Why Do We Need an Interface in OOP?

Most of us feel confused about the usefulness of interfaces at a first glance. We have questions like “Why do we need interfaces?" and “What is the advantage of using interfaces?" In this blog, we will try to find the answers to these questions.

Let’s begin with a simple example. Assume that you are a student and need to prepare for an exam. You know that there will be distractions during your exam preparation. We will use mobile applications and friends as our example. Let’s describe each as a class:

Improving Communication Between Us and Smart Buildings

Most of the time, humans have been living in specific accommodation, there has been little need for communication between us and our abode. As buildings become smart, however, that is beginning to change. New research from the University of Southern California (USC) highlights how the way this communication takes place has a significant impact on how we behave and, in particular, the environmental impact of our actions.

The researchers explain that we spend the vast majority of our time indoors, and that buildings account for around 40 percent of the carbon dioxide emissions pumped into the atmosphere. There is a strong desire, both from the public themselves and from legislators, for this number to be significantly reduced. Changes in how we behave could go a long way towards achieving that reduction.