The Convergence of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence


According to a 2016 research by Mckinsey, it was revealed that the total annual external investment in AI ranged between $8billion to $12billion in. Statistically, this is a clear sign that AI is making a great impact in the global industries especially the financial sector. In other words, it’s a revolutionary impact in the financial industry can not be underestimated.

Blockchain, on the other hand, has also shown its immense potential in so many industries especially in the finance industry. In fact, it’s digital disruption is greatly impacting how so many businesses operate in our contemporary world. While so many industries are beginning to embrace the amazing options these technologies – Artificial intelligence and Blockchain technology offer – helping them to create more value,  boosting sales, and so on,  it’s interesting to know that the combination of both will positively revolutionize the future of the fintech industry.

Apache Kafka and Blockchain: Friends, Enemies, or Frenemies?

This blog post discusses the concepts, use cases, and architectures behind Event Streaming, Apache Kafka, Distributed Ledger (DLT), and Blockchain. A comparison of different technologies such as Confluent, AIBlockchain, Hyperledger, Ethereum, Ripple, IOTA, and Libra explores when to use Kafka, a Kafka-native blockchain, a dedicated blockchain, or Kafka in conjunction with another blockchain.

Use Cases for Secure and Tamper-Proof Data Processing With a Blockchain

Blockchain is a hype topic for many years. While many companies talk about the buzzword, it is tough to find use cases where Blockchain is the best solution. The following examples show the potential of Blockchain. Here it might make sense:

Cloud Mining: A New Approach to Cryptocurrency Business

Miners are a necessary and important link in the cryptocurrency chain that take an active part in the issue of coins and maintain the system’s performance. A couple of years ago, it was possible to mine on a home PC and make a profit; now, the mining process has become so complicated that even collective pools and large farms do not always pay off. Therefore, cloud mining services began to appear. 

What is Cloud Mining?

The essence of the method is simple: instead of spending money on equipment, the user rents it from large companies. Such companies are most often created in countries with affordable electricity tariffs and a cool climate (these countries hold the largest mining pools). The user pays them a fixed commission and a percentage of the profit.

WordProof Wins €1 Million Grant to Advance Blockchain Timestamping Concept

WordProof, the company behind the WordProof Timestamp plugin for WordPress, has received a €1 million grant from the European Commission as the reward for winning a competition called “Blockchains for Social Good.” The Dutch startup beat 175 other participants from around Europe.

The competition was designed to reward developers’ efforts in exploring decentralized applications of blockchains for social innovation. WordProof was one of five finalists selected to receive €1 million, after submitting its Timestamp Ecosystem concept, which seeks to increase transparency and accountability by proving authenticity of content on the web. In addition to its WordPress plugin, the timestamping ecosystem aims to provide solutions for other content management platforms, e-commerce, and social media.

WordProof founder Sebastiaan van der Lans said the grant is evidence of the company gaining traction with governments and universities.

“With the recognition and financial support from Europe, we can roll out the Timestamp Ecosystem at a higher pace and make WordProof grow even faster as a company,” Van der Lans said. “This will enable Europe to define the standard for a reliable Internet for consumers and organisations.”

Van der Lans said WordProof is still very much “a WordPress-focused company” and plans to use the funds to extend its timestamping plugin to work with WooCommerce. They also plan to begin working with major publishers and WooCommerce shops to integrate timestamping solutions. The company began working with Yoast two months ago on deeply integrating with to provide structured data for SEO.

In the coming weeks, van der Lans said the company plans to announce “a significant investment from the WordPress space.” WordProof is currently focused on advocacy with/at the European Commission to make timestamping an open source standard that would be independent from the control of any single company.

Impact of COVID-19 on Crypto and Blockchain Payments

Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are slowly making a transition from speculative investment instruments to payments. Special attention to payment habits and the financial life cycle as the COVID-19 pandemic leads to more calls for dematerialization of payments.



  • Geographic location matters significantly when measuring awareness of cryptocurrencies and interest in making cryptocurrency payments for goods and services.
  • For customers, any transition from currency speculators to retail shoppers is not straightforward. 
  • And most consumers are not currency speculators. 
  • The acceptance cost for businesses will be significant, especially compared to alternative existing payment options.
  • Companies accepting cryptocurrencies as payment for goods and services may benefit from short-term public relations gains and be perceived as innovators, but the impact on payment acceptance is very likely to be short-lived.


Banks and investment CIOs driving financial services digital business strategy and innovation should:

Why Blockchain Is Essential to Your Test Project

Blockchain has revolutionized the way the company’s business is conducted. Today, Blockchain is more than digital currencies such as BitcoinAs per the World Economic Forum’s survey, by 2027, 10 percent of the global GDP will be dependent on Blockchain technology. The blockchain is exceptional as it removes the requirement for a middleman to physically manage actions in real-time while at the same time preventing fraud. Healthcare, supply chain, energy, etc. are verticals that present themselves to this technology splendidly.

