How to Repurpose Content with ChatGPT: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to repurpose content with chatgpt.Figuring out how to repurpose content with ChatGPT is one of the smartest ways to use the AI tool. With the right approach, you can take a blog post or a page and get AI to transform it or use it as the basis for all other kinds of content. That means podcast scripts, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pages, and many other options. In this article, we’ll show you how to repurpose content with ChatGPT.

How to Hire a Proofreader for Your Blog

hire a proofreaderIf you run a blog, it's always a good idea to have a second set of eyes look over articles before you publish them. In this article, we're going to talk about what proofreading involves and when you should consider hiring someone to help you do it. Then, we'll go over some steps to help you hire a proofreader for your blog.

Is Blogging Worth It in 2023?

is blogging worth itSetting up a blog is relatively easy. The difficult part is turning it into a profitable business. With the increasing number of bloggers worldwide, it can be challenging to make your content stand out. So, you might be wondering: is blogging worth it?

50 of the Best Topics for Bloggers You Can Write About This Year

topics for bloggersIf you’re thinking of starting a blog, you’re probably wondering which are the best topics for bloggers. Before you take the first steps, you should know that there are already 600 million+ blogs on the internet [1]. To stand out in this crowd, it’s necessary to pick a topic that’s unique, targets a niche audience and is in line with current trends.

How to Add a Blogroll in Your WordPress Site (without a Plugin)

Do you want to add a blogroll on your WordPress site?

Blogroll is a list of links to other blogs that you own, or blogs that you admire, follow, or even compete with. The blogroll has a long history in the blogging culture.

In this article, we will share how to easily add blogroll in WordPress. We’ll also talk about the history of blogroll, and how you can benefit from it today.

Adding a blogroll to your WordPress website or blog

What is a Blogroll?

A blogroll is a list of links to other blogs related to your own blog. It could include links to your other blog sites, or the blogs you like, or any websites you want users to checkout.

In its early days, blogging was more personal and community-driven. Like-minded folks often linked to other blogs that they enjoyed. Here is how we used to show a blogroll on WPBeginner back in 2009.

Blogroll displayed on WPBeginner

The blogroll was a common feature in those days which is why most blogging platforms supported it by default. However, as blogging became more mainstream and popular, the blogroll feature became less common.

WordPress had a blogroll feature from the very beginning. It was first called Links, then renamed to Blogroll in WordPress 2.1.

Blogroll feature in WordPress 2.1

It was again changed to Links in WordPress 2.5 and remained that way until WordPress 3.5. At that time, the WordPress team decided to remove the feature from core.

The feature was still available as a free plugin called Link Manager. However that plugin hasn’t been updated in years, and you no longer need it to add a blogroll in WordPress.

Tip: If you are interested in how WordPress has changed over time, then do checkout our in-depth article on the history of WordPress.

Why Add a Blogroll in WordPress

Blogroll provides your users with the opportunity to visit other blogs that you recommend.

Normally, these are blogs or website that you or your company owns. However, you can also add links to other blogs that you admire or want your users to check out.

This allows your users to discover other blogs that you own or take a look at other sites that you recommend.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily add a blogroll in WordPress, manage links, and easily display it anywhere on your website.

Adding a Blogroll in WordPress

WordPress has an awesome menu management feature which was the reason the core team decided to remove the blogroll feature.

Normally, you would use navigation menus in WordPress to add links to your website’s navigation bar, footer links, or other places.

However, you can also use the same navigation menu to create and manage a blogroll in WordPress.

Simply go to Appearance » Menus page and click on the ‘Create a new menu’ link.

Create a new menu in WordPress

WordPress will now create a new blank menu for you and ask you to provide a name for it. You can name it Blogroll, so it is easy to identify when you are working on your website.

Creating the blogroll menu

Don’t forget to click on the ‘Create menu’ button to save it.

After that, click to expand the ‘Custom Links’ tab under the ‘Add menu items’ column on the left.

