Continuous Delivery with OpenShift and Jenkins: A/B Testing

One of the reasons you could decide to use OpenShift instead of some other containerized platforms (for example, Kubernetes) is out-of-the-box support for continuous delivery pipelines. Without proper tools, the process of releasing software in your organization may be really time-consuming and painful. The quickness of that process becomes especially important if you deliver software to production frequently. Currently, the most popular use case for it is microservices-based architecture, where you have many small, independent applications.

CI/CD on OpenShift is built around Jenkins. OpenShift provides a verified Jenkins container for building continuous delivery pipelines and also scales the pipeline execution through on-demand provisioning of Jenkins replicas in containers. Jenkins is still the leading automation server that provides many plugins that support building and deploying. One of that plugins is OpenShift Jenkins Pipeline (DSL) Plugin, which is by default enabled on a predefined Jenkins template available inside Openshift services catalog. There is not only one plugin enabled on Openshift Jenkins image. In fact, Openshift comes with a default set of installed plugins on Jenkins, which are required for building application from source code and interaction with the cluster. That's a very useful feature.

When to Use the Spy Satellite

Back when the public had a minor fear of World War III in the back of their mind, a military arms race was underway between the major powers of the world. In order to maintain a competitive advantage, those superpower countries started to employ technology into their arms race.

I recall watching a news program where one country was touting their latest ability from current satellite technology. I watched in awe, as this craft hovering in the atmosphere high above was able to take pictures of the earth below. Then, I became even more fascinated as the macro lens on the camera continued to zoom inward toward the earth. My jaw literally dropped when I was able to make out the license plate of a parked vehicle — which was taken from that same satellite.

Zero Downtime Deployment

Software availability is one of the important criteria considered for the success of any software. It is important to make sure your business is not impacted due to software deployment activity. Achieving the highest software availability is possible in many ways.

A new release of software should not bring down the system. To achieve a zero downtime deployment, the software should be built considering the factors that do not demand any downtime.