also help you to avoid overriding BPMN files while updating and tells you how to sync files between the repository and Cawemo. 

What Is Milestone?

  • This feature in the Cawemo tool is used to maintain Versioning in BPMN.
  • We can see all of the BPMN history, the creator’s name who has done the changes, and the Last Changed date.
  • We can upload the new version of BPMN without removing/deleting its older version.

Steps to Follow:

  • Create a new directory (e.g., Demo) in Cawemo for signed-off deployed BPMN files.
  • Upload working/developed and integrated BPMN (e.g., Demo_BPMN) from code repository/local to the newly created directory as follows.

Upload working/developed and integrated BPMN (e.g., Demo_BPMN) from code repository/local to the newly created directory

A Camunda Greenhouse: Part 3


If you've been following this (incredibly slow) project, then you've already been through part 1 and part 2 and have been wondering if part 3 would ever arrive. Well, here it is! This is the part where I pull together all the previous parts and actually deploy a Camunda BPMN-powered IoT Greenhouse!

Just to review a bit, I proposed building a greenhouse, monitored by some IoT sensors, that would then be entirely controlled by a Camunda BPMN process. The entire process would then control all aspects of the Greenhouse.

Microservices and Workflow Engines

Automation of business processes enables organizations to better meet critical factors for success across industries today — from increased team agility and faster time-to-market to lower costs and improved customer service. However, many are hindered by the existing dependencies between their software, systems, and teams, making process automation and business efficiency all the more challenging to achieve and maintain.

This Refcard introduces a way to address such challenges using a microservice architectural style and a workflow engine for orchestration. You will learn key techniques in areas such as microservice design, communication, and state management, as well as first steps to take when getting started with business process automation.

Automating IoT With Camunda Platform

Some Background

When I first started at Camunda back in October 2020 (what was 2020 anyway?) the very first thing I was asked to do was come up with something I could do for a special Halloween blog post. It being COVID-times, I of course built a Camunda and IoT integration to evaluate costumes and deliver candy.

I am sort of well-known for doing weird, pointless IoT projects like this one and this one, and this one. You get the idea.

The Curse of BPMN: Process Modeling for the Digital Era

If you're an old consultant like me, when you hear the phrase "process modeling," you probably think of a group of people in a stuffy conference room, arguing over how the business does things while someone draws boxes and lines on a whiteboard. For hours and hours.

Such exercises were painful at best, and only modestly helped to achieve their primary goal of process improvement — although in many cases, what the business people really meant by improvement was automation.