Adding a link to blogroll menu

Here, you need to enter the URL of the blog or website, and then add the blog title under the ‘Link text’. After that click on the ‘Add to Menu’ button.

You’ll see an item appear under the right column and your blank Blogroll menu will now have an item in it.

Blogroll link added

Now you can repeat the process to add other links that you want to display in your blogroll. After you are finished don’t forget to click on the ‘Save Menu’ button to store your blogroll links.

Saving blogroll links

Open Blogroll Links in New Window and Make Them Nofollow

Blogroll links are external links which means they take away users from your website and pass along SEO link juice as well.

Now if you own all the links in your blogroll, and you don’t mind users leaving one of your blogs to view the other one, then you don’t need to add these.

However, if you don’t own those external links, then you may want to open them in a new window and make them nofollow.

These additional options are hidden by default, but you can easily unhide them.

Simply click on the ‘Screen Options’ button at the top right corner of the screen. It will display a flydown menu where you need to check the box next to ‘Link Target’ and ‘Link Relationship (XFN)’ options.

Show advanced link options for WordPress menus

After that, scroll down to the links you added earlier and then click on any link to expand it. You can now check the box next to the ‘Open link in a new tab’ option and then enter ‘nofollow’ under the ‘Link Relationship (XFN)’ field.

Open a blogroll link in a new window and make it nofollow

You can repeat the process for all the links that you want to nofollow or open in a new window. After that, don’t forget to click on the ‘Save Menu’ button to save your changes.

Displaying Blogroll on Your WordPress Site

Now that you have created the blogroll, you can go ahead and add it to your WordPress blog.

The most common place to display a blogroll is in your website’s sidebar.

Simply, go to the Appearance » Widgets page and add the ‘Navigation Menu’ widget to your sidebar.

Adding navigation menu widget to sidebar

After that, enter the title you want to display for blogroll and then select the menu you created earlier from the drop-down menu.

Don’t forget to click on the Save button to store your widget settings.

You can now visit your website to see your Blogroll displayed in sidebar. Here is how it looked on our test blog.

Blogroll sidebar preview

You can also show the blogroll in the footer area if your WordPress theme has a Footer widget area. You can check that by going to Appearance » Widgets page.

Footer widget area

Simply add the Navigation Menu widget to the footer widget area and select the blogroll menu. Don’t forget to click on the Save button to store your changes.

You can now visit your website to see the blogroll links displayed in action.

Blogroll in footer widget area

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily add a blogroll in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to create an email newsletter to connect with visitors after they leave your website, and our comparison of the best push notification software to grow your traffic.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add a Blogroll in Your WordPress Site (without a Plugin) appeared first on WPBeginner.

Online trade shows guides

That’s the reason why trade shows are still very efficient when it comes to selling products. Since exposures are market-specific, you can be sure that market participants are more likely to become loyal customers. Trade shows, indeed, are commonly considered one of traditional marketing most expensive branches. If your company is spending money, time, and commitment to display a stall at an event, making the best of it is essential. Here are some of the guides for online trade shows.

Setting budget and goals

Like any other business decision, jumping into the marketing of trade shows begins with an aim. Setting a clear goal actually helps to ensure that you are using the right trade show to be in. Make a list of your objectives to help you find the best. By identifying an aim, strategizing which in return will keep you from wasting time and money, also known as your marketing budget, will be much easier.

Business cards

Business cards are fully customized advertising forms, so keeping their design and role as close as possible to the brand is crucial. And with the competitive environment of today, we absolutely recommend coming up with ideas and making your business cards so remarkable that it will attract the recipient to investigate about your business.


Without gifts, a fashion retail trade show event is never complete. Even if its key chains, flash drives, or pens, you should always integrate your free stuff or loot bags with your brand. It probably works as well as for items related to your business. Giveaways actually help your business in getting more exposure. People are more likely to attend your giveaway session.

