How to Quickly Generate 100+ Blog Post Ideas (3 Methods)

Are you wondering how to come up with new blog post ideas without spending too much money, time, and resources?

Many bloggers struggle to find blog post ideas to keep their audience engaged. Even more experienced bloggers face this issue regularly.

In this guide, we will show you quick and easy ways to generate 100+ blog post ideas. This will help you consistently create helpful content that brings you more search traffic.

Generate dozens of blog post ideas easily

What Makes a Good Blog Post Idea?

Whether you are just starting a blog or have been blogging for some time, you will learn that not all blog post ideas are equal. Plus, coming up with new articles requires effort, time, and resources.

Here are some simple rules to consider when choosing a blog post idea.

1. Topical Relevance

The blog post ideas you choose should be relevant to the main topic of your blogging niche or industry. For example, if you run a travel blog, then it wouldn’t make sense to start writing articles about pet care.

Choosing topics relevant to your blog niche helps you build topical authority. This means that search engines consider you an expert within your niche, which can improve your search rankings.

2. Search Volume / Audience Interest

Another important thing to consider when choosing blog ideas is your audience interest.

To do that, you need to first understand your blog’s target audience. Who are they, and what kind of content are they looking for?

Next, you will want to see if there is any search volume for the topic you want to write about. Search volume is the average number of searches for that keyword in top search engines.

3. Competition in Search Rankings

A quick Google search for a blog post idea can show you what your competitors are writing about that topic.

This helps you see what information they have covered in their articles. After that, you can build upon it to create more comprehensive content and outrank your competition.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily find hundreds of blog post ideas within minutes.

Quick and Easy Ways to Generate Blog Post Ideas (Free and Paid)

There are multiple online tools that can help you quickly generate blog post ideas. Some of them are paid, but plenty of them are available for free.

Let’s look at three of our favorite tools to generate blog post ideas.

1. Keyword Generator (Free)

Keyword generator tool

Keyword Generator is a free keyword research tool that we made at WPBeginner. It allows you to perform in-depth keyword research to find dozens of blog post ideas to write about.

Simply enter a topic or keyword that you want to work on and click on the ‘Analyze’ button.

The tool will then generate 300+ new keyword ideas from Google that you can browse or download as a CSV file.

Keyword results

These ideas can be sorted by the following:

  • Alphabetical – Related keywords that people search for in Google in alphabetical order.
  • Prepositions – Related keywords that include prepositions like for, near, is, to, and so on.
  • Questions – Related long-tail topics organized as questions.

To see blog post ideas organized as an SEO topical entity graph, simply click the ‘Show graph’ button in any section.

You can also copy the SVG file of the graph to your clipboard.

View topic graph

You can combine several article ideas in one blog post or create multiple content pieces to build authority around a topic over a period of time.

2. Semrush (Detailed Search Data)

Semrush website

Semrush is one of the best SEO tools on the market. It offers the most comprehensive set of search engine and social media marketing tools.

Note: Semrush also offers a limited free account, which is suitable for beginners on a budget.

Semrush includes two tools that both work great for generating blog post ideas. We will now take a look at both of them.

1. Topic Research Tool

First, there is the Topic Research tool. It allows you to enter a topic or keyword, and Semrush will generate content ideas around that topic.

Topic research tool

The results will show you related topics as cards that you can click to expand and view all the content ideas for that topic.

You will also see the subtopic search volume, how easy it is to rank for (the difficulty level), and the topic efficiency. Topic efficiency is calculated by considering both the search volume and the difficulty level.

Subtopic headlines and questions

For each subtopic, you will see results as article headlines. You can click on each headline to view the article on a competitor’s website. This gives you a good idea of the information you will need to cover in your blog post.

Next to headlines, you will see questions commonly asked by users about that subtopic. You can pick a question to answer in your article or combine several to make a more comprehensive blog post.

2. Keyword Magic Tool

The Keyword Magic tool is a powerful keyword research tool built into the Semrush toolkit. It allows you to simply enter a keyword or topic to find related keywords with a ton of useful data.

