Top Trends of Blockchain Technology in 2020

It is notified that blockchain will be going to transform each operation and process across many government sectors and industries only they have adopted to it. But, this kind of adoption requires time, effort, and money. In addition to the blockchain technology, it will enhance more peoples to learn more skills, each kind of traditional business will need to entirely reconsider these processes to get the maximum benefits from using this technology. 

The below-mentioned trends of blockchain technology in 2020 are as follows:

Blockchain Reference Architecture

The blockchain design of today has moved beyond cryptocurrency. It has evolved into a platform that supports industry-wide use cases suitable for public and enterprise needs. The reference architecture shown below will serve as a foundation for building or implementing blockchain applications for industry-wide use cases.

It depicts a layered architecture that provides components and services necessary to implement blockchain applications for enterprise needs. It can be used to develop a blockchain of single or multiple networks (involving multiple business units or organizations) based on the business goals and objectives. One can follow the reference architecture to design both permissioned (private) as well as permissionless (public) blockchain applications.