Company profile

If the first perception is the business card, so the first date is the business profile. Whether in the form of a pamphlet or a handbook, a business profile is intended to give a concise summary of what your fashion retail company is all about to your market or potential partner. This means it should be able to tell the story of your brand, what it continues to stand for and what it has to deliver.

Booth display

If you are planning long-term, prime location is something you can try to exploit at that time. Make your point clear and capable of being seen from both near and far in all directions. Use obvious signs and optimum illumination. To appeal to different people, have a range of different display options. Some people like flyers, brochures, and material for reading. Ensure that your trade show display is published and that it is very clear. Serve some value to the guests of the trade show. This can be something like a state-of-the-art white paper, top 10 brand lists, and latest trends.

Taking the “human” out of “human resources”: How chatbots can help streamline HR strategies

I work for a small PR firm, but chatbots have always been a fascination of mine; how do they work? How are they able to generate human-like responses? Why are they so helpful on some websites and so frustrating on others? Lately, I’ve been doing some of my own research, specifically into what it would take to make my own bot and do some trial and error. To my surprise, I was able to find a bevy of helpful resources at my disposal. Amazon recently launched a bot information site that answered all my bot questions and walked me through the process, and there are countless websites out there that can help with bot hosting and building. Once I started to learn more, I started to get the bot itch – I wanted to build my own, and I wanted to test it out on my coworkers. Never one to ignore my own great ideas, I did just that.

Essentially, the bot I built was pretty basic. For a small fee, I was able to construct an extremely simple chatbot named Chaz, who would pop up in the Google Hangouts chat window of my coworkers and ask them simple questions throughout the week. Thankfully, my coworkers agreed to this little experiment, despite the slight annoyance of having an automated system hurling queries at them. The questions all related to personal experience and company culture: How are you feeling this week? What do you think of the current state of things in the office? How is your workload? The results came back to me at the end of the week, totally anonymously. With each question, the user would be able to choose from four possible responses. For example, if the question was “How are you feeling this week?” the possible responses would be something along the lines of “Great, good, below average, bad.” Not super in-depth, but at least it would serve as a decent tool to take the temperature of the overall mood of the office.

The response was overwhelming. To be totally honest, I really only expected a few people to participate. Sure, the chatbot annoyed you until you answered, but you could easily close the window and go on with your day’s work. Judging by the results, it seemed like people actually wanted to respond and vent a little about how they felt, despite the rather limited response options offered by my bot. I think the reason for this is simple – the bot represented an opportunity to unload with some distance. Let me explain a little more, as that probably doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Imagine you’re at the water cooler (or your more modern office’s equivalent) and there’s an issue that’s been bothering you. The culture around the office has taken a dip, as people’s workloads have increased and overall mood has declined. You want to bring it up to your coworkers, but you don’t want to step on anyone’s toes or make it seem like you are the resident complainer in the office. What’s a better outlet than a human-like chatbot, which allows you to let out your frustrations in an anonymous manner?

While this small experiment was certainly interesting, I think that there are wider HR implications here. For one, there are wider implications at my company, as I plan on implementing this chatbot permanently due to the overwhelmingly positive response. It also got me thinking – if I could accomplish so much with just a simple bot I built using guides on the internet, what else could be streamlined? There are a thousand moving components that require constant maintenance for a human resources department to function effectively. What if, and I know this is going to sound sacrilegious, some of the more basic components could be automated? I’m not suggesting that we take the “human” out of “human resources,” at least not totally. I am suggesting giving employees a little bit of space to vent and complain to someone (or something, in this case) that they feel they can be totally honest with. An extremely important aspect of any HR department’s workload is hiring, which may seem a little bit difficult to automate from the outset. However, I think even this process can be streamlined with chatbots.

