Spring Bean Lifecycle

Spring (Coffee) Bean Lifecycle

The Spring IoC (Inversion of Control) container manages Spring beans. A “Spring bean” is just a Spring-managed instantiation of a Java class.

The Spring IoC container is responsible for instantiating, initializing, and wiring beans. The container also manages the life cycle of beans.

Jackson Property Custom Naming Strategy

To serialize or deserialize to/from POJO, Jackson uses a bean naming convention. To accomplish this, it uses annotations. This annotations cover:

  • Property Naming
  • Property Inclusion
  • Property documentation, metadata
  • Deserialization and Serialization details
  • Deserialization details
  • Serialization details
  • Type handling
  • Object references, identity
  • Meta-annotations

This quick tutorial demonstrates how to use built-in property naming strategies and how to create a custom one.