What Matters In Goals?

In most organizations, big-picture thinking comes off as a seasonal flavor often appearing every few months. Mental gymnastics that goes with determining the “why” — meaning or purpose of goals, the promise of a better future, and the excitement of doing something new definitely gets the creative juices flowing. Though not for all, most people in the organization find this phase highly energizing and exhilarating. But does this motivation last long? 

The big picture thinking soon goes out of the picture, being replaced by its nitty-gritty sister who’s only concerned with the “what” — the actual mechanics of getting from point A to point B, steps in the process. With the hostile takeover of the nitty-gritty thinking that’s only concerned with the “what”, the memory of big picture thinking with its “why” soon fades away. What happens then?

Top-Down Design — an Approach for Flawless Software Design and Implementation

Check out this "top-down" view.
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Top-Down Design

In software development, you would have read in many articles and books that the design should be a top priority. A good design would resolve many issues. The design will bring in more clarity to the developers. It will give granular details on the exact requirements. In this article, I am going to discuss the Top-Down Design approach. I will explain step by step by taking an example of eLearning.

A problem must be viewed at multiple levels. Each one of them has its benefits. The different levels in software design or development are as follows