While this might not be as relevant to smaller companies, chatbots can be a great tool during large-scale hiring campaigns. Candidates will invariably be sending in follow-ups and questions by the dozen, swamping the already heavy workload of the average corporate HR representative. Here’s where the chatbot comes in – it can be scripted to provide the answers to frequently asked questions, taking some of the correspondence weight off of the human reps who would normally be taking care of them. On top of this, in many cases, the candidate might be nervous and, despite having an important question, wouldn’t want to email HR and bring it to their attention. This way, they can get their questions answered in a low stakes environment, and everyone comes out happy. Bots can also be put to use in the onboarding process, or to help employees (especially new hires) with basic scheduling issues and other simple inquiries. From my small experiment, I was able to conclude that people aren’t afraid of bots in the workplace. Why not put a good thing to use?

If you’re looking for a key takeaway here, it’s that you shouldn’t be afraid to experiment a little with new ideas, especially when it comes to office culture and the way that things are currently being run. Chatbots might not be the answer for you, but keep an open mind – sometimes things that might sound a little odd at first can actually turn out to be valuable solutions.

This is a guest article by John Van Duyn.

Tools to increase the performance of your website

As a result, your website needs to be high-quality if you want to beat your competitors. However, not only it has to provide value and look great, but also needs to perform up to par. If your site is slow to load or is incredibly messy or laggy, people will be unlikely to stick around. They will often migrate to your competitor, which could cost you a lot of money and business.

So it is important that your site runs well, doesn’t lag and loads quickly. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done as there are many variables that can lead to bad site performance. This includes errors, large amounts of traffic, unoptimized content, and more. With that in mind, this article is going to take a look at a few different tools that you can use to help increase the performance of your website.

Monitoring tools

While improving the performance of your site is great, you should also try to find out why the performance is struggling in the first place. In order to do that, you should be utilizing at least one type of monitoring tools. There is a wide range of tools that can be used such as log monitoring, analytics monitoring, and networking monitoring. Free network monitoring tools are also great and they can provide you with a ton of value without breaking the bank.

These tools will alert you when an error or a specific event occurs, and they may even let you know how to fix it. Without using these tools you may not be aware of why your site is performing poorly, which will limit your ability to fix the issue.

Use a CDN or a load balancer

As we briefly mentioned earlier, having too much traffic on your site can often be a major cause of performance issues. This is because your single server is overloaded with requests, so it takes longer to respond to them and provide people access to your site. One thing that many companies may consider doing to rectify this is using a content delivery network (CDN).

CDNs use a principle called load balancing to help your site stay perfectly functional. Load balancing involves distributing your traffic over a number of different servers, instead of overloading one with requests. This eases the load on your website and will allow you to maintain a suitable speed despite the increased traffic. While these can sometimes be fairly expensive, they are a proven and reliable way to keep your website performing appropriately.

Ensure it is optimized for mobile audiences

Just because your site runs and performs well on a desktop computer or laptop, don’t automatically assume it will run as well on a mobile device. If your site isn’t specifically optimized or designed with mobile in mind, there is a good chance the user experience will be subpar.

And with over half of the world’s internet traffic coming from mobile devices, this is more important than ever. There is a better chance someone is viewing your site on a mobile phone or tablet than a computer, so make sure it looks good. This can be done by using a reliable host, a responsive theme, redesigning pop-ups and more. Of course, don’t forget to test your site on different devices as well.

Hopefully, this article has been helpful when it comes to bettering the performance of your website.

This is a guest post by Fatima Ishfaq.

How to get your online business noticed

However, to be able to enjoy all of these perks, it means that you need to be generating some serious revenue from your online sales in order to ultimately support you without any additional income to prop you up along the way. If you want to move stock, you need to get noticed by your target audience and convince them you are the business selling something that they just can’t get anywhere else.

To get you started and help you boost your profit margins, this handy guide is going to take you through three essential things you need to think about and do to be successful in the business world of today.

