Exception Handling With Try-With-Resource Suppressed Exceptions

Learn more about different forms of exception handling with the try-with-resource suppressed exception.

In this article, we are going to deal with multiple cases of exception handling with and without the try-with-resources feature in Java.  For details about try-with-resources, please refer to the Oracle docs

You may also like: 9 Best Practices to Handle Exceptions in Java

Below are the cases we will discuss:

Ethereum Yellow Paper Walkthrough (3/7): Gas and Payment

Another day, another Ethereum Yellow Paper blog post! In this post, we will learn more about gas and payments in Ethereum. We will also brush over the economics behind Ethereum and why fees are so important in the Ethereum ecosystem.

After reading this post, we will understand why transaction costs are called gas and what the difference is between gasPrice and gasLimit. We will also understand what miner nodes are and what strategies they use to select transactions. This post refers to section five of the Ethereum Yellow Paper.

Storing When Block Subject in a Variable

Here is a super short post on a change introduced in Kotlin 1.3 (yes, I know it has been out for a while now). We will take a quick look at capturing the subject of a when block into a scoped variable. This is a quality of life improvement that saves a line or so of code while making the role of the variable clearer.

Below is what you would write before the change: