WordPress 6.1 to Add a Block Themes Filter to Menu on the Theme Install Screen

In July, WordPress’ Themes and Meta teams collaborated to add a new “Block Themes” menu item to the filter menu on the directory homepage in an effort to improve block themes’ visibility. Block themes currently account for less than 2% of the directory’s 9,900 themes but activating one is the only way users can take advantage of WordPress’ full-site editing capabilities.

Not all users hunt for their next theme directly on WordPress.org. One reason is that browsing themes inside the admin allows for using the Live Preview feature to see how the theme might look with a site’s particular content. Four weeks ago, WordPress contributor Jessica Lyschik opened a ticket proposing to add the same Block Themes filter menu to the theme browsing experience inside the admin.

image source: ticket #56283

The code to add this menu item was committed and users will be able to filter for block themes in WordPress 6.1, expected on October 25, 2022. This change also introduces two new action hooks:  install_themes_pre_block-themes (fires before the tab is rendered) and install_themes_block-themes (fires at the top the tab).

WordPress Themes Directory Adds Block Themes to Filter Menu

This week has been heavy with theme news, as the discussion around improving block themes’ visibility in the directory became heated before the Themes Team landed on a course of action. Meta contributors added a new “Block Themes” menu item to the filter menu on the directory homepage, a solution that some classic theme developers fought tooth and nail to discourage in the ticket over the course of seven weeks.

Clicking on Block Themes displays themes that have the full-site-editing feature tag. Previously, block themes were buried three clicks deep and users had to know how to find them through the feature filter. They are now easily accessible from the directory landing page.

Although most WordPress themes support blocks in the content editor, the “block themes” identifier refers to themes that allow users to edit templates with blocks through the Site Editor.

As the landscape of themes is changing, contributors have been working towards building a shared lexicon for how they refer to themes that support full-site editing. When the team updated the Theme Handbook prior to the WordPress 5.9 release, they settled on using the term “classic” for PHP-based themes and “block” for those that support full-site editing.

Block themes are about to cross a major milestone in the directory. At the time of publishing there are 99 block themes available, representing roughly 1% of the directory’s total number of themes. As part of the project’s big picture goals for 2022, WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden-Chomphosy set 500 block themes as a goal for the community. The number is not even halfway there but the newly released Create Block Theme plugin should give it a boost, as it allows anyone to design a theme in the editor and export it for others to use.

WordPress Contributors Propose Improving Block Themes’ Visibility in the Directory

WordPress theme authors and contributors from the Themes team are exploring ways to make block themes more prominent on the official directory. These are themes that are specifically tagged with support for full-site editing. Despite WordPress having a block theme for its most recent default theme, authors have been slow to create more. There are currently only 86 themes that support the full range of WordPress site editing capabilities.

A meta trac ticket opened five weeks ago proposes giving block themes priority in the directory. Themes Team contributor Sandilya Kafle kicked off the discussion with two ideas:

  • Add a new tab in the theme repository ( Popular, Latest, Block)
  • Change the popular themes algorithm and add 1 block theme in 1 out of 10 popular themes.
Proposal to add Block to the menu on the Themes Directory

“There might be some other way to encourage block theme authors to contribute more,” Kafle said.

“We don’t need this always, but we can try this for at least one year and see how it will go. Block themes need some attention and encouragement. Only very few FSE themes are maintained properly.”

The idea received immediate pushback from WordPress contributor Joy Reynolds.

“If block themes are the future and are better and easier, they don’t need any extra promotion,” Reynolds said. “Since the WP software handles both, it is very disrespectful to the authors that followed all the rules to build up their placement in the repository, for WP to suddenly give the new type an advantage. (The site editor still has a “beta” label.) All themes should be treated equally.”

Automattic-sponsored Themes Team contributor Sarah Norris was more amenable to the idea, noting that block themes are “a different type of theme from classic themes and enable so many different features.” She said putting ‘Block’ in the Themes Directory menu next to ‘Latest’ would be “a good, small first step.”

WordPress theme author Rich Tabor addressed the criticism of the proposal and reframed it to be more about improving the visibility of block themes.

“I don’t think that priority is quite the correct context,” Tabor contended. “Block themes are categorically different than ‘classic’ themes, because of the nature of the theme, the Site Editor experience, and Global Styles.

“It’s not that we should prioritize block themes, but rather indicate that these are a new class of themes that diverge from the classic theme WordPress experience. If someone unknowingly switches from a block theme (like the default Twenty Twenty-Two theme) to a classic theme, they will lose the core WordPress functionality that they may be familiar with/reliant on.”

Currently, the list of FSE themes is buried three clicks deep. These are the themes that work with all the latest capabilities of WordPress and they should not be this difficult to find. Users have to know to go to the ‘features filter’ menu item, select ‘full-site editing,’ and then click ‘apply.’ Not everyone who uses the Themes Directory will understand the limitations of legacy themes when selecting a theme.

“Last week in the FSE hangout, we also discussed the issue of block themes not getting featured in the theme repository,” theme and block developer Ellen Bauer commented on the ticket. “As a result, users simply don’t know that WordPress is introducing these new themes along with Full Site Editing features. I don’t think this is beneficial for WordPress.”

Bauer proposed an even more bold approach to featuring FSE themes, which mirrors the design in the Plugins Directory. This approach would prominently display block themes above classic themes at the top of the page.

“We can add a similar second section on the theme page in the same fashion as on the plugin page with ‘Block-Enabled Plugins’,” she proposed. “So we could add ‘Block Themes’ or ‘Full Site Editing-enabled Themes’ above the regular theme list. This would add to a consistent experience between searching for plugins and themes, which make sense to me.” 

WordPress lead developer Dion Hulse weighed in on the technical challenges of the solutions proposed and concluded that re-doing the front page of the directory would likely be the best way to solve the needs communicated in the ticket. He updated the headers for the WordPress Theme Directory – Local development environment and added development notes to the readme for getting started, if contributors want to work on the project.

The ticket is still open for discussion for anyone who wants to add feedback or jump in on contributing to this improvement to the Themes Directory.

#32 – Daisy Olsen on Why You Should Try Out Block Themes

On the podcast today we have Daisy Olsen.

Daisy works for Automattic as a Developer Relations contributor on the WordPress Project. She’s been working with WordPress since 2007 and during that time has worn many hats, including speaking at WordCamps in New York City, Boston and Chicago, as well as helping to organise the first WordCamp Boston in 2010.

I met up with Daisy at the recent WordCamp Europe to discuss the newly arrived block themes. She was giving a workshop there in which she taught attendees how to create a block theme from scratch. As you’ll hear in the podcast, it was a great success.

We talk about what a block theme is and how it differs from the ‘classic’ themes that have been used in WordPress in recent years. What are the advantages of moving over to block themes, and what additional features and functionality do they present for WordPress websites?

As block themes are new, we get into how there’s still a lot of work to be done to make the experience of working with them as easy as it might be, and where those improvements are most needed.

We round off by talking about the new technologies that need to be learned, and whether or not you need new tools to get up and running with block themes.

Typically, when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise, but that’s not always the case with these WordCamp Europe interviews. We were competing against crowds and the air-conditioning. Whilst the podcasts are more than listenable, I hope that you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.

Useful links.

Daisy’s website

Block Editor Handbook

Theme Handbook

Full Site Editing website


[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Juke box is a podcast which is dedicated to all things WordPress, the people, the events, the plugins, the community, and in this case block-based themes.

If you’d like to subscribe to the podcast, you can do that by searching for WP Tavern in your podcast player of choice, or by going to WPTavern.com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. And you can copy and paste that URL into most podcast players.

If you have a topic that you’d like us to feature on the podcast, I’m very keen to hear from you. And hopefully get you or your idea featured on the show. Head to WPTavern.com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox, and fill out the contact form there.

So on the podcast today, we have Daisy Olsen. Daisy works for Automattic as a developer relations contributor on the WordPress project. She’s been working with WordPress since 2007. And during that time has worn many hats, including speaking at WordCamps in New York City, Boston and Chicago, as well as helping to organize the first WordCamp Boston in 2010.

I met up with Daisy at the recent WordCamp Europe to discuss the newly arrived block themes. She was giving a workshop there in which she was teaching how to create a block theme from scratch. As you’ll hear in the podcast, it was a great success. We talk about what a block theme is and how it differs from classic themes that have been used in WordPress’s recent past.

What are the advantages of moving over to block themes and what additional features and functionality do they present for WordPress websites? As block themes are new, we get into how there’s still a lot of work to be done to make the experience of using them as easy as it might be. And where those improvements are most needed.

We round off by talking about the new technologies that need to be learned and whether or not you need new tools to get up and running with block themes.

Typically when we record the podcast, there’s not a lot of background noise. But that’s not always the case with these WordCamp Europe interviews. We were competing against crowds and the air conditioning, and whilst the podcasts are certainly more than listable. I hope that you understand that the vagaries of the real world were at play.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can find all of the links in the show notes by heading over to WPTavern.com forward slash podcast. And there you’ll find all the other episodes as well. And so without further delay, I bring you Daisy Olsen.

I am joined on the podcast today by Daisy Olson. Hello Daisy.

[00:03:19] Daisy Olsen: Hello. So nice to be here with you today.

[00:03:21] Nathan Wrigley: Thank you so much. Joining us in the Super Bock Arena, we’re actually at WordCamp EU 2022, and you’ve had a workshop or have?

[00:03:32] Daisy Olsen: I had it yesterday, yes. Watch for that video to be made available at some point on WordPress TV.

So I took a group of about 80 people that signed up for this workshop through the process of creating a very simple block theme from nothing. We created it from scratch.

[00:03:52] Nathan Wrigley: Did you get some interesting insights?

[00:03:54] Daisy Olsen: A few, yes. There are things yet to be worked out as far as making the process smooth. But we did indeed actually manage to get a working theme activated and installed on a site, in two hours.

[00:04:09] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, I wondered if it was a two way process. In other words, you were obviously trying to educate the audience, but also maybe there’s the reverse process where their failure or lack of failure, their success, that’s a better word, indicates to you that either things are working or need to be looked at in the future and you can feed back that to the relevant teams.