Keyword Magic tool

From here, you can sort the results by questions, broad, phrase, exact, or related matches.

Next to each keyword, Semrush will show you search volume, keyword difficulty, cost per click or CPC (for pay-per click ads), and more.

You can also click on a keyword to view more detailed information about it, including the intent of visitors who search for this keyword. For example, users might only be looking for informational content, or they may be looking to buy a product (transactional intent).

Keyword overview

If you are using a paid Semrush account, then you will also see Keyword Clusters. These are semantically related keywords, which are different phrases related to a single topic. You can use them to create more authoritative content on any topic.

3. Blog Post Idea Generator (Free)

Blog Post Idea Generator

Blog Post Idea Generator is a free tool that we created at WPBeginner to help our readers generate blog post ideas.

Simply enter your main topic or a related noun in the search field and click on the ‘Get Ideas’ button. The generator will then create a list of blog post ideas that you can write about.

Blog topic ideas

You can copy the ideas you want to work on and create your own list.

Then, you can customize the blog headlines and refine the ideas on your own. You can also use this list together with the WPBeginner Keyword Generator tool to further explore a topic idea.

Bonus Tips to Find Blog Post Ideas

The three tools we talked about in this article can help you very quickly generate hundreds of blog post ideas. However, there are a few other things you can do to refine these ideas and find more related topics to write about.

First, you can put your blog post idea in a Google search to see the competition.

As you type in your keyword or blog post idea, Google will start suggesting relevant topics that other users searched for.

Search suggestions

You can include those topics in your blog post or save them to check later.

On the search results page, you will see your top competitors. Visiting these results will give you an idea of how your competitors have covered this topic.

You may also see the ‘People also ask’ section. This shows related questions people are looking for about a particular topic.

Look into people also ask section

These questions can be separate blog post ideas, or you can include them in your topic and make it more comprehensive. You might even include them in a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section to target the specific phrases within your content.

Finally, you will find related searches at the bottom of the page. These are relevant keywords and search terms that can be used as separate blog post ideas.

additional searches

Optimizing Your Blog Post Ideas

The tools we have talked about usually just show you raw data. You may still need to come up with your own blog post title, content outline, and more. You will also need to optimize your blog post to outrank the competition and get more search traffic.

The easiest way to do all this is by using the All in One SEO for WordPress plugin.

It is the best WordPress plugin on the market that allows you to easily optimize your blog posts for SEO.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the All in One SEO for WordPress plugin. For more details, see our article on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: There is also a free version called All in One SEO Lite that you can use. However, we recommend upgrading to a pro plan to unlock the plugin’s full potential.

Upon activation, you can edit the blog post that you are working on.

Then, just go to the All in One SEO panel at the bottom of the WordPress content editor and enter a focus keyword for your blog post.

Adding focus keyphrase for your blog post

All in One SEO will now show you an SEO score for your blog post based on your main focus kephrase. A higher score tells you that your content is well optimized for your main keyword.

The plugin will also show you practical recommendations to improve the SEO score.

All in One SEO showing SEO score for blog post

You can also refine your blog post title by switching to the headline analyzer panel.

This free tool helps you optimize your blog post title to improve your organic click-through rate in the search results.

Analyze blog post headline

We hope this article helped you generate blog post ideas to fill up your editorial calendar for weeks. You may also want to see our complete WordPress SEO guide or take a look at the best blog examples to follow for inspiration.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Quickly Generate 100+ Blog Post Ideas (3 Methods) first appeared on WPBeginner.

Announcing WPBeginner’s Blog Post Idea Generator – Create Your Yearly Content Calendar in a Second

Do you want to quickly generate content ideas for your blog?

Ever wished there was any easy way to create a year’s worth of content ideas without having to spend hours if not days for researching and mind mapping?

If you’re like me and most other smart bloggers, then you have at least wished for this solution a couple of times in your WordPress journey.

Today, I’m excited to release a free WPBeginner tool, Blog Post Idea Generator, which helps you come up with a year worth of content ideas in a second.

