Area Man Very Concerned ‘Black Mirror’ Is Real

Kansas City, MO – Perusing his Facebook feed early Wednesday as he got ready to leave for work, area man Steven Cummings, 34, reportedly came across a video that shook him to his core. In it, shown above, 10 robotic dogs can be seen dragging a semi truck to what Cummings apparently believed was its imminent demise.

“Didn’t these same robots do this exact thing to some poor woman on the show Black Mirror?” said Cummings, a look of confused horror replacing his generally stoic demeaner. “I’m pretty sure it’s just a popular series on Netflix, but then I see things like this, and I just don’t know anymore.”

China’s Social Credit System May Not Be as Terrifying as Original Reports Would Have You Believe

We’ve all been that woman in the above video: A stressful day leaves us with little capacity to deal when things start taking a turn for the worse. But unlike this woman, played by Bryce Dallas Howard in the season 3 opener of Black Mirror, our irritability doesn’t generally result in our being kicked out of an airport after being denied admittance to the flight we’ve already booked.

Unless you’re living in China sometime in the near future, that is. As this recent piece from Wired explains, China is developing a social credit system that seeks to reward citizens (and businesses) for social trustworthiness while punishing others for apparently harmful behaviors.