[00:04:26] Daisy Olsen: Absolutely, and that’s a big part of my role is to, as a developer relations, and a developer advocate in the community is to work with the developers and also bring that feedback to the development team so that they can make it actionable.

So if we find the same problem is coming up again and again, a pain point or maybe a workflow issue or a UI issue where people getting stuck, then that’s something that I can then bring back and figure out what’s next.

[00:04:57] Nathan Wrigley: Eighty people as well. You must have been pleased with that.

[00:05:00] Daisy Olsen: It sold out very quickly. I think a lot of attendees are quite interested in the topic.

[00:05:04] Nathan Wrigley: Okay, so I’m imagining the reason for that is for the longest time, themes have been themes have been themes. There’s just been themes, variety of different themes, but they’ve all behaved in similar ways. Until very recently when a new theme type came on the horizon and we’ve got now a block based theme.

I’m imagining that most of the people that are listening to this podcast have not come into contact with it. I could be wrong about that, but the listenership is fairly broad. So I think we need to do a job of saying what a block based theme is. So I’m gonna hand that over to you. What is a block based theme?

[00:05:39] Daisy Olsen: All right, so you’re right, the themes, as we know them have stayed the same since around, I think it was 2005 that the themeing engine was introduced to WordPress. And before that we had, it was just a template effectively. Like you could hack it, and you could change the CSS, but it was effectively changing Core files.

So we introduced the theme engine, which has remained basically the same ever since. So we have hooks and filters and actions and all of the things that we’re used to working with the PHP for WordPress. And you can take that first default theme that came with, it was called, I think it’s just called default, often referred to as Kubrick. You can still install it today and it’ll still work.

So we have a long history of backward compatibility, but now we’re introducing this new way of considering themes as being blocks. So we work with blocks in our content and we’ve grown accustomed to that over the last five years, four years, something like that. And now we’re starting to move out of just the content area into the other parts of the site. So you hear a lot about full site editing. Block themes are in addition to that.

So full site editing allows us to work within WordPress as our development tool to build the entire site, not only the content area. And this is really it’s really exciting, but it can also cause some nerves because it’s such a different paradigm from what we’ve had in the past. So instead of having a header and a footer file, well, now we will have something called template parts.

we have had template parts, but they were an unofficial thing that was used frequently in theming. Now it’s really integral to the theme engine. If you want to have a sidebar, instead of having a sidebar that you register, as we have done in the past, now you would just have another template part that you would place in a sidebar or wherever else you wanted it to be.

[00:07:38] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. it’s quite a big change and whilst it’s not irreversible, it is toggleable. And what I mean by that is, if you go down the route of block themes, then you are gonna be using a block theme during the time you’ve got it switched on. There isn’t a, we’re gonna use the term classic theme. You can’t mix and match classic themes on the same site at the same time, but you certainly can use classic themes on a site and use the new block based themes, but you have to choose one or the other at any particular moment.

[00:08:09] Daisy Olsen: Well, yes, however you can have what’s called a hybrid theme that will include both elements of the classic theme engine and also the block theme engine. So if you have a site that you wanted to adopt block theming gradually, there’s a mechanism to come in more slowly. You can do as little as adding a theme dot json file to activate the template editor, and then you can create full site templates for your site. So you, it’s a new way of creating custom pages.

Or you can activate the site editor with a directory in your theme that’s called templates and then an index.html. The gotcha there, of course, is that you are then replacing your index dot PHP file with blocks. So that would be the first thing that you would convert. But all of your other PHP templates would remain intact until you replace them with an HTML file.

So what it means is you can not have to go all in.

[00:09:05] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah.

[00:09:05] Daisy Olsen: You can adopt it gradually, which I think is a huge win because it’s hard to change your tooling and not all of your clients, if you’re working in an agency setting are going to be ready for a full redesign, but they might be ready to start to move in that direction.

[00:09:20] Nathan Wrigley: So just to be clear, there is still, and there, as far as I’m aware, there always will be backwards compatibility. The theme that you’ve got last year will always work. So the sky is not falling in. Don’t worry.

[00:09:32] Daisy Olsen: No, there is no plan to fully deprecate the existing theme engine.

[00:09:37] Nathan Wrigley: So we can still use Kubrick? That’s all I needed to know. So, on a high level, give us the one or two advantages, which you’ve perceived over the last few years, not years, months, about going to block based themes. In other words, if I’m a regular WordPress user, I’ve got a theme it’s being updated. I’m happy with it. It’s secure. What are the compelling reasons why you would say, at least go and have a look, go and explore block based themes. Sell it to us.

[00:10:02] Daisy Olsen: So I think the number one benefit would be rapid development. You can start really quickly. If you understand how to use the block editor in WordPress, you’re probably gonna be okay creating a theme because the majority of the work is actually done within WordPress. There is some other work still that you do manually in, theme dot json, and you may still end up using custom styles because you can’t do everything from a configuration file.

But the majority of it is just creating your blocks. Not creating blocks, like the block would already exist on your site, but to use the blocks that are available to you in your site. And a big question often is, do I need to know React in order to do this? And you absolutely don’t If you’re going to work on Core WordPress and you’re gonna help create WordPress itself, then React is pretty useful. But you can actually do a lot without very much or any React knowledge, especially in the theming area.

[00:11:01] Nathan Wrigley: You touched earlier upon the parts of a WordPress theme, classically, you mentioned the header and the footer, and whilst for developers, those are very much in play for most users., I imagine it was just a case of you picked a menu item and the theme chose where that would go and so on and so forth.

Yeah. That’s all up for grabs now, because it’s block based, you can put it literally in the middle of the content, if you want. So you can put anything, anywhere and surround it by anything. You could put buttons above the menu, below the menu. Text here, there, and everywhere. In other words, it’s completely up to you, what you do with it.

I don’t know if that point ever got through to me until I started playing with it. But just the idea that you could literally build your header with any block, put anything, anywhere. I mean, images in the header, who knows why, but you could do all of that.

[00:11:48] Daisy Olsen: Yeah, in fact, so the theme we created yesterday was the 2010 theme. And it does have an image in the header. You can change it, but it is there. And. I don’t know, some people might like to have an image in their header.

[00:12:02] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. Yeah. Why not? But the point being that image could be anything else. Just imagine the array of blocks, which every time you open the block inserter, all of those can be into play, and I guess traditionally, you’re just gonna be going for something like a navigation block.

Let’s talk about the UI. Where we’re at the moment. Because when I last played with block based themes, I was caught a little bit short by the way it was set up. Because we are very much used to the appearance menu item in the WordPress admin area. All that’s gone. Now we just have the option to edit the theme. We are left with all of those things that we’re familiar with, selecting menus and things like that. All gone.

You now do it inside of the block editor. How do you feel all of that’s going? How do you feel that the UI for all of that is progressing? I know it’s a work in play. Today it will be different from next week, probably by the time this podcast goes out, there’ll have been changes made, but it feels like at the minute, almost like a more difficult thing to use than what we’ve got at the moment.

[00:12:59] Daisy Olsen: I think that there are some benefits. I think that it’s coming a long way very quickly. There are some things that it takes a minute to figure out exactly how to work with it. Sometimes there’s a little frustration. It’s new. Anytime you have a new user interface, it’s going to take a little while to get used to it. And honestly, the design teams on the project are always working to make it more intuitive. To remove as much friction as possible.

And I think that it’s come a long way. An example of that is if you’re not using this, you definitely should. The list view on any block editor screen to open that, and you can get a, like a tree view of where all of the blocks in your editor. And this is available in content areas. It’s available in the template editor. It’s available in the site editor. I use it always. It is how I select my blocks before I start working with them, so.

[00:13:52] Nathan Wrigley: The muscle memory has now kicked in for me so that’s never closed. It just seems pointless not having it there. I guess the only constraint would be the width of the view that you’ve got at that particular moment. Cause it does consume, a fifth of a typical monitor or something.

[00:14:05] Daisy Olsen: Yes, it does. It is fairly wide. And then if you also have the block side bar open then that takes up another bit of space.

[00:14:12] Nathan Wrigley: So you build out things like the header. Let’s just describe the way that looks. Let’s go for the navigation block. If you drop the navigation block in, to enable the sitewide navigation, where you decide to put it, doesn’t really matter, but we’ve got it somewhere in the top. Let’s say it’s in the header. How do you actually construct what’s in the menu?

[00:14:29] Daisy Olsen: You can add more blocks inside the navigation block. So what we have is if you’re familiar with group blocks or columns block, you can add more blocks inside of blocks. And that is basically the mechanism that we can use when working with the block editor to create really complex designs.

Once you’re familiar with what’s available to you, you can do a lot with it. But there is a learning curve. You start to learn like when you should use a row block or a column block or a stack block, or just a group. And what controls are available to you to make it the design that you want. And then it’s all built with some responsivity built into it. So it will usually gracefully collapse down into a mobile view.

[00:15:15] Nathan Wrigley: Have you noticed over time, I know that there’s a lot of flux and a lot of change. Do any of these blocks, have they changed periodically in ways which have broken things? In other words you’ve got a site today which is working and you view it a little bit later, things have updated, the block has updated now it’s not working in the theme in the way that you’d anticipated.

[00:15:34] Daisy Olsen: Yeah. The correct way to change a block’s markup is to deprecate the markup from that block. So it still will translate into its new version and not give you errors.

However, it is possible that a class has changed or something has changed that maybe a theme has tagged onto that could change the way that it appears. But theoretically, if the blocks are being modified in the correct way, and this is for both Core blocks and custom blocks, then they shouldn’t break on an update, but they might change an appearance a little bit if that sort of change happens. But for Core blocks, at least they make a really big effort to avoid that as much as possible.

[00:16:14] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, that was another thought on my radar was the idea of proprietary blocks, which are not Core whether or not that might disrupt things. There’s no oversight into how they will behave over time. Maybe you’ll need to be contacting their support to figure out if they break things.

[00:16:28] Daisy Olsen: That is always a possibility. We do have best practices, but there’s nothing to say that they’re going to be followed.