With rising capabilities of deployment and integration, software testers must understand how to evaluate blockchain apps. These days, blockchain applications are not restricted to the financial world – its smart contract underpinning can be integrated into distinct areas like energy allocation to government services. All of the above bring several challenges that are critical to blockchain debugging. Blockchain applications differ from other types of traditional applications, requiring QA testers to approach precise needs and acceptance criteria.

Building Powerful Contracts Using DAML

As the blockchain technology evolves, there is a need for improved frameworks through which users can create and deploy smart contracts. DAML is one such open-source language for smart contracts originated by Digital Asset.

In this article, we will be understanding about the features of DAML, it’s need and benefits in the current scenarios and the steps to get started with building smart contracts using DAML.

Top Trends of Blockchain Technology in 2020

It is notified that blockchain will be going to transform each operation and process across many government sectors and industries only they have adopted to it. But, this kind of adoption requires time, effort, and money. In addition to the blockchain technology, it will enhance more peoples to learn more skills, each kind of traditional business will need to entirely reconsider these processes to get the maximum benefits from using this technology. 

The below-mentioned trends of blockchain technology in 2020 are as follows:

Is Blockchain Tech the Solution to IIoT Security Dilemmas?

Digital transformation and the convergence of IT and OT in the industrial space have resulted in considerable challenges in securing infrastructures. This includes power grids, nuclear power plants, oil rigs, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, and machinery in factories and locations that traditionally have enjoyed security by obscurity. 

While IoT provides critical data insights, it also means systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks, and network-level protection is not enough. Working with data brings significant challenges, from data generation, transportation, and storage to controlling data access, analytics, and sharing amongst multiple parties. To deal with these challenges, organizations need new tools, processes, and cybersecurity architectures. 

Deploy a Hyperledger Fabric v2 Web App Using the Node.js SDK


One of the main highlights of Hyperledger Fabric v2 is the concept of decentralized governance for smart contracts. It introduces peer chaincode lifecycle, which focuses on improving chaincode management between multiple organizations. Using the new lifecycle, installation, and upgrading of chaincodes requires approval from multiple organizations before the chaincode can be interacted with.

The latest fabric-sdk-node update also removed the fabric-client library, which was mainly responsible for handling administrative tasks such as chaincode and channel management on the network. These tasks now instead have to be carried out through the peer CLI.

Top 11 Programming Languages for Blockchain Development

Blockchain technology is a very fast, secure, and decentralized technology that is currently causing a paradigm shift in many industries today. The development of this technology has brought about improvements in many industries even though it has many skeptics and is not a mainframe technology yet. To develop this technology, the following programming languages are used. 


C++ is an old programming language developed during the 70s and 80s. It is a high speed, compiled, object-oriented, and strongly static programming language. This language is highly efficient. As stated in many professional writing services, it was created as a C language extension but is a more difficult language to learn and more complicated. So, it really is not for beginners. 

Decentralized Social Media: Improving the User Experience

For the first time since the creation of mainstream social media platforms, the number of American users with at least one social media profile decreased in 2018. People are choosing to leave social media platforms for many reasons, from the platforms’ negative effect on mental health to the general mistrust of platform owners. Users are increasingly becoming aware of the amount of power single entities hold over their information. However,  a move toward decentralized social media could put power back in the user’s hands. 

Many social media profiles are connected to email addresses, phone numbers and other personal identifications. Wherever there is data, there is scope for breach. The need for a system that separates a user’s profile from their sensitive information online is greater following security breaches on Facebook, Twitter, and more. 

Farmobile Shows the True Value of IoT Data

When you think of data monetization, you're probably thinking of data generated from cars (the ultimate computer on wheels) or perhaps wearables, and then sold on through a marketplace. But, today's farm is a hotbed of data analytics, taking the lead from laboratories and factories. Data enables farmers to gain critical insights to assist with precision agriculture, including planning, water and fertilizing, yield optimization, etc. But, it also is a product that can be bought and sold and a former commodity trader has created hardware and a market place to sell this data. That company is Farmobile.

I spoke to CEO Jason Tatge to find out more. Jason shared:

Should a Blockchain Node Save All the Transaction Logs?


Blockchain is a technology that drives all the cryptocurrencies. In every one of them, a set of validator nodes are responsible for validating all the transactions. The validators are assumed to be rational and self-interested, i.e. they are only interested in making as much money possible for themselves. Under such assumptions, it is generally assumed that a required majority of the validators would agree on the sequence of transactions that have ever happened on the blockchain.

However, such blockchain validator nodes are generally expensive in terms of the size of the disk space they need. The oldest and most popular cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, for example, needs about 200 GB of disk space to store the entire transaction log. This makes it necessary to have a high-speed connection and a lot of time to even get started on mining or validation. This is a problem that prompted researchers to suggest sharding as a solution, i.e. storing only part of the log in each node, but storing the entire log as a whole. Sharding comes with its own challenges when it comes to validating transactions.