Have striking visuals

With social media becoming an ever-present part of modern life, the focus on visual marketing has never been more intense. With platforms such as Instagram relying solely on the sharing of images to convey information, it is crucial that whatever visual material you are using to promote your brand and products is of the highest quality.

With this in mind, a great idea is to create your logo online for free and start building your brand identity. By choosing to use an online logo maker, you are already saving money and time on getting a commission done, and logo makers let you create a final design that looks polished and professional without having to waste your money on a graphic design software.

Think differently about your products

Online businesses can run in a variety of ways, but one of the most popular is selling handmade goods. When you are making the products you are selling yourself it is important that you consider what materials you are using.

For example, out of the many reasons you should use fair trade goods, one of them is that it has a widespread appeal to consumers. Knowing that the products you are selling are ethical and helping people will make your target audience want to spend their money on your goods because they know you are a responsible business person.

Spread things out

The internet is second to none when you want to reach out to your target audience, wherever they may be. One of the things you can do to make this work even more to your advantage is to spread out where you are selling your products (and this is easy to do considering how you can synchronize your inventory across platforms).

By selling your products across multiple online marketplaces, you will be reaching more people than ever and continuously increasing your likelihood of making more sales. If you couple this with expanding to include international postage, then you will be able to have your products distributed all over the world and have enough money to live a rather charmed life.

This is a guest post by Fatima Ishfaq.

Keeping it quick: Chatbots in the age of convenience

Meeting growing consumer information needs

Last year, Google fielded 3.8 million search requests per minute. If even just a tiny fraction of this search traffic is driving to your website, it might still be difficult to offer practical solutions to consumer issues on a human level. Difficulty aside, it takes time, and that is something precious we all have little of in the increasingly connected internet age.

The desire for instant gratification has, over time, made chatbots more and more appealing to businesses looking to streamline their customer service experience. This instant gratification economy has become so widespread, in fact, that many online retailers have done away with an “Add to cart” button and have replaced it with a “Buy it now” option.

We exist in a state of constant interaction and feedback with the world around us, mostly through the use of social media and entertainment apps that provide a seemingly endless flow of information. With so much available at our fingertips and with our increasing need for immediate response, chatbots have never been a more attractive option for the average business. As millennials continue to drive trends in customer service through the way they interact online, you can expect to see more and more chatbots popping up on your most frequented sites.

Humanity in chatbots

The mere mention of chatbots might elicit a groan from consumers who interacted with less-developed bots in the early days of online retail and customer service. In the past, these bots were perceived as more hassle than they were worth. In many cases, consumers are more interested in talking to a human representative who can provide more direct answers. Although most of our interactions are streamlined through the web, human connection is still important and the use of chatbots partially removes this from the customer service process.

Despite the apparent absence of human customer service, chatbots can often do things that human service representatives can’t, including solving complex equations in a matter of seconds and using keyword recognition to direct the customer to the exact solution to a specific query. Bots are also constantly learning ways to improve service—every time a person has a conversation with a chatbot, the bot learns from the interaction to inform future communication. These bots have a response rate of 100 percent, and can make large strides toward improving customer communications by replying to messages that may otherwise slip through the cracks. Plus, when a human touch is really needed, almost all bots can redirect customers to human representatives.

The way of the future

With the explosive growth of online commerce, it’s clear that chatbots aren’t going anywhere. Artificial intelligence continues to gain popularity, and, as the technology expands, the bots themselves are getting smarter and smarter. Not only are they becoming better at talking to consumers, they are also increasing overall efficiency. For example, in 2017, Facebook acquired the bot start-up, Ozlo, for this very reason—to create an easier and more specific customer service experience.

In 2018, VentureBeat reported that the value of the global chatbot market is projected to surpass $1.34 billion by 2024. This figure not only suggests that chatbots are here to stay but that they are more popular than we might think. In fact, have used them and 70 percent reported positive results and indicated a willingness to use them again in the future.