[00:16:33] Nathan Wrigley: Okay. So yesterday you mentioned these 80 people, did you get all of them up and running?

[00:16:39] Daisy Olsen: I can’t say for sure. We didn’t exactly go around and check.

[00:16:42] Nathan Wrigley: It felt good though?

[00:16:43] Daisy Olsen: It felt good. Yeah. Yeah.

[00:16:45] Nathan Wrigley: Okay, so the next question here is the 80 people in there are probably not the typical users, because they’ve turned up to WordCamp Europe. They’re fairly into WordPress. Let’s put it that way. Do you get any sort of feedback as to how this is going for the more typical user?

And when I say the more typical user, what I actually mean is the non-technical user. The user who literally wants to log in, create a post, click publish, log out. It’s a business website. It’s something that they need to do, but they’re not necessarily interested in WordPress at all.

[00:17:14] Daisy Olsen: Sure. So I think that the bar is lowered for that type of a user to then be able to adjust things in their site that they never would’ve been able to before. Now, there’s maybe sometimes when you don’t want to give that type of user that control. If you’re the one that created a beautiful website for a client, you might not want them to be able to edit the design. But if you are working with, we could maybe call them a power user. As far as content creation goes, I would say that they would be able then to go into their header and make a change and not have to contact a developer for that.

But I think that most of the, like the ones that really want to just do their content, just write a blog post, they’re mostly using paragraph blocks and image blocks. They’re probably still gonna go back to their developer for a lot of those kinds of changes.

[00:18:05] Nathan Wrigley: If people were keen to learn, do you communicate with the Learn team? Are there resources being made or resources in the pipeline to help with all of this?

[00:18:13] Daisy Olsen: Absolutely. So there are a number of courses, workshops, videos, text based tutorials in the works. They are time consuming to create but they are in process.

[00:18:24] Nathan Wrigley: And I’m guessing that’s completely in flux. That they need to be revisited fairly regularly.

[00:18:28] Daisy Olsen: Yeah, things change. The Gutenberg plugin, which is what ultimately feeds into Core, updates every two weeks. So we have changes to things very frequently at that point. In Core, it changes every version, just like it always has, but it changes in batches in Core. So we see a lot of change all at once, but if you’ve been familiar with using the plugin, then you would see those changes more frequently and gradually.

[00:18:53] Nathan Wrigley: Now you mentioned that a typical user doesn’t need to modify any tooling. There’s nothing complicated here. You don’t need to get your head into React and all of that kind of stuff. But let’s say that you are a themer who isn’t yet to explore all of this, and you really wanna push the boundaries. Are there any new things that need to be learned in order to really make it your own and to really modify things and make it unique, and, well, let’s say commercial.

[00:19:17] Daisy Olsen: So if you really want to get started quickly and you could go and create all your files manually. It doesn’t actually take that many files to do it, but you need to know where to start. But if you’d like to get a little jumpstart on it, Carolina Nymark has created a tool to generate a theme. It’s pretty neat. And I believe that it’s at the um, URLs fullsiteediting.com.

And you fill in a form and then it creates the theme for you. You download it. So then you can have a starting point. And, you know, you work from the files that it gives you, you get a feel for what makes it tick. And you can make it your own.

[00:19:56] Nathan Wrigley: I’m guessing that you are in touch with the theming community pretty closely.

[00:20:00] Daisy Olsen: Yes. Yeah.

[00:20:01] Nathan Wrigley: So, how’s the feedback? Is there general excitement? Are we at that point where half of them are not sure half of them are excited? Where are we at now? I imagine a few months ago it was different. And a few months before that it was different and maybe the tide is going in one direction. I don’t know.

[00:20:15] Daisy Olsen: Yeah. So I think they’re all trying to figure out where they need to be. Obviously if you’re in the commercial theme market, you’re trying to make sure that you’re gonna be where you need to be when things change. And so I have talked to a few people that have been like, should we do this now? I have a hundred themes commercially available.

Should I be adopting block themes now? And my advice probably right now is to start working with them. Get familiar. It might not be quite ready to jump all in on it, but definitely be moving in that direction and you’ll be in good shape for when the tooling is a little more mature.

[00:20:53] Nathan Wrigley: So why is that? Is it because their users are not yet at the point where they’re happy to do that? Or is it just too experimental?

[00:21:01] Daisy Olsen: I would say that, so there is some effort being made into locking things down so that you are only giving access to the things that you want to give access to. This is particularly useful for agency work, where you might not want them to be able to go and do certain things. Like you might not want to allow them to use the color picker, for example. Or you might only want to give them access to certain colors in certain spaces. We can lock that. You might have block patterns, which are very cool. And if you don’t know about them, you should learn.

And you can lock the position of the blocks so that they maybe can’t be moved or they can’t be removed from the pattern, once it’s been inserted. So there is a lot of really interesting things coming and, it’s a good time to get familiar and then try to keep up with it as it changes. you can build a block theme now and it would work perfectly fine.

[00:21:56] Nathan Wrigley: How’s the theme directory shaping up with the new block themes. I know the numbers were very small and then more got added. I haven’t looked at it for weeks and weeks, so maybe it’s positive.

[00:22:05] Daisy Olsen: I don’t actually know the current number, but it has definitely grown. And we’re seeing some prominent figures in the community start to add themes.

[00:22:13] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah

[00:22:13] Daisy Olsen: Which is pretty exciting to see.

[00:22:16] Nathan Wrigley: What was your take on the default theme for WordPress? I think it was 5.9 becoming a block based theme. Some sort of pushback in the community. Suddenly there was this theme and if you installed a new version of WordPress, obviously the new default theme becomes the theme and that cognitive dissonance of logging into a website for the first time and, hang on where have all the items gone.

Where’s all the bits and pieces. I guess, at some point that needed to occur, but there seemed to be some sort of outcry of couldn’t we have just had this as a choice, as opposed to a every version of WordPress by default from now on will be block based.

[00:22:47] Daisy Olsen: I guess the choice is that you either drag it out or you just start. And they landed at just start. And I think there’s a lot to learn. I think that the theme that is default for WordPress is there in order to be a a learning tool. I mean, you can obviously use it as your design, but a lot of it is about demonstrating what can be done with your theme, almost like a playground.

So you can open up the files and see what makes it work. I learned some things from the 2022 theme that I would never have come up with on my own, but it was a creative solution to a problem.

[00:23:24] Nathan Wrigley: That’s a beautiful theme.

[00:23:25] Daisy Olsen: It is beautiful. I love the birds and black, very nice. And there are some other color schemes in there. And the other thing is that with 6.0, we added some new features. And they were integrated into the default theme. So now it still looks the same, basically behaves the same, but maybe some of the mechanism used to do some of the work have shifted into the newer version. So it has already even been updated.

[00:23:51] Nathan Wrigley: A little while ago, you talked about patterns and your eyes lit up. And the idea of patterns and themes is not one that necessarily occurred to me before. I’m thinking of, I ought to be throwing in just individual blocks and building on it myself. But of course the patterns could encompass all of the bits, preconfigured that you would need for a header say.

And I’m guessing that’s a space, which is gonna mature and people are gonna come up with header patterns and footer patterns and typical use patterns, which might fit beautifully inside of a theme.

[00:24:18] Daisy Olsen: Yes, so we have a pattern directory. That’s part of the wordpress.org network of sites. And these are users submitted patterns. You can create it using a block editor right on that site. They’re moderated, so we keep inappropriate content out of the system. And then others can use these patterns and it’s only Core blocks at this time. But if they want to use this pattern that someone else created, it’s very easy to pull it into their site.

And you can actually use the block inserter, right from your own site to pull in any of the patterns that have been shared in this directory.

[00:24:54] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. I think that’s just a unique byproduct of the way I typically do things. I start with the blank canvas, and build it up myself, but the idea of short circuiting, that process. There’s a pattern looks good. Let’s try it out. Click the button. Nope. Next one. Try that. And you’ve just made a lot less work for yourself.

[00:25:09] Daisy Olsen: Sure. And then if you find something that comes close.

[00:25:12] Nathan Wrigley: Yep.

[00:25:12] Daisy Olsen: You pull it in and you modify it a little bit because it’s yours at that point.

[00:25:16] Nathan Wrigley: So the reason for using Core blocks is just so that everything is open, easy to use. I think in saying that any imagery as well is now gonna be coming from Openverse, so even that is admissible on a site, you don’t even have to think about, okay, let’s remove that and swap it out for something else.

[00:25:28] Daisy Olsen: Right? Yeah. The imagery has traditionally been a big problem for demo content to make sure that you have something that was both visually appealing and also legal to use.

[00:25:38] Nathan Wrigley: And just for the benefit of people listening to this, if you want to go and submit your photos, you can do that, at Openverse, I’m going to be submitting lots of pictures of WordCamp Europe.

[00:25:46] Daisy Olsen: I’d I love to hear that. That’s wonderful.

[00:25:49] Nathan Wrigley: Rich Tabor, who is a, he has been a very prominent themer over the years. He’s created some terrific work. He came up with this idea not so long ago of wouldn’t it be an interesting experiment? Would it be a good idea to just have one theme in the theme directory and he called it a base theme. The idea being that well, if there’s just a base theme, and everybody knows the base theme inside out, back to front.

Everybody understands what it can do, how it works, and then patterns drop in for everything in the way that we’ve been describing. And it occurred to me on some level that was quite a good idea, just a very light framework and everything then that drops in is patterns. And there could be a pattern for literally everything. What are your thoughts on that idea?

[00:26:36] Daisy Olsen: I have not had a great deal of time to think this through, but my hot take would be that in a way we are already doing that to some extent. Where the majority of our markup is being created by WordPress. So you could maybe think about it from the perspective that WordPress is creating that base theme.

And we are just building a version of it in our block theme. So you are setting up defaults and settings and presets in your theme dot json file. You are creating HTML files to build out your templates and your headers and your footers, your template parts is what we refer to them as. And then you might be creating patterns in a patterns directory.

Those are PHP files, but they’re quite simple, really to create. Most of it is actually HTML, but we still pull them in as PHP. Now we have a mechanism to actually register a block pattern from some header information in the file, and you don’t have to, it’s a simpler process. It’s more automated now.

