25 Most Commonly Used Blockchain Terms Explained

Blockchain is not only a rapidly evolving technology but also a complex innovation that is now getting heavily integrated with different systems and being utilized extensively.  It is used most primarily for cryptocurrency transactions.

If you have read the core functionalities of blockchain, you’ll see that it’s a system utilized to record data or information. Sounds quite simple? The way it records data is so robust and complicated that it is then extremely difficult to hack, change, or cheat the system. It’s important to understand the different terms in order to fully comprehend the technology.

Blockchain Document Signing Platform: Offering Security to Confidential Documents

The document signing process plays a crucial role, as it guarantees the creation of binding obligations between the signing parties.

The sales contract looks legalized, have all the parties signed it? Is it the reviewed and latest version? Can it be proved that the document has not been altered before you signed? Is it possible to prove the document you received is identical to the one you viewed earlier?

5 Real-World Applications of Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology has garnered a significant amount of digital ink in recent years. In fact, it is as big of a game changer as the Internet was back in the 1990s. However, we often use the terms ‘blockchain’ and ‘Bitcoin’ interchangeably. What people don’t realize is that Bitcoin, or cryptocurrencies, are just an application of blockchain technology, and this decentralized and distributed digital ledger has been making its way to the core of multiple industries.

In this blog post, we are going to explore the different real-world applications of blockchain solutions.

Developing Peer-to-Peer Lending Platform on Blockchain

Over the last few years, blockchain has taken over global financial markets with its disruptive power to transform industries. While multiple sectors have experienced a positive impact on the blockchain, the lending market is ready to be a part of this transition.

Blockchain is all set to reconstruct the model of the peer-to-peer lending platform by bringing more trust and transparency to the system. Companies like SALT Lending, Lendoit, and Jibrel Network have already launched a peer-to-peer lending platform using blockchain and smart contracts.