We built this tool because we believe content ideas are the backbone of a blog, and every blogger should be able to create tons of ideas quickly and easily.

What is a Blog Post Idea Generator?

WPBeginner’s Blog Post Idea Generator is a powerful FREE online tool that makes it easy to come up with a lot of content ideas instantly.

It’s completely FREE for all WPBeginner readers… no signup or registration is required.

Without entering your email address, you can generate up to 29 ideas for the topic or noun you enter. If you want an extensive list of 250 blog post ideas, you can enter your email address and download the list right away.

Introducing Blog Post Generator

One of the biggest reasons why most WordPress blogs fail is because they don’t brainstorm blog post ideas and plan their editorial calendar ahead of time.

Unfortunately, planning blog post ideas could be tedious and time-consuming. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Backed by data, our free tool analyzes the blog topic or noun you enter and provides you with content ideas that are proven to attract your target audience.

Some of the benefits of our blog post generator are…

  • Get loads of actionable blog post name ideas for FREE without hiring a content marketer
  • Download or export the ideas in a sheet for further analysis
  • Save time and money on topic research

How to Use WPBeginner’s Blog Post Idea Generator

First things first. Head over to WPBeginner’s Blog Post Idea Generator tool. Next, type in a noun or a topic in the search bar and click Get Ideas.

blog post ideas

The tool will instantly generate up to 29 post ideas, which you can copy individually and add to your editorial calendar. If you provide your email address, then you can get 250+ additional ideas and download the sheet instantly.

Once you have a list of potential ideas, you can fix a publishing schedule for your blog and start creating stunning blog posts that attract your audience.

#1 Reason Why Most Blogs Fails and How to Fix It

Most beginner bloggers fail because they seek instant gratification from blogging. As soon as they publish a blog post, they want readers to come in, post a comment, share it on social media, and so on.

But what they fail to realize is that blogging is a marathon, not a sprint. To win the blogging marathon, the first thing you’ll need to do is to get your content ideas ready… not just a week ahead, but a year ahead or at least a month ahead.

When post ideas aren’t prepared ahead of time, most beginners tend to publish mediocre content that fails to create an impact. This eventually hurts their motivation and causes them to stop publishing.

WPBeginner’s Blog Post Idea Generator gives you a head start on brainstorming content ideas. Once you generate the ideas, you can refine them and add them to your content calendar.

Use Headline Analyzer to Refine Your Ideas

Now you know how to generate content ideas and add them to your publishing calendar.

After preparing content ideas, you can also use the headline analyzer to make sure the post headlines are click-worthy before publishing the blog posts.

A headline analyzer analyzes your final post headline, grades it on a scale of 1-100, and offers suggestions to improve it.

You can then follow those recommendations and re-analyze your title to see if it improves your score. Then you can repeat the process until you get a great score. The general rule of thumb is to aim for a score of 70+.

You can do so free by installing and activating either the free All in One SEO plugin or the free MonsterInsights plugin.

Both of these plugins give you access to the headline analyzer right inside the WordPress post editor.

Click the SEO headline analyzer button

Alternatively, you can use our online headline analyzer tool, which offers similar headline analysis and can be accessed for free without installing a plugin or signing up for a newsletter.

What’s Coming Next?

Our blog post generator is a great tool to help step up your content strategy game.

We’ll continue to deliver more powerful tools for small businesses, so they can grow and compete with the big guys.

We have an exciting roadmap ahead of us, and in the coming weeks, hopefully, we’ll deliver more free tools at your disposal.

Here are a few more business tools that you can use RIGHT NOW.

Our goal is to continue to build best-in-class tools to help you level the playing field.

If you have ideas on how we can make WPBeginner’s Blog Post Idea Generator or other tools more helpful for you, then share your thoughts in the comments.

As always, I want to thank you for your continued support of WPBeginner, and we look forward to continue serving you for years to come.

Yours Truly,

Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

The post Announcing WPBeginner’s Blog Post Idea Generator – Create Your Yearly Content Calendar in a Second first appeared on WPBeginner.