But I think one of the beauties of block themes is the ability to create very specific niche, websites and themes and designs. And be very targeted in how you would market that design. So when I worked in the theme world, the number one question that always came out in our support forums was, you have all these themes, which themes should I use for this site?

And we always said well, you can use any theme because you make it your own, you add your own content and your own imagery and then it’s yours. But it was really not what people wanted to hear. They wanted to hear that this is the perfect theme.

[00:28:20] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. That theme’s got pictures of houses on it. So it must be for real estate.

[00:28:24] Daisy Olsen: Exactly. So you can very easily market a theme, two different verticals pretty easily just by making a few changes, but having variations of that theme that might at its core, be the same one across the board, you’ve just changed the imagery, so it looks right for that market.

[00:28:45] Nathan Wrigley: You’ve sold it to me. It’s an exciting time. I’m guessing that you would like as many people as possible to get in there and create their own themes and possibly even contact you and find out what you’re doing. What is the best way to discover about these new block themes? Where would you point them one or maybe two URLs?

[00:29:04] Daisy Olsen: So I would start at the block editor handbook, and there are a couple of pages there about block themes as well as in the theme handbook. And these are all at developer.wordpress.org. These are a good place to get a primer.

I would also greatly encourage going to the full site editing dot com site, where Carolina has created some really great instructional content for stepping through the process of creating one of these themes.

[00:29:35] Nathan Wrigley: Thank you very much. It’s always nice to be at the beginning of something, seeing something starting and maturing over time. And, uh, you never know, maybe in sort of 10 years time, we’ll have a Kubrick moment when we move on to something else, but for now block based themes is the future. Thank you very much.

[00:29:48] Daisy Olsen: Absolutely.

[00:29:48] Nathan Wrigley: Thank you Daisy, for chatting to me today.

[00:29:50] Daisy Olsen: Thank you so much.

Wei: A Free Minimalist WordPress Theme from Rich Tabor

Rich Tabor’s new Wei theme is one of the most well-designed contributions to hit WordPress.org’s free themes directory this month. Wei is a minimalist block theme that keeps things simple while offering users a range of artfully selected accent color combinations. It also includes support for full-site editing and Global Styles for a wider range of site customizations.

Wei joins WordPress.org’s collection of 86 full-site editing themes. The number of FSE themes is growing but it is a far sight behind the goal of 500 for 2022, which WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy set for the community. While the Themes Team discusses ideas for making block theming easier for theme authors, a few trailblazers like Tabor are pushing forward with contagious enthusiasm and creative works that show what is possible in the new era of block themes.

Wei is a follow-up to Tabor’s popular Wabi theme. The name was selected to highlight its simplicity as a supporting tool in the user’s publishing workflow.

“It’s derived from ‘Wu wei,’ which has a lot of meanings, but I lean towards the ‘effortless/actionless’ bit,” he said. “I wanted to build a theme that lets you effortlessly publish — and looks really creative/inspiring as well.”

Tabor said Wei took him less time to make than any traditional legacy theme he created in the past.

“I started, and nearly finished, Wei on the flight back from WordCamp Europe,” he said. “A couple years ago, this would have taken weeks — at least.”

Tabor’s expert curation of dynamic accent colors is the highlight of this theme. Since most people are not designers, Wei offers four different overall styles that users can browse inside the Site Editor and enable with one click.

Depending on what theme style you select in the Site Editor, the post editor will display a different set of accent colors. These options are unique to each style and all of them are aesthetically pleasing combinations that can be set based on the mood of each individual post.

Tabor’s Wei theme announcement post includes an image with all the style variations included. He selected colors that are AAA contrasting for all available styles.

One of the most magical things Wei does is seamlessly blend the background with the featured image on the single post template. The template includes a Cover block that fetches the post’s featured image and applies the duotone from the color scheme assigned to the post. This just works in the background and users don’t have to do anything to enable it.

Wei does not include any custom patterns, but everything in the theme is a block and can be easily manipulated. Users can change the headers, footers, change the layout on single post templates, add blocks to the homepage, edit template parts, and anything else supported by the latest full-site editing features.

Check out the demo to see the theme in action with different color schemes assigned to each post. Wei is available for free on WordPress.org and requires WordPress version 6.0 or later.

#22 – Daniel Schutzsmith on How He’s Prepared His Team To Use the Block Editor

On the podcast today we have Daniel Schutzsmith.

Daniel is the Website and Digital Project Manager for Pinellas County Government, where he creates websites to help the public get the information they need.

We start off the conversation by talking about the future of themes in WordPress. Since WordPress 5.9 websites have been able to use block based themes. These allow you to do more with your website without having to touch the code. You can add headers, footers, and create your website navigation.

The principle is that more and more functionality is going to be moved into blocks and, given that much of this functionality was the domain of themes, do we now need a multitude of block based themes? Would it be optimal to have one ‘base’ theme built into Core? A theme which you can build on top of, and everyone is familiar with.

His team is quite large and when the Block Editor came around in WordPress 5.0 he, like many others, needed to decide whether to jump on board or stay with what they were familiar with.

They began using the Block Editor, and on the podcast today we talk about how that decision went.

We talk about how they managed educating their team in the new workflows, and how they created videos and tutorials to assist them as the problems arose.
Daniel is very excited about the future of WordPress, especially about the utility of block patterns and the new Pattern Creator, but he’s also excited about the future of the internet in general, and so, towards the end of the podcast we get into a conversation about how he thinks that automation is going play a key role in future website and web application builds.

Useful links.

Daniel’s website

Does WordPress Need 1,000s of Block Themes in the Era of Full Site Editing?


[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the juke box podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox is a podcast which is dedicated to all things WordPress, the people, the events, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case, the block editor. If you’d like to subscribe to the podcast, you can do that by searching for WP Tavern in your podcast, player of choice, or by going to WP tavern.com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. And you can copy that URL into most podcast players.

If you have a topic that you’d like us to feature on the podcast, well then I’m very keen to hear from you and hopefully get you, or your idea featured on the show. Head over to WP tavern.com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox. And you can use the contact form there.

So on the podcast today, we have Daniel Schutzsmith. Daniel is the website and digital project manager for Pinellas county government, where he creates websites to help the public, get the information they need.

We start off the conversation by talking about the future of themes in WordPress. Since WordPress 5.9 websites have been able to use block-based themes. These allow you to do more with your website without having to touch the code. You can add headers footers and create your website navigation. The principle is that more and more functionality is going to be moved into blocks. And, given that much of this functionality was the domain of themes, do we now need a multitude of block-based themes? Would it be optimal to have one base theme built into Core? A theme which you can build on top of, and everyone is familiar with.

His team is quite large. And when the block editor came around in WordPress 5.0, he, like many others, needed to decide whether to jump on board or stay with what they were familiar with.

They began using the block editor and on the podcast today, we talk about how that decision went. We talk about how they managed, educating their team in the new workflows and how they created videos and tutorials to assist them as the problems arose.

Daniel is very excited about the future of WordPress, especially about the utility of block patterns and the new pattern creator. But he’s also excited about the future of the internet in general. And so towards the end of the podcast, we get into a conversation about how he thinks that automation is going to play a key role in future website and web application builds.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can find all the links in the show notes by heading over to WP tavern.com forward slash podcast, where you’ll find all of the other episodes.

And so without further delay, I bring you Daniel. Schutzsmith.

I am joined on the podcast today by Daniel Schutzsmith. Hello Daniel.

[00:03:28] Daniel Schutzsmith: Hello. Great to be here. Thank you.

[00:03:30] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. Thank you for joining us on the WP Tavern Jukebox podcast. We’re here today to talk about your approach to website development with WordPress and your ideas about what’s happened in the recent past and possibly what’s going to happen in the future. In order to paint some picture, give it some context, would you just spend a few minutes telling us about yourself, how you’ve come to be on a WordPress podcast, how you use WordPress, and all of that stuff.

[00:03:57] Daniel Schutzsmith: Yeah, for sure. People may have seen me making the rounds in the past few months at different places to talk it about WordPress. So I’ve been using WordPress since probably about 2007, I believe. Before that I was using Drupal, and for most of that part has been in the agency world. So making websites for clients. Going from a design to making a build, to training a client on how to use that.

About 2018, I believe I started to get more involved into the WordPress community. Started out as a WordCamp organizer for WordCamp NYC, and then ended up doing work at Miami, which was a last WordCamp right before Covid hit, and also was on the WordCamp US team for 2020, which ended up getting canceled.

After that, you know, since COVID hit, I was like, I got to get involved somehow, some other way and do something interesting. So I started creating a WP live streams directory. So it’s just WP live streams directory dot com. It really just shows live streams like your WP Builds every week and shares the different upcoming streams that people can do from their home, while we’re all home, in the spirit of time.

And from there it quickly morphed into, you know, I wanted to do my own thing for a little bit, so I did WP Talks as well with my co-host Winstina Hughes. We’re still doing that. We have an episode coming up in the middle of April and also another episode at the end of April.

And for that we focus on more the human side of WordPress but it’s held on Twitter spaces. So it’s a live, live event and people sign in, listen to us on Saturday mornings. And then my day job, just so you know, I actually do get paid to do these things as well. Some, I’m a web development and design manager for Pinellas county government in beautiful Tampa, Florida on the Gulf coast.

[00:05:33] Nathan Wrigley: Thank you so much. That’s brilliant. Now we know all about you, Daniel. The reason that I reached out to you, or you reached out to me, I can’t remember how we exactly hooked up, but it was all to do with a post on the WP Tavern. And I will link to it in the show notes, but the post was all about the need as it was seen, to have lots and lots of block-based themes. You may or may not know dear listener that in the future, if you wish to interact with certain parts of WordPress. So for example, you wish to use full site editing, you are going to have to use a block based theme. And you had an opinion on that. Would you just like to share your opinion and give us the details about all the numbers that were being bandied around and so on?

