Private Blockchains: Hyperledger vs. Quorum vs. Corda

In our primitive blogs, we learned about the basics of Blockchain Technology, what are public and private blockchains. We understood the details of public blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum as well as private blockchains Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Fabric 2, the private blockchains of the Hyperledger family. While each blockchain has its own features and advantages, not everything can be applied and implemented for a particular project or business. Every business has its own set of requirements, the challenges or problems vary from business to business and a lot of other factors like budget, infrastructure, resources, time, etc., have to be taken into account while choosing the right technology for a business project.

In the case of Blockchain, a business, depending upon its nature and functionality may require to choose either a public, a private or a hybrid blockchain. While one of our previous blogs explained the difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum, the public blockchains; this blog will shed more light on the difference between Hyperledger vs. Quorum vs. Corda, the private blockchains. Check below for Hyperledger vs. Quorum vs. Corda activity protocols over the years.

Understanding Blockchain Development Through Chainlink

Web2 is the web as you know it. If you're posting pictures of your cat on Facebook, reserving a weekend getaway on Airbnb, or calling an Uber from outside the pub, you're using Web2 technologies.

But if you think that's as far as the internet will go, think again. Just as Web2 uses social, mobile, and cloud technologies to make the internet more interactive and accessible, Web3 uses blockchain technology to make digital interactions decentralized and trustworthy.

Blockchain Document Signing Platform: Offering Security to Confidential Documents

The document signing process plays a crucial role, as it guarantees the creation of binding obligations between the signing parties.

The sales contract looks legalized, have all the parties signed it? Is it the reviewed and latest version? Can it be proved that the document has not been altered before you signed? Is it possible to prove the document you received is identical to the one you viewed earlier?

Blockchain to Revolutionize Banking Sector

The banking sector forms the backbone of any economy. With the technology innovations making way into the arena, the banking sector has been moving away from traditional methods. It has shown steady acceptance of modern age banking methods for the faster and more dependable outcome. On the other hand, blockchain technology has gained popularity on a large scale since its introduction in 2008. This development has presented the impending benefits of blockchain technology in the banking sector in terms of transparency and security.

Concerns Related to Present Day Banking

One of the primary aspects of the banking sector is security. Though in India, with more than 90 percent of the transactions are performed in cash, digital channels are increasingly popular nowadays. This has increased the scenario for cybercrime. Cyber attacks are prominent in recent times. The massive data breach of over 3 million debit and credit cards that occurred around 2 years back has shown the prominent security gaps in the banking segment. Another area of concern is the increased occurrence of fraudulent transactions. Reports and sources reveal that there has been approximately a 20 percent increase in bank fraud cases over the past five years.

Building on Ethereum (Part 3): Set Up and Test

In this series, I'm discussing the phases of a project encompassing a non-trivial set of Ethereum smart contracts and the React/Redux application that communicates with them.

The project, called In-App Pro Shop, aims to help Ethereum developers easily support in-app purchases, and it was written over the last half of 2018 as a way of learning about the Ethereum development ecosystem.

This project revealed many aspects of the power and constraints of Ethereum and its programming language Solidity. I hope to pass as much of that on to you as possible in this series.

10 Tools for Blockchain Development

Blockchain, though known to most people through cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, is used for much more than powering cryptos. Recently, a lot of companies have been coming up with innovative ways of putting this technology to use, from using it as a decentralized voting system to managing a global shipping system.

Even big companies like IBM and Samsung have adopted it for use. So it's natural that all this interest in it brings about the need for blockchain developers. In fact, according to a report from Upwork, blockchain happens to be the fastest growing skill on its platform, surpassing skills like TensorFlow and machine learning in the top 20 list. This means there are a lot of jobs for blockchain developers.