Chatbots provide an opportunity for consumers to engage with new technology. We are always looking to try the next big thing—the next model of iPhone, the new social media platform, or the latest video game that is exploding in popularity. By nature of the way that they are built, chatbots learn as you talk to them, meaning that users are like developers themselves. Bots are the ultimate way to engage with technology, offering users the chance to be part of the technology’s evolution.

For those who are especially interested in the progress of chatbots, it has never been easier to learn more about bots or even to build your own. Amazon recently launched a bot information portal specifically designed to help consumers and businesses learn more about chatbots and the steps to take to achieve maximum efficiency through the use of artificial intelligence.

With instant gratification driving the way that users interact online, it is likely that we will see the popularity of chatbots continue to rise over the next five years. Convenience and instant response rates make bots an attractive option, especially as businesses look to better serve a younger demographic of consumers who have grown up on the internet and who are accustomed to having information quickly accessible at their fingertips. Whether you’re a chatbot user, build your own chatbots, or simply enjoy learning more about them, you’re part of an exciting wave of the future of technology driven by convenience.

This is a guest article by John Van Duyn.

Data Visualization in WordPress: How to Do It (With Examples, Plugins and Tools)

Using data visualization in WordPress is a great way to enhance your regular text content and better communicate data and concepts with your readers. While “data visualization” sounds fancy, it’s really just a term for graphically presenting information or data to make it easier for readers to understand ideas, trends, or patterns. That last part is the most important – it’s not just dumping data on visitors. Instead, it’s using data to tell a story in a visual manner.

10 features every nonprofit website should have

Sometimes best practices for nonprofit websites seem obvious, but let’s begin with a story that illustrates how fundamental these features are for success.

For years a neighborhood association asked members to join and renew at its 4th of July parade. But not everyone attended the parade or reached the membership table. The association had a PayPal button for dues payments on their website, but no one was automatically reminded to renew. As the parade outreach effort faltered, the organization resorted to inconsistent, volunteer-led member retention efforts.

After setting up membership software with automatic recurring credit card payments, the association quickly doubled its renewal rate. They were also shocked to see that many members also opted to add on significant additional recurring donation amounts beyond their dues payment. Making this one change possibly saved the association from extinction.

Recurring donations or memberships

Nonprofits with paper membership processes or PayPal donate buttons are losing significant revenue. Certainly setting up membership management software requires time and resources. But proceeds from auto-recurring payments and one-time renewal payments spurred by automatic reminders should more than compensate. Be sure to set up multiple past due/failed payment reminders in your system to accommodate today’s distracted members.

Email list signup

The people most likely to become donors and members are those already on your prospect email list. Set up an account with MailChimp or another email marketing platform. MailChimp is free for up to 2000 subscribers as long as you send less than 12,000 emails per month. Add an email signup widget to your website.

Automated blog post emails or an e-newsletter

Nonprofits that are volunteer-run or short-staffed find it hard to draft a regular e-newsletter. But how else will members know what you are doing for them? In some cases, writing blog posts that are automatically sent to your email list is better than an e-newsletter because:

  • A post doesn’t need to be designed in an email marketing platform.
    Information reaches your subscribers sooner.
  • If your recipients are just as likely to open one email from you as another, why put so much effort into an e-newsletter?
  • Headlines from your blog posts (which should be your email subject line) are more click-worthy than a subject line like, “Our Monthly Newsletter.”

But be careful not to send communications too often or you risk unsubscribes. Check your unsubscribe rate after each mass email.

Pictures and good design

Like the adage says, “A picture is worth 1000 words.” Your current and prospective donors and members want to see themselves as part of an energetic organization. Pictures are the best way to tell that story. You have around seven seconds to prove to visitors that your site is worth exploring. Consider running a usability test to be sure you are doing a good job.

Members only content or benefits

Members join because they want to belong, but benefits play a role. Your welcome and renewal emails should link to a page where you list all of your benefits. Create content such as articles or a member directory that only members can see. Offer events or tickets just for donors. Your membership software should allow you to limit access to specific pages, posts and events.

