Split the Monolith: What, When, How


Monolith imageMonolith splitting has to chase some goals: not just splitting, but splitting to achieve some benefits. Some other ways, such as application scaling or database hardware update, may be preferable if considering the cost of splitting and possible benefits.

Another example of a benefit to achieve may simply be application modernization. Nevertheless, here is the more or less formal way to monolith splitting, which is trying to take into account the reason and goals of splitting.  Of course, this is not dogma, and you can find several approaches to splitting. This migration roadmap is designed to migrate monolith applications to microservices and get microservice benefits, without (or minimal) application unavailability. 

Microservices Architecture: Breaking the Monolith

This article summarizes the webinar ‘Breaking The Monolith’, presented by Daniel Gutiérrez Saavedra, Senior Software Engineer at Zartis. You can watch the full webinar, which also includes a Q&A session below!

Are you working with monolithic systems and legacy applications? Are you looking for ways to modernize your architecture and switch to microservices? This article will cover the ways you can break up a monolithic application into smaller pieces that make up a modular system.