Understanding Bounded Context


If someone asks you the meaning of a word, most of the time you don’t have an absolute meaning and end up asking for the context in which it is used. You need to know the context to get to the correct meaning. Similarly, to know your domain model right, you get to know the bounded context it is in.

Let us understand the path that leads to bounded contexts.

What BDD Is and Why You Need It: Java and Behavior Driven Development

Is Behavior Driven Development Just Another Religion?

You might hear about BDD but still don't have a clear understanding of what it is. Here I'll try to simplify the main ideas and provide clear examples. This article is useful not only for developers but all people involved in the development process like analysts, product owners, and even guys from the business.

BDD Makes Application Logic More Transparent

Low Transparency in Application is a very known problem in IT. Quite often domain knowledge belongs only to the development team. As a consequence, to get even a simple answer you have to ask the developer to explain.

TDD vs. BDD vs. ATDD — Developers’ Methodologies to Smoothly Navigate Complex Development Processes


The last decade in the history of humanity can be easily called the technological revolution. The pandemic made it starker than ever before. The developers need to keep pace with the new languages, frameworks, tools, and processes that come into being every second.

To write code is a developer’s second nature. But, what code to write, how to write it, when to write it, and for what purpose may easily overwhelm even the most experienced and expert developers when it is raining new codes and processes day in and day out.

Selenium Python Tutorial: Getting Started With BDD In Behave

As technology becomes more complex, the number of people who actually understand it decreases. With Selenium test automation, the story is not so different, key stakeholders in a project, with the nontechnical background but with more insight into customer demand and use cases, might find it difficult to contribute to the process. 

Wouldn’t it be great, if the testers, developers, product managers, business managers, and other stakeholders in a project could sit under one roof to unearth new test cases, user stories and bugs for ensuring awesome product quality?