What Happened to HornetQ, the JMS That Shattered Records?

HornetQ 2.0 broke records and defeated top-ranked messaging services in benchmark tests. Why wasn't it widely adopted?

Software vendors make all kinds of claims about their products, but what developers care about is proof. When testing a new product, it's important to see how it stacks up against its competition.

For years, researchers at UT Darmstadt have compared the performance of message-oriented middleware servers based on Java Messaging Service (JMS). In 2010, the SPECjms2007 benchmark record was smashed by HornetQ, an open-source enterprise messaging system from JBoss.

Engineering Metrics Benchmarks: What Makes Elite Teams?

DORA Metrics and Beyond

In 2014 the DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) team published their first State of DevOps report, identifying four metrics that can be used to measure engineering team performance. 

Six months ago the Data Science Team at LinearB decided to continue where DORA left off,  digging deeper into the data than ever before. For the first time in history, engineering teams are able to benchmark their performance against data-backed industry standards. 

Real-User Monitoring Vs. Synthetic Monitoring: Which One’s Best for You?

Every online business owner has woken up in cold sweat from this nightmare at least once in their life: you see your perfect customer, they are in their office, it’s after-lunch hours, and they are entering your website ready to spend a few hundred dollars. But… your website isn’t loading. They get a 503 error, close the tab, and flash-forward 3 minutes later, they purchase from your competitor and forget about your existence. 

What could have saved you from losing a client? “Web performance monitoring!” – we say.