6 Reasons to Utilize Kubernetes on Bare Metal

Kubernetes on public cloud is an adequate solution for small and medium-sized applications that have predictable scaling needs. However, bare metal cloud is the way to go for organizations that look for more control and stable performance.

Container orchestration tools facilitate software development by providing flexibility, portability, speed, and easier scaling for distributed applications. As the de facto leader in the orchestration field, Kubernetes is supported by many popular cloud vendors, who offer managed Kubernetes services.  

How to Create a Ubuntu Packer Image and Deploy on a Bare Metal Server

In this blog post, we will discuss how you can create a minimalistic raw Ubuntu image using Packer and then deploy it on a bare-metal server using the provisioning engine, Tinkerbell.

What is Packer?

Packer by HashiCorp is an awesome tool to create pre-configured machine images which can be directly used to create an instance. This should not be seen as a replacement for other configuration tools like Ansible, Chef, etc. Instead, you can use the same tools to pre-configure your image, and with Packer, you can automate the management of your machine images like pushing to an image repository or ensuring your CI pipelines have updated images. Packer also helps you to create parallel builds, i.e you can create multiple images for different platforms using a single template. This enables you to ensure changes in your applications can be tested on multiple platforms simultaneously. It can also be seen as a factor to reduce the parity between developer and production builds.