10 Books Every Senior Engineer Should Read

Engineers are natural readers. They take enormous pleasure in learning about new things, and books are the perfect medium to cover complex ideas in depth.

I picked some of my favorite books at my company, Semaphore — books that have profoundly influenced the company’s engineering culture. This list contains a mixture of classic, timeless texts and a fair share of modern game-changing publications, aimed at senior engineers and devs. But you don’t have to be a senior engineer to benefit from the books on this list, anyone interested in software development would enrich their skillset by reading them.

We hope you enjoy reading this list as much as we enjoyed making it.

The Top Books a Junior Developer Must Read in 2020

Read on for book recommendations!

Whether you are new to the world of developing or are fairly experienced, you have probably realized at some point that focusing solely on your job isn’t the best way to build up your skill and knowledge. There are some excellent ways a developer can sharpen his skill set today; pair-programming, meetups, online courses, and mentors are all great, but sometimes a good old book might hold all the answers you need.

Agree? If so, keep reading for the top recommendations for a developer.

7 Microservices Architecture Books Every DevOps Enthusiast Must Read

Microservices is the most talked-about term in the software industry today. Microservices architecture is what every software-powered company wants to embrace to eliminate the complexities of building larger applications with more dependencies. Microservices architecture is all about breaking down the large applications into small, individual, separate and scalable parts to make sure the dependency and failure effects are bare minimum or nil. The Microservices architecture also increases the overall efficiency since they are more comfortable to plug and play, and easy to manage. This article from smart bear explains microservices architecture in more detail.

Microservices and DevOps go hand-in-hand, and we want you to get some real knowledge on microservices not just by browsing the internet, but also by going through some of these books we are about to list. Our article, "Our journey to microservices: mono repo vs. multiple repositories," talks about our own journey towards microservices and some advanced concepts of a monorepo and multiple repositories.

10 Classic Books Every Serious Programmer Should Read

Even super heroes need to read to stay on top of their game.

Books are a great source of knowledge and wisdom. But unfortunately, there are very few people reading books today. A programmer reading books is an even rarer occurrence, most often relying on the internet search results to find answers.

Technology is moving forward at a pace faster than anytime in the history of mankind. There are new programming languages and tools every few months, aspiring to be the silver bullet for all shortcoming of existing languages, tools and methodologies.

Pros and Cons of Indie Tech Publishing

I personally really love self-publishing, or indie publishing, so I am a little biased. In this article, I will go over what I think are the pros and cons of indie publishing versus going with a "real" publisher.


Here are my favorite parts about indie publishing:

List of the Top DevOps Blogs and Books to Read for 2019

Marking its tenth anniversary this year, though DevOps is the youngest software methodology around, it grows year-by-year in popularity. DevOps continues to be an approach widely used by businesses and developers alike. Even new developers are learning about the philosophies behind DevOps and how its implementation can help make the delivery of applications and services more effective and efficient.

Learning about DevOps and various things related to the approach today is easy. There are so many resources that you can turn to, no matter what you want to learn on the subject. To help you get started, here are the top DevOps blogs and books to read for 2019.