[00:06:16] Daniel Schutzsmith: Yeah. So, I happened to be at the the State of the Word in New York City, this past December where Matt Mullenweg was talking about, you know, full site editing and that future of it, which actually I’m very excited about. But one of the things that stuck out was he was mentioning about just having, thousands of themes basically built around full site editing.

Core things that I’ve come to understand though, is it feels more like we could really do with just kind of a, dozen good themes or maybe even less, that we really start as our starter themes and then build on from there. Meaning that a lot of the things that we would usually put in a theme, like the user patterns, the styles, all kinds of things like that are actually separated out a little bit more and a little bit differently.

And so it makes me think, if we’re going for thousands of themes, what is that? What is that reason as a purely for the styles? Because a lot of the patterns, as you know the pattern directory is now completely open and anyone can submit a new pattern to there. Those things are taken care of.

We don’t need a theme necessarily for that, unless it’s something really unique. But in that case, I’d say, put it in a plugin. If you’re doing a really interesting type of block or something and then put it in a plugin and put it out there. That was my challenge a little bit, and that got picked up on the Tavern and Justin Tadlock was talking about it, and my response to Brian Gardner, cause he was looking at creating another theme, he created Frost WP, which is a full setting theme. It’s absolutely terrific. So it’s just, thinking of it in those terms.

[00:07:34] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. So the idea is that the functionality that may have been tied into your theme in the past, all of that is going to be available inside of blocks. And therefore, if you can have all of that functionality inside of blocks, what’s the need for, let’s say a thousand, two thousand. I believe the number that Matt was shooting for was five thousand.

What’s the point in having those, if all of the functionality can be brought to bear by simply clicking on a block? It’s interesting. Would your pitch for that be, why don’t we just have one base theme. I believe, I think it was Rich Tabor who a little while ago, 2019, I believe it was mooted this idea that in a block-based world with full site editing and block themes, why don’t we just have one theme, the theme which ships with core and everything else could be built on top of that. Does that seem to you to be optimal?

[00:08:29] Daniel Schutzsmith: Yeah. I mean, that’s exactly the way I’m going. So even when you look at the 2022 theme. That could be the base theme for a lot of these things. We’ve already seen this happening, just a lot of people haven’t realized. 2020, 2021 those themes had a whole other plugin that someone created called Twentig. It’s T W E N T I G. But Twentig basically increased the capabilities of those themes to make them like a starter framework in a way. And that’s very much where I see Frost WP and I, you know, and like some of these other types of themes out there that kind of were you know, out first. Guteen is another good one as well that just came out. Those all really are the base theme to work with, and then you just put the styles around that.

The thing that’s missing though, from an agency’s perspective and also just a larger, I think a larger branding perspective is that, a lot of times when I’m coming up with a design with a client, there’s a design system, right?

At my current job at Pinellas county government, we’re doing a website redesign right now. We start with the design system first. We start with figuring out the digital branding behind all that. What a button looks like, what a piece of content looks like. And the way we modeled it was after the core blocks. We knew that going into it, that we would override some of the CSS to make it look a certain way. The way we wanted it to. All of the different full site editing themes though so far, I haven’t seen really providing us, their information on what those styles are, what those things are that we can override.

And so, once someone does that, and I was mentioning this to Rich in one of his Twitter threads. Once someone does that’s the game changer. Really truly is. Because folks like Elementor know this, they have the design kits, and they have this whole site settings to be able to override, the topography and the colors and everything everywhere.

And that’s loosely inside of what’s going on in full site editing. And I’m sure that’s where people are thinking they’re taking it, with the theme dot json concept. But right now, it’s not there. So it’ll be interesting to see where it goes. And if it does become a core thing or it becomes something that someone creates.

[00:10:23] Nathan Wrigley: Do you think? I know it’s a fairly bland question, but do you think that right now, we are recording this in April, 2022. Do you think that right now non-technical users of WordPress would be able to benefit from the block editor? Or do you still feel there’s a lot of work to be done if they were going to try and do some of this full site editing stuff, navigation, and so on?

[00:10:47] Daniel Schutzsmith: So at my full-time job we’ve been doing this reason like I mentioned, and so we have a lot of editors, almost a hundred people in there, editing thousands of pages and custom posts that we’ve created. For that, they’re using the block editor for the most part. There’s only a few custom post types where we kept to just the classic editor feel to it, just had certain fields in there.

But they’re using the block editor. And so, the reoccurring things that come up as people just get a little bit uneasy and unfamiliar of it at first, but once they start using it, once they’ve done two or three pages, I’ve actually seen them being able to pick it up and do it fine. Where, it expands or where it contracts more, is that as people get used to it, I’ve noticed they get into a comfort zone, so they don’t necessarily explore the other blocks that are available in there.

So they have like their, certain way of doing things or there’s certain set of blocks that they’ll just reuse over and over again. A good example is, you could do an image on a left side with the two column image on the left side, text on the right, and so you have a column image and text, but you could also do the same thing with the media block.

So people just don’t realize that. And so it’s that education, I think, that needs to happen a lot of times. And there are terrific tutorials out there, especially the learn program from WordPress Core. But I think getting the people to those learning pieces is really going to be the thing that any agency or anyone working with an end user in the administration side is going to have to really press on.

The other thing I was going to mention was full site editing. No, it’s not ready for non-technical users. It’s just not there.

[00:12:18] Nathan Wrigley: Okay. Yeah. Interesting. The thing that I think about the block editor is that just as you said, you very quickly become used to its quirks. So there are certain actions that you might perform and it leads to certain consequences, and those consequences might not actually be output onto the front end of the site, or there might be, or there might be some quirk in the padding that you see on the backend, it looks as though that purple background is larger than it actually is, and you’ve just become familiar that once you’ve saved it, it’s still going to look like that on the backend. But on the front end, it won’t look like that, there’ll be a slight difference.

But then there’s all sorts of quirks, like if you hit the return key, you end up with a blank paragraph underneath that didn’t belong there. And in this endevour to offer a tool, which is what you see is what you get like the proprietary page builders, like you mentioned Elementor a minute ago, we could list a whole bunch of others. It does feel as if there is still some work to be done.

There’s work to be done on the UI and the UX so that we have this expectation that what you see is what you get is achieved. And I feel that that’s the direction that the project should be going, and that it literally looks the same on the back as it does on the front. Would you agree with that? Is that a desirable outcome or is that not something we want?

[00:13:35] Daniel Schutzsmith: I think ultimately it would be a desirable outcome. It’s a separation of concerns. Elementor for example, like you’re saying it’s a WYSIWYG, it’s what you see is what you get. It’s, one-to-one pretty much of what’s going to be on the front end.

When I first heard full site editing, that’s actually what I thought the term meant. So I didn’t think it meant being able to add headers and footers and being able to override templates, because to me that was like, that’s just the theme thing, it’s not that difficult at that time. In a PHP based theme.

So that’s really what I thought it was. And when it was, I was surprised because the one-to-one is more what I would see a lot of folks would want. If you look at other competitors like Webflow or Squarespace, things like that, again, WYSIWYG one-to-one, it’s something that people are getting used to. So when we pull them from someplace like a Webflow and bring them in and use the block editor, it’s a little bit of a jarring experience because, they’re going backwards in time. I don’t think it’s a bad thing necessarily, it’s just, it would be good to know if that direction will end up going that way or not.

What’s really interesting though, is Matt Mullenweg actually mentioned yesterday and jokingly a few folks with me were mentioning it on Twitter as well, that we, a lot of us had started on Frontpage or Dreamweaver or something like that, in the early 00’s.

We were doing all this types of stuff back then. That was WYSIWYG that was us putting things around the page and seeing where it would go. And now we’re returning to that again. So it’s a whole industry of millions of dollars behind this to get back to where we actually started out. And everyone kind of poo-pooed for a dozen or maybe even 15 years, to come back to it again.

[00:15:10] Nathan Wrigley: It’s interesting that you singled out full site editing as the piece which at the moment is the least ready for general public’s use, and I guess that’s the road that we’re on right now. We’re trying to figure out what that bit of the puzzle looks like, and how it can be made so that it’s not too complex that nobody wants to use it.

And when to say nobody, I’m specifically thinking about non-technical users. I’m thinking about things like the navigation block, which whilst totally usable is perhaps a little bit of overwhelm the first time you use it and so on. But I think that with six coming down the pipeline fairly soon, hopefully some of these things will change and hopefully, people will be drawn to using it and they’ll find it relatively easy.

One of the most exciting things for me in adoption is something that you mentioned a minute ago, which was block patterns. And I can see that being the full piece, the entire website, more or less being built off just patterns, which are in the library. So let’s just get into that. Are you pretty confident? Do you like the idea of block patterns?

[00:16:14] Daniel Schutzsmith: Yeah. I love that concept. I loved it when we have the, just even the reusable blocks and things like that as well. Anything that’s going to lend itself closer to the concept of a design system inside of WordPress, I think is going to be a win. I can’t stress enough that you could even just be a small pizza shop in your town, but if you have some remnants of a design system to work with, it makes it so much easier to kind of know, what things are gonna look like in that website. And so it could just be simple as figuring out fonts, colors, and a few different content layouts, basically, and those are your black patterns. That’s what those content layouts are. The closer we get to that, I think the more of an advantage WordPress will have over other types of systems like that.

[00:16:55] Nathan Wrigley: The size of the ecosystem means that there’s going to be a lot of eyeballs on that in the near future, building those things, and by good coincidence, the pattern creator tool launched earlier in the week, and now it’s available for everybody to test out and see if they can come up with their own patterns.

And again, the barrier there has been hopefully stripped away, and whilst there’ll be a learning curve to using that tool, and probably it will iterate over time, hopefully people without the technical expertise, without the knowledge necessarily of things like CSS and what have you, who can click things and drag things and move things, will be able to start building up their own little repository of blocks, which they wish to use over and over again.

[00:17:36] Daniel Schutzsmith: This is also a great feature we’ve seen in other successful page builders before. Elementor does it with their design kit. We’ve seen Divi do this as well. There’s even, there’s a whole ecosystem that’s created, I think it was called pager cloud or page cloud, something like that, where you could put any of these page builders on the worldwide web basically, and use them again on another site. It’s this repeatable process, I think that’s really important that we’re going to see the, you know, as agencies and even just as developers we kind of latch to.

[00:18:03] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, we had a podcast, not that long ago, all about the block protocol, which we won’t particularly get into now, but the idea that the blocks within WordPress would become interoperable with blocks outside of WordPress. So it may be that your CRM has a block which you can consume data from and put it into your WordPress website, and at the minute you need probably some sort of complicated plugin and API integration, and that might be stripped away. So the complexity there, the things that are going to be possible, hopefully will compel people to use it and make it much more usable over time.

You mentioned that you, at your place of work, you’ve got this large workforce and they’re interacting with these things over time. I’m intrigued to know how straightforward it was for them to move to the block editor. For example, did you just say, okay, from tomorrow, we’re going to do it, or did you have to come up with some learning materials for them and administer things in such a way that they were able to slowly drift into it. What did you do around that?

[00:19:03] Daniel Schutzsmith: So the folks that are doing this, they’re mostly liaisons from various departments across the organization. Pinellas county government, I believe is a couple thousand employees all together. Like we’re relatively large for a county in Florida. The folks that are working with us is like one or two people that are from each department.

And so for them, these aren’t folks that are usually doing web design, these are not folks that are usually doing, a lot of editing except for maybe in Microsoft Word. So for that, we needed to really do some training. So we actually did some live webinars. So I did, I think it was two or three.

And then we also recorded it. And those trainings we put right into, as videos, right into the WordPress dashboard. So I created a whole thing in WP admin, and that’s a whole help section for them. So they have the videos back there they can refer to any time. And then we also took it a step further, and I love doing this. I love making things as simple as possible for people to work with. In that help section that I created, we also had put in little videos that were about 30 seconds to, some of the things that were a late, maybe around five minutes, on how to work with different pieces of content and how to work with the block editor in unique ways that we had created for us, for our organization.

So that really also opened the eyes for people to understand how to create a specific type of executive order, or how to add an event with the events calendar. Things like that. And then we also had plenty of documentation back to the actual Learn WordPress core website as well.

And that’s, that’s really helped over time. That’s really what it’s been. We do have, I do have a counterpart that works with me as well, and she focuses primarily on the content side. And so she’ll get questions from folks on how to do specific things. But a lot of it too is them understanding those materials and being able to go back to there.

[00:20:42] Nathan Wrigley: I’m really interested in the system here, because it sounds like you took this move to the block editor really seriously. You’ve created video content and you’ve got a dedicated space for it in the dashboard. What was the cue? How did you decide, okay, we need to make content around this. Did you just decide, we’ll just do content for every conceivable thing at the beginning.

Or did you say, okay, we’ll wait until we’re fighting fires and then we’ll make a video or we’ll create a piece of content around the problems that are actually being witnessed?

[00:21:12] Daniel Schutzsmith: Yeah. Me, myself, I’m a professor by nature, a teacher by nature. So I taught at school visual arts at NYU in New York city for several years. And I can already see the frustration people are going to have. Cause when I was going in and playing around with a black editor on my own projects and especially, one of the first things we had to do before the website redesign is we actually made a Covid 19 website.

When I got to Pinellas County Government, I got there two or three weeks before Covid started. And so I’m meeting my coworkers, and then a few weeks later we’re all working from home and we have to scramble and make a brand new website super quickly.

So we used WordPress as the way to do that super quick, very fast. I knew I could get it up and get it running very quick with a minimal team, and also just minimal time to work with. But that was also our litmus test to see really, if we’re working with a block editor, will it hold up? Will it be something that we can actually work well with?

So I had a little bit of, you know, a test environment already with all of our, they’re called public information officers, so PIOs. So it’s basically the public relations people in the government. And so they are the ones that are helping me run the Covid-19 website. So I could see from them the frustrations they were already having.

And so when we went to do the redesign, I knew right away what videos we would want to do, but also I knew based on the new things that we were creating, the new features we were creating inside of there, that I’d want to be able to show them that as well. And so that’s where, a lot of those come from. You’re right, as things pop up, as things change, as we see little fires or something’s getting too confusing for folks, that’s where we make another video and put it in there.

I think altogether we have, it’s the least over a dozen videos might be a little bit more. Basic things like how to use the block editor in the first place or how to turn things on and off are all dealt with in that, those two webinars I did. So those are also on there. But the little, the short ones are more, more focused on specific tasks they might be doing in there, like adding a new page or adding a specific type of custom block that we’ve created.

[00:22:59] Nathan Wrigley: I do like the idea of putting into the dashboard. That just seems really sensible. It’s just right there. Isn’t it. It’s not like they need an external URL. They don’t have to go to a different website where your knowledge base might be. It’s just right on hand. That’s really ingenious. Have there been any breaking changes over the past, let’s say two years or so, that you’ve noticed where the things which were once true broke when WordPress updated, maybe there’s been a modification to a block or something, and then that has stalled you once more. My experience was that the things which worked two years ago still work, but it may not be on the scale that you’re dealing with.

[00:23:37] Daniel Schutzsmith: For the most part, I do remember there was one thing, Nathan, but I can’t remember what specifically it was. I just remember the emotion. I remember the, oh Lord, this is not going to be a good emotion that came up, and the heat on the back of your neck, But I remember it was something other people had similar issues and we found a workaround real quickly and fixed it.

I don’t remember what it was. It was something, it definitely had something to do with the custom block we had created, and the way it was put together. But for the most part, no the upgrades have been fine, even the fact that now FSE is already built into Core, it hasn’t messed with our theme at all, which is not a full site editing.

[00:24:09] Nathan Wrigley: No so long as you don’t put yourself a full site editing theme in the website, then you can carry on as normal. And I imagine that will be the case for a long time to come. Did you rely on any external sources of knowledge? Obviously you’ve created your own content. I’m just curious to know whether or not you were also directing people to tutorials elsewhere. Some of the initiatives that wordpress.org are doing. The learn initiative and so on. I don’t know if any of that got used and whether it was useful.

[00:24:37] Daniel Schutzsmith: Yeah. Learn.wordpress.org, that’s really the main one that we have external links to and some of the specific tutorials on how to use the block editor. I didn’t have people go through like the workshops there or the lesson plans or anything like that. I think that’d be kind of an overkill overkill for this group, but definitely for developers I work with, when they want to know, especially for full site editing and they want to know, what it’s about, what things are coming, how it works.

That’s where I’ve been pointing people. It’s just, take a look at learn dot WordPress.org, because really, they have their pulse, they have the thumb on the pulse of what’s happening with all that and how it’s changing so rapidly.

[00:25:08] Nathan Wrigley: Now that you’ve got this experience of shifting a team of people over, do you try in any way to disseminate that knowledge to other people? I mean, obviously here you are on a podcast. You’re attempting to do it in this way, but I was curious if you took that any further and were linking up with other people, organizations maybe nearby or far away, remotely or close to home to enable them to assist them in this process should they wish to do it.

[00:25:31] Daniel Schutzsmith: Yeah, not yet. So usually the way I operate and I’ve done this model a few times, I’ve done a similar thing with non-profits, tech and WordPress websites over there and I’ll do the same thing in the government spaces. Usually I’ll go through the motions and I’ll try these things out myself, do a little case study, and then from there probably do a little tour of speaking or sharing or putting it out on different trade publications. For this, I’ve been going more towards Twitter and towards the WordPress communities and talking about it. So it’s been really cool to kind of, have that conversation with folks so far.

[00:26:01] Nathan Wrigley: One of the things which I find curious is that in the more recent past, if we go back, let’s say a decade or more, it was fairly difficult to use WordPress. And I don’t mean that in the sense that it was really difficult. I just mean it was a difficult job for a non-technical person. You had to be relatively prepared. You had to probably get out some reading materials and learn a bit of PHP and CSS and HTML and all of that. The last five, ten years have seen a real shift away from that. Obviously the block editor is trying to emulate that shift in the industry to more, what you see is what you get tools. I wonder if we’re going to lose something in our community.

I wonder if there’s going to be a real stark divide between the people who code, which may be smaller as a proportion of the user base of WordPress, and then the rest of us who are just building things and never dabbling in the code. And I wonder if it will have an impact on our wonderful community?

[00:26:54] Daniel Schutzsmith: Yeah. So I see two things. I do see no code as the future. I’ve thought that for a long time even more than a dozen years or so. When Webflow was starting up, I actually reached out to Vlad. This was about 2000 and oh, I think 2011, maybe something like that. And I said to him, you know, this would be great for WordPress.

Like we should do this over there because we need to really make it easier to work with WordPress stuff. And he decided he just wanted to do his own thing. And that’s how, Webflow became Webflow, with it’s own ecosystem. I think that future is where we’re going with WordPress gosh, I hope so.

But the one thing I want people to realize is I don’t think it’s going to be a separation of factions between like developers and builders. The problem, I think that happens a lot of times as we put ourselves in those spaces. And we say like, well, I’m a developer and this is going to take away a job from me or it’s going to make life more difficult.

I am a developer and I’m actually very excited about that because if I can make tools that way, or if I could take the thinking I already have about web development about using HTML and CSS, PHP, and JavaScript and bring it into that environment. I already have an advantage of that thinking of that way of thinking.

And when these building tools surface, it just makes it much, much easier to kind of work with. What also kind of interests me is the core tenant of WordPress. The core tenant of WordPress is about democratizing publishing. What better way to democratize publishing than to actually go into more no code of solutions to that.

I don’t see us not needing WordPress developers. The one thing I am a little bit confused at, for full site editing though, is how we do the more complex things. So it seems because of the way false editing works, there’s no PHP in it. It’s really HTML and json basically, and CSS. Where we put in the logic that we would usually put in the theme. The things we would usually do on a functions dot PHP file or the things that we would usually throw in to kind of override different PHP things. With templating, how are we doing in this FSE environment?

And people have kind of hinted to that and explain, you know, and, and, surely things like the query block help with that, but they don’t go far enough. There’s a large disconnect between the work that we do, on a larger sites with customizations on agency types of projects that just can’t be done in FSE yet because those limitations are there.

I’m really interested to see where that goes as well. I don’t think they’re going to completely ignore it. I don’t think they can. That’s part of the problem. You have to find ways to make it more custom and capable to make those changes. But it’s going to take some definite, changing of thinking for a lot of us on how we would work with things, for sure.

[00:29:25] Nathan Wrigley: What’s keeping you excited in this industry these days. Keeping it to WordPress, what are the things which are actually causing you be optimistic about the future. And making you pause for thought and think that’s something I want to be getting involved in.

[00:29:39] Daniel Schutzsmith: Yeah, a large part of me, I know people have been concerned, I’ve been concerned too with, you know, the direction WordPress goes, and for the community, as far as some of the things that are happening in Core. Full site editing, all those types of things. I get that change is difficult, but I also really am excited about that and kind of embraced it. The things I’m getting even more excited about are the areas that not a lot of us have touched on yet, which are automation, which you see a lot in the no-code space. So for instance, you’ll see people moving data around from like Airtable to Bubble to a Webflow. It hasn’t happened as much or earliest isn’t talked about as much inside of WordPress.

And so there are great tools out there, like Uncanny Automator, Zapier that can do these types of things. But I don’t think people realize that we have that capability. Joe Casabona has been talking about it a lot lately in the past year with his creators course, and that whole concept of automating all of this stuff, making it so that you literally don’t have to keep copying and pasting things from your WordPress site until whatever data sheet you’re using or whatever you’re doing. All that stuff to me is really important to the future of where we’re going. Combine that though with Bertha.ai, which I think you’ve played around with before. Is that right? Nathan? Yeah. So Bertha.ai, very similar to Jasper, which used to be called Jarvis.

It’s a artificial intelligence basically to help you write content. Created by Andrew Palmer and Vito Peleg. The thing that excites me about that is not so much that again, it’s not going to replace editors. It’s not going to replace people writing content. It’s actually going to help them do it better and do it faster. That’s the way I see a lot of this stuff. For web development in Visual Studio Code there was this thing that came up from Github that actually allows us to just start typing in a few pieces of code. And it’ll actually complete the whole thing for us. All with artificial intelligence, same concept.

Those types of things to me, rather than being afraid of them or walking away from them, I’m really looking to embrace them and see how we can use them to speed things up. If I can, like the sites I’ve created so far WP live streams directory, WP developer’s toolbox. This past weekend I made a thing called tiny press.email, which is purely just, three links, once a week that I sent out about WordPress design and development. Putting those things together, if I can do those in a few hours or a day, like that’s huge. If we can come up with concepts and just build them out super quick, that to me changes the game. So it changes the game for what we do, for us being entrepreneurs, for us working with clients, really changes the game. It makes everything speed up and be able to come to fruition much quicker.

[00:32:09] Nathan Wrigley: I remember the moment when I was at a WordCamp, it was in WordCamp London, and there was a talk by, I believe it was somebody working for Adobe and they were talking about the future of building websites, not necessarily WordPress, but just websites in general. And just the idea that you would be able to talk to the website and instruct it in the way you wished it to change. So it might be okay, make that the box on the left red. And can we have rounded corners of about five pixels? Let’s try that. Oh no, make it 10. And can we make the picture of a dog now a cat? These were the examples that were coming out of his mouth and this is what he is working on.

And just thinking, gosh, that just seems like something out of Star Trek, frankly. And yet this is the direction that we’re heading in, and it always feels to me, like we now think we’ve got a mature internet, but if you think about it, we’re still, we’re not even at the toddler stage of the internet really yet, are we?

There’s so much, which is going to happen in the days weeks to come. You think about the way that technology has been put into your back pocket in the last 10 years, that’s all it’s taken for mass computing power to be available in everybody’s hand. Imagine what we’ll be seeing in another 10 years. I like the excitement that you’ve got around that. That’s really interesting.

[00:33:26] Daniel Schutzsmith: The thing I was gonna mention too, you mentioned Adobe there. They actually are a great example of this as well because the gentleman you talked to might have actually been from the Adobe marketing program there. Adobe has its own CMS and its own marketing suite, which most people don’t know about.

Most people know Adobe have Photoshop and Illustrator and all that stuff. But the marketing suite is enterprise level and basically the way it works is it watches you and changes the website based on your interaction with that brand, either in their app, on the website in actual environments, like going to a store.

So it sees all the times that you’re basically interacting with that and will change what actually shows up on a homepage or change what shows up on a product page to cater to you. And so most people don’t realize that they have this capability already. I’ve seen maybe one or two plugins out there that did something similar with WordPress, but no one really took off.

I think they actually even shuttered at the time. But to me that’s another market where creating this whole environment that makes websites, respond to how you interact with them is also a huge thing that, it’s just wide open for the picking with AI.

[00:34:30] Nathan Wrigley: The best that I’ve seen in that regard are plugins, which can modify dynamically based upon certain conditions. So it may be that you’ve come from a particular website. And so it then displays, I don’t know, some additional messaging based upon where you’ve come from, or it may be that you’re in a particular geographical location, but that’s very much based on hard data. Whereas what you’re describing is, really kind of a bit fuzzy around the edges isn’t it? It’s things which at the minute are in the realm of humans. A human can detect that your eyes are dwelling on this part of the page. So there must be some interest about that thing. Really fascinating.

I’m going to ask you two questions and they’re basically the same question, but they might have different outcomes. I don’t know. So we spent the podcast talking about how you and your team have moved to the block editor and how you found that. Personally, if you were to build a blog tomorrow, just a blog where you are putting content, images, videos, text, and all that. Would you use the block editor to do that?

And then, if you were doing a site the very same day, but it was much more complicated in design, would you be using the block editor for that? Or would you still be going and using a page builder?

[00:35:45] Daniel Schutzsmith: So if I’m just building a basic site, I’m just trying to put things together. Lately I’ve been really excited using either the 2021 theme or 2022. But I’m not sold on FSE yet. So the full site editing experience is a little bit more difficult to work with. So, ironically I’ve been using 2021 theme for my latest projects like tiny press email. Purely because it’s quick, and I use that with that Twentig plugin. So basically it increases the capabilities, what you can do with it. And you basically run it like an Astra theme or like a Hello theme, but using the block editor. And that to me has actually been a really great quick process to be able to use and reiterate on these sites that, aren’t overly saturated with a lot of different, interesting CSS.

If I’m doing something that’s a more complicated design and we’re talking about a lot of things would be more like outside of a grid layout. If we’re offsetting things, stuff like that. I tend to go ahead and actually do kind of a more traditional theme around that.

Depending really on who the end user is and who the who’s going to be kind of working on that. Usually I’ll go to Understrap theme or something like that, or the other one’s Picostrap, to use the bootstrap framework and do something more, more interesting from there.

I’m not a big proponent of bootstrap. The only reason I use it is because there’s so many developers that I can throw into something that’s been built with bootstrap, for CSS and JavaScript that know how to work with it. So that’s really the end reason.

[00:37:03] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, it’s interesting that even amongst people who’ve been using it for a large amount of time, as soon as the level of difficulty ramps up, the reliance on old trusted techniques still kicks back in doesn’t? We haven’t quite got across that bridge, but I feel that with WordPress six and maybe looking towards WordPress seven, which is still a long way off, I know, that we may be getting closer to the point where that decision is more and more straightforward to make.

[00:37:29] Daniel Schutzsmith: The larger thing for me is the reason that we can’t do more complex things inside the block editor really has to do with the version control. Because if I’m overriding CSS. If I do it in WordPress right now, I don’t have version control around the custom CSS I throw in. I can’t go back and see what I had done before. Whereas if I do that with code and I do that, putting it inside of Git version control, or something like that, I can you know, go back in time and get back to old stuff that we’ve done and see that progression. That’s another million dollar idea.

If someone builds in a better version control system into some of the coding aspects of what’s inside of WordPress, I think that would also get developers to really take off in there. I just think that the future of WordPress to me is, it’s looking very bright and I know sometimes we might feel a little grim, especially coming out of the pandemic and especially with so many things happening in the world.

But I’m really hoping that what we see kind of in the next, few years here really just kind of changes the way that, we realized that we’re pressed as a very professional system and we’re just growing up. If we follow along and if we tread our own path, and I think we’re all gonna come out okay.

[00:38:29] Nathan Wrigley: Daniel Schutz Smith. Thank you for joining us on the podcast today. I really appreciate it.

[00:38:34] Daniel Schutzsmith: Yeah, thank you.

Why Aren’t More WordPress Theme Authors Creating Block Themes?

Block themes are trickling into the official WordPress Themes Directory at a slow rate ahead of full-site editing’s debut in WordPress 5.9. There are now 39 themes that support site editing features, up from 28 in December 2021, when Matt Mullenweg commented on it during the State of the Word address.

“That needs to be 5,000,” Mullenweg said. Later during the presentation he said he hopes that WordPress will “have 300 or ideally 3,000 of these block themes” before entering the Collaboration phase of the Gutenberg project.

Why the strong push towards kickstarting the block theme market? The upcoming 5.9 release is set to deliver a solid set of groundbreaking design tools in core that will change WordPress website building in a major way. These include editing page layouts with a drag-and-drop interface and a new Global Styles interface for changing typography, colors, sizes, layouts, padding, and other aspects of design.

Users cannot take advantage of all these new features without a block theme. That’s why WordPress 5.9 is introducing a new default theme, Twenty Twenty-Two, that will make it easy for anyone to get started using a block theme. But with just 39 block themes available right now, early adopters haven’t found a lot of variety.

For whatever reason, more than 5 million WordPress users have still not transitioned to the block editor and are using the Classic Editor plugin. This experience is a shadow of what WordPress has become since the block editor made its debut in 5.0 more than three years ago. Even among users who have embraced the block editor, FSE early adopters are few and far between.

Why aren’t theme authors creating block themes to have their products become some of the first on the market? WordPress Themes Team Representative Ganga Kafle jumped into this topic yesterday, asking why theme authors continue to make classic themes instead of getting on the block theme train.

Responses showed that theme developers have a variety of different motivations for holding out on building block themes.

