Getting Started With Serenity BDD and Cucumber 4

Serenity BDD is a library that makes it easier to write high-quality automated acceptance tests, with powerful reporting and living documentation features. It has strong support for both web testing with Selenium, and API testing using RestAssured.

Image titleSerenity strongly encourages good test automation design, and supports several design patterns, including classic Page Objects, the newer Lean Page Objects/Action Classes approach, and the more sophisticated and flexible Screenplay pattern.

BDD – An Introduction and Usage Guide

When I was asked to implement TDD/BDD in our work, I searched a lot for a single-page document/site but was not able to find one. Though there are plenty of very good resources available on this topic, I have decided to create a single article to show both of these 2 approaches hands-on.


In Agile development, organizations want to be market ready for new products, features, and functionalities within a very small period of time. But traditional testing methodologies cannot ensure this. To keep up the pace with this rapid development in an Agile environment, a few new design practices for Software Testing were born. We can name a few like ATDD, TDD, BDD, or Integration Testing, but we will limit our discussion to TDD & BDD which are the most used practice nowadays.