Contact information

Donors may be diverse in term of age, education and tech savviness, so offer them different ways to connect. Older donors like to reach out by phone, while younger members may want to be able to message you on Facebook. Meet members and where they are, but only if staff can fully support each method (such as regularly posting on Facebook or having set times when you are answering the phone).

Scalability for desktop, mobile and tablets

Half of visitors to nonprofit websites are using a mobile or tablet device. If people receive your emails and want to take action, be sure that they can complete the entire task on their phone without having to scroll right or zoom in to read. Google also favors mobile-friendly sites in search results.

Events calendar

Events — in person or virtual — are a core function of most nonprofits. Your membership software should support online event registration and payments. If your site is in WordPress, your system may offer widgets to promote a list of upcoming events in the site-wide sidebar or footer.

Clear call-to-action

Is it clear what action you want a first time or returning website visitor to take? If the main goal is driving membership, there should be a benefits list on the home page as well as a Join button. Ask friends to look at the home page. Can they accurately answer, “What is the primary action we are asking you to take?

Volunteer information

On average, those who volunteered in the last 12 months donate ten times more money to charities than non-volunteers. Make it easy:

  • Include a volunteer link in the website navigation.
    Maintain an updated list of volunteer opportunities.
  • Designate a volunteer coordinator to connect volunteers to opportunities and stay connected to this key group.
  • Ask members to indicate what volunteer opportunities interest them.

Have other ideas? Let us know in the comments.

This is a guest post by Amy Hufford, a Technologist at MembershipWorks.

Best office suites for 2019

Microsoft Office 365 (web, Windows, Mac, Android, iOS)

Generally, you would purchase a boxed duplicate of Office for $100 or more and install it from the CD on your PC. That would give you Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, alongside additional tools like Outlook and Access.

Office 365 changed that all. From $6.99/month, you can get each Office application on all your devices. Or then again you can use the free Office Online versions of those programs from your browser or the nearly full-featured mobile applications so you can complete your cheap essay writing thirst anywhere.

Start writing a Word document on your desktop PC, make some edits on your phone, and then print it out from the program once you get to the workplace. You can collaborate in Office Online, and edit a document along with associates in Word Online or adding remarks to an Excel Online spreadsheet that your collaborators can check later.

Office applications each incorporate a larger number of features than those in most of the suites featured in this roundup, with many years of improvement behind each one. Excel includes an amazing number of functions and data analysis tools, while OneNote is a standout amongst the most innovative note applications with a paper-like design that gives you a chance to compose what you need.

If you intend to work using a PC or a tablet more often and don’t have any desire to work using your browser, Microsoft Office is still likely your best option for most office work. Its applications are some of the best ways to create documents and spreadsheets, with enough collaboration features and new applications to make them work in the modern workplace. Office 365 also incorporates 1TB of capacity in OneDrive so you can back up your documents online.

  • Office 365 tools include: Word processor, spreadsheets, presentations, notes, database developer (on PCs), email, file sync
  • Office 365 Excel spreadsheet functions supported: 465
  • Office 365 price: Free Office Online web applications; $6.99/month Personal plan for individual use; $9.99/month Home for up to 5 PCs or Macs; from $10/month Business plan for organization use per client

Google G Suite (Web, Android, iOS)

Microsoft Office may have been the first and most often the default “office suite” in the enterprise, yet it took Google to take it beyond desktops and into the cloud. G Suite was once named Writely, a basic internet composing application from 2005, which Google obtained and transformed into the foundation of the present best Microsoft Office competitor.

G Suite’s individual applications are modern tools with all that you need to make documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

What makes G Suite incredible is the way it works for collaboration. You can share your records to anybody — even freely on the web if you like — and let them all jump in and help make a masterpiece. You can live edit with others in the meantime or leave remarks that Google will email for input later. Since it accompanies any Google account, G Suite is for all intents and purposes universally.

It’s getting smarter, as well. The new Explore tool in Google Docs and Sheets can discover bits of information from your data, making outlines from your spreadsheets and finding related documents automatically. It can even work while you sleep. Add a Google Form to your Google Sheets spreadsheet and new answers will appear in your sheet consequently, ready for whenever you sign in.

G Suite is one of the best on the web. It has versatile applications, however with fewer features than the core web applications. You can’t add recommended edits or most formatting to a document on mobile, for instance. Also, G Suite possibly works offline when you use it in Chrome. But if you mainly work from a PC and are online most of the time, G Suite is one of the best options to work on documents online with your team or any individual who has a Gmail account.

  • G Suite tools include: Word processor, spreadsheet, presentations, notes, email, file sync
  • G Suite sheets spreadsheet functions supported: 351
  • G Suite price: free for individual use; from $5/month per client Basic plan for groups

Apple iWork (web, Mac, iOS)

Need to make catchy documents, spreadsheets, and presentations? Apple iWork applications (Pages, Keynote, and Numbers) are the easiest way to create them, and they’re free with Macs and iOS devices. You’ll either discover them preloaded on your new devices or in the App Store as a free download.

Each includes various formats and templates to help you instantly make the files you want in a simple interface that conceals the most part of its tools until the point when you require them. You can begin with a template, pull in your very own pictures and illustrations, and wind up with a print-quality file in minutes. Or then again, transform your file into a book, as Pages give you a chance to export any document as an ePub book that is immaculate to distribute to an eBook store.

Numbers is an amazing spreadsheet application, acting more like a document than the common matrix filled sheet you’ll discover in Excel or Google Sheets. Do the math you require, include content and graphs around it in the blank document to create a full report around your core table.

Keynote, also, is amazing for something other than your standard slideshow. Its animations are so fluid that it can be used as a tool for prototyping new applications and making short animated videos. Or on the other hand, you can use it to make your next meeting more interesting: With the new Keynote Live, you can stream your presentation online directly from the application.

iWork is best in its local applications on Mac and iOS, however, you can also use it online from This is an amazing way to impart your documents to colleagues who don’t use iWork or to quickly tweak a presentation from a work PC when you forget your laptop.

  • Apple iWork tools include: Word processor, spreadsheet, presentations (notes, mail, and calendar applications also included with iOS and macOS)
  • Apple Numbers spreadsheet functions supported: 266
  • Apple iWork price: Free for Mac and iOS; free web application with an iCloud account, which comes free with any Apple gadget

Zoho Workplace (web, Android, iOS)

Zoho offers a whole bunch of applications, yet everything began with their online word processor, Zoho Writer. New applications joined the group step by step, in the end transforming into Zoho Workplace — a full office suite on the web, with many other Zoho applications that you can add on if necessary.

Writer keeps on being the leading application in the suite, with another design that rethinks how a word processor ought to be designed. It keeps about the majority of its features hidden by default, for a distraction-free interface. Need to change something? Open the left sidebar to discover the wide array of tools sorted out in toolbars. Acquire Microsoft Office documents, and Zoho completes an amazing activity at retaining the most of the original formatting.

For anything else you have to do, there’s a Zoho application to take care of it. Its presentations and spreadsheet applications pursue a progressively conventional style, with menus and toolbars blended so you can work in the way you want. Each application includes a Zoho chatbox where you can chat with your collaborators and keep the discussion going on regardless of which Zoho application you’re using.

  • Zoho Workplace tools included: Word processor, spreadsheets, presentations, email, group visit, document match up, sites (with 25+ other Zoho applications accessible)
  • Zoho Sheet spreadsheet functions supported: 362
  • Zoho Workplace price: Free for 25 clients with 5GB capacity; $3/month per client Standard arrangement for unlimited users and 30GB storage

This is a guest article by Xenia Infinity.