“I asked some local agencies here in Cape Town, and some of them indicated workflow – in that they were extremely efficient at creating sites with ‘their’ theme, and making a new block theme would eat into profits,” Automattic Theme Development Team Lead Jeffrey Pearce said. “They are waiting to see block themes ‘mature.'”

Once 5.9 is released and FSE themes are officially supported, agencies will likely become more motivated to update their workflows to develop block themes more efficiently. During this in-between time, it’s easier to maintain the status quo, but now is the time to get prepared to hit the ground running. Once users know there is more to WordPress, they won’t want to be limited by a classic theme.

For some theme developers, it’s a matter of not having the skills yet.

“There is a learning curve but I expect more and more people will start building and submitting block themes,” WordPress consultant Krasen Slavov said. “I am personally eager to experiment and learn, but since it is a totally new way of building themes and we all need first to pay the bills, this should be in my spare time.”

WordPress developer Sallie Goetsch, who said she builds themes for clients and not for the WordPress directory, is also eager to make the jump into FSE but has the same learning needs.

“While I definitely plan to switch to FSE, there’s a lot for me to learn and experiment with before I’m confident enough to use it in production,” Goetsch said.

Other theme developers cited difficulties keeping up with the ever-changing landscape of FSE theme development.

“We can’t keep up with the changes,” CSS Igniter co-founder Gerasimos Tsiamalos said. “It’s miles away from offering something other than dead simple themes. [There are] too many inconsistencies to streamline.”

Due to the nature of their day-to-day work load, some theme developers do not perceive early adoption of FSE themes as a practical move at this time.

“We’re very happy using blocks for posts, but block enabled themes don’t give us the flexibility we need to build pages at the speed required,” Designs43 agency responded. “And there are too many changes to keep up with also. We tend to use a fairly basic theme and put customizations into the child.”

“I guess the missing flexibility is a killer feature for theme authors,” WordPress theme developer Jessica Lyschik said. “It‘s very easy to bump into things that just don‘t work at all or yet.”

The demand for block themes is not easy to measure. A conservative estimate of active installs of FSE themes hosted on WordPress.org is ~3,000 sites, based on the stats for the small number available. Once the world is introduced to WordPress 5.9 next week, that number is likely to shoot up overnight.

“We have a few free FSE themes and working on a premium one,” WordPress Theme shop owner Ana Segota said. “I love themes are more design now and they are easier to use but it’s still a long way. We need to find a way to educate users about the new way of building websites and also it’s hard to follow all the changes.”

Although block theme development is still in its infancy, there are a few educational resources for authors who are ready to take the plunge.

Marcus Kazmierczak published a brief introduction to building block themes, which links to helpful resources from the Block Editor Handbook. Most notably, these include an overview of block themes, how to create a block theme, and a guide to Global Settings and Styles (theme.json). Carolina Nymark has also published a quick guide to creating block themes on fullsiteediting.com. If you’re looking for a starter for building block themes, Justin Tadlock has a few recommendations in one of his recent Ask The Bartender posts.

Customizer Will Disappear for Some Block Theme Users With WordPress 5.9

Nine years ago, the customizer had a rocky start among theme authors and users. Despite this, it has become the standard for modifying the look and feel of a website. Developers have become comfortable with the API. Users have grown accustomed to adjusting colors, fonts, and even internal WordPress options through it. However, it will disappear for many once a block theme is activated.

I began writing this post on the upcoming block-based theme system and site editor. However, I spent so much time explaining the customizer changes that I thought it best to focus on that aspect to let users know their options if they run into a snag.

It is also a follow-up to a post I published in October 2021 on the same subject. Since then, some things have changed.

WordPress 5.9 will launch with several of the final components of Full Site Editing. The centerpiece of these features will be a new theme system, which allows themers to build designs entirely out of blocks. Once such a theme is active, users can edit their site’s front end via the site editor and global styles system.

The site editor is, essentially, the next iteration of what the customizer aimed to do. The difference is that users can now customize every aspect of their site’s front-end and not just configure the options their theme author made available.

For many block theme users, the disappearance of the customizer will be a non-issue. However, three missing options have no exact equivalent:

  • A partial site icon (favicon) solution exists but not for every scenario.
  • The custom CSS box is not available.
  • There is no draft process before switching to block theme.

Technically, the customizer is available via /wp-admin/customize.php. Even though no links to it are shown in the admin, any user with the requisite permissions can access it via that URL. At the very least, the first two issues can be mitigated by editing options in this way. It is not ideal, but it will work in a pinch.

The Site Logo block has a “use as site icon” option. This is a quick and easy way to update the logo and favicon via the new site editor, assuming they use the same image.

Site Logo block selected in the site editor.  On the right, the Settings panel is open, showing an option for using the logo as a site icon.
New “Use as site icon” option.

If they are different images or if the user does not use a logo, the only built-in way to change the site icon directly is through the customize.php URL trick mentioned above. The Site Logo block also adds a link to the customizer option. Users can also opt for one of the dozens of favicon plugins.

A custom CSS solution in core WordPress is unlikely to be reimplemented in the site editor. The global styles panel and per-block design options are the future of styling. This makes many of the most common stylistic tasks much easier for non-coders. In the context of block-based themes, the average user is unlikely to need the CSS editor in the customizer.

WordPress customizer open.  The panel on the left shows the Additional CSS section with some custom code.
Custom CSS section in the customizer.

However, there are situations where custom CSS is necessary. Again, the easy answer is to access customize.php once again. For a more dedicated solution, there are numerous plugins available.

There is currently no solution for live previewing and customizing inactive block themes. With classic ones, users can test customizations before activation. In the customizer, block themes will appear with a warning message.

Theme details popup in the customizer when viewing a theme.  It has a message that it doesn't support the customizer before its description and tags.  On the left is the theme screenshot.
Theme details with warning about customizer support.

Once a block theme is activated from the customizer, WordPress will return the user to the Appearance > Themes page in the admin. They can then modify their site via the site editor.

However, this can be problematic for some sites. Just about any theme change will mean there is at least some customization work in order, and most people will not want their visitors to see an unfinished site. Working from a dev or staging site before migrating the changes is ideal. However, that option is not always available or even easy to figure out for everyone.

Another solution is to install a maintenance-mode plugin if working on a live site. This way, visitors will at least know some changes are happening under the hood and that they can return later.

There is an open ticket for previewing and editing inactive block themes. As ticket creator Anton Vlasenko wrote as the proposed solution, “It’s simple: we need to implement that feature.” In the long term, this is a must-have feature.

There is one situation where the customizer will still be accessible via the admin menu and toolbar. WordPress will automatically detect when a plugin or theme hooks into the customizer and make links to it available. I like to think that my first post covering block themes and the customizer raised awareness of this issue. At the very least, we now have a fix in place.

Assuming there are no other changes in the next two weeks, this is how the customizer will function when paired with an active block theme.

Anariel Design Launches Naledi, a Block-Based WordPress Theme

Screenshot of the Naledi theme homepage with a large Cover header and three info boxes below.
Naledi theme homepage.

Over the weekend, Anariel Design co-founder Ana Segota tweeted that she was nearly ready to submit the company’s first block theme into the WordPress directory. There are only five such experimental themes available for download in the repo right now, and I have been patiently awaiting more.

The Naledi theme is in the review queue, but those who want to give it a spin can grab a copy of the ZIP file from its ticket. Or, just peruse the theme’s demo.

Block, block-based, or FSE themes are built entirely out of blocks, not just the post content. This includes the header, footer, and everything else in between — literally, everything is a block. Such themes are the future of WordPress and need more user testing.

Like most block themes at the moment, Naledi is not meant for use on a production site. The goal is to build upon the site editor and templating systems in the Gutenberg plugin. The earliest that stable iterations of these FSE sub-components could land in WordPress would be in version 5.9 later this year, but there is no guarantee of that yet.

The WordPress.org Themes Team allows block themes in the directory. However, a team lead must grant permission using the “special case” system in place. There is still a six-month-old ticket awaiting closure before anyone can upload block themes without special access.

On the whole, Naledi is a well-rounded theme given the limitations of block templating right now. It has plenty of personality and is a good representation of how themers should be building on top of the system. There are miles to go, but the Gutenberg development team is driving fast.

One of the most revealing items was how little CSS Naledi needed (roughly 20 kb). It is almost entirely built upon the theme.json style system. Most of the code is merely modifications for custom block styles and adjustments to the core blocks.

The theme currently has nine block styles. Most of the concepts are around adding borders. Eventually, these border-related styles may be unnecessary. Border settings are coming to more and more blocks out of the box. Users will be able to directly make border changes on nearly anything, and theme designers can package their old styles as custom patterns instead.

Of the theme’s block styles, my favorite is the framed image. I have been on a bit of a frame kick as of late, so I like seeing what others are doing with the idea.

Framed image with black border in the WordPress block editor.
Frame style on the Image block.

Naledi also bundles eight-block patterns. Most include the Columns block, but others incorporate the Media & Text and Cover blocks, such as a full-width page header.

The Testimonials pattern uses the theme’s Overlap style for the Columns block. It shifts the left column to the right and the right column in the opposite direction, creating an overlap.

Overlapping columns of two testimonials with avatars in the WordPress block editor.
Testimonials block pattern.

There is a similar pattern named Overlapping Images that uses the same technique.

Overlapping images within columns shown in the WordPress block editor.
Overlapping Images block pattern.

What Naledi does that I have not seen with many block themes yet is add several custom page templates. It technically registers only two of them via its theme.json configuration. However, six exist in total, and the Gutenberg plugin automatically picks them all up on a per-page level — not sure if that is a bug or a feature.

  • About
  • Home
  • News
  • Sidebar
  • Testimonials
  • Tours

Because Naledi is a block theme, users can make direct changes to any of the templates, putting their own coat of paint over the default or overhauling them entirely.

Editing the News template in the WordPress site editor from the Naledi theme.
Naledi theme in the site editor.

As always, it is a welcome sight to see another block theme headed for the official directory. It is by no means perfect — working in an imperfect system. However, experiments like Naledi give me more hope